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Avon Products


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Yes, it is a well known mosquito repellent. I don't think it was planned to be a mosquito repellent; it was just a happy discovery after the product was introduced.

Sometimes I see Avon products among the wares offered by the various cheap cosmetic sellers on the second floor of Warorot (or is it Lam Yai market? I can't remember which is which). It's the market with the broken escalators and clothing shops on the second floor. Anyway, one day I did a major search thru the cosmetics section and while I could find lots of Avon lipstick, I couldn't find any skin-so-soft. None of the vendors specialized in Avon -- it was just mixed in with their other wares.

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There is a distrributor in Chiang Mai. Not sure where they used to be close to the air port mall.

I know it wont soften your skin but Listerine in a spray bottle sprayed on you will do the trick. I am told if you spray it around your door and windows it will stop them from entering.

Good Luck

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if you ask around a few bars in loi kroh rd.some girls who work in the bar are sure to sell things like that.my friend works in the butterfly bar and sell things like that for extra cash

Thanks all for the helpful replies.

I will start with the avon.th #. And if any TV members are in the Loi Kroh area, please do kindly ask around if any of the gals are also Avon reps :-)

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if you ask around a few bars in loi kroh rd.some girls who work in the bar are sure to sell things like that.my friend works in the butterfly bar and sell things like that for extra cash

What else does she sell? :rolleyes:

Smart pills. How many cartons do you need?


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if you ask around a few bars in loi kroh rd.some girls who work in the bar are sure to sell things like that.my friend works in the butterfly bar and sell things like that for extra cash

What else does she sell? :rolleyes:

Smart pills. How many cartons do you need?


As you seem to be a regular customer, I'll settle for 1 carton. Don't wan't her to run out of stock, if you would be in need.

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