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Don't get me wrong, I love this site and like chipping in the odd bit and what have you. Learned a lot too. But as a new boy you cant help seeing all these regulars with titles like senior member and adminsitrator who rule on this and that. They seem to know who's real and who isn't and have the power to ban those they dont like for whatever offence they dream up. Im thinking about old Hiram and those others like Gfunk and them.

Is it just me or is this just a bit like being a junior schoolboy surrounded by prefects who have thir own priveleges and common room? Shouldnt we try and be a bit more inclusive and tolerent of others views, howver wacky?

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It does have to be balanced Mystic. That means that the those who are disaffected and annoyed by trollers are entitled to a say too. It is a fine line I know, but the complaints, either way. keep coming in.


"Is it just me or is this just a bit like being a junior schoolboy surrounded by prefects who have thir own priveleges and common room? Shouldnt we try and be a bit more inclusive and tolerent of others views, howver wacky? "

No we should't - now do your homework!

Guest IT Manager

Admins do not as a general rule, (I made one exception), clip others in the ear because "WE" don't like them.

Generally you will find that a poster who has been sent to the sandpit has annoyed more than just an administrator.

You have likely noticed "Report This Post". It allows members to quietly indicate their views privately to admins so we can adjudicate. In fact most of those who have been sandboxed either come back as another persona (Tomy springs to mind), or come back after their sandpit and take active part again, as was the recent case of Butterfly and Membrane. It was one of the reasons we made the Bear Pit. There are members, myself included with very distinct political views which we felt should be given air time. The bear pit allows that.

Hope it explains a bit. Hope Doc and George agree also.

Also, further, when you finish your homework, go help with the dishes please. :o


Something that everyone should be aware of Forums like this be come peoples second home. Senior Members regard there little place in cyberspace as their’s. When people come and start stuff or have vastly different views the will shun them.

Also everyone should know peoples view or their on-line personality can be greatly different than their real life personality.

Moderators are in a precarious situation, they have to keep the piece and keep their view points as theirs not the forums. This crosses the line all the time and there is really know way of not doing so.

An un-moderated board becomes a bunch of yahoos chopping up each other, and losing any validity or real purpose.

With this said.

There does seem to be arrogance from the Senior Members as a group. People ask silly questions and because the questions have been asked so many times they seem to talk down to requester. (Some of us have not been here for years)

Also in urgent situations there seems to be little real responsibility taken by the forum leaders. For example the bad stamp issue there was a thread with hundreds of posts. Most was just speculation by a bunch of scared people. (rightly so in most cases.) There should have been a locked facts only tread. This should have been done from the start not towards the end.

The Forum is an unofficial informational source and needs to be treated like so. Items posted such as someone asking about a bad case of Diarrhea. Then people jumped and said it could be AIDS. Made me ever run scared about lat time I had the runs.

Keeping items on topic is a moderators main duty and senior members should lead by example not join in on the bandwagon.

In the same statement conversations lead in to other topics like in real life. People should be tolerant of each other and try to understand where statements are coming from.

Just my two cents worth…. Sorry Just my two baht worth.

Peice love and JOY

Also everyone should know peoples view or their on-line personality can be greatly different than their real life personality.

Just my two cents worth…. Sorry Just my two baht worth. 

Peice love and JOY


It is..

Welcome to thaivisa dot com



I notice with amusement that one of the so-called "senior members" on this thread joined the forum only a little over a month ago :D .

Depending on your point of view, this says one of two things: the gentleman in question has contributed much to the forum, is fully deserving of his "status" and warrants respects accordingly; or (as is perhaps more likely), the individual is a rather lonely person with nothing better to do :o .

On the whole, the suggestion that "seniority" accrues as a consequence of quantity rather than quality is a joke. A good example is the fake doctor who crops up everywhere with his holier than thou rantings and tedious cut and paste visa advice.

When it comes to real issues though (such as education and HIV), I'm surprised by the number of people who have much to say and the ability to say it intelligently. A couple of recent threads prove this admirably.

I notice with amusement that one of the so-called "senior members" on this thread joined the forum only a little over a month ago :D .

Depending on your point of view, this says one of two things: the gentleman in question has contributed much to the forum, is fully deserving of his "status" and warrants respects accordingly; or (as is perhaps more likely), the individual is a rather lonely person with nothing better to do :o .

On the whole, the suggestion that "seniority" accrues as a consequence of quantity rather than quality is a joke. A good example is the fake doctor who crops up everywhere with his holier than thou rantings and tedious cut and paste visa advice.

When it comes to real issues though (such as education and HIV), I'm surprised by the number of people who have much to say and the ability to say it intelligently. A couple of recent threads prove this admirably.

Thanks Dennis Pennis for your lovely words!

Well I am far from lonely or warrant respect, I happen to be online 10 hours a day as my businees requires me to be - this is the internet age!

I run my business by myself which includes, marketing my business, responses to enquiries, "webmastering" of my website, designing homes and direct marketing to the demographics that want to buy my wares.

I am here to have a joke, give my half arsed advise, abuse idiots and have a laugh.

I let this forum run in the background of my working day/night.

I do post a lot I agree, thats what I want to do!

I also have made more money in the last 5 years, than you have ever seen!

Go have a drink, grab a girl, do "your business" and stop worrying about me - Im great............. got to go now as My Ferrari needs a spin!

This post is also another one for the day - wadda ya reckon!

Guest IT Manager

Gentleman, testing your memory...was that your yellow Ferrari in CM a couple weeks ago?

Explains a lot if it was.

I also have made more money in the last 5 years, than you have ever seen!

Of course you have made more money in the last five years than I have. I have little doubt that you are one of the richest men in Thailand.

I apologise for my failings and can only assume that they stem from my having a life and living in the real world.

Perhaps when I too become a "senior member" I'll be as rich, famous and successful as you are.

I also have made more money in the last 5 years, than you have ever seen!

Of course you have made more money in the last five years than I have. I have little doubt that you are one of the richest men in Thailand.

I apologise for my failings and can only assume that they stem from my having a life and living in the real world.

Perhaps when I too become a "senior member" I'll be as rich, famous and successful as you are.

Senior member status comes with posting as much <deleted>/fact/info as you can - your now on your 8th post and you have have contributed 2 bits of <deleted> that I know of (excuse me if your other six posts were <deleted> as well as I didnt know you existed).

It seems you will be a senior member in no time!

You really dont have anything to contribute at all do you?!

Dont apologise to me for your failings, apologise to your family :o

I notice with amusement that one of the so-called "senior members" on this thread joined the forum only a little over a month ago :D .

Depending on your point of view, this says one of two things: the gentleman in question has contributed much to the forum, is fully deserving of his "status" and warrants respects accordingly; or (as is perhaps more likely), the individual is a rather lonely person with nothing better to do :o .

On the whole, the suggestion that "seniority" accrues as a consequence of quantity rather than quality is a joke. A good example is the fake doctor who crops up everywhere with his holier than thou rantings and tedious cut and paste visa advice.

When it comes to real issues though (such as education and HIV), I'm surprised by the number of people who have much to say and the ability to say it intelligently. A couple of recent threads prove this admirably.

An offensive little being aren't you?


I think that Forum honours should be sold, rather like titles in mediaeval Britain.

Eg: 'Senior Member' to one who pays THB 10,000 to the Board Proprietor.

Honours for cash, thats the way forward.

Guest IT Manager

I think another point needs to be added here. A "senior member", is an old person who changes his member description to "Senior Member", we also have turgid, tumescent and forgetful members.

The group I suspect which is at question is Admins/Administrators/Whipping Boys. I am the whipping boy since it is unseemly for Admins to be beaten for the failings they experience as age catches up.

Admins on average spend 2-3 hours per day moderating. We aren't bastards, and we have outside lives. We don't use this as an extension of life, but more perhaps as an outreach into a community we have little or no contact with as a result of our work or our location (this is particularly true of myself and Doc, as we are both well away from the Capital, the bar scene etc), and we have families who are not necessarily in touch with the foreign population, outside of work related functions on occasion.

When you come on here for an hour and complain that so and so is a maggot and you hate him/her because of his/her views, it results in on-line meetings generally, to discuss your view and that of your adversity. Not all decisions are likely to please everyone, but the fact your voice is heard should be reason to be thankful for us doing the work. If you want an idea of the alternative, pop in to Usenet and get into the sh1t fight in soc.culture.thai.

Then come back and say how it was. I will not allow that to happen here. I don't own the play room,George does. Doc and I and the other admins help keep the sand inside and stop kids throwing rocks at each other. The poll about the Bear Pit was an excellent example of why Thaivisa works. It does so because the great majority of members are intelligent, thoughtful and socially aware. The few who aren't receive an occasional smack as a reminder that this is a grown-ups play room. We aren't prefects or policemen, we are moderators. We manage the greater part of the site for the good of the many, not for the fun of the few.


quotes deleted due to Dennis Pennis being a ######!

Firstly, you started the crap throwing, so deal with your responses you get.

I had never mentioned you in any thread ever!

A typical "educator" who is "content in his life".

"Very true Mr rich and famous, very true. " - not famous just rich!

At the end of the day soapdodger (thanks for that one Dr P and Bronco) - the A grade students work for the B grade students and the C grade students work within Education/government.

so we have established you are a C grade "educator"!

"Don't get me wrong. I am not belittling your site in any way, shape or form whatsoever. I simply feel that newcomers to this generally very useful and informative piece of cyberspace ought to be infomed that "senior members" have become such purely because they have posted more comments than others who have joined more recently. "

grow up, you soppy poofter!

"On this site, it would seem that seniority is not a measure of the wisdom of the "member", but instead an indication of his willingness to post whatever it is (rubbish or otherwise) that makes him happy. "

Correct A+

"The two clowns who I have ridiculed above would appear to be a most fitting testament to this point"

So how would you class a newbie as yourself, who posts insults to people you know nothing about, have never made reference to you other than the ones since the insults you have flung - bad day at school was it?

stop taking yourself to seriously, your not smart enough, carry on being happy with your lot and post crap when you like - we dont care mate.

Have the last word as you are a waste of my valuable time!

Sorry mate....your post indicates that a shandy was taken ...during or pre the posting. Are you pooping on Brother Bronco and my good self ?

????? - I was referring to him being a pom, not showering - hence soap dodger!


Hang on a minute!

I have already told you lot that I shower once a week need it or not, and you really can buy quite good deoderant here.


Once upon a time there was a Kao San Road nong which called itself tomy. It wasn't either clever or cute, it just was.

Then it said something so dumb as to make an admin see red. Another admin saw it first however.

The next time that thing comes back it is a red blot on the wall of a public John.

Let me know how many days it was holidayed for please. When it comes back it is getting 911 days just for the exercise.

i dont think its fair that the prefects get to play rudies with the big girls ! :D

:o does that mean I should go on a diet :D

tomy your comments are completely out of line and it's extremely low to insult someone's family - if you do not have anything nice to say, than don't say anything at all.

gentlemen I've never been a C grade student, am actually a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society - some of us choose professions cause we want to do things from the good of our heart :D


ok last post from www. tonite as i really do have to sleep

There does seem to be arrogance from the Senior Members as a group. People ask silly questions and because the questions have been asked so many times they seem to talk down to requester. (Some of us have not been here for years)

yep i agree with that,,but ###### this nik will be banned tomorrow so wot do i care

the gentleman

Don't get me wrong. I am not belittling your site in any way, shape or form whatsoever. I simply feel that newcomers to this generally very useful and informative piece of cyberspace ought to be infomed that "senior members" have become such purely because they have posted more comments than others who have joined more recently. "

i have found new comers get flamed way too much as i am sure admins here will agree..it seems in forums there is a circle of ppl that can get away with certain things,generally the ones that have been here a while and havent really contributed <deleted>..newbies cum here ask there question and get flamed,this i believe is unfair on them as they just dont know, i know for a fact that if i said soso was a <deleted> i would be banned if he was a admin but others can say that to the newbies...hmmmm double standards..###### this is thailand..

anyway www. has too sleep . cya with my new nik tomorrow

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