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DSI Urges Police To Provide Forensic Proof On Red-Shirt Protest Victims


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Seems the war is on within this thread.....

Not to go off topic, but another relative question concerning the "Black Shirts".... What became of the theory that Newin was in charge of the black shirts - who, may have changed the shirt color from blue to the then present black? And were these black shirts foreigners (rumored to Khmer mercenaries...)?

When was that theory mentioned? That's the first time I've seen it, although it doesn't surprise me. I remember some theories along the lines of them being Cambodians put in there by the government. That seems just as likely as your theory.

If you feel uncomfortable about the role of black shirts during the protests and find it hard to reconcile their presence with your beliefs it would be far more simple to just blindfold yourself, put your hands over your ears and go lalalala until the feeling goes away than to bring up absurd consipracy theories to mitigate the responsibility of the UDD leadership.

All we know is that not one of these "blackshirts" have ever been found. They melted away like.

At the time some Thai newspapers said the black shirts were both retired and active soldiers and police, and they were hiding in a neighbouring country. Probably the same country where Kamnan Po and Wattana are hiding.

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