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700 Nigerians In Thai Prisons, Others Dead


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OK let's jump all over the Thai judicial system again. Naughty Thais bad Thai judges corrupt Thai jurors naughty, naughty Thais - lets slap their collective bums!!!

Now that's over what about the US judicial system with more 'blacks' in jail per head of population than Thailand. BUT where a black ex-football player gets away with murder because he has money. Where a dirty member of the political elite is involved in a suspicous drowing death of a young female yet it is covered up.

What about the judicial system in Italy where a suspected murder is set free -- publicity and money win again --- the bloody footprints??

No intent to start an OJ or Knox debate just drawing comparisons to prove Not only the Thai system that is rotten.

But hey for some on TV dumping on Thais seems to be how they get their jollies.:(

Because if we try to 'dump' on other nations we get the old "Not Thai related. CLOSED" response.:rolleyes:

OK fair reply :bah:

Wow we have F Lee Baily on the legal advice. You really think Knox did it and not some homeless Ivory coast criminal who fled to another country? Have another cup of that Anti-American bias Kool-aid the reason why more blacks are in the prison in the US is because they commit more crimes. Go to Oakland Detroit New Orleans Atlanta. Just in case you need some facts here you go.



You will notice Asian people don't warrant much of a % maybe its a KKK conspiracy in Thailand! I have lived in Bkk and Ho Chi Minh City and never once have I felt the same kind of danger as you feel in the inner cities of America.

F Lee Bailey did you think that up by yourself - very good.

Ivory Coast I was only aware of Guede who is still incarcirated for the crime and not speaking. Where did I say living in the States was dangerous? I was offering a comparison on the judicial system which is less than perfect in the US Europe and yes Thailand. In that regard Thailand is not alone.

Never ever felt threatened living in either Houston or Detroit --- but your point again was??B)

Edited by Gers1873
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They are still out and about along Sukhumvit but not half as many as say this time last year...The reason..many have moved out into the suburbs up around On Nut and beyond plying their trade!!Don't know if it's true but reports of some now in Chiang Mai!!

I stayed in Sukhumvit soi 3 earlier this year and i was surprised at how many of them there were. Its difficult to see them and not wonder if any of them had sent any of the hundreds of Nigerian 419 scam emails that i get . Im so sick of their bullshizen. Its another case of an extremely bad few ruining the reputations of those who are decent people. Its hard to hear the term Nigerian and not associate it immediately with "criminal".

Don't seem to have the problem in Chiangmai, but then again I wouldn't know the difference betwween a Nigerian, Somalian or African American.

At least until you actually spoke to one of them and asked them questions and tried to get to know someone, which half of the people screaming the "ALL" word are again assuming since they are there and happened to be of dark complexion are engaged in illegal activities/ undesired behaviors. But your inability to see the differences in Africans (this includes Afro-American) races leads me to think you are not a worldly traveler. This is like saying I don't see the differences in Japanese or Thais. REALLY

Edited by jesmoove
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At least when the Thais approach you with some scam they piss off fairly quickly when you say no or ignore them. The Africans doing this stuff just won't quit. They follow you and keep at it.

That's one of the major beauties of Thailand. I've been to many developing nations - certainly, Thailand suffers from its fair share of corruption and extortion of tourists - but, relative to other countries,

Thailand is fairly harmless.

Don't like being gipped by corrupt Thai police? Try being rolled over by Russian police.

Even the non-criminal element - street stalls, selling T-shirts, for example. Thais might motion for you to buy a shirt, but the sales pitch ends there. Take a stride through Tangiers, and feel the difference.

I don't know why Thai authorities don't stamp out the more obvious, persistent street crimes perpetrated by non-Thais - other than the very likely prospect that the Thai police covering those districts are being paid off. In this case, the more aggressive Nigerians are doing the dirty work of a corrupt, but physically benign, police force.


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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

What planet are you from? And as for Nigerian culture, you got to be jesting. As for scam emails, it often says in them where you should send your money and who claims to be asking.

Right...and you believe all of this...WOW...you are a smart person...we should have you running Interpol...I guess you probably got scammed too....You just showed your IQ level

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Owali said following insecurity, unprovoked harassment, sustained assault, arrest and extortion of money from Nigerians by Thai security officials, several Nigerians had decided to go underground.

The more examples of Karma I see,the more I believe!

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They are still out and about along Sukhumvit but not half as many as say this time last year...The reason..many have moved out into the suburbs up around On Nut and beyond plying their trade!!Don't know if it's true but reports of some now in Chiang Mai!!

I stayed in Sukhumvit soi 3 earlier this year and i was surprised at how many of them there were. Its difficult to see them and not wonder if any of them had sent any of the hundreds of Nigerian 419 scam emails that i get . Im so sick of their bullshizen. Its another case of an extremely bad few ruining the reputations of those who are decent people. Its hard to hear the term Nigerian and not associate it immediately with "criminal".

Don't seem to have the problem in Chiangmai, but then again I wouldn't know the difference betwween a Nigerian, Somalian or African American.

At least until you actually spoke to one of them and asked them questions and tried to get to know someone, which half of the people screaming the "ALL" word are again assuming since they are there and happened to be of dark complexion are engaged in illegal activities/ undesired behaviors. But your inability to see the differences in Africans (this includes Afro-American) races leads me to think you are not a worldly traveler. This is like saying I don't see the differences in Japanese or Thais. REALLY

When some black guy walks up to me and tries to sell me drugs or the use of his girlfriend for an hour, are you suggesting i should enter into a lengthy conversation regarding his country of origin, educational qualifications (or lack of), his aspirations and dreams, etc etc........... when in reality I can conduct the only conversation that i want to have with him in 2 short words?

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When the white money leaves-the problems begin.

The Thais are open about their racism and nationalism.

The Thais know what races cause most of the problems.

Paradoxically, they are doing very little to eradicate the Muslim problem in the south.

Yes, and I think any openness should be credited as a virtue. That said, racism in Thailand exists in varying degrees, as in any other country. To be attracted to one's own kind is a function of nature. On the other hand, inter breeding makes for interest and variety that many of us are also attracted to. Mongrel dogs are generally tougher than thoroughbreds. And from a Westerner's point of view, my own, many 'Eurasians' are stunningly beautiful.

Racism? Even in sweet little Norway, the majority would rather be coupled with their own kind. Because of trade, industry and tourism there is an ingress of foreign blood, increased by Left Wing loopholes in immigration laws. If Thais are racist, so are Norwegians, but less open about it, silenced by political correctness.

'Nationalism' carries connotations of hard lined politics, and is employed by politicians to rally voters. It unites people, is the great leveller and smoothens over the skin of stupidity.

But pride in nationality is something else. I, with duel British-Australian citizenship, feel a stronger influence from the Aussie corpuscles, and am quietly proud of it. So bet it. Most of my Thai friends are very happy to live in Thailand, and would never give up their Thai nationality.

I was chatting with one of them yesterday, a 30 year old single mother of two, who runs a small shop in Chiang Rai. Typically the shop is open 7 days a week, most of which she handles herself. She said she would like to visit Europe and Norway, but does never want to marry again, and is really happy to keep her freedom and Thai Nationality. It was impressive to listen to her. From the descriptions of her lifestyle, the neighbourhood and area of the city, I would think it a cultural calamity were it soiled by likes of Nigerian "entrepreneurs".

As for those 700 Nigerians +, the Thai authorities are caught between a rock and hard place. Should they process and send the back here? The world they come from is darker than most of us could comprehend. The religious violence in some places is horrendous. So what do we do with people who go offshore to make a living? I am no apologist for whatever these guys have been up to, even if it is a simple overstay offence. If I had to go back to hell, ... hell I'd probably go underground too, and so would everyone reading this. Were the Thai Authorities to simply say "No" to all Nigerians, there would be a global outcry, yet few here would be sorry if it happened.

As for the the "Muslim problem in the south", eradication is off the books. But management is possible, within limits, perhaps. Malaysia is next door, and this in Indonesia just a jet ski away. No country in Europe has got a grip of it yet. So exactly what practical steps would you suggest? I am actually in favour of the position held by the previous Australian PM, Kevin Rudd, outlined in this speech. His views are also well supported by John Howard, the PM before him. The Muslim problem in the South is an

which no one dare touch.

700 hundred Nigerians in Thai prisons. .....

Whilst shitcanning the Thais for they way they handle evrything, has anyone got a real workable solution?

Edited by TechnikaIII
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You guys sicken me. All this hate about Nigerians...

... and yet not one mention of the 'n' word.

Oh wait, last time I did that, I got banned for a week. rolleyes.gif Still... one has to lucky with all these.... people... we've have yet to have one really, really, reaaaally unfortunate encounter with them. God willing, I hope it remains that way. I'm starting to feel there's a nasty race war brewing in Asia.

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Edited by acranger
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You guys sicken me. All this hate about Nigerians...

... and yet not one mention of the 'n' word.

Oh wait, last time I did that, I got banned for a week. rolleyes.gif Still... one has to lucky with all these.... people... we've have yet to have one really, really, reaaaally unfortunate encounter with them. God willing, I hope it remains that way. I'm starting to feel there's a nasty race war brewing in Asia.

Think a lot of these posts just prove how many racist bigots there are in the expat population in Thailand, rather hypercritcal me thinks seeing as the vast majority of them are married to women of colour...:whistling:

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Because the N word does not apply to this conversation that is just an ignorant word. What people are talking about is the number of undesirables from Nigeria who make up a high % of what people view as abominable behavior. I have not seem too many Scandinavians getting caught with 5kg's of Ice stuffed up there butt. Every person has a right to be treated equally until they show their kind to be more problems then advantage. This is an example of Thailand being sick of the problem and dealing with it the right way. One day they will try to run all Farang out they are only starting with the easy targets.

Yes I did come up with the F Lee Bailey comment myself I figured Johnny Cochran would have been too "black" of humor. I have seen these scams first hand but through Ebay. You sell something of value then you get a fake Paypal email saying sent you an extra 100$ if you send it express to Nigeria for my missionary son. They don't grasp the concept of HTTPS vs [email protected]. I reposted the same phone and a second idiot tried the same thing this time using a jacked account lets see you bought 50 things that grandma would buy at a yard sale then all of a sudden you bought 10 laptops and other assorted electronics in two days. The fake prince one is the best! I was pointing out the fact the media in Europe is crying about a miscarriage of justice when no one is pointing out the fact the guy who did it got 16 years because he make up a lie. Hmm let me see I murder someone make up a good story and blame Aliens seems plausible especially with Italian prosecutors. I half expected them to use Monty Python quest for the holy grail witch scene as a reenactment of guilt. You did not see any race related crimes in Detroit odd I lived in Seattle for 20 years and we had many one sided race centric crimes. Does it make Nigerians criminals? "No" does it mean they commit a higher % of crime "Yes" just like in the states. You must be one of those guys wearing a "I am Davis" T-shirt and think Tooky Williams deserved a Nobel prize?

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Because the N word does not apply to this conversation that is just an ignorant word. What people are talking about is the number of undesirables from Nigeria who make up a high % of what people view as abominable behavior. I have not seem too many Scandinavians getting caught with 5kg's of Ice stuffed up there butt. Every person has a right to be treated equally until they show their kind to be more problems then advantage. This is an example of Thailand being sick of the problem and dealing with it the right way. One day they will try to run all Farang out they are only starting with the easy targets.

Yes I did come up with the F Lee Bailey comment myself I figured Johnny Cochran would have been too "black" of humor. I have seen these scams first hand but through Ebay. You sell something of value then you get a fake Paypal email saying sent you an extra 100$ if you send it express to Nigeria for my missionary son. They don't grasp the concept of HTTPS vs [email protected]. I reposted the same phone and a second idiot tried the same thing this time using a jacked account lets see you bought 50 things that grandma would buy at a yard sale then all of a sudden you bought 10 laptops and other assorted electronics in two days. The fake prince one is the best! I was pointing out the fact the media in Europe is crying about a miscarriage of justice when no one is pointing out the fact the guy who did it got 16 years because he make up a lie. Hmm let me see I murder someone make up a good story and blame Aliens seems plausible especially with Italian prosecutors. I half expected them to use Monty Python quest for the holy grail witch scene as a reenactment of guilt. You did not see any race related crimes in Detroit odd I lived in Seattle for 20 years and we had many one sided race centric crimes. Does it make Nigerians criminals? "No" does it mean they commit a higher % of crime "Yes" just like in the states. You must be one of those guys wearing a "I am Davis" T-shirt and think Tooky Williams deserved a Nobel prize?

Bl**dy h*ll feeling better are we ?.........Mods can I humbly suggest we open a new forum entitled " The drunken rant forum".......do you work for the "Nation" as a journo by any chance your prose is similar to theirs...can stay on one topic...:blink:

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My favorite comment so far as been the guy talking about Nigerian culture.

What part of Nigeria are you talking about?

The entire country is like a scene out of "The Book of Eli". I have only been to two worse places. Mogadishu and Kinshasha and they are in failed states, not "examples of African progress". I currently live in Baghdad and won't transfer to Lagos because it's such a craphole.

Aside from being the worst Soldiers in W. Africa, Nigerians excel at crime, and little else.

The only reason they are tolerated here is because they do grunt work for the Thai's and they cause little problems for actual Thai people. Mostly just harass white tourist's wandering through the lower Suk.

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

As a sovereign nation, Thailand could institute any visa policy it chooses. However, considering it is a major military ally with the USA, and considering the amount of money American tourists spend in Thailand every year vs. the number of Americans charged with drug trafficking and other crimes in Thailand, I would say it would be a pretty stupid idea, from a Thai point of view. Americans for the most part would shrug and go spend their money elsewhere. It would be the Thai economy and military that would suffer.

Another thing to consider, America has great power vis a vis the Visa issue. If Thailand cracked down on Visas to Americans, the USA could follow suit with student and tourist visas for Thais to the USA. In other words, ain't gonna hap'n, Cap'n. You see a bunch of Thais lined up outside the Nigerian Embassy trying to get Visas to Nigeria? Me either.

Edited by acranger
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They are still out and about along Sukhumvit but not half as many as say this time last year...The reason..many have moved out into the suburbs up around On Nut and beyond plying their trade!!Don't know if it's true but reports of some now in Chiang Mai!!

I stayed in Sukhumvit soi 3 earlier this year and i was surprised at how many of them there were. Its difficult to see them and not wonder if any of them had sent any of the hundreds of Nigerian 419 scam emails that i get . Im so sick of their bullshizen. Its another case of an extremely bad few ruining the reputations of those who are decent people. Its hard to hear the term Nigerian and not associate it immediately with "criminal".

Don't seem to have the problem in Chiangmai, but then again I wouldn't know the difference betwween a Nigerian, Somalian or African American.

At least until you actually spoke to one of them and asked them questions and tried to get to know someone, which half of the people screaming the "ALL" word are again assuming since they are there and happened to be of dark complexion are engaged in illegal activities/ undesired behaviors. But your inability to see the differences in Africans (this includes Afro-American) races leads me to think you are not a worldly traveler. This is like saying I don't see the differences in Japanese or Thais. REALLY

I am extreemly sorry as I appear to have offended you. I have never mentioned that any person is engaged in illegal activity be they of any complextion. I also do not make it a point to walk up to every single stranger I see in the street and say hello just to determine what nationality they may be, I actually couldn't care less where they come from. Again I am sorry for not knowing the difference from appearance between a Somalian or Nigerian or whatever. If you grabbed a group of people from Thai, Loas, cambodia and Burma and mixed them all together in a room and asked me to identify thier nationality I probably would get 75% wrong. Yes I am not a worldly traveller like the fine gentleman you are and again I am humble at your feet.

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

What makes you think Thailand has any interest in keeping "Dirty old men" out of Thailand? Like it or not, right or wrong, sex tourism is a major part of the Thai economy. The fact that you can't tell the difference between legitimate tourism and people who come to Thailand to engage in criminal behavior says a lot about your intelligence.

And I wonder what the Thai middle class would think about not having any native English speakers to educate their children?

Edited by acranger
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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

What makes you think Thailand has any interest in keeping "Dirty old men" out of Thailand? Like it or not, right or wrong, sex tourism is a major part of the Thai economy. The fact that you can't tell the difference between legitimate tourism and people who come to Thailand to engage in criminal behavior says a lot about your intelligence.

And I wonder what the Thai middle class would think about not having any native English speakers to educate their children?

"English teacher" are we ?...:whistling:

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

I always assume when people write "dirty old men" that their wives are reading over their shoulders, arms crossed, foot tapping.

Edited by metisdead
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The Thai embassy in Maitama, is among the most quiet of the foreign missions in Abuja, You have to be personally cleared by NDLEA(DEA) chief to even get into the consular section of this embassy.

NDLEA is probably one of the richer criminals in backwater Abuja.

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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

Well it appears you are not mixing with the right expat crowd, know plenty of expats in Nigeria who are in normal jobs making heaps of money in Oil & Gas, have you actually been there or are you jusr repeating what someone told on a bar stool, as the report back I get from guys I know say it aint the best placve in the world but aint the worst either....:rolleyes:

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