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Angled Wall Supertitions?

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Has anyone heard of any superstitions regarding angled walls, or angled anything for that matter? I have an angled step in our stair landing, designed to make it not only come out correctly, but to look nice as well. I have had some remarks about this from several old timers and of course, did not understand a thing they were going on about, but could tell by the tone, it was not a thing of beauty by any means. They seemed really put off by it. Of course it is my house and is not going to be changed, but was wondering about this. I am not superstitious, and have always heard that it was bad luck to be superstitious B). Hmmmmm. My perimeter wall has an angled part to it to accommodate a future patio, so I say....let there be angles! ett


In Feng Shui, direction is everything. However, Feng Shui positions are based on an individual's character, although there are some general rules that may apply to the masses.

If the angled walls or stuff are not done for you, it may be changed. Main thing is that YOU have to be comfortable with whatever directions or arrangements. If you DON'T feel comfortable then change it.


Never heard that one before. Maybe it's like walking under ladders (in case something falls on your head) and angled steps are smaller at one end so someone may miss the step and fall.

Only guessing mind you, but most old superstitions are usually based on a reason or two.

What about a picture?


We had a visit from the head man when we were building a front fence. He had been approached when a few had seen the foundations.

The angle from the side fence was too acute, and they believed it would offend the ancestors, any accident at that corner would then be my fault. Thats my interpretation of the discussion.

Simple solution was to put in a short piece to break the angle.

Funny how things work out, a few weeks after the fence was finished, 2 motor bikes collided right opposite the offending point, lucky I changed it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


when I was a kid in BKK back in the mid '60s, the "pi'i" couldn't climb stairs - now there're spirit houses on roofs.

much about spirit beliefs has changed in half a century, although lots of old folk resist change.

Lots of inside spirit shrines are Chinese, despite homage being paid at them by non-Chinese...

(gotta love the giving of offerings to power poles and phone-line poles).

There are Feng Shui beliefs about power forces and corner turning, but I never learned them well enough to remember...


From what i understand and to some degree have observed is the Thais do have their own form of Feng Shui but it is not the same as the Chinese style. The one thing i learnt from my ex wife is as a falang i will never understand the way of the spirits (pi)or Feng Shui .And the rules of Feng Shui seem to change as they go along . And aesthetics and function do not have any part of Thai Feng Shui either .


Never heard that one before. Maybe it's like walking under ladders (in case something falls on your head) and angled steps are smaller at one end so someone may miss the step and fall.

Only guessing mind you, but most old superstitions are usually based on a reason or two.

What about a picture?

This is the set up. I have a very grabbable, solid hand rail near the apex of the angled step, and as you can see, there is plenty of step to step on. It could very well be a thing Feng Shui, but in my designing mind, it seemed to flow just fine before, during and after construction. Oh well....goes to show what a westerner, with function trumping flow will do. ett

post-116237-0-16227700-1317176904_thumb. post-116237-0-68739500-1317176865_thumb.


As most of you know, most Thais are Buddhist, but what many do not know is that most Thai Buddhists are also Animist and have synchronized the two spiritual beliefs together much to the dismay of the Buddhist monks. In some forms of animism practiced in Thailand the triangle is used by the soothsayers to hold summoned spirits when the spirits have been summoned to seek advice from the beyond. This is not unlike the same thing done in the Middle East and in some western magical traditions where demons and or spirits are summoned to do the bidding of the magician. In these traditions the triangle is also used as a sort of trap to hold the demon in place as that it does not wonder off. When the magician is finished with the demon he then has to banish it back to the realm from which it came.

So what the head man fears is that you may inadvertently capture a passing spirit and that it will then become angry for being held there. Nothing like having angry spirits trapped in your home, no telling what malevolence they will attract to your abode.

If you believe in this sort of thing you should be OK as long as you don't do anything to attract negative energy to your house.

Hey, I did not say I believed this but it is what they believe.


As most of you know, most Thais are Buddhist, but what many do not know is that most Thai Buddhists are also Animist and have synchronized the two spiritual beliefs together much to the dismay of the Buddhist monks. In some forms of animism practiced in Thailand the triangle is used by the soothsayers to hold summoned spirits when the spirits have been summoned to seek advice from the beyond. This is not unlike the same thing done in the Middle East and in some western magical traditions where demons and or spirits are summoned to do the bidding of the magician. In these traditions the triangle is also used as a sort of trap to hold the demon in place as that it does not wonder off. When the magician is finished with the demon he then has to banish it back to the realm from which it came.

So what the head man fears is that you may inadvertently capture a passing spirit and that it will then become angry for being held there. Nothing like having angry spirits trapped in your home, no telling what malevolence they will attract to your abode.

If you believe in this sort of thing you should be OK as long as you don't do anything to attract negative energy to your house.

Hey, I did not say I believed this but it is what they believe.

Thank you, thank you, Barnicle Bob. This is the explanation that I have been waiting for, or at least thought it was indeed, out there. Now it is making much more sense as to why the varied reactions. My stairway where this is part of, is not on a ground floor, if that makes any difference. And we do have a spirit house. Went out on a mission to find that particular one that is unlike most of the others. If I say so, I would find it most attractive if I were a spirit looking to settle. I have animistic leanings in my beliefs as well, so I do respect that view.

By the way, are you any kin to Barnicle Bill, the sailor? Thanks again for the info. ett



As most of you know, most Thais are Buddhist, but what many do not know is that most Thai Buddhists are also Animist and have synchronized the two spiritual beliefs together much to the dismay of the Buddhist monks. In some forms of animism practiced in Thailand the triangle is used by the soothsayers to hold summoned spirits when the spirits have been summoned to seek advice from the beyond. This is not unlike the same thing done in the Middle East and in some western magical traditions where demons and or spirits are summoned to do the bidding of the magician. In these traditions the triangle is also used as a sort of trap to hold the demon in place as that it does not wonder off. When the magician is finished with the demon he then has to banish it back to the realm from which it came.

So what the head man fears is that you may inadvertently capture a passing spirit and that it will then become angry for being held there. Nothing like having angry spirits trapped in your home, no telling what malevolence they will attract to your abode.

If you believe in this sort of thing you should be OK as long as you don't do anything to attract negative energy to your house.

Hey, I did not say I believed this but it is what they believe.

Thank you, thank you, Barnicle Bob. This is the explanation that I have been waiting for, or at least thought it was indeed, out there. Now it is making much more sense as to why the varied reactions. My stairway where this is part of, is not on a ground floor, if that makes any difference. And we do have a spirit house. Went out on a mission to find that particular one that is unlike most of the others. If I say so, I would find it most attractive if I were a spirit looking to settle. I have animistic leanings in my beliefs as well, so I do respect that view.

By the way, are you any kin to Barnicle Bill, the sailor? Thanks again for the info. ett


Your welcome and I don't think I am related to a Barnicale Bill but my brother's name is Bill. About your spirit house; To do it proper contact a Thai mystic (not a monk as monks don't deal with spirit houses) to advise you on the proper location in your garden to place your spirit house. It seems Thai spirits are a bit fussy about the placement of their spirit quarters. If you don't know already you can google spirit houses to find out about the proper accessories to place in it and what to feed the spirits to keep them happy. Good luck and enjoy your new home.


Showed the pics to the little boss and asked about any bad hoodoo, etc. Other than the trip factor she isn't aware of any reason not to have your steps angled.


Showed the pics to the little boss and asked about any bad hoodoo, etc. Other than the trip factor she isn't aware of any reason not to have your steps angled.

Without the angled step in the landing itself, it would really be a trip factor, as it would have been out in the room part. So far no one has mis-stepped it, just commented on it. ett

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