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Thai Democrats Irked By Pojaman Decision


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Democrats irked by Pojaman decision




The Democrats are threatening to impeach the attorney-general for deciding not to seek a cancellation of the appellate verdict issued on the tax-evasion case involving Pojaman na Pombejra, ex-wife of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Democrats are threatening to impeach the attorney-general for deciding not to seek a cancellation of the appellate verdict issued on the tax-evasion case involving Pojaman na Pombejra, ex-wife of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) said yesterday that the decision was under the attorney-general’s authority. The Democrats have yet to launch a public campaign against the attorney-general.

Meanwhile, Democrat deputy spokesman Sakoltee Phattiyakul said the attorney-general should have let the Supreme Court decide on the conflicting rulings issued by the Criminal Court and the Appeals Court, so the final verdict could be used as a standard in future cases. The attorney-general’s decision not to take the case to Supreme Court can be interpreted as him considering himself the highest authority in law.

Attorney-General Julasing Wasantasing’s decision on Monday resulted in the case coming to an end, while Pojaman’s brother Bannapot Damapong ended up having to pay just Bt100,000 in fines, while his two-year jail term was halved. It also upheld the Appeals Court’s ruling to acquit Pojaman and her secretary Kanchanapa Honghern of all charges.

The lower court had previously found all three defendants guilty, ruling that they were involved in a conspiracy to evade Bt500 million in tax liabilities related to a share transaction in 2000. The defendants – Pojaman, Bannapot and Kanchanapa – were sentenced to three years in jail each, but granted bail pending review by the high court.

“Legal interpretation can be used to distort the issue, but it can never fool people’s feelings. So [the attorney-general] should be prepared for impeachment,” Sakoltee said, adding that the party’s legal experts were gathering information.

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has also called on Julasing to clarify his decision to the public.

“The attorney-general has to explain how the decisions of the Criminal and the Appeals Court were so completely different. The attorney-general himself was in charge of taking the case to court,” Abhisit said.

He said the party’s legal team would do its work, but if the attorney-general failed to clarify the matter, the public would lose its trust in state prosecutors.

In a separate issue, NACC member and spokesman Klanarong Chantik said the commission, in cooperation with the Lawyers’ Council of Thailand, would file a malfeasance case against former foreign minister Noppadon Pattama for signing a communique supporting the inscription of the Preah Vihear Temple as a World Heritage Site. The NACC believes that taking Noppadon to court on malfeasance charges was not enough.

Klanarong has also declared that the NACC will investigate a case concerning the purchase of closed-circuit TV cameras by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to see whether there was any corruption involved, as the purchase price for the units was very high.

The NACC has posted details of its investigative work on 200-300 cases on its website www.nacc.go.th and more cases will be made public, he said.

Klanarong said suspects in an irregularity concerning the Public Health Ministry’s computer procurement, including Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan, had submitted new evidence, so the NACC needed more time to verify and consider this information.


-- The Nation 2011-09-28

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The Dems better start acting on their lip service. Impeach this whole bloody Government from the foreign minister to the PM herself. Her brother has blatantly meddled in this country's politics thus causing divisions all the way down to families split on truth and propaganda. He is still meddling. Step up Dems and do the work that needs to be done or this will all turn out very bad.

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The Dems better start acting on their lip service. Impeach this whole bloody Government from the foreign minister to the PM herself. Her brother has blatantly meddled in this country's politics thus causing divisions all the way down to families split on truth and propaganda. He is still meddling. Step up Dems and do the work that needs to be done or this will all turn out very bad.

Anyone with a shred of sense and decency knows what corruption is going on here... look who the defendants are... What about Yinlucks Oath for Anti-corruption, someone should invite her to explain this case involving her ex sister-in-law... and a lot of tax moneys... and the band plays on...... Obviously some people are receiving their very full lunch boxes...

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The Dems better start acting on their lip service. Impeach this whole bloody Government from the foreign minister to the PM herself. Her brother has blatantly meddled in this country's politics thus causing divisions all the way down to families split on truth and propaganda. He is still meddling. Step up Dems and do the work that needs to be done or this will all turn out very bad.

Anyone with a shred of sense and decency knows what corruption is going on here... look who the defendants are... What about Yinlucks Oath for Anti-corruption, someone should invite her to explain this case involving her ex sister-in-law... and a lot of tax moneys... and the band plays on...... Obviously some people are receiving their very full lunch boxes...

On appeal the decision was reversed on a small point of law (or was it someones 'after the event' twist of the law). I cannot possibly believe that this 'small point of law' was not considered or mentioned by either the prosecutors, or the defense, or the judges, in the first trial.

Such total hypocracy, the paymaster and his pt leeches and cronies and their red army screaming for democracy (meaning in major part respect for the law), equal justice for all, and no double standards. And screaming for the elite / the amart to be not allowed to have strong influence. The paymasters family are in fact the worst and the most hypocritical example of it all.

I look forward to geriatrickid's and chalerm's explanation of how we are all misunderstanding this.

As already said, go dems, go for their throat.

Edited by scorecard
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Interesting how teflon Abhisit spins it as people may lose trust in prosecutors as two courts made different decisions and how the prosecutor has to explain it. An equal case could be made that people would lose trust in courts (see recent Thai opinion polls discussed to death in the Thai media but not in the English language for some bizarre reason) and that the courts should explain it.

Lets not forget the whole Dem diso case going down on a technicality without Abhisit demanding the person who casued the technicality explain how it happened.

Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

There are also a lot of people asking why Abhisit and his buddies havent been charged with anything over a few deaths in May but the attorney general isnt saying anything about that either

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On appeal the decision was reversed on a small point of law (or was it someones 'after the event' twist of the law). I cannot possibly believe that this 'small point of law' was not considered or mentioned by either the prosecutors, or the defense, or the judges, in the first trial.

Striking how the tune has changed in some quarters about the rule of law, specifically how the Thai courts decisions should be respected no matter how unreasonable their decisions seemed.This was only a few months ago.Now it is open season for the losers in the last election to vilify the Thai legal system.The truth of course is that nothing much has changed and in general, with some honourable exceptions, legal decisions have been taken with political expediency in mind (I don't know how to express it more politely than that).

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Interesting how teflon Abhisit spins it as people may lose trust in prosecutors as two courts made different decisions and how the prosecutor has to explain it. An equal case could be made that people would lose trust in courts (see recent Thai opinion polls discussed to death in the Thai media but not in the English language for some bizarre reason) and that the courts should explain it.

Lets not forget the whole Dem diso case going down on a technicality without Abhisit demanding the person who casued the technicality explain how it happened.

Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

There are also a lot of people asking why Abhisit and his buddies havent been charged with anything over a few deaths in May but the attorney general isnt saying anything about that either

Rumour has it that they are going to charge Abhisit after the court cases of Thaksin's anti drug policy and Thaksin's Tak Bai incident are done and dusted....is that timetable ok with u

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The Democrats did nothing when they were in power....now they are getting active???

Verbally, democratically. They are not sending a squad of 'any-color-shirts' to the house of the Attorney General to pressure him <_<

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Interesting how teflon Abhisit spins it as people may lose trust in prosecutors as two courts made different decisions and how the prosecutor has to explain it. An equal case could be made that people would lose trust in courts (see recent Thai opinion polls discussed to death in the Thai media but not in the English language for some bizarre reason) and that the courts should explain it.

Lets not forget the whole Dem diso case going down on a technicality without Abhisit demanding the person who casued the technicality explain how it happened.

Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

There are also a lot of people asking why Abhisit and his buddies havent been charged with anything over a few deaths in May but the attorney general isnt saying anything about that either

"Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case."

Of course not - just throwing up a couple of strawman arguments as usual. As the thread is about THAT case, why don't you give us your thoughts?

Mine are that people shouldn't be allowed to profit from their crimes, so that the tax owing should be deducted pro rata from the assets of the defendants, as well as jail time, but this won't happen because this government is a criminal conspiracy that makes the mafia look like bit players. But that's all right, because they have a mandate!

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Interesting how teflon Abhisit spins it as people may lose trust in prosecutors as two courts made different decisions and how the prosecutor has to explain it. An equal case could be made that people would lose trust in courts (see recent Thai opinion polls discussed to death in the Thai media but not in the English language for some bizarre reason) and that the courts should explain it.

Lets not forget the whole Dem diso case going down on a technicality without Abhisit demanding the person who casued the technicality explain how it happened.

Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

There are also a lot of people asking why Abhisit and his buddies havent been charged with anything over a few deaths in May but the attorney general isnt saying anything about that either

Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

You don't seem to be saying anything about quite a lot of things these days.... unless it involves the name Abhisit or Suthep.

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Interesting how teflon Abhisit spins it as people may lose trust in prosecutors as two courts made different decisions and how the prosecutor has to explain it. An equal case could be made that people would lose trust in courts (see recent Thai opinion polls discussed to death in the Thai media but not in the English language for some bizarre reason) and that the courts should explain it.

Lets not forget the whole Dem diso case going down on a technicality without Abhisit demanding the person who casued the technicality explain how it happened.

Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case.

There are also a lot of people asking why Abhisit and his buddies havent been charged with anything over a few deaths in May but the attorney general isnt saying anything about that either

"Please note Im not saying anything about the decisions in the Potjaman case."

Of course not - just throwing up a couple of strawman arguments as usual. As the thread is about THAT case, why don't you give us your thoughts?

Mine are that people shouldn't be allowed to profit from their crimes, so that the tax owing should be deducted pro rata from the assets of the defendants, as well as jail time, but this won't happen because this government is a criminal conspiracy that makes the mafia look like bit players. But that's all right, because they have a mandate!

They should pay the full tax amount + compound interest on fraudulently witheld tax + a stonking great fine. Seeing as the red shirts cum PTP want justice for all, and no double standards. Otherwise its a ridiculous situation that is clearly not conducive to reconciliation and the advancement of Thai democracy.

As it stands now, it shows the elite to be above justice.

Somewhat ironic.

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Verbally, democratically. They are not sending a squad of 'any-color-shirts' to the house of the Attorney General to pressure him

Ah pretty sure the Democrats aren't nearly that good at...Democracy.

Take their 'leader', for example. Are they serious? They don't seem serious. That guy is not rich enough to even have a chance.

Also, no one is terrified of him.

I don't think the Democrats are serious about winning the game of Democracy. They don't seem like serious players to me...

Edited by TheyCallmeScooter
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Verbally, democratically. They are not sending a squad of 'any-color-shirts' to the house of the Attorney General to pressure him

Ah pretty sure the Democrats aren't nearly that good at...Democracy.

Take their 'leader', for example. Are they serious? They don't seem serious. That guy is not rich enough to even have a chance.

Also, no one is terrified of him.

I don't think the Democrats are serious about winning the game of Democracy. They don't seem like serious players to me...

I am having a problem in seeing your point of view, the said subject Pojaman... Abhisit seems to be your aim on this subject, like it or not, a neutral point of view he is far better than any of this lot of deceiving rabble, I did think at least you could see that, but to batter him, and why should anyone have to be terrified of the man, his wealth is a fraction of the runaway Thaksin, but he outclasses him on the international stage by a mile.

I did think you would be against corruption, and was hoping you would comment on the Pojaman issue and with not doing I can see you are in favour of this bodged up government lot.

I can only hope you will see the light at the end of tunnel,

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Ah pretty sure the Democrats aren't nearly that good at...Democracy.

Take their 'leader', for example. Are they serious? They don't seem serious. That guy is not rich enough to even have a chance.

Also, no one is terrified of him.

I don't think the Democrats are serious about winning the game of Democracy. They don't seem like serious players to me...

I am having a problem in seeing your point of view, the said subject Pojaman... Abhisit seems to be your aim on this subject, like it or not, a neutral point of view he is far better than any of this lot of deceiving rabble, I did think at least you could see that, but to batter him, and why should anyone have to be terrified of the man, his wealth is a fraction of the runaway Thaksin, but he outclasses him on the international stage by a mile.

I did think you would be against corruption, and was hoping you would comment on the Pojaman issue and with not doing I can see you are in favour of this bodged up government lot.

I can only hope you will see the light at the end of tunnel,

I wish I could see that light. But my eyes are pretty strained and all I can make out are shades of midnight. My childish idealism has been terminally dispatched. For good, this time. This isn't the world for naive romantics / idiots. I'm not sure it ever was, actually - thats something of an interesting tangent right there. I saw in another thread some poor chap mentioned he was taking his children back to the West, for the "free education", where they would "learn to think".

I need to invoice him for a broken rib. I laughed so hard. It was great.

My posting, if it is to be some kind of ongoing routine, will probably be a bit dry for awhile. I probably wouldn't take it as it reads literally, but then attempts at satire are probably supposed to be mildly confusing. At least it's better than speaking in Orwellian no...?

As for the unterrifying, probity-impoverished, former (accidental) Prime Minister of Thailand...if he was outshining the feverish glow of his formerly disgraced predecessor (if you have enough to pay the right lawyers who never practice law, such things are merely pre-corrected) on the international stage...then maybe he would have been supported by the international stage.

As opposed to having his legs chopped off by the West, just below the knee.

Of course he had it coming, I'm not defending him. How could he possibly be an interesting prospective partner, to those with an interest in Thailand's potential profitability. I don't know what those Democrats are even thinking. They obviously don't want the W bad enough. How can they hope to compete in such a competitive game, as Democracy. Clearly, they've been reading the same childish novels I got corrupted by.

How embarrassing for them.

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The Democrats did nothing when they were in power....now they are getting active???

Verbally, democratically. They are not sending a squad of 'any-color-shirts' to the house of the Attorney General to pressure him <_<

....as they had with the yellows for a few months at govt house.....:blink:

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