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What'S The Current Status Of Firearms Ownership


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I don't know why you're all bothering with this guy, you're providing him with cheap entertainment and getting yourselves worked up in the process, he's playing you all like a violin!

You're so right. The only reason I am posting on here is because he has a gun pointed at my head.

The gun stays until you tell me where I can get cheap mortar grenades for my AK-47!

Edited by submaniac
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I don't know why you're all bothering with this guy, you're providing him with cheap entertainment and getting yourselves worked up in the process, he's playing you all like a violin!

You're so right. The only reason I am posting on here is because he has a gun pointed at my head.

The gun stays until you tell me where I can get cheap mortar grenades for my AK-47!

I always go to your momma when I want some big BOOM BOOM!

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6 posts to say one thing?

I will try to condense it....

1) Britain is a good example...did gun control help?

But AFAIK Britain does in fact still allow gun ownership... not easily but still possible....so no it is not a police State

2) This topic from the start I knew would go astray.

I am not going to re-read it all but yes it started well

& quickly degenerated into folks expressing opinions that had nothing to do with answering the

basic question asked.

3) Your wikipedia link supports the fact that the AR-15 is therefore NOT an assault weapon.

You have it confused with a M-16 the AR-15 is not selectable between full & semi auto.

4) your claim of pray & spray of an AR-15 is wrong.

The AR-15 & also AK-47's sold to civilians do not have a full auto option.

I have not just shot one I own a few & have been involved with shooting sports for decades.

5)Yes that text did explain it better than I

6)laugh all you want but a country where just the government & cops have guns is a scary place to me ;) If it is a scary thought to you for citizens to be allowed to own firearms....well you have options...Britain?

Perhaps now instead of burning up 6 posts you can actually answer the ON Topic question the OP asked? If not lets leave it to those who can.

I will not derail the OP's thread any further.

apologies to the OP

I think its about time you looked up the meaning of Police State, it has noting to do with restriction of gun ownership.

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although I have to admit I did position my answers with the intention of drawing you in slightly, knowing you would make yourself look foolish so please accept my apologies for that.

Sweet dreams somchai, don't trip over any mangoes.

Goodnight. I will dream of shooting mangoes with a high power rifle round. Have a good day with your wife and young child. Remember, I didn't mean to call YOU the 60 year old sexpat. That was reserved for Moonrakers.

I suppose thats the closest I'll get to an apology.

Apology? For what? I post a question about obtaining a firearms ownership permit out of Bangkok, and then hijack the thread to admittedly provoke me about your gun control rant. You wanted to play, so we played. If you want to play, then let's play, but no whining about 'hurt feelings' afterwards, ok? I'm a big boy. Can you be one too? Would it make you feel better if I gave you a hug?

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I agree i think an assault rifle is not needed but i understand why the guy wants protection if even over the top a little... As an x british soldier living here in los and no not a sexpat im only 40 i will be asking my girlfriend to apply for a gun license when we move in our new home together... It will probably never be used but if ive got 3 men in my house wanting to rob me or maybe kill me then they will feel the full force... Better to be safe than dead imo...

If I was living in a condo in Bangkok, I would admit that the rifle would be over the top. But we’re talking about 100 Rai. I have always wanted land where I could just shoot. What I have to do now if I want to shoot a rifle is pack up my gear in the car (making sure the ammo is separated from the firearm), drive to the middle of nowhere, pay, stand in line waiting for a spot to open up, and then get yelled at for using metal targets because the range officer is worried about starting a brushfire. I like the idea of just going out when I want and plinking.

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Sorry again but that's nonsense:

The term assault rifle is a translation of the German word Sturmgewehr (literally "storm rifle", as in "to storm a position").


...No they don't. I know, I've fired one.

Hold down the trigger and it's lets fly with a burst of rounds.

...Wiki tells me the AR-15 is a semi-automatic assault rifle. Since when has semi-automatic mean it fires once shot?

]Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are technically not assault rifles despite frequently being considered as such. For example, semi-automatic-only rifles like the AR-15

Oh right, I concede

So the AR -15 is only semi-automatic and not fully automatic. Well makes it OK then, doesn't it?

S'pose I'd better be careful.I might be called a loser expat again, it would seem that not agreeing with people warrants such a thing,

You talk about things which you clearly have no idea about. From your series of posts, it is obvious you do not know the first thing about firearms. But yet you want to SHARE your opinion, which is based upon what you watch on television. Your "basis of knowledge" is:

They fire one shot at a time.

No they don't. I know, I've fired one.

Hold down the trigger and it's lets fly with a burst of rounds.

So having fired a rifle ONCE, apparently you KNOW that all rifles are fully automatic. I know you have never fired a handgun. Before you start spouting off again about stuff that you simply do not know about, go to a range (you can rent one) and try it. Then maybe you will realize why someone would prefer a rifle over a handgun. Firing a pistol is not as easy as it looks on television, and chances are if you have never fired a pistol before, your shots will be all over the place. Meaning you will not even hit paper, and be hitting the ceiling. (If you actually go to an indoor range, you will notice a whole bunch of holes in the ceiling from other newbies.)

A handgun is much harder to be precise than with a rifle and that is why I prefer a rifle. I like having 4 points of contact (cheek, hands, shoulder) over 2. I am more precise with a rifle. A rifle has more power than a handgun. If you ever watch on the news and the police or military are storming a building, they are not using handguns. They are using short barrel rifles. They do that for a reason. This is the same reason why if there is a noise in the house at 3:00 a.m. I will grab a rifle first as my "go to" gun. The handgun is there only if I can't get easy access to a rifle.

As an aside from the entire self defense aspect, I enjoy shooting. I like to long distance target shoot (though I prefer a full 30 caliber bolt gun for long distances). It is actually a recognized international sport with meets you know. (Well YOU wouldn't know.) Some people like golf, some people, some people like tennis. It is my way of relaxing. You think it is as easy as pulling a trigger, but there is so much more involved. It is slowing down your heartbeat, and pulling the trigger between the heartbeats. When it's me on the range, I do not think about the work I have to do, I do not think about the problems in my life. I have one singular purpose which is to get a bullet to its mark. For you it gives nightmares, for me it is relaxation. I have the land to do it on, and I'm not bothering anyone.

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Are still wanting import your firearms? I import a couple years ago my pistol to Thailand. Maybe i can help you.

Send me privat message.


I agree i think an assault rifle is not needed but i understand why the guy wants protection if even over the top a little... As an x british soldier living here in los and no not a sexpat im only 40 i will be asking my girlfriend to apply for a gun license when we move in our new home together... It will probably never be used but if ive got 3 men in my house wanting to rob me or maybe kill me then they will feel the full force... Better to be safe than dead imo...

If I was living in a condo in Bangkok, I would admit that the rifle would be over the top. But we're talking about 100 Rai. I have always wanted land where I could just shoot. What I have to do now if I want to shoot a rifle is pack up my gear in the car (making sure the ammo is separated from the firearm), drive to the middle of nowhere, pay, stand in line waiting for a spot to open up, and then get yelled at for using metal targets because the range officer is worried about starting a brushfire. I like the idea of just going out when I want and plinking.

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The original question, ONCE AGAIN was whether Bangkok was giving out ownership permits, but all your posts are about how guns are evil and no one should have one. I said it before to Kananga, and I'll say it to you again. If you don't like it, then go home.

The original post that you were referring to is here:

Knowing this man is actively seeking to bring a fully automatic assault weapon into the country my children live in helps me sleep at night.

Well, if you're so unhappy with it, why don't you write your local representative in parliament. Don't sit there! Go out and vote! Oh wait, you can't vote cause your not a citizen. Well if you feel that Thailand is too small for both my rifle and you, have a happy journey to falangland.

Your response was…

You start a thread and only people that agree with such a topic should reply. Anybody else should shut up or leave the country. Is that right?

In your case, yes, I think you should leave the country. You see, the absolute bottom-feeders I despise are those that come over from their home country to Thailand, and try to change to Thailand to the way they had it in Falangland. Thailand should do this, do that, this country sucks, etc. My thoughts are if you are so unhappy, then go home.

If someone from Afghanistan wanted to come to the United States, I would have no problem if they wanted to wear a bhirka. After all, America is the land of the free and it is their culture and I respect that. Now if the Afghani came to the United States and instead of just wearing their own Bhirka, started spouting off about how everyone in America should wear a Bhirka, and everything in America should be like we did it in Afghanistan. My response would be then go back to Afghanistan then.

Mr. Moonrakers, no one put a gun to your head and told you to come to Thailand. And Mr. Moonrakers, you are not a Thai citizen, but rather a guest in another people's country. If Thailand wants to allow gun ownership (which it does) then deal with it. That's Thailand's law. If you don't like it, go home. If you want things to be like they are in Britain (no gun ownership), then go back to Britain. But don't come to Thailand thinking that it is your prerogative to change Thailand into Britain. It's not your country. If you're not happy with the fact that I would own firearms in Thailand, OK. Then leave. You can have everything all Britishy just the way you like…in Britain. But don't turn MY country into Britain.

And it is MY country, because unlike you, I have citizenship, I can vote there, I have my family there, I can own land there, and I cannot be deported.

I say you are a 60 some year old sex pat, because you are one. Based upon you (1) making loudmouthed comments that are wrong (2) willingness to say anything stupid: YOU ARE A SEXPAT. You are the classic stereotypic sexpat type who comes to Thailand because you are King of the Hill here as opposed to the loser you were in your home country. Where do I get off saying that? Because of your posts. They are so obnoxious, and WRONG. All your posts have demonstrated is that you do not understand the first thing about firearms other than they are bad and no one should have them.

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Another wanna be Rambo. Lots of groups up in the high and low country of the US where he can play army. Certifiable is one of their requirements, but may not be a problem. The early mention of acreage planed to be his firing range may upset anyone within hearing and/or range of his play toys. Sling shots and soft bb guns are readily available, no documents required and he is not so apt to hurt himself or others. Especially once he is know to the locals.

You conveniently left out my last comment on the possession of automatic weapons in the US. Not sure of your age but I was issued a M 16, probably prior to your birth. We had grenade launchers, thus the boom tube did not come until later. The op seems to have a perchance to misread what was posted and for sure has no clue to the background of other TV members. Some AR 15's are easy to convert to full auto (colt) the auto sear can be copied/built from drawing in most machine shops, the other components can be purchased at many gun shows and are interchangeable.I did post earlier about your contact points in Thailand for import/license questions but you seem to have selective memory as well as reading comprehension.

You mean this one?:

I am not going to tell you how to get a handgun into Thailand as you can you can find them here. AK 47 and AR 15 in possession or any attempt to ship to you, would more than likely create more problems than you would want or could imagine. As mentioned, police and target ranges would be starting places for the info on a weapon and the permit to own.

Yes. Really helpful. AK 47 and AR 15 in possession or any attempt to ship to you, would more than likely create more problems you could imagine. So basically, it can't be done.

And this is based upon……"personal experience". Have you tried to do it. And since you didn't do it, and did not even try, you are now qualified to tell others that it can't be done.

I don't believe you about ever being issued an M16. So many people in Thailand are former Navy Seals, British SAS, Spetznaz, etc. From your posts, I simply cannot believe it. Anyone I know who has ever been in military service or issued a rifle would find nothing wrong about someone wanting to purchase said rife and shoot on his own land. I really don't care to get into with you, but I don't believe your claims.

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Dont understand why everybody is flaming each other.. We are all big boys, some ppl like guns some dont... If the guy wants to shoot then thats cool as a handgun is shit and is only good for 20m ... OP chillout abit life in thailand is good even for this britishy boy lolol.. Have a nice day im off out into the country to eat somtam :whistling:

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Dont understand why everybody is flaming each other.. We are all big boys, some ppl like guns some dont... If the guy wants to shoot then thats cool as a handgun is shit and is only good for 20m ... OP chillout abit life in thailand is good even for this britishy boy lolol.. Have a nice day im off out into the country to eat somtam :whistling:

Thank you. Wish I could have some somtam now.

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although I have to admit I did position my answers with the intention of drawing you in slightly, knowing you would make yourself look foolish so please accept my apologies for that.

Sweet dreams somchai, don't trip over any mangoes.

Goodnight. I will dream of shooting mangoes with a high power rifle round. Have a good day with your wife and young child. Remember, I didn't mean to call YOU the 60 year old sexpat. That was reserved for Moonrakers.

I suppose thats the closest I'll get to an apology.

Apology? For what? I post a question about obtaining a firearms ownership permit out of Bangkok, and then hijack the thread to admittedly provoke me about your gun control rant. You wanted to play, so we played. If you want to play, then let's play, but no whining about 'hurt feelings' afterwards, ok? I'm a big boy. Can you be one too? Would it make you feel better if I gave you a hug?

Your apology for referring to me as the 60 year old sex tourist in a previous reply when you meant to insult moonrakers. Jeez, you dont even know who or what you are arguing about now. Go to bed.

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I think its about time you looked up the meaning of Police State, it has noting to do with restriction of gun ownership.

Sure buddy...

Right after you learn how to use the quote function & maybe a spell checker?.....

The post you want to quote is this one

In which I said "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"

If you believe citizens are allowed firearms in a police state...

I guess that is one less place you want to live? ;)

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Your apology for referring to me as the 60 year old sex tourist in a previous reply when you meant to insult moonrakers. Jeez, you dont even know who or what you are arguing about now. Go to bed.

oooh that. I missed it. I apologize if you understood that the insult about the 60 year old sexpat was meant for you. I was insulting moonrakers. Didn't mean to apply it to you.

Here's an internet *hug".

...and yes, you are right. It was a long day. Going to bed now. Ciao.

Edited by submaniac
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Your apology for referring to me as the 60 year old sex tourist in a previous reply when you meant to insult moonrakers. Jeez, you dont even know who or what you are arguing about now. Go to bed.

oooh that. I missed it. I apologize if you understood that the insult about the 60 year old sexpat was meant for you. I was insulting moonrakers. Didn't mean to apply it to you.

Here's an internet *hug".

...and yes, you are right. It was a long day. Going to bed now. Ciao.

Well seeing as you were quoting me when you said it (reply #41) LOL!

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Are still wanting import your firearms? I import a couple years ago my pistol to Thailand. Maybe i can help you.

Send me privat message.


Why thank you Leo. I appreciate that. This is what I was hoping for. I am going to go to bed soon, so I'll send you a pm tomorrow. Much thanks to you!

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I think its about time you looked up the meaning of Police State, it has noting to do with restriction of gun ownership.

Sure buddy...

Right after you learn how to use the quote function & maybe a spell checker?.....

The post you want to quote is this one

In which I said "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"

If you believe citizens are allowed firearms in a police state...

I guess that is one less place you want to live? ;)

~~~In which I said "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"~~~

That isn't the meaning of police state. Below is a pretty good definition of Police State and was the first of many similar explanations a 1 second google search came up with.

The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.

The classification of a country or regime as a police state is usually contested and debated. Because of the pejorative connotation of the term, it is rare that a country will identify itself as a police state. There are several non-governmental organizations that publish and maintain assessments of the state of freedom in the world, according to their own various definitions of the term, and rank countries as being free, partly free, or unfree using various measures of freedom, including political rights, economic rights, and civil liberties. The use of the term is motivated as a response to the laws, policies and actions of that regime, and is often used pejoratively to describe the regime's concept of the social contract, human rights, and similar matters.

Genuine police states are fundamentally authoritarian, and are often dictatorships. However the degree of government repression varies widely among societies. Most regimes fall into some middle ground between the extremes of civil libertarianism and totalitarianism.

In times of national emergency or war, the balance which may usually exist between freedom and national security often tips in favour of security. This shift may lead to allegations that the nation in question has become, or is becoming, a police state.

Because there are different political perspectives as to what an appropriate balance is between individual freedom and national security, there are no definitive objective standards to determine whether the term "police state" applies to a particular nation at any given point in time. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate objectively the truth of allegations that a nation is, or is not becoming, a police state. One way to view the concept of the police state and the free state is through the medium of a balance or scale, where any law focused on removing liberty is seen as moving towards a police state, and any law which limits government oversight is seen as moving towards a free state.[8]

War is often portrayed in fiction as a perfect precursor to establishing a police state, as citizens are more dependent on their government and the police for safety than usual (see Fictional police states below).

An electronic police state is one in which the government aggressively uses electronic technologies to record, organize, search and distribute forensic evidence against its citizens.

A "temporary police state" can exist by design. For example, in Copenhagen in 2009, the Danish government enacted laws that would permit police to use unlimited discretion in detaining those that the police suspected of opposing the Conference of Parties during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The legislation contained an expiration, but police authority during the Conference of Parties was unchecked.

East Germany - Police State. Singapore - Police State. Myanmar - Police State. UK - Not a Police state. Get it?

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Well seeing as you were quoting me when you said it (reply #41) LOL!

Well, the quote was actually in response to moonrakers at the top, and I was correcting what he said by interjecting your post. Soooooo, really I am trying to state that Moonrakers is a 60 year old sexpat.

Funny that.

I could have sworn you opened a thread on the subject, on a forum that caters mostly to foreigners. Only then to tell one in particular that he should leave because he shares a different opinion.

So let's see how this works then...... You start a thread and only people that agree with such a topic should reply. Anybody else should shut up or leave the country. Is that right?

No the response was more for this line:

IMore guns please, they're great! They make you feel like a real man, and who doesn't what to feel like a real man?.

However, I wouldn't mind it if you left the country. What are you some 60year old sexpat who is here because you didn't want to find someone your age in Farangland? Ex British SAS? Failed looser in your homeland so you'd want to come to Thailand to start all over again. Come one, tell us your story. I've heard plenty of them, so what's one more?

I can see how the subject of the insult can be confusing.

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~~~In which I said "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"~~~

That isn't the meaning of police state...........Get it?

Good night it isn't me that doesn't get it.

Save your bandwidth long winded copy & pastes...Here a short version for you....

"A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the people"

Think you can own a gun there? That was my point which of course flew right over your head.

Why is it you & a few others feel the need to trash the OP's simple request in an otherwise civil thread with your minutia?

It is folks like you that like to throw around the Rambo comments & gun expertise yet lack the most basic of understandings/experience of that which you like to condemn.

Not unlike another pearl of wisdom you felt compelled to post....

Yeah, because I feel a hell of a lot safer in Detroit than in Singapore or Monte Carlo.

Perhaps you would feel better in Detroit if only the criminals had guns? Because as you may or may not know they are called criminals because they do not adhere to any laws. Least of all gun laws. So they will still have them while you will not. Same as any country.

Better stick to subjects you actually have experience in like your other pearl of wisdom....

Boom Booming moms?

Edited by flying
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~~~In which I said "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state"~~~

That isn't the meaning of police state...........Get it?

Good night it isn't me that doesn't get it.

Save your bandwidth long winded copy & pastes...Here a short version for you....

"A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the people"

Think you can own a gun there? That was my point which of course flew right over your head.

Why is it you & a few others feel the need to trash the OP's simple request in an otherwise civil thread with your minutia?

It is folks like you that like to throw around the Rambo comments & gun expertise yet lack the most basic of understandings/experience of that which you like to condemn.

Not unlike another pearl of wisdom you felt compelled to post....

Yeah, because I feel a hell of a lot safer in Detroit than in Singapore or Monte Carlo.

Perhaps you would feel better in Detroit if only the criminals had guns? Because as you may or may not know they are called criminals because they do not adhere to any laws. Least of all gun laws. So they will still have them while you will not. Same as any country.

Better stick to subjects you actually have experience in like your other pearl of wisdom....

Boom Booming moms?

Whether the population are allowed guns in a Police State or not is not the point I am proving you wrong over. You said that a State that doesnt allow the population to have guns is a police state, which is incorrect. Japan for instance does not allow the population to have guns but is not a Police state. Now you can throw around cheap insults and attempt to demean me all you want. It won't change the fact that everyone here can read what you wrote and that it is incorrect. To be honest, getting all uppity is just making you look like someone who won't admit it. Reply #76 for example. You clearly associated gun ownership as the deciding factor of what makes a police state which is completely incorrect. Reply #69 was my personal favourite...and I quote (you) "When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state". This statement is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. That is not the meaning of police state. Now you have been educated as to the real meaning of Police State, you and everyone else here can see that you were wrong.

Edited by Kananga
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This statement is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. That is not the meaning of police state.

Jeeez.. are you throwing a tantrum now?...so your not only a minutia man but a literalist? :rolleyes:

Here is some minutia for you....It is an old saying many use freely when the minutia literalist cops aren't looking.

Would you feel better if I said when only the cops have guns I call it a police state?

All that aside do you have even the slightest shred of info to actually contribute to the OP?

Thought not....carry on

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This statement is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. That is not the meaning of police state.

Jeeez.. are you throwing a tantrum now?...so your not only a minutia man but a literalist? :rolleyes:

Here is some minutia for you....It is an old saying many use freely when the minutia literalist cops aren't looking.

Would you feel better if I said when only the cops have guns I call it a police state?

All that aside do you have even the slightest shred of info to actually contribute to the OP?

Thought not....carry on

LOL! Yeah, I'm the one throwing the tantrum... :whistling:

At least you know the real meaning for the term now. I suppose this is the closest I'll get to being thanked for educating you...

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Thing is, I'm 36 anyway.


Submaniac, you are a little kid. You resort to such insults just because you can't get your own way. This is a public forum so guess what, you should expect the public to join in.

Flying I am disappointed in you. Siding with somebody just because they share your like of guns, very disappointed. I expected better from you. Even the OP said in his post it was an assault rifle but you try to make out it is something really quite different on a technicality. Trying to make out it only fires one shot at a time, which it doesn't. <deleted> the technicality that is being used to somehow justify it, it's an assault gun.

I posted a link addressing the safety issue, which you ignore flying.

I still haven't received an answer to where I warranted such (attempted) insults.

You just seem to be completely ignoring the questions you don't like and running away from the. Other people on here have spoken in favour of guns but they haven't gotten embroiled in a pissing matched have they? Perhaps it is because they didn't spit their dummy out like spoilt little brats.

And you people want guns?

Edited by Moonrakers
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Flying I am disappointed in you. Siding with somebody just because they share your like of guns,

Trying to make out it only fires one shot at a time, which it doesn't. <deleted> the technicality that is being used to somehow justify it, it's an assault gun.

Man you & kanaga should get a room

1) I did not side with anyone. I merely pointed out that folks like you & kanaga add nothing to the the OP

2) It was you that brought out your ignorance about the difference between semi auto ( one shot per trigger pull) versus full auto which is the original meaning of a full assault rifle.

you even went so far as to post a video of someone firing a one shot per trigger pull semi auto rifle as if to claim it is the same as full auto. Sorry your wrong.

I dont expect better of you as you do of I because I dont expect anything of you. I merely pointed out folks like you add nothing to the OP's question which dealt with a simple question of what is the legal route to use. Instead folks like you launch into a anti-gun tirade

By the way the simplest form of gun is called a wheel gun aka: revolver

6 or 8 shots....Is it a assault weapon? By your definition yes.

Because those who know how to shoot would appear to be firing full auto to those like you who have no real world experience in such things. That of course does not stop you folks from derailing a simple thread with you rhetoric.

Here enjoy a sample of the most basic of guns...........single shot one bullet at a time per trigger pull.

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