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Passport Pickpocketed At Markets


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Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

I haven't been to Russia in a long time but when I went to Moscow you couldn't carry your passport if you wanted to as it was held by the hotel and you wouldn't get it back until you'd settled your account. Things were a bit different back then as you had to stay in a government hotel (Intourist).

I never leave my passport with any hotel , because its my or the states property , and it can be counterfeited while they have it , in fact its Illegal for a UK citizen to leave there passport with anyone,

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I never leave my passport with any hotel , because its my or the states property , and it can be counterfeited while they have it , in fact its Illegal for a UK citizen to leave there passport with anyone,

There was no choice in the matter, I either surrendered my passport to the state owned hotel or I would not have been staying there. I'm sure this is how many passports have been counterfeited in the past.

It's certainly not illegal to leave your passport with anyone. There are several instances where passports are processed by third parties as matter of routine. Consular service companies and embassies / consuls for the issue of visas for example.

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Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

I haven't been to Russia in a long time but when I went to Moscow you couldn't carry your passport if you wanted to as it was held by the hotel and you wouldn't get it back until you'd settled your account. Things were a bit different back then as you had to stay in a government hotel (Intourist).

I was there a few years ago. The big scam was to get foreigners and tell them their papers were not in order. This was in Moscow, and usually done later in the night. No papers=big fine. Especially as you have to have "stamps" from the various places you have stayed.

I've been in several countries where they have kept my passport until I checked out....just within the past 5-7 years.

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Never carried my passport with me wherever ive been in the world

Not good advise. Try Russia. If caught, it's a HUGE deal. Same with many other countries.

Completely disagree, perfect advise! Identity theft is now a world wide phenomena and even the most backward countries can identify with it and will give the individual the chance to produce their passport in time. AND If they are more backward than that I, for one, will never be visiting!

Don't visit China then. if you do not carry your passport and get stopped there is a better than even chance they will fine you (happened to me even though I had a registration slip from the police for where I live) and or you could end up being carted down to the police station to discuss it for a couple of hours or more. Then they may accompany you back to see your passport. It is just not worth the time or effort not to carry it although my passport is getting a little tatty to say the least!

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I'm one of those lucky enough to have a work-related ID, so I just use that (never had a problem except at banks, where they will seemingly only accept passport WITH account book).

Otherwise it is required for you to be able to show some kind of legitimate ID- this is not unusual in many states- and the only non-Thai-issued ID that works is the passport. I think those who carry the copy are mainly ok, but still technically could be rapped on the knuckles.

I've never been asked for it by police in Thailand, though.

As far as safety from pickpockets, carry things in the front pockets and when you hit a suspicious or crowded area, hold your hands over the openings.

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I usually never take my passport out with me, however if I did I would have it in my money belt which is under my clothes. Same with majority of my money. I have a bag with a little money purse with some money, but not much.

When I was last in Bangkok I nearly got my bag pick pocketed when I was walking round the market in On Nut. I have pretty quick reflexes though and I grabbed the guys hand so fast and tight that I think he nearly wet himself with fright. My male friend who was Thai proceeded to shout at him angrily and hold him down and other people grabbed hold him also whilst I went and got a Police Officer.

Really lovely lady near by gave me some free Thai tea whilst I waited for my Thai friend to tell the Police Officer what happened. :)

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