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Plan To Restore Pattaya Beach


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Lets be honest.

They want to add to the beach so local authorities can rent it out to vendors.

I am retired in Thailand like many others. This is not my country, it is the Thai's, plus it is a poor country. This Forum is filled with a constant flow of negative comments about Thai's and how they do things. Not up to our countries standards.

Well what are our countries standards? Try posting your home country and leave the door open for comments about where you are from.

Most all have histories of their countries that are far worse than Thai's expanding the beach for the benefit of beach vendors and pay offs via rent charges.

Maybe it is a great idea, ever think of that?

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Although this sounds completely insane, there is underlying reason - namely a B387 million fund to plunder.

Consider an analogy - you have serious cut on your leg. Do you arrange for continuous blood transfusions or stitches?

Sand is mobile stuff. If you want the beach to look like it did in 1952, you need to look at what has been changed since then which may have altered the wave and current patterns, and then remove the alteration. Or, construct breakwaters/groynes to slow the movement of sand so that the amount eroded is less than that arriving. But that is a one-off cost, much less amenble to long term pilferage.

The biggest mistake was cutting down almost all of the old growth "lom/shade" trees, which are adapted to sand and have an amazing and intricate root system that helps prevent beach erosion. The idiots who did this (back in 2003 or so) replaced those magnificent trees with palm trees, which have a very small, less intricate root system and do almost nothing to prevent beach erosion. After they did this, the pace of erosion accelerated. Global warming is also magnifying the beach erosion problem in Thailand. Jomtien Beach is better than Pattaya Beach but way down south on Jomtien Beach parts of the beach are now gone! It is a difficult challenge to overcome.

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Lets be honest.

They want to add to the beach so local authorities can rent it out to vendors.

I am retired in Thailand like many others. This is not my country, it is the Thai's, plus it is a poor country. This Forum is filled with a constant flow of negative comments about Thai's and how they do things. Not up to our countries standards.

Well what are our countries standards? Try posting your home country and leave the door open for comments about where you are from.

Most all have histories of their countries that are far worse than Thai's expanding the beach for the benefit of beach vendors and pay offs via rent charges.

Maybe it is a great idea, ever think of that?

looks like this poster has retired from thinking too!

"Thailand is not my country" - so what?!?! doesn't mean you can't have an opinion - especially if it is based on good reason.

"plus it is a poor country" - this is utterly baseless nonsense - Thailand has oodles of resources both demographic and economic - to suggest it is poor is tripe.

" Try posting your home country and leave the door open for comments about where you are from." and to cap it all a fatuous comment like that.

This is a forum for discussion about all things Thai and criticism constructive or otherwise is what it is about.

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you are ALL WRONG

its about building large condo's 150 meters from the sea

work it out

This is the only intelligent comment I have read.

The erosion up towards Naklua end of Pattaya beach is getting pretty bad, to the point where it is dangerous. This is good news, and has to be done anyway. The beach walk needs some serious rejuvenation, especially the northern end. The ongoing cost of this will be huge, but it is nothing compared to the cost of lost tourism revenue.

Edited by RAM8
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Lets be honest.

They want to add to the beach so local authorities can rent it out to vendors.

I am retired in Thailand like many others. This is not my country, it is the Thai's, plus it is a poor country. This Forum is filled with a constant flow of negative comments about Thai's and how they do things. Not up to our countries standards.

Well what are our countries standards? Try posting your home country and leave the door open for comments about where you are from.

Most all have histories of their countries that are far worse than Thai's expanding the beach for the benefit of beach vendors and pay offs via rent charges.

Maybe it is a great idea, ever think of that?

looks like this poster has retired from thinking too!

"Thailand is not my country" - so what?!?! doesn't mean you can't have an opinion - especially if it is based on good reason.

"plus it is a poor country" - this is utterly baseless nonsense - Thailand has oodles of resources both demographic and economic - to suggest it is poor is tripe.

" Try posting your home country and leave the door open for comments about where you are from." and to cap it all a fatuous comment like that.

This is a forum for discussion about all things Thai and criticism constructive or otherwise is what it is about.

Well said. Guess it's a case of the rose colored glasses syndrome. As for Thailand being poor! It's only poor because most of the money gets stolen by certain persons.

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From the headline I thought they meant that they were going to clean up the prostitutes and other unsavory people, stop the all night blaring music and make it a family vacation spot.

Thankfully even the "authorities" aren't that stupid!

I don't get why so many people want to change Pattaya to some dismal family resort. There are plenty of awful family resorts in LOS to take the sprogs to- leave Pattaya alone.

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The headline doesn't actually match the article. In point of fact it is totally unconnected. It is dis-jointed as is intelligent thinking, honesty and Thai professors.

The bottom line here without disparaging the entire Thai academic community is that only some 'professors are for sale.

In summation, the decent and honest buhrgers of fair pattaya town are faced with how to spend yet another large pot of cash. Clearly wishing to do their utmost to act transparently and improve the place they embark on a study of the shore. With the belief that they can turn back the tide Cannute like they are only able to grasp the concept of wave erosion as being countered by dumping more sand thatn the wave stake away. Expect Colov to be there when the pictures are taken. He's the one who owns the camera.

At least they are trying. I find them very trying in deed.

The prof gets his pension fund, the good and honest dwellers of schity hall get their hands on more money and everyone gets happy as well as away with it. These gangsters and their family networks have run pattaya since life crawled out of the sea. They continue to do so. Crawl out of the sea that is. Hence they want a bigger beach to crawl to.

Sickening? Yes.

Expected? Yes.

At least they are not selling the fund as a good cause for the widows and orphans.

Why not though?

Only because they haven't thought of that one yet.

I was told that cream rises to the top.

Pattaya proves that scum does too.

Edited by housepainter
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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Thailand is a big country mate.

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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Agree. The only time I went to Pattaya, I was totally ashamed to be a farang, utterly disgusted at the state of the shirtless tattooed morons littering the beach, drinking Chang in the sun, and the girls, giving my wife the evil eye. Never again.

Never mind the war on drugs, how about a war on Pattaya; cleaning it up!

The "morons" as you call them have to drink beer somewhere,let it be Pattaya,you and the wife can have the rest of the country.Next time i go to the beach on a hot day,i'll rent a tux,check my iq and drink water.Get real it's a "holiday" resort not the opera.

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Where do Thai professors learn mathematics ?

Where do they buy their crystal balls from from ?

And when / where / who compiles (accurate figures) of the city Revenue ?

On the other hand if it goes ahead they are to be commended for what ever efforts they make to improve the beach front.

As posted already - Jomtien is the better beach area and its twice as long and many more yards wider.

My first time in Pattaya was 30 years ago. And Jomtien was much better than Pattaya beach then too (and of course much nicer than it is now -- virtually no development at all!)

My first time in Pattaya was 44 years ago. And a few years later I spent the summer of 1970 as a "Dek Wat" to my brother who was a monk at Wat Chaimoengkol. At the end of the road which dead-ended at the water, there was a magnificent huge tree. I always marveled at it every time i walked by, which was plenty over the years...

When I came back in 1989 for the first time since 1973, that beautiful tree was gone... hacked down and Pattaya was a wreck with the countless girlie bars and cheap hotels. Little remained of my wonderful beach. My heart was crushed and by both and I vowed never to return. I can only imagine how it is these days as I have kept my promise to myself, never to return. My memories of the wonderful little oceanside beach and the charming bungalows where I spent my childhood summers with only 2 hotels still remains intact in my mind and heart. I cherish those days still. It's amazing how people can destroy things of beauty in the interest of cheap self interests and money... so sad...

36 years ago for me.Sad,yes,but its called progress apparently.Listen to Big Yellow Taxi.

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This is a good idea. I agree with it, but they need to start with the other side of the road and do away with all the scum and trash that are there. 48 years ago Pataya was beautiful and a nice place to go and relax. But now just the trash from around the world is there. And you all know what I mean.

I don,t no about scum and trash,but Pattaya is what it is,keeps my little patch nice and peaceful.Everything doesn't have to fit your idea of perfect.

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369,035 cubic metres of sand is a weirdly specific number. I'll bet that if you checked you would find that this is an Auspicious Number chosen by an astrologer. An important detail missing from this cunning plan is how they plan to move 369,035 m3 of sand from Rayong to Pattaya. A big lorry carries about 10m3, so that would be 37,000 lorry trips. If you use barges, how do you get the sand from the barge in to the beach? If they just want a permanent beach they'd be better off making a super-sized version of the beach volleyball pitch on Jomtien beach, with a sea wall retaining an area of sand permanently above sea level.

The history of messing around with beaches and coastal erosion patterns is littered with examples of the law of unintended consequences. I also wonder what would become of the 369,035 m3 hole in the beach at Rayong.

A big pump and a big pipe.

But they don't even need to transport the sand from Rayong, just dredge the Pattaya Bay, after all that's where the beach sand has gone hasn't it?

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The idea is nice... but people who want to be on the beach will go to Jomtien beach... I spend all my time there, it is more quiet, much less coconut tree girls, less scammers... and more friendly owners of beach chairs... best place I found for me is around Jomtien Soi 9 - <snip>

And what gonna happen with those 150 speedboats parked in the morning at the beach? Get rid of them first before they plan a restauration plan!

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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Agree. The only time I went to Pattaya, I was totally ashamed to be a farang, utterly disgusted at the state of the shirtless tattooed morons littering the beach, drinking Chang in the sun, and the girls, giving my wife the evil eye. Never again.

Never mind the war on drugs, how about a war on Pattaya; cleaning it up!

The "morons" as you call them have to drink beer somewhere,let it be Pattaya,you and the wife can have the rest of the country.Next time i go to the beach on a hot day,i'll rent a tux,check my iq and drink water.Get real it's a "holiday" resort not the opera.

And people watching in Pattaya is possibly the best in the world...

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If other Thais in more prominent positions of higher government gave this much attention to detail in building dikes along rivers and flood plains as the Pattaya officials give towards restoring their beaches, the money saved from annual government flood relief and flood reparations would be more than ample to line the entire coastline of Thailand with kilometer-wide beaches.

I'll wager that the beach areas that are eroding are the result of past greed and subsequent head-strong stupidity in over-engineering natural coastlines with dirt being dumped in order to extend land into the natural flow of things, and thereby encroach upon the past, historical beach line. This resulting erosion is the pay back for defying nature without forethought. This gives credence to the saying that "In Thailand, there is no crisis or emergency until it happens, and if it isn't happening, then there simply must be no crisis or emergency".

The cycle of galactic stupidity (whether by manipulative design or plain stiff-necked ignorance), and the continual repeating consequences, and its subsequent glorification in the media, would amaze one with even the most basic problem solving skills.

Just my opinion.

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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Agree. The only time I went to Pattaya, I was totally ashamed to be a farang, utterly disgusted at the state of the shirtless tattooed morons littering the beach, drinking Chang in the sun, and the girls, giving my wife the evil eye. Never again.

Never mind the war on drugs, how about a war on Pattaya; cleaning it up!

The "morons" as you call them have to drink beer somewhere,let it be Pattaya,you and the wife can have the rest of the country.Next time i go to the beach on a hot day,i'll rent a tux,check my iq and drink water.Get real it's a "holiday" resort not the opera.

And people watching in Pattaya is possibly the best in the world...

If you can do it in Pattaya you can do it nowhere else......jap.gif

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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Agree. The only time I went to Pattaya, I was totally ashamed to be a farang, utterly disgusted at the state of the shirtless tattooed morons littering the beach, drinking Chang in the sun, and the girls, giving my wife the evil eye. Never again.

Never mind the war on drugs, how about a war on Pattaya; cleaning it up!

The "morons" as you call them have to drink beer somewhere,let it be Pattaya,you and the wife can have the rest of the country.Next time i go to the beach on a hot day,i'll rent a tux,check my iq and drink water.Get real it's a "holiday" resort not the opera.

A holiday resort for Ping Pong balls.........jap.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good Article in Pattaya Now

Pattaya’s vanishing beaches


"It is clear that Pattaya's beaches are being attacked both by higher seas and significantly changed runoff from the land, but I am convinced that dumping more sand along the beaches is definitely not the answer, unless you own shares in a sand removal company."


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Half a mile of beach is irrelevant if it only means half a mile of plastic umbrellas and thousands of expensive empty deck chairs .

10 meters of UNCLUTTERED beach is far more welcoming.

The old huge cane [free] umbrellas were a good idea.

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Half a mile of beach is irrelevant if it only means half a mile of plastic umbrellas and thousands of expensive empty deck chairs .

10 meters of UNCLUTTERED beach is far more welcoming.

The old huge cane [free] umbrellas were a good idea.

The word "free" explains why they were replaced. Free things don't contribute to the "tea money" fund.

Same reason as the park at Bali Hi is being built on, despite there being no decent reason to build on that public park, and why tents are set up blocking the beach walkway despite there being hundreds of shops selling exactly the same stuff..

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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