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The Moral Fibre Of The Bush Family


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Sorry again, but you are reaching for straws. I was in the military and Bush's excuses for not going to some week-end training sessions stand up. Also, he was never charged with being AWOL, so, he wasn't.

Bush voluntarily joined a military unit part of which was at that very moment involved in combat in Vietnam. He learned to fly fighter jets. He served honorably and was well-regarded by his fellow pilots. He put in more than his required time of service. And he was honorably discharged.

The hate-Bush crowd likes to point to some missing paperwork and an aging colonel's inability to remember one man out of thousands, and claim it proves Bush served dishonorably and was "absent without leave." But paperwork snafus are as common in the military as guns. And the absense of evidence is NOT evidence of absense. The "Bush was AWOL" claim is so thin that the New York Times, hardly a bastion of Bush support, debunked and dismissed it.

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The "aging colonel" is probably William Turnipseed, the former commander of the Alabama unit where Bush was sent in 1972, thanks to dad(but the headquarters decided that Bush had to serve in a more active unit). In fact Turnipseed wasn't a colonel but a general.

More seriously, the 2 lieutenants colonels in charge of Bush's unit in Houston couldn't rate him for the prior 12 months because nobody in the army had seen him for a year.

The London Times and the Boston Globe did support this version of the story.

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The "aging colonel" is probably William Turnipseed, the former commander of the Alabama unit where Bush was sent in 1972, thanks to dad(but the headquarters decided that Bush had to serve in a more active unit). In fact Turnipseed wasn't a colonel but a general.

More seriously, the 2 lieutenants colonels in charge of Bush's unit in Houston couldn't rate him for the prior 12 months because nobody in the army had seen him for a year.

The London Times and the Boston Globe did support this version of the story.

Well why didn't they ask me. George was with Jesse Ventura and the seal team planning their politcal careers.

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Quote: "Bush voluntary joined a military unit part of which was at that very moment involved in combat in Vietnam" (Georgie-Porgie).

But despite his willingness to serve in country (and dad's influence), Bush couldn't be sent to Vietnam. What an unfortunate guy.

Enough said. Time to close this thread.

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GP, don't let it get to you. These guys are forever telling us how our country works, as if we have no clue, and were all brainwashed by those right wing networks: CBS, NBC, ABC.

Talk about people that no nothing about nothing.

PS- Elmer Fudd was not elected.

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There's something that disturbs me:

Most of the officials in the current admistration are keen on waging wars all over the planet if needed but none of them have never experienced a war except Colin Powell. And he's the only one who is not thristy for blood.

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Adjan, State Department purpose is to promote diplomacy, not war. If Powell does his job, he promotes diplomacy.

Besides, even if Powell were not in office, I highly doubt he would have been against deposing Sadam, only not having an exit strategy.

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latest poll

  55% for bush

45% for mickey mouse ( DEMS) they cannot even decide if they voted for or against Saddams removal. How to H*ll are they going to decide to run a country.

I wouldn't be so confident based on that poll.

There is a margin of error in polls of 3-4 percent, so perhaps all the democrats need to pick up is as low as 2 percent of the voters, and they haven't even selected their candidate yet.

Also, the democrats now have some very damning ammunition against Bush, the revelations of Paul O'Neill.

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Yeah, it's funny that all of Paul O'Neill's media coverage, his interview on "60 Minutes", etc.--all came out just in time for his new book to hit the book shelves. Hmmm...

By the way, he was quoted recently as saying if he could do it all over, he would have kept his mouth shut.

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Yeah, it's funny that all of Paul O'Neill's media coverage, his interview on "60 Minutes", etc.--all came out just in time for his new book to hit the book shelves.  Hmmm...

By the way, he was quoted recently as saying if he could do it all over, he would have kept his mouth shut.

To be precise, he said he wished he had left out the more colorful language, such as saying that Bush is a moron. Of course, many of us appreciate his candor.

As far as his financial motives, that is an obvious comeback, but he was also quoted as saying he is not worried about the heat is going to get because he is old and he is rich.

In any case, for whatever motives, and however flaky you want to paint O'Neill, he has provided good ammunition about the truth about the origins of the war in Iraq, and it is going to be used to the max by the democrats. If I were one of the families of the 500 dead American soldiers in Iraq, I would be very mad at Bush.

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If I were one of the families of the 500 dead American soldiers in Iraq, I would be very mad at Bush.

Most of them are mad at him. This smirking chimp didn't even attend a single funeral. Too busy raising money for his re-election or too busy doing nothing in his ranch.

Why bother ? all those dead soldiers came for the working class. Maybe some of them were black or chicanos.

(To be fair with Bush, it's not that the poor piss him off, it's just that he has never meet a single one. Maybe he doesn't even know that they exist)

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adjan jb, you are really reaching for straws here. We are talking America here, not England. For one thing, Bush has Hispanics in his family and besides that, we don't have the phony-assed class system, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Bush has worked side by side with minorities and the poor at some time during his life.

As far as who the dead American soldier's families would be pissed off at, I feel pretty sure that know-nothing, blow-hard, self-styled "social critics" sniping away at the President on the Internet, aren't real high on the family's "good" list! :o

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I hope I am not hallucinating  here, but I believe that one of his brothers is married to a Hispanic woman.

Leave it to me to find an interesting, relevant quote. Regarding President Apparant George W. Bush (is that respectful enough for you), yes, indeed, he has some Hispanic relatives.

Bush II has used pictures of his relatives in some campaign ads and of course he is pandering to the Hispanic vote. Too bad, really, as the only people to benefit from his policies are the very rich, and the majority of Hispanic Americans are far from that.

Some info about that:

"This is the same man whose father, George Bush as president, referred to a group of his own grandchildren as "the little brown ones over there." Those were the children of Jeb and Columba Bush -- half-Latino. While he was president, George Bush I actually avoided being photographed too often with the brown grandchildren. It seems that George Bush II has found a more cynical twist on multi-cultural photographs to be effective for his purposes..."

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In this case, I think that Mr. Thaiquila is the one who is hallucinating. I remember when President Bush #1 made that statement about, "the little brown ones over there", and it was very obvious that he was joshing around and saying it in a loving manner.

Because I have never heard anything like this before, I think that we should take Mr. Thaiquila's other statement, "While he was president, George Bush I actually avoided being photographed too often with the brown grandchildren." in the same spirit as the first one, another desperate attempt to put anyone in the Bush family in a bad light.

By the way, as far as Thaiquila emigrating to England goes, I'm pretty sure that the Pharisees were nice to Judas, and pretended to like him, when they were paying him the silver pieces, but what do you think that they thought of him when he left the room?

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Georgie: you have got to be kidding. Are you blind?

President Ewreck Bush 2 has started the election year by pandering to every group he can in his attempt to get reelected.

Latinos: bogus Mexican guest worker plan (you know its bogus because Mexican President Fox has received a load of protest for going along with it)

Anti-abortionists: after session appointment of anti-abortion judge with a history of supporting black/white segregation, that the democrats tried to block

Reactionary right wing Christian fundamentalists: over a billion dollars so that poor black couples can be encouraged to marry ("healthy marriage act"), which would also reduce welfare benefits, a veiled code policy about his opposition to gay marriage

Star Trek fans and big defense corps like Halliburton: trips to Mars decades in the future, this when the US has severe unemployment, massive deficits, and a health care crisis (50 million without health insurance), where is the money?

Blacks: laying a wreath at Martin Luther Kings in Atlanta grave financed by US taxpayers, the same day he raised over 2 million dollars for his reelection campaign; luckily black Americans are too smart to be fooled by this and protested loudly

And it is only January!

Much more bull%((* to come.

And the sad part is, this will probably work to get him reelected.

American voters are too stupid to vote for their own self interest, so I can only conclude that we as Americans are reaping what we deserve.

No interest in moving to Britain. Too bloody cold.

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