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Plan To Restore Pattaya Beach


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I could think of way cheaper easier ways to improve the beach, such as getting rid of all those awful chairs and umbrellas. Or at least put tasteful chairs and umbrellas on the beach. Farangs simply dont want to sit side by side in deck chairs under umbrellas anyway! How about some funky beach bars? Get rid of the jet skis. Move the speedboats farther up the beach away from the beach swimming areas.

Not rocket science.

The Pattaya beach is just turf, controlled & rented out. Just like the footpaths.

Exploited by short sighted, city officials, cops and criminals for personal gains.

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When I do the math I calculate 32 years: 35 m minus 10 m minus 1 m equals 24 m after 2 years. Then divide 24 by .8 and you arrive at another 30 years.

By the way, in the Netherlands they stopped adding sand to the beach. Instead they take sand from farther out at sea and deposit it a strategic position just offshore. Wind and currents will then do the beach sand replenishment.

Sounds like the Dutch would be useful people to consult.

Man vs Nature.

I think the current weather around the country shows who will win.

Shifting sand around seems prone to failure unless the cause of the erosion was identified and altered as already suggested.

There are probably some good ideas about arresting sand dunes and desert encroachment that could be applied as well.

Jomtien Beach is fairly dirty and so is the water, even as far down as the windsurf club. Some pretty gross stuff floating around there some days.

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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

I remember Pattaya from 15 years ago and it was certainly NOT a family resort then any more than it is now! However, it certainly has changed, far more crowded, congested, noisy, and crass.

If you are looking for a place to take the family, why not go to any of the many far more suitable beach resorts in Thailand?

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This is a great idea. Pattaya Beach is not much today. A 35 meter wide beach all along Pattaya Beach would look great and provide a much nicer recreation area. After the reconstruction is completed, I just hope that they don't fill it up with more beach chairs and umbrellas. More open area is much nicer.

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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Agree. The only time I went to Pattaya, I was totally ashamed to be a farang, utterly disgusted at the state of the shirtless tattooed morons littering the beach, drinking Chang in the sun, and the girls, giving my wife the evil eye. Never again.

Never mind the war on drugs, how about a war on Pattaya; cleaning it up!

What do the peeps do on the beaches you feel at home on then, sit there in full dinner suits drinking tea ?

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Where do Thai professors learn mathematics ?

Where do they buy their crystal balls from from ?

And when / where / who compiles (accurate figures) of the city Revenue ?

On the other hand if it goes ahead they are to be commended for what ever efforts they make to improve the beach front.

As posted already - Jomtien is the better beach area and its twice as long and many more yards wider.

My first time in Pattaya was 30 years ago. And Jomtien was much better than Pattaya beach then too (and of course much nicer than it is now -- virtually no development at all!)

My first time in Pattaya was 44 years ago. And a few years later I spent the summer of 1970 as a "Dek Wat" to my brother who was a monk at Wat Chaimoengkol. At the end of the road which dead-ended at the water, there was a magnificent huge tree. I always marveled at it every time i walked by, which was plenty over the years...

When I came back in 1989 for the first time since 1973, that beautiful tree was gone... hacked down and Pattaya was a wreck with the countless girlie bars and cheap hotels. Little remained of my wonderful beach. My heart was crushed and by both and I vowed never to return. I can only imagine how it is these days as I have kept my promise to myself, never to return. My memories of the wonderful little oceanside beach and the charming bungalows where I spent my childhood summers with only 2 hotels still remains intact in my mind and heart. I cherish those days still. It's amazing how people can destroy things of beauty in the interest of cheap self interests and money... so sad...

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the beaches in pattaya are dirty_if walking alomg the beach front in the evening or early morning_you will see vermon........pattaya need the pied piper_______2 many rats

nakula has better beaches.....very clean and less hassle from the vendors,. pattaya need 2 sort out all the empty phone boxes....

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Sand is mobile stuff. If you want the beach to look like it did in 1952, you need to look at what has been changed since then which may have altered the wave and current patterns, and then remove the alteration.

No, no Thai sand different - not same farang sand.

Pattaya is the hub of beach restoration, all Asia!

Indeed breakwaters/groynes is the way to delay long shore drift.

There is the opportunity to improve the environment - I doubt it will happen, the money like the sand will be washed away.

Now I'm agreeing with someone who's agreeing with Mick.

The article sounded absurdly simplistic. The complete absence of remotely technical terms like "long shore drift", "groynes" etc leads one to believe the "experts" are guessing and proposing temporary fixes.

"No, no Thai sand different - not same farang sand." Ha ha ha ha.

And talking about the rubbish. Most of it is on the 35 meters from the other side of beach road.

Edited by sfbandung
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how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

Agree. The only time I went to Pattaya, I was totally ashamed to be a farang, utterly disgusted at the state of the shirtless tattooed morons littering the beach, drinking Chang in the sun, and the girls, giving my wife the evil eye. Never again.

Never mind the war on drugs, how about a war on Pattaya; cleaning it up!

This is like saying, "I went to the rubbish tip the other day. It was disgusting! There was rubbish everywhere!"

Pattaya is Pattaya.

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This is a good idea. I agree with it, but they need to start with the other side of the road and do away with all the scum and trash that are there. 48 years ago Pataya was beautiful and a nice place to go and relax. But now just the trash from around the world is there. And you all know what I mean.

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Have they considered the effects of

1 - Dredging the sand from Rayong?

2 -Actually carrying out the work?

Firstly Rayong - I know every location is different but a couple of decades back they decided to dredge the river at Cairns and this promptly washed away the beach by the river mouth...or deposited a layer of mud over it.

What will removing thousands of tonnes of sand do to the beaches around Rayong - BTW - if you want to see groynes NOT working taken a look at the beach there!

Second - a major civill engineering project like this i bound to cause major disruption to Beach Rd for a year or two - I guess major businesses like the hotels and Central will demand compensation for the disruption to business. What about all the small businesses?

How many tourists will want to stay in a hotel with major excavations etc going on in between them and the sea?

BTW - is the san to be delivered by sea or road?

what effect will this work have on the water at the nearby beaches?

Edited by cowslip
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Where do Thai professors learn mathematics ?

Where do they buy their crystal balls from from ?

And when / where / who compiles (accurate figures) of the city Revenue ?

On the other hand if it goes ahead they are to be commended for what ever efforts they make to improve the beach front.

As posted already - Jomtien is the better beach area and its twice as long and many more yards wider.

My first time in Pattaya was 30 years ago. And Jomtien was much better than Pattaya beach then too (and of course much nicer than it is now -- virtually no development at all!)

My first time in Pattaya was 44 years ago. And a few years later I spent the summer of 1970 as a "Dek Wat" to my brother who was a monk at Wat Chaimoengkol. At the end of the road which dead-ended at the water, there was a magnificent huge tree. I always marveled at it every time i walked by, which was plenty over the years...

When I came back in 1989 for the first time since 1973, that beautiful tree was gone... hacked down and Pattaya was a wreck with the countless girlie bars and cheap hotels. Little remained of my wonderful beach. My heart was crushed and by both and I vowed never to return. I can only imagine how it is these days as I have kept my promise to myself, never to return. My memories of the wonderful little oceanside beach and the charming bungalows where I spent my childhood summers with only 2 hotels still remains intact in my mind and heart. I cherish those days still. It's amazing how people can destroy things of beauty in the interest of cheap self interests and money... so sad...

Sadly this is par for the course with EVERU beauty spot in Thailand - after 40 years the authorities still haven't grasped the idea that if you build all per a natural resource it no longer is a natural resource.

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They'll probably give the contract to the people who have been widening Thappraya Road... for the last 6 years. They know how to dig holes in peoples driveways until they "run out of money" and have to wait to be refinanced. I think they refined the concept of money making machine. They certainly don't know how to lay asphalt that doesn't wash away in any rainstorm.

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Lets be honest.

They want to add to the beach so local authorities can rent it out to vendors.

Very observant. I would like to remind readers of this forum that the beach belongs to the Thai Navy and not Pattaya Municipality, who have no right to rent it out.

I put forward this scheme for Pattaya back in the'80s, along with a pier, trees, walkway, and the first time sewage system. After years of fighting, the sewage system was built by Summit Grade of which Somchai Khunpleum had interests. Without his interest it would not have been built, so we should be thankful I suppose.

The bars and restaurants which are built along what was the beach alongside walking street, are built illegally on land belonging to the Navy. Some years ago there was an order to tear them down and restore the beach on the seaward side of walking street, however it was the discovered that a number of senior politicians owned or had "interests" in the properties. Nothing happened despite the fact that these buildings are illegal, except the municipality had to close the pier. Looking at the plan, it looks like they want to build more illegal bars along the beach. Then again, perhaps they need to widen this strip to make way for the Pattaya Skytrain, which I think is the real reason for the beach reclamation works.

This is a money making scheme for the local mafia, that is why they do not want to pump sand from the bay. Scheme will be aimed at "connected" companies with fleets of lorries to transport the sand from Rayong.

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It's like episodes of Blackadder where the assistant goes to the boss and says "master, I have a cunning plan" and the audience knows something really funny is going to happen.:lol:

Thanawat said the team expected 1.7 million more tourists would visit Pattaya a year.


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369,035 cubic metres of sand is a weirdly specific number. I'll bet that if you checked you would find that this is an Auspicious Number chosen by an astrologer. An important detail missing from this cunning plan is how they plan to move 369,035 m3 of sand from Rayong to Pattaya. A big lorry carries about 10m3, so that would be 37,000 lorry trips. If you use barges, how do you get the sand from the barge in to the beach? If they just want a permanent beach they'd be better off making a super-sized version of the beach volleyball pitch on Jomtien beach, with a sea wall retaining an area of sand permanently above sea level.

The history of messing around with beaches and coastal erosion patterns is littered with examples of the law of unintended consequences. I also wonder what would become of the 369,035 m3 hole in the beach at Rayong.

Nice one particularly the bit about the numbers chosen by an astrologer. The numbers in this article are so dodgie. And the effects of global warming are factored in of course.

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"Therefore, we will have to add sand again every 1014 years" LOL!

Sand..................IT'S GRIT,................Will they change the water??????.................Would it be too much of an operation to exchange Koh Lhan beach and water.:lol:

I like your idea better. The water along beach road has that eerie brown look ..ohmy.gif

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Someone is going to make a TON of money selling and hauling sand to the Sea.. lol what thats right up there with bringing Coal to New Castle . 555.

It is a nice Idea to reclaim the beach.. I have serious doubts their method as implied by the simple sketches presented will work for any significant period of time. But I am SURE that as Thai Engineers have such a wealth of experience and such a Long and distinguished track record in engineering projects consisting of Sea Reclamation, it will be a ROARING Success. ;-)

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How about building a humongous swimming pool that stretches all the way from walking to the dusit and fill it with mercury-free water??? Pattaya has so much concrete that it can be used for that. All the beach road users can chip in for the creation of a new modern attraction in Pattaya...laugh.gif

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I don't know much about drainage systems but it very much looks like the storm water drains from second road all run down and into the beach and when a huge storm comes the pressure is so great that the beach sand is pushed away and that exposes tree roots.

If this is the case it doesn't matter how much sand they put there it will keep getting pushed away unless they change the drainage system.

At the moment there are many location that have huge lots of sand removed after the last storm and they are saying that it has taken years it took days. :rolleyes:

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I don't know much about drainage systems but it very much looks like the storm water drains from second road all run down and into the beach and when a huge storm comes the pressure is so great that the beach sand is pushed away and that exposes tree roots.

If this is the case it doesn't matter how much sand they put there it will keep getting pushed away unless they change the drainage system.

At the moment there are many location that have huge lots of sand removed after the last storm and they are saying that it has taken years it took days. :rolleyes:

I hope they are planing to do somthing about these areas soon.

Rather than leaving them as they are for the 1 -2 years before this project.

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