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700 Nigerians In Thai Prisons, Others Dead


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I stayed in Sukhumvit soi 3 earlier this year and i was surprised at how many of them there were. Its difficult to see them and not wonder if any of them had sent any of the hundreds of Nigerian 419 scam emails that i get . Im so sick of their bullshizen. Its another case of an extremely bad few ruining the reputations of those who are decent people. Its hard to hear the term Nigerian and not associate it immediately with "criminal".

Kind of like unfortunately many hear "Thai woman" and "visiting Thailand" and associate it with "prostitute" and "prostitution".

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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

If you are an expat in Nigera, you either in the Niger Delta area or in Abuja, some in Lagos. Well I live in the midst of well heeled expats in Abuja. Kaduna is a bit way up, but should be Ok, there is a refinery there.

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When the white money leaves-the problems begin.

The Thais are open about their racism and nationalism.

The Thais know what races cause most of the problems.

Paradoxically, they are doing very little to eradicate the Muslim problem in the south.

Your choice of words here is rather poor and in some peoples opinions probably racist and inflamatory.

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The Thai embassy in Maitama, is among the most quiet of the foreign missions in Abuja, You have to be personally cleared by NDLEA(DEA) chief to even get into the consular section of this embassy.

Wait. I know most of us here are simple, but let me get what you wrote straight.

EVERY single Nigerian who goes into the RTC in Abuja, must be PERSONALLY cleared by the Chief of the NDLEA.

And now at least 700+, who were personally cleared by the Chief, are charged with crimes so horrendous they couldn't buy their way past a Thai cop!

There you have it.

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

Do you live in Thailand?

Well, let's send them to a street near you. They are not all Nigerians they from all over Africa, with the Congolese making up a fair total. None of them work-the Men prostitute themselves, as do the Women they share whatever money they make whether drug,diamonds,sex,scams and if you think it's busy in Suk 3 - 5 get used to it, more from where they came from are arriving daily, next Suk 6,7!!!!!

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Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

What makes you think Thailand has any interest in keeping "Dirty old men" out of Thailand? Like it or not, right or wrong, sex tourism is a major part of the Thai economy. The fact that you can't tell the difference between legitimate tourism and people who come to Thailand to engage in criminal behavior says a lot about your intelligence.

And I wonder what the Thai middle class would think about not having any native English speakers to educate their children?

"English teacher" are we ?...:whistling:

Nope, you missed the point entirely. Not really a shock at this stage.

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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

Well it appears you are not mixing with the right expat crowd, know plenty of expats in Nigeria who are in normal jobs making heaps of money in Oil & Gas, have you actually been there or are you jusr repeating what someone told on a bar stool, as the report back I get from guys I know say it aint the best placve in the world but aint the worst either....:rolleyes:

Same I should add, I am a local there, I meet a lot of very happy expats there, I tell them of the fun to be had in Thailand, they reply thanks but no thanks. They only see the floods on the news and read about the sex in the press.

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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

it appears you are not mixing with the right expat crowd, know plenty of expats in Nigeria who are in normal jobs making heaps of money in Oil & Gas, have you actually been there or are you jusr repeating what someone told on a bar stool, as the report back I get from guys I know say it aint the best place in the world but aint the worst either...:rolleyes:

Yes, I worked in Kaduna last year for about 7 months. 1 month in Lagos. so... The O&G expats are more like work-release prisoners. Good money, but they stay bunkered in their compounds, much like the NEP crew in BKK.

Don't trust me. Go there. Lagos ranks above Mogadishu, and KInshasha, and below Baghdad, and Kabul in crap hole places.

No place in SEA even compares.

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The first thing Thailand should do is issue an immediate moratorium on ALL visas from West African nations.

During this period, twice daily sweeps by the police should be sent into all known problem areas. If people are found without their passport, they should be escorted to get it. If there is no valid visa, they should be deported and banned from ever returning. To be fair you could give a 10 or 15 day amnesty for overstays to voluntarily leave the country without penalty and without being blacklisted.

After this has been done and the vermin have been purged, a very strict visa program should be put in place. It should be set up like tourist visas to the USA. If you are from a third world country, then you need to show legitimate reasons that you will return to your country of origin after your stay. This can be a job you have held for a long time, sufficient balances in savings accounts, owning property, etc. Tourist Visas from these countries should be the exception, not the rule.

This will keep the entry level foot soldier third world criminal from coming to Thailand and engaging in criminal enterprise.

Will this eliminate drugs and crime in Thailand? Certainly not, but it will keep it local. Several others on this thread, as well as myself have commented on how a once nice area to visit (Lower Suk) is now a cesspool we avoid.

With these criminal syndicates moving down to Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai and other areas of Bangkok, action is needed now to keep the cancer from spreading through the country so many love to visit.

Great idea, can we apply the same to USA and Israeli passport holders ???

Along with Russian and British passport holders and anyone who intends becoming an "English Teacher" as well as any persons who have reached the age of 60, at the same time same as Cambodia lets ban marriages between Thai women and Aliens who are over the age of 50....This will keep the dirty old men out of Thailand as well

I always assume when people write "dirty old men" that their wives are reading over their shoulders, arms crossed, foot tapping.

Well you assumed wrong...:lol:

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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

This a very valid point. While we all know about the scam emails and drugs issues, there are still honest Nigerians. I would argue that there are alot of foreigners rotting in Thai jails who have not had humanitarian treatment or reasonable legal representation. While we foreigners sit on the outside criticizing those in jail, you have to remember that its very easy to end up in jail, simply from someone with a grudge against you or being wrongly accused of a crime. Then when this happens to you, who is going to make a big fuss and get you out of jail?

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The Thai embassy in Maitama, is among the most quiet of the foreign missions in Abuja, You have to be personally cleared by NDLEA(DEA) chief to even get into the consular section of this embassy.

Wait. I know most of us here are simple, but let me get what you wrote straight.

EVERY single Nigerian who goes into the RTC in Abuja, must be PERSONALLY cleared by the Chief of the NDLEA.

And now at least 700+, who were personally cleared by the Chief, are charged with crimes so horrendous they couldn't buy their way past a Thai cop!

There you have it.

Where did you get the 700?

Are you certain they all come from Nigeria?

I asked someone in that office whats their success rate with all the screening, she has been there for 3 years, she said not one has been reported. That was just last month. May be I should ask her out here to re check.

I bet a dollar none got a visa from the RTC in London or Abuja even if there is a 700.

Edited by MegaRanter
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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

Well it appears you are not mixing with the right expat crowd, know plenty of expats in Nigeria who are in normal jobs making heaps of money in Oil & Gas, have you actually been there or are you jusr repeating what someone told on a bar stool, as the report back I get from guys I know say it aint the best placve in the world but aint the worst either....:rolleyes:

Same I should add, I am a local there, I meet a lot of very happy expats there, I tell them of the fun to be had in Thailand, they reply thanks but no thanks. They only see the floods on the news and read about the sex in the press.

Your right. I did see a lot of happy expats. In the disco at the Abuja Hilton. Those guys had never seen so many African hookers before.

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When some black guy walks up to me and tries to sell me drugs or the use of his girlfriend for an hour, are you suggesting i should enter into a lengthy conversation regarding his country of origin, educational qualifications (or lack of), his aspirations and dreams, etc etc........... when in reality I can conduct the only conversation that i want to have with him in 2 short words?

How much?

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The Thai embassy in Maitama, is among the most quiet of the foreign missions in Abuja, You have to be personally cleared by NDLEA(DEA) chief to even get into the consular section of this embassy.

Wait. I know most of us here are simple, but let me get what you wrote straight.

EVERY single Nigerian who goes into the RTC in Abuja, must be PERSONALLY cleared by the Chief of the NDLEA.

And now at least 700+, who were personally cleared by the Chief, are charged with crimes so horrendous they couldn't buy their way past a Thai cop!

There you have it.

Where did you get the 700?

Are you certain they all come from Nigeria?

From the original post. Did you actually read this? Read the title of the topic.

The Bishop of whatever-the-heck-he-is-talking-about said they were Nigerians.

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When some black guy walks up to me and tries to sell me drugs or the use of his girlfriend for an hour, are you suggesting i should enter into a lengthy conversation regarding his country of origin, educational qualifications (or lack of), his aspirations and dreams, etc etc........... when in reality I can conduct the only conversation that i want to have with him in 2 short words?

How much?


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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

This a very valid point. While we all know about the scam emails and drugs issues, there are still honest Nigerians. I would argue that there are alot of foreigners rotting in Thai jails who have not had humanitarian treatment or reasonable legal representation. While we foreigners sit on the outside criticizing those in jail, you have to remember that its very easy to end up in jail, simply from someone with a grudge against you or being wrongly accused of a crime. Then when this happens to you, who is going to make a big fuss and get you out of jail?

My accountant.

Edited by metisdead
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When some black guy walks up to me and tries to sell me drugs or the use of his girlfriend for an hour, are you suggesting i should enter into a lengthy conversation regarding his country of origin, educational qualifications (or lack of), his aspirations and dreams, etc etc........... when in reality I can conduct the only conversation that i want to have with him in 2 short words?

How much?

Lol best reply for shortest word usage.

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The 'expats' in Nigeria think that all 'expats' in Thailand are sexpats and pedophiles.

Your so wrong. The expats who wash up in Nigeria are unlike anything I have ever seen. Makes the Pattaya crew look cultured.

There is some poor Italian guy in Kaduna who seems OK. But if you ask him how he wound up there the story gets a bit odd.

The certifably-insane Serb that hangs out at the rugby club. I have never, ever seen that guy when he wasn't drunk out of his mind.

The more I think about it, i've never met anyone in Nigeria who wasn't on the lamb. Hell even the Chinese don't hang out there. They sell their shit and get back to the hotel, or ship.

Your living in some campus-based co-exist fantasy. W. Africa is the worst place on the entire planet, and the people who come from there are by and large, criminals.

it appears you are not mixing with the right expat crowd, know plenty of expats in Nigeria who are in normal jobs making heaps of money in Oil & Gas, have you actually been there or are you jusr repeating what someone told on a bar stool, as the report back I get from guys I know say it aint the best place in the world but aint the worst either...:rolleyes:

Yes, I worked in Kaduna last year for about 7 months. 1 month in Lagos. so... The O&G expats are more like work-release prisoners. Good money, but they stay bunkered in their compounds, much like the NEP crew in BKK.

Don't trust me. Go there. Lagos ranks above Mogadishu, and KInshasha, and below Baghdad, and Kabul in crap hole places.

No place in SEA even compares.

You are not totally off point, even me as a Nigerian dont like going out of Abuja, just as I hate going out of Bangkok.

8 months is not a long time to get used to a place like that.. I feel you.

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I am guilty of "stereotyping" but whenever I see a Nigerian in Bangkok or in Pattaya I can't help but think he is NOT here for the weather or culture.

Oh fugg you, you tool !

How do you know they're not here for the culture? Personally, I've seen many Africans from Nigeria, Ghana etc, walking down Sukhunvit shopping with their families.

How do you know that, if he's a guy, he's not here for the same reason as a huge percentage of the white guys in Thailand; that is, to have sex with the indigenous females?

The Africans that do sell drugs do so with the complete and utter co-operation and encouragement of groups within the Royal Thai Police.

If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing paedophile!

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I am guilty of "stereotyping" but whenever I see a Nigerian in Bangkok or in Pattaya I can't help but think he is NOT here for the weather or culture.

Oh fugg you, you tool !

How do you know they're not here for the culture? Personally, I've seen many Africans from Nigeria, Ghana etc, walking down Sukhunvit shopping with their families.

How do you know that, if he's a guy, he's not here for the same reason as a huge percentage of the white guys in Thailand; that is, to have sex with the indigenous females?

The Africans that do sell drugs do so with the complete and utter co-operation and encouragement of groups within the Royal Thai Police.


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I am guilty of "stereotyping" but whenever I see a Nigerian in Bangkok or in Pattaya I can't help but think he is NOT here for the weather or culture.

Oh fugg you, you tool !

How do you know they're not here for the culture? Personally, I've seen many Africans from Nigeria, Ghana etc, walking down Sukhunvit shopping with their families.

How do you know that, if he's a guy, he's not here for the same reason as a huge percentage of the white guys in Thailand; that is, to have sex with the indigenous females?

The Africans that do sell drugs do so with the complete and utter co-operation and encouragement of groups within the Royal Thai Police.

If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing paedophile!

Sure. If you want to suspect that, then go right ahead.

BTW, is indigenous females the same as women?

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If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing paedophile!

:lol: .....didnt you know.... every obese, sweating white man is here for the temples/culture and beaches, they dont marry bar girls or build houses in Isaan either, they are all fine upstanding individuals who are married to Thai/Chinese Hi-so women (all have at least a Phd) and the familes have connections in the Military, Police or goverment (the tick the applicable) and final they read to the blind on weekend's....;)

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If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing paedophile!

:lol: .....didnt you know.... every obese, sweating white man is here for the temples/culture and beaches, they dont marry bar girls or build houses in Isaan either, they are all fine upstanding individuals who are married to Thai/Chinese Hi-so women (all have at least a Phd) and the familes have connections in the Military, Police or goverment (the tick the applicable) and final they read to the blind on weekend's....;)


The sweating is what gives them away.

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If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing paedophile!

:lol: .....didnt you know.... every obese, sweating white man is here for the temples/culture and beaches, they dont marry bar girls or build houses in Isaan either, they are all fine upstanding individuals who are married to Thai/Chinese Hi-so women (all have at least a Phd) and the familes have connections in the Military, Police or goverment (the tick the applicable) and final they read to the blind on weekend's....;)

Man you are way too pessimistic about Thailand. Actually there are a lot of people who enjoy the beaches and culture. Bar girls are for lazy people who don't want to put in the effort to have a relationship or want variety(Why not more power to them). It does not work for everyone I honestly don't like poking something that has had more cocks than a rooster farm. My girlfriend is as sweet as can be she is not high so but does have a job,Education, middle class family and not from Issen . We all sweat here its hot as hell! Middle aged men tend to have a lot more disposable income So your theory about Thailand comes across as one of those creepy old guys you see prowling for street meat along Suk at night on the weekends explaining to a newbie how it works.

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I stated a fact that Africans have the Highest rate of AIDS and Commit the most Rape in the world and over 70 percent of there rape victims are children under age 12. As with any race I have friends with blacks and those I dislike. As a whole I think that the continent of Africa does nothing beneficial for the country of Thailand. I agree with the Thai Government banning certain African Countries citizens from obtaining visa's here..

This topic has almost as much legs as the Visa rule change post a few months back. Fat chance them throwing out the Americans they like us and their king was born in the US The Brits wanted to take them apart after they cooperated with the Japanese during WW2 the US stopped that. We were not know as being colonial overlords oppressing the people of Asia like English and French. I would agree on the Israeli part I met more than a few southern Thais that hated them with a passion just because of the way they treated them.

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I stated a fact that Africans have the Highest rate of AIDS and Commit the most Rape in the world and over 70 percent of there rape victims are children under age 12. As with any race I have friends with blacks and those I dislike. As a whole I think that the continent of Africa does nothing beneficial for the country of Thailand. I agree with the Thai Government banning certain African Countries citizens from obtaining visa's here..

This topic has almost as much legs as the Visa rule change post a few months back. Fat chance them throwing out the Americans they like us and their king was born in the US The Brits wanted to take them apart after they cooperated with the Japanese during WW2 the US stopped that. We were not know as being colonial overlords oppressing the people of Asia like English and French. I would agree on the Israeli part I met more than a few southern Thais that hated them with a passion just because of the way they treated them.

Diablo, Good for you, we will leave all the culture and temples for you to enjoy.

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If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing pedophile!

:lol: .....didnt you know.... every obese, sweating white man is here for the temples/culture and beaches, they don't marry bar girls or build houses in Isaan either, they are all fine upstanding individuals who are married to Thai/Chinese Hi-so women (all have at least a Phd) and the families have connections in the Military, Police or government (the tick the applicable) and final they read to the blind on weekend's....;)

You know me then. Good man.:)

( keep correcting spelling, come on you lot, install a spell check)

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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

With this I agree completely. I have met bad people of every racial type and met many more good ones.

People are people, regardles of color or nationality.

However, doubt comes from reasons to be in Thailand. Many 'Westerners' (white, brown & Black) are here because it is the country of their wives (or Girlfriends) and their money goes very far here.

People from non-western and less benevolent countries are here to earn a living, either legally or illegally.

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