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Wealthy Norwegian Victim Of Safe Thief

Eric Davis

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Timo Tapani Porttinen (right) and his companion, Visutichai Silaklai, report to police that nearly 1 million baht in valuables was stolen from Timo’s safe.

Norwegian allegedly had the room to his apartment unlocked with a skeleton key and his safe emptied of valuables worth one million baht.

Police were called to a room at Mozart Mansion on Soi Day Night 2 in South Pattaya on October 27, where they found Timo Tapani Porttinen, 53, waiting with a 24-year-old companion, Visutichai Silaklai, a native of Khon Kaen.

Inside the room, which was on the top floor of the eight-story apartment block, the officers found that a small safe had been broken open and emptied of its contents. The room had also been ransacked. Police forensic experts were called in to check for fingerprints.

Porttinen told the officers that 6,000 euros, two diamond studded gold rings worth 72,000 baht, 25,000 baht in Thai banknotes, a Cartier watch worth 250,000 baht, a mobile phone worth 11,000 baht, a diamond studded gold bracelet worth over 200,000 baht and another gold bracelet worth 20,000 baht had been taken.

The Norwegian said that he wasn’t really bothered about the stolen valuables as he had 50 million euros in a bank account in Norway and one million baht in a Thai bank account. He was afraid that the thief might return and kill him and that is the reason why he notified police because he has to stay in Thailand for another three months with his boyfriend Visutichai before deciding whether to marry, as they had only known each other seven days.

Officers are still looking for the thief.

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If he went to the police because he was scared the thief would come back and kill him then why the <deleted> did he then let everybody know that he has 50 million in the bank?

Even if he is telling porkies, it was a stupid thing to do.

These Pattaya police must come across some right dickheads in their tour of duty in that town.


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Pattaya - 53 year old Finnish national Timo Porttinen, after a night out with his local boyfriend, returned home to find his rented room had been entered and his safe ransacked. Apparently there were no signs of a forced entry and it appeared that a key had been used to gain entry to the room, and to open the safe. Police believe it must be an inside job as a keys were used and the apartment complex has an electronic door entry system and CCTV cameras. The Finn reported losing €6,000, 25,000 baht, a gold ring valued at 36,000 Baht and a Cartier wrist watch worth 250,000 baht.


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who knows?

if it actually happened as reported then he's taking it vey well :o

but as others have said....with the money and cartier watches etc i find it hard to believe that a) he had them with him b)he would stay in that area and a cheap hotel

i would never bring 1 of my watches to los...i use my phone for time keeping.....and if i was carrying that much cash with me i would be inclined to spend more than 500 baht on a room/hotel....i can rough it...but u want something close to what you are used to.....

if this guy is used to buying quality items its unlikely he'd check in2 a hotel that wasn't quality

who knows?

just my 2p

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Porttinen told the officers that 6,000 euros, two diamond studded gold rings worth 72,000 baht, 25,000 baht in Thai banknotes, a Cartier watch worth 250,000 baht, a mobile phone worth 11,000 baht, a diamond studded gold bracelet worth over 200,000 baht and another gold bracelet worth 20,000 baht had been taken.

I don’t have a suspicious nature, but in this case? An attempt to cheat his insurance company?

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The Norwegian said that he wasn’t really bothered about the stolen valuables as he had 50 million euros in a bank account in Norway and one million baht in a Thai bank account.

Ok, 50 million euro may not be all that much nowadays, but you would still expect a man with that wealth to have made the news before this alleged burglary. Web search: zilch!

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