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700 Nigerians In Thai Prisons, Others Dead


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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

My point of view is Suk Soi 3 and 5 in 2004 compared to how it is today. Bottom line. It isn't Aussies, Brits, Indians or Americans who have turned it into a slum.

We could say some really bad things about all the ethnicity you mentioned above and some of the rotten things they do...so don't go there. And back in 2004, when

I first came to Thailand, I too enjoyed the area, but never encountered any problems but that's not really the topic here. Its about 700 people locked up for what reason.

Forget about the fact they are Nigerians for a minute and look at the injustice. Wherever you are from?? what if this were happening to the Asian in your country (assuming

you are a westerner). As for your love of Suk. 3-5 its still there and yes it has changed so what deal with it-no one is pointing a gun at you, I go with my friends occasionally to eat Arab food

and have NO problems. Many of those people you think are Nigerians might just be from a different country and be Muslim. Think before to write..

i dont care where they are from,. in the last 6-7 yrs soi 3-5 is a no-go area , a stinking ghetto, ......8+ yrs\ago it was a good , fun place to go.

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There is a reason for those people being in jail. They came to the country to steal, cheat, scam and deal with drugs involving innocent people. You search for "scam" on the internet and what comes up first? NIGERIA!

Those people have absolutely no feelings for anyone, treat them like they would treat you.

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Nigeria is a total mes... So maybe these are not just foreigners spending there money in the Thai economy. However i noticed Thai threat the "White" better then the "Black" in general where we at home alreadythreat them fair and normal in most cases.... Oh well I don't know anything about this story, this is all I can say... Peace to all I hope

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When the white money leaves-the problems begin.

The Thais are open about their racism and nationalism.

The Thais know what races cause most of the problems.

Paradoxically, they are doing very little to eradicate the Muslim problem in the south.

The Indi 500 does take it's toll for sure, didn't know the Thai's new that though!

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Oh and yes the most fake ID's on datingsites are from Africa for scams, and they end up asking for money. Don't need to much facts, they tell you in a chat that they are in Africa at the moment (with a farang picture) for some family business or funeral hahaha. When they started chatting the way i know now... I already ask "how much i have to send and on what name?" LOL... If this was a Thai it would say "arai? what you talk about?" But they go off and block me... :jap:

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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

Or, better yet, here do we send the money to spring them so they can send us all that money?

Ah, the Nigerian prisoner scam. A new twist on an old classic.

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i dont care where they are from,. in the last 6-7 yrs soi 3-5 is a no-go area , a stinking ghetto, ......8+ yrs\ago it was a good , fun place to go.

Why is it now a no-go area? Because there are people of colour there??? lol

There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of..... grow some balls <deleted>....

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I can remember a very long time ago when I was living in England, watching the news on TV and seeing lots of Chinese police parading a small bunch of Jamaican students through the streets, then to the airport and deporting them out of China.

Simple reason, that the local’s and big business owners did not want blacks in their town, so had them thrown out the country.

Lets face it, for black people the world is not their oyster, they have to deal with extreme prejudices wherever they go.

I’m not religious, but still say; thank God I am not black.

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So how to differentiate black man are all from Nigeria............ and may I know ONLY Black from Nigeria knows how to scam and deal drugs?

If that is the case, other black man visiting Thailand must have a tag stating, " I am not from Nigeria " at least people in Thailand dare to walk pass them. My opinion, even the safest country in the world has "bad apples"........ but there is always very difficult to tell which is good and which is bad!!!

Anyone have transaction on line you will know, when you post an expensive item to sell it on line, the next day "these " people will flood your email!!!! The have their ways to convince you!!!!

Edited by veryruay
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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

My point of view is Suk Soi 3 and 5 in 2004 compared to how it is today. Bottom line. It isn't Aussies, Brits, Indians or Americans who have turned it into a slum.

It looks like a slum because the streets are lined with hookers (and drunks). Many of them pouring out onto the street after not getting a customer from the bar they work in which are owned mainly by Aussies, Brits and Americans. The prostitution and drugs were there before.

Edited by arthurwait
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Just look at the statistics of crime related to race in Thailand and all around the world and you will find Africans commit the most of any race in practically every crime of known existence, thats not racism thats just the way it is. Don't ask me why South Africa has the highest rates of HIV and Rape in the world and why over 70 percent of those rape victims are under 12 years old? I"m not a racist man but I DO look at the facts and thats how most people form these stereotypes. I feel bad for what my ancestors did a century ago but I cant change that now, its time to move on.......

If stereotyping is ok, then I guess I should suspect every obese, sweating white man of being a noncing pedophile!

:lol: .....didnt you know.... every obese, sweating white man is here for the temples/culture and beaches, they don't marry bar girls or build houses in Isaan either, they are all fine upstanding individuals who are married to Thai/Chinese Hi-so women (all have at least a Phd) and the families have connections in the Military, Police or government (the tick the applicable) and final they read to the blind on weekend's....;)

You know me then. Good man.:)

( keep correcting spelling, come on you lot, install a spell check)

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If you don't know any Nigerians, understand their culture or society, spoken to them, worked with them, or even visited their country--you have no valid point of view...that's the bottom line.

Another thing, people get scam emails from all over the world and for most of you, you probably dont even know where the email came from or who sent it...don't be so quick to share

your stories until you know the facts...I would encourage everyone not to make derogatory remarks against any race/class of people/religion.

My point of view is Suk Soi 3 and 5 in 2004 compared to how it is today. Bottom line. It isn't Aussies, Brits, Indians or Americans who have turned it into a slum.

It looks like a slum because the streets are lined with hookers (and drunks). Many of them pouring out onto the street after not getting a customer from the bar they work in which are owned mainly by Aussies, Brits and Americans. The prostitution and drugs were there before.

Go back through and read the comments on this thread and learn something. It is not like it was before, that is the point. Are you saying I am lying? That Sois 3 and 5 are no different than they were 7-9 years ago?

You don't know what you are talking about. Stop making excuses and condoning this criminal behavior. It is not noble, it doesn't mean you are enlightened, or a better person. It just makes you look stupid.

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The real story are the children born to these imprisoned people while incarcerated. No nationality, no passport and when they turn a certain age put out of the prison with nothing and nowhere to go. Stateless, visa less illegals nobody wants here or there. Lots of drug mules are pregnant women. This story is the tip of an iceberg that's bad news all around.

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Everyone should be allowed a trial, lets not prosecute people without knowing or understanding the truth...just makes us all look racist and narrow minded. Oh and dont put your real name with your picture on a forum unless you are willing to stand up to your comments in public (if by chance you are rude and negative towards people). Remember we are civil people act like it.

Hi i agree, but please show me a nigerian thats not involved with drugs or some sort of scam, my son got kidnapped by nigerians, beaten up kept locked up for days whe got him out went to the police station to lay a charge.The police told us they wont go in to arrest them because its to dangerous for them, oh if you havnt guessed Im from South Africa

Look person from SA. I don't know your story and I am sorry that happened to you. Glad to hear you got him back. But you see, you can't base one incident on an entire nation or ethnicity. You want me to show you good Nigerian, start by going to church/Mosque you can find them, if you take time to talk to someone from Nigeria (perhaps just be pen pals) before giving the entire race a condemnation. I just think people should really look inside themselves before they judge others and understand what they say can spread HATE. Do you really want to carry around this HATE all your life... and pass it on to your children? Bad things happen all around the world to all kinds of people...good and bad people.

Hi please show me the good nigerians, and yes i do go to the church Mosque, and Im sorry to say the nigerians i met ther was also busy with a scam. As a matter of fact the lot that attacked my son was there in my sons car that they stole. I pray for them. So Im asking you 1st are you nigerian and then as ive said PLEASE SHOW ME A GOOD NIGERIAN

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:ph34r: please dont take this wrong we have lots of nigeras in ireland the country is now f@@ked so its time to send them home they ruined the country with help from goverment do gooders half come from uk on weekend to drive taxis and rob and rape not real hole car copied so i think now this is me not thai visa me only.they should me tatooed with a number on there heads they will leave quickly, i know barred again.asians at least work so do most of the human do to,keep africa for africans :lol: Edited by oggie911
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The Thai judicial system is not only rotten for Nigerians, it is also rotten for any other foreigner and poor Thai people. They all find themselves in the same position, even capital punishments are given without due representation. Nigerians are however everywhere held in huge numbers not only in Thailand.

Excellent post.

I could not tell better.

The point with Nigerian drug traffickers (I know that the Nigerian criminals are only a SMALL part of the Nigerian nationals) is that they are handsome and attractive. We (I work in Thai prisons) have a lot of young girls (Thai, Burmese, Cambodian) who are in jail because they became criminal for the love of a strong Nigerian.

Well, the good part is that if the girl did not make anything wrong, she's still outside and visits her Nigerian BF every week, faithfully.

Excellent post..I'd love to add, they became criminals for the love of strong Men, and sometimes lust of the flesh

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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

"Owali said following insecurity, unprovoked harassment, sustained assault, arrest and extortion of money from Nigerians by Thai security officials, several Nigerians had decided to go underground".

I'm sure that there must be something wrong in the apparent detention of some of these Nigerians but there's no getting away from it - they ARE the undoubted kings of telephone/internet scams with some of them being THE SCUM OF THE EARTH and had it coming to them :unsure:.

Ya, I am finding it extremely difficult to shed a tear for Nigerians. Why give them any justice when they sit in Internet cafes in Lagos stealing millions of dollars every day and are completely protected by their government. It is even reported that many Government officials and politicians got their start in the 419 scams. Na, if they are getting nicked by local police here, there is probably a good reason for it.

You seem to know alot about Nigeria...are you by any chance a jealous African?

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"The real wonder is, why do ANY Nigerians get permission to enter the kingdom? Sorry but they're all crooks. Don't mean to generalize, but EVERY DAMM ONE OF THEM is a crook, and that goes for the Nigerian ambassador."

That's what a man down pub told me the other day. Of course, I assure the moderators that I disavow this sentiment completely as it is shurely ludicrous in the extreme. :jap:

The Man that told you that is a scumbag....

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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

"Owali said following insecurity, unprovoked harassment, sustained assault, arrest and extortion of money from Nigerians by Thai security officials, several Nigerians had decided to go underground".

I'm sure that there must be something wrong in the apparent detention of some of these Nigerians but there's no getting away from it - they ARE the undoubted kings of telephone/internet scams with some of them being THE SCUM OF THE EARTH and had it coming to them :unsure:.

You sound so bitter, were you a victim?... I look at the victims as being greedy themselves...because when it is too good to be real..it is not real..

I wasn't personally a victim but I know of one incident when an American/Nigerian whose address was a hotel in Nigeria who had a serious car accident on the way to the airport to come to see the (VICTIM) of this scam.

He was close to death according to his doctor who sent an e-mail saying he needed money (1,500 pounds) urgently to pay for medical expenses otherwise he would die - to be sent by Western Union to his hotel address.

His picture looked just like it had come out of a magazine (how surprising) - white man with perfectly groomed hair and wearing a 70's style suit posing classically.

As soon as I heard of this scam, I e-mailed him saying that I had put a strong voodoo spell on him for life and that he would die of cancer. He e-mailed about a year later saying that he was still alive (you could sense the shear relief in his words) so I can only guess that he had experienced a few sleepless nights worrying, with many more to come hopefully!!!!:realangry:.

It was not one of the standard scams whereby someone could supposedly gain in some way by entering into something, but playing with someones conscience, so - 100% victim in this case and down to genuine (misplaced) concern and not greed!!!!!

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I can remember a very long time ago when I was living in England, watching the news on TV and seeing lots of Chinese police parading a small bunch of Jamaican students through the streets, then to the airport and deporting them out of China.

Simple reason, that the local's and big business owners did not want blacks in their town, so had them thrown out the country.

Lets face it, for black people the world is not their oyster, they have to deal with extreme prejudices wherever they go.

I'm not religious, but still say; thank God I am not black.

Sadly its a truth in many parts of the world and kind of crappy to treat people that way. You average African is actually like your average person any place else they just want to be happy. Of those 700 I am sure many of them are there for a reason I also think a couple might actually be mai choc di.

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Wow. Where do I start?

  • First I am a black American living in Thailand. Let's get that out of the way first.

  • The fact of the matter is it is an absolute joke for anyone to accuse any particular group of rampant wrongdoing of any type in Thailand. For all intents and purposes Thailand is lawless. The law can be bought here. The Nigerians here are not doing anything the Thais are not already doing. Do you really believe Thais(that is the illegal activities element) would allow Africans or anyone else to profit from illicit activities and they are not? For those of us that live here we know that Thais in one way or another are receiving ill gotten gains from these Nigerians and their illegal activities here. The Thai police are at the top of that list. Just look at the gambling den scandal. It was "discovered" that the Thai police not only knew about the gambling dens but were protecting them, participating in activities at the gambling dens and receiving ill gotten gains from the dens. Its the same with everything here-prostitution, gun running, human trafficking- at the end of the day a Thai is controlling it and making money from it. These Africans are making such a small amount no doubt and are handing the bulk of those ill gotten gains back to their Thai handlers. It does not make their activities moral or legal. Its just the facts behind it.

  • Lets look at the leak in the dam so to speak. How are these Nigerians getting here? They are not walking like some drug traffickers do when they cross from Tijuana, Mexico into San Ysidro California. They are stepping off of airplanes. And Thailand is letting them in. That is a fact. If you see a 20 year old Nigerian arriving at the airport from a West African country who has never had a stamp in his passport and is carrying one bag I think it is fair to ask him what hotel he is staying in etc. In the USA immigration will do the same if they spot irregularities. Its not racist-it makes sense to do that. Right wrong or indifferent American is flooded with drug traffickers (though they usually are not stupid enough to try and bring it into the country on airplanes) and persons intent on terrorist activities. People who fit certain profiles should be asked what are they going to do while they are in Thailand. It is fair to ask for a hotel reservation or a return ticket. Thailand has to protect its sovereignty just like America does. But guess what? Either because of ineptness, laziness, ignorance or because they are on the take they allow these West Africans into Thailand through the airports. They can stop the foolishness at Suvarnabhumi. But they are not doing it.

  • Further on that subject I have not know a single African in Thailand with a work permit. How and why does that matter? When Thailand grants these Africans visa extensions to stay in the country they are encouraging them to stay! These men (and some women) can't get work permits. No Thai company will here them for sure and they can't teach English because it is not their mother tongue and the EP programs have poor views of them at the schools from what I am told. So if they are staying here long term with no work permit you know what they are doing. And the Thai government knows as well. And yes some of them are here illegally. But I have also met some that have extension after extension in their passports.

  • After being here a very long time I can tell you that not once has a Thai thought I was an African. Not once. But do you know who has (on three occasions)? The Thai police. And in what area? Sukhumvit. The funny thing was when they stopped me and asked for my "papers" (for a moment I thought I was a spy in a WW2 film and the Germans were checking my papers) they heard my American English and as I laughed at them and showed them my copy of my work permit, visa and passport along with my Florida drivers license they quickly said I could go. In fact before I could even get it all out of my wallet they said "its ok we thought you were African". I asked them how did they know I was African?. Their response? A dumbfound look of "I don't know but I know I look stupid now so I am going to walk away". I didn't get angry (but in my own country I would have because we have some semblance of law and order) but tried to explain to them that if Barack Obama was walking down the street would you think he is African? I got a good laugh out of that. Why did the police really stop me though? Read on.

  • For you non persons of colors out there let me make you aware of some things you don't know. First have you ever seen an African in a taxi in Bangkok? I bet you have not and if you did he/she was probably black American, Black Englishmen etc. Africans don't use taxis not because they cant afford it (after all they are all drug dealers so they have money(I am being sarcastic)) but because of the police checkpoints particularly at night. And its not the fact the police are stopping them and asking them for their papers. The police are shaking them down. Thats what they are doing. Not only that but I know for a fact that police around Asok BTS escalator is famous for shaking down Africans who are walking along Sukhumvit anytime of the day or night. The police stopped me hoping I was carrying money and they would simply take it from me (if I had been an African). The Africans know that thus they avoid taxis and take the bus because the police don't stop buses. Again to my earlier points-the Thais allow them here, know what they are doing, and then continue to support their presence and benefit from it.

  • Again for you non persons of color-a black American can 90% of the time look at an African and know he is African and vice versa. Believe me we can tell. And the fact is the black Americans here not only dislike the Africans greatly but we avoid them all together. And the Africans avoid us as well. We can't stand them. The black American women I know here particular dislike the men and their touchy feely as they walk down the street. Why do you ask (I know some of you racist are saying we are all alike") that black Americans don' tlike them? For the same reasons everyone else does. They are drug dealing vermin and should be removed. Any man should be able to walk around anywhere without being molested by some African fool trying to sell you drugs that we all know for sure destroy peoples lives. In addition it makes non blacks think that all blacks in Bangkok are doing the same thing. That is what I personally dislike them. Now again I have never been thought of as an African and Thais have always treated me with kindness especially after they found out I was American. But lets face it-most Thais know Tiger Woods mother is Thai and they know at least who Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan and Barack Obama is. So their image of black Americans is not tarnished but these Africans are making me stay in Thailand difficult at times.

  • And the problem is not isolated to Thailand. It has spread to China! I was in Beijing and the number of Africans there was a shock to me. And they are up to the same illegal activities there. You would think with the Chinese with their zero tolerance of foreigners acting stupid and drugs they would end the problem in a snap. Not so. In fact check out Youtube and type "blacks riot in China". You will see most of them are in China illegally and although the video does not mention drugs rest assured these men are not sidewalk chicken sandwich vendors! And two years ago an African women was sentenced to death in China for drug smuggling but she was sentenced to life because the UK government intervened on her behalf to get her life in prison because she was pregnant.

  • The influx of Africans in Thailand in particular and Asia in general will not stop. Why? China. China is aggressively pursuing every resource it can on the African continent. As a nation they are the largest investor in Africa-over 100 billion dollars a year! As a result of this massive investment and trading it has drawn Africans to Asia-the good ones and the bad ones. So no matter what you want these Africans are not going anywhere one way or the other. Africas resources are needed frankly because the resources everywhere else has dried up or the West controls.
  • It is sad to see so many obvious racists on this board. Drugs a social and not a racial problem. In different parts of America different groups control the drug trade including the Irish in Boston, Puerto Ricans in the Bronx, Mexicans in Southern California and even Russians in New Jersey. For you racists it is sad you cannot accept the fact that the majority of the world is brown and not white. Barack Obama is the most powerful man on the planet earth. That is a fact. Look just open your mind a little and realize its not all white. If you truly want to discuss who causes trouble and mayhem think of this-I have never seen any black Army invade China; or a Chinese Army invade Mexico. It has always been Anglo-Saxons raining terror on other peoples. And for you racists who believe your skin color makes you superior-the Chinese are coming on the world stage in a economic and military way that the world has not seen since American at the end of WW2. And the Chinese don't like me OR YOU. Now don't get me wrong-I am a red blooded American and believe in our causes and actions for the most part. But historically speaking we all know Timbuktu had lighted streets when London was still a village. We are all on the same planet people. As Rodney King said-"can't we all get along"?

The bottom line is the influx of drug dealing Africans will stop when the Thais take real steps to end it. That means ending corruption, ignorance and more. And we all know that will not happen anytime soon.

I wish I had a cute Andy Rooney type one liner to end my post but I will just say we will all miss you Andy Rooney!

Edited by Sinsod1
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When the white money leaves-the problems begin.

The Thais are open about their racism and nationalism.

The Thais know what races cause most of the problems.

Paradoxically, they are doing very little to eradicate the Muslim problem in the south.

very well said thumbsup.gif

Edited by scorpio
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Wow. Where do I start?

  • First I am a black American living in Thailand. Let's get that out of the way first.

  • The fact of the matter is it is an absolute joke for anyone to accuse any particular group of rampant wrongdoing of any type in Thailand. For all intents and purposes Thailand is lawless. The law can be bought here. The Nigerians here are not doing anything the Thais are not already doing. Do you really believe Thais(that is the illegal activities element) would allow Africans or anyone else to profit from illicit activities and they are not? For those of us that live here we know that Thais in one way or another are receiving ill gotten gains from these Nigerians and their illegal activities here. The Thai police are at the top of that list. Just look at the gambling den scandal. It was "discovered" that the Thai police not only knew about the gambling dens but were protecting them, participating in activities at the gambling dens and receiving ill gotten gains from the dens. Its the same with everything here-prostitution, gun running, human trafficking- at the end of the day a Thai is controlling it and making money from it. These Africans are making such a small amount no doubt and are handing the bulk of those ill gotten gains back to their Thai handlers. It does not make their activities moral or legal. Its just the facts behind it.

  • Lets look at the leak in the dam so to speak. How are these Nigerians getting here? They are not walking like some drug traffickers do when they cross from Tijuana, Mexico into San Ysidro California. They are stepping off of airplanes. And Thailand is letting them in. That is a fact. If you see a 20 year old Nigerian arriving at the airport from a West African country who has never had a stamp in his passport and is carrying one bag I think it is fair to ask him what hotel he is staying in etc. In the USA immigration will do the same if they spot irregularities. Its not racist-it makes sense to do that. Right wrong or indifferent American is flooded with drug traffickers (though they usually are not stupid enough to try and bring it into the country on airplanes) and persons intent on terrorist activities. People who fit certain profiles should be asked what are they going to do while they are in Thailand. It is fair to ask for a hotel reservation or a return ticket. Thailand has to protect its sovereignty just like America does. But guess what? Either because of ineptness, laziness, ignorance or because they are on the take they allow these West Africans into Thailand through the airports. They can stop the foolishness at Suvarnabhumi. But they are not doing it.

  • Further on that subject I have not know a single African in Thailand with a work permit. How and why does that matter? When Thailand grants these Africans visa extensions to stay in the country they are encouraging them to stay! These men (and some women) can't get work permits. No Thai company will here them for sure and they can't teach English because it is not their mother tongue and the EP programs have poor views of them at the schools from what I am told. So if they are staying here long term with no work permit you know what they are doing. And the Thai government knows as well. And yes some of them are here illegally. But I have also met some that have extension after extension in their passports.

  • After being here a very long time I can tell you that not once has a Thai thought I was an African. Not once. But do you know who has (on three occasions)? The Thai police. And in what area? Sukhumvit. The funny thing was when they stopped me and asked for my "papers" (for a moment I thought I was a spy in a WW2 film and the Germans were checking my papers) they heard my American English and as I laughed at them and showed them my copy of my work permit, visa and passport along with my Florida drivers license they quickly said I could go. In fact before I could even get it all out of my wallet they said "its ok we thought you were African". I asked them how did they know I was African?. Their response? A dumbfound look of "I don't know but I know I look stupid now so I am going to walk away". I didn't get angry (but in my own country I would have because we have some semblance of law and order) but tried to explain to them that if Barack Obama was walking down the street would you think he is African? I got a good laugh out of that. Why did the police really stop me though? Read on.

  • For you non persons of colors out there let me make you aware of some things you don't know. First have you ever seen an African in a taxi in Bangkok? I bet you have not and if you did he/she was probably black American, Black Englishmen etc. Africans don't use taxis not because they cant afford it (after all they are all drug dealers so they have money(I am being sarcastic)) but because of the police checkpoints particularly at night. And its not the fact the police are stopping them and asking them for their papers. The police are shaking them down. Thats what they are doing. Not only that but I know for a fact that police around Asok BTS escalator is famous for shaking down Africans who are walking along Sukhumvit anytime of the day or night. The police stopped me hoping I was carrying money and they would simply take it from me (if I had been an African). The Africans know that thus they avoid taxis and take the bus because the police don't stop buses. Again to my earlier points-the Thais allow them here, know what they are doing, and then continue to support their presence and benefit from it.

  • Again for you non persons of color-a black American can 90% of the time look at an African and know he is African and vice versa. Believe me we can tell. And the fact is the black Americans here not only dislike the Africans greatly but we avoid them all together. And the Africans avoid us as well. We can't stand them. The black American women I know here particular dislike the men and their touchy feely as they walk down the street. Why do you ask (I know some of you racist are saying we are all alike") that black Americans don' tlike them? For the same reasons everyone else does. They are drug dealing vermin and should be removed. Any man should be able to walk around anywhere without being molested by some African fool trying to sell you drugs that we all know for sure destroy peoples lives. In addition it makes non blacks think that all blacks in Bangkok are doing the same thing. That is what I personally dislike them. Now again I have never been thought of as an African and Thais have always treated me with kindness especially after they found out I was American. But lets face it-most Thais know Tiger Woods mother is Thai and they know at least who Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan and Barack Obama is. So their image of black Americans is not tarnished but these Africans are making me stay in Thailand difficult at times.

  • And the problem is not isolated to Thailand. It has spread to China! I was in Beijing and the number of Africans there was a shock to me. And they are up to the same illegal activities there. You would think with the Chinese with their zero tolerance of foreigners acting stupid and drugs they would end the problem in a snap. Not so. In fact check out Youtube and type "blacks riot in China". You will see most of them are in China illegally and although the video does not mention drugs rest assured these men are not sidewalk chicken sandwich vendors! And two years ago an African women was sentenced to death in China for drug smuggling but she was sentenced to life because the UK government intervened on her behalf to get her life in prison because she was pregnant.

  • The influx of Africans in Thailand in particular and Asia in general will not stop. Why? China. China is aggressively pursuing every resource it can on the African continent. As a nation they are the largest investor in Africa-over 100 billion dollars a year! As a result of this massive investment and trading it has drawn Africans to Asia-the good ones and the bad ones. So no matter what you want these Africans are not going anywhere one way or the other. Africas resources are needed frankly because the resources everywhere else has dried up or the West controls.
  • It is sad to see so many obvious racists on this board. Drugs a social and not a racial problem. In different parts of America different groups control the drug trade including the Irish in Boston, Puerto Ricans in the Bronx, Mexicans in Southern California and even Russians in New Jersey. For you racists it is sad you cannot accept the fact that the majority of the world is brown and not white. Barack Obama is the most powerful man on the planet earth. That is a fact. Look just open your mind a little and realize its not all white. If you truly want to discuss who causes trouble and mayhem think of this-I have never seen any black Army invade China; or a Chinese Army invade Mexico. It has always been Anglo-Saxons raining terror on other peoples. And for you racists who believe your skin color makes you superior-the Chinese are coming on the world stage in a economic and military way that the world has not seen since American at the end of WW2. And the Chinese don't like me OR YOU. Now don't get me wrong-I am a red blooded American and believe in our causes and actions for the most part. But historically speaking we all know Timbuktu had lighted streets when London was still a village. We are all on the same planet people. As Rodney King said-"can't we all get along"?

The bottom line is the influx of drug dealing Africans will stop when the Thais take real steps to end it. That means ending corruption, ignorance and more. And we all know that will not happen anytime soon.

I wish I had a cute Andy Rooney type one liner to end my post but I will just say we will all miss you Andy Rooney!

Good writeup long but good. American blacks call themselves African Americans I think if they met this lot of Nigerians they would be American only. I know its not easy being black in this country I have met a couple here and in Vietnam and they felt that they were being mistreated. One of them was a loud mouth "Angry black woman" so she got what she deserved. Getting loud and aggressive does not go over well with Thais. Another friend was English and I really got upset about how she was treated when we went to restaurants people would just give her and us the nastiest looks and she was a really really nice person. The staff would not even look at her and she was smoking hot! It is good to see someone have a positive opinion about a situation that clearly warrants anger at being treated differently based on the color of their skin.

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Wow. Where do I start?

  • First I am a black American living in Thailand. Let's get that out of the way first.

  • The fact of the matter is it is an absolute joke for anyone to accuse any particular group of rampant wrongdoing of any type in Thailand. For all intents and purposes Thailand is lawless. The law can be bought here. The Nigerians here are not doing anything the Thais are not already doing. Do you really believe Thais(that is the illegal activities element) would allow Africans or anyone else to profit from illicit activities and they are not? For those of us that live here we know that Thais in one way or another are receiving ill gotten gains from these Nigerians and their illegal activities here. The Thai police are at the top of that list. Just look at the gambling den scandal. It was "discovered" that the Thai police not only knew about the gambling dens but were protecting them, participating in activities at the gambling dens and receiving ill gotten gains from the dens. Its the same with everything here-prostitution, gun running, human trafficking- at the end of the day a Thai is controlling it and making money from it. These Africans are making such a small amount no doubt and are handing the bulk of those ill gotten gains back to their Thai handlers. It does not make their activities moral or legal. Its just the facts behind it.

  • Lets look at the leak in the dam so to speak. How are these Nigerians getting here? They are not walking like some drug traffickers do when they cross from Tijuana, Mexico into San Ysidro California. They are stepping off of airplanes. And Thailand is letting them in. That is a fact. If you see a 20 year old Nigerian arriving at the airport from a West African country who has never had a stamp in his passport and is carrying one bag I think it is fair to ask him what hotel he is staying in etc. In the USA immigration will do the same if they spot irregularities. Its not racist-it makes sense to do that. Right wrong or indifferent American is flooded with drug traffickers (though they usually are not stupid enough to try and bring it into the country on airplanes) and persons intent on terrorist activities. People who fit certain profiles should be asked what are they going to do while they are in Thailand. It is fair to ask for a hotel reservation or a return ticket. Thailand has to protect its sovereignty just like America does. But guess what? Either because of ineptness, laziness, ignorance or because they are on the take they allow these West Africans into Thailand through the airports. They can stop the foolishness at Suvarnabhumi. But they are not doing it.

  • Further on that subject I have not know a single African in Thailand with a work permit. How and why does that matter? When Thailand grants these Africans visa extensions to stay in the country they are encouraging them to stay! These men (and some women) can't get work permits. No Thai company will here them for sure and they can't teach English because it is not their mother tongue and the EP programs have poor views of them at the schools from what I am told. So if they are staying here long term with no work permit you know what they are doing. And the Thai government knows as well. And yes some of them are here illegally. But I have also met some that have extension after extension in their passports.

  • After being here a very long time I can tell you that not once has a Thai thought I was an African. Not once. But do you know who has (on three occasions)? The Thai police. And in what area? Sukhumvit. The funny thing was when they stopped me and asked for my "papers" (for a moment I thought I was a spy in a WW2 film and the Germans were checking my papers) they heard my American English and as I laughed at them and showed them my copy of my work permit, visa and passport along with my Florida drivers license they quickly said I could go. In fact before I could even get it all out of my wallet they said "its ok we thought you were African". I asked them how did they know I was African?. Their response? A dumbfound look of "I don't know but I know I look stupid now so I am going to walk away". I didn't get angry (but in my own country I would have because we have some semblance of law and order) but tried to explain to them that if Barack Obama was walking down the street would you think he is African? I got a good laugh out of that. Why did the police really stop me though? Read on.

  • For you non persons of colors out there let me make you aware of some things you don't know. First have you ever seen an African in a taxi in Bangkok? I bet you have not and if you did he/she was probably black American, Black Englishmen etc. Africans don't use taxis not because they cant afford it (after all they are all drug dealers so they have money(I am being sarcastic)) but because of the police checkpoints particularly at night. And its not the fact the police are stopping them and asking them for their papers. The police are shaking them down. Thats what they are doing. Not only that but I know for a fact that police around Asok BTS escalator is famous for shaking down Africans who are walking along Sukhumvit anytime of the day or night. The police stopped me hoping I was carrying money and they would simply take it from me (if I had been an African). The Africans know that thus they avoid taxis and take the bus because the police don't stop buses. Again to my earlier points-the Thais allow them here, know what they are doing, and then continue to support their presence and benefit from it.

  • Again for you non persons of color-a black American can 90% of the time look at an African and know he is African and vice versa. Believe me we can tell. And the fact is the black Americans here not only dislike the Africans greatly but we avoid them all together. And the Africans avoid us as well. We can't stand them. The black American women I know here particular dislike the men and their touchy feely as they walk down the street. Why do you ask (I know some of you racist are saying we are all alike") that black Americans don' tlike them? For the same reasons everyone else does. They are drug dealing vermin and should be removed. Any man should be able to walk around anywhere without being molested by some African fool trying to sell you drugs that we all know for sure destroy peoples lives. In addition it makes non blacks think that all blacks in Bangkok are doing the same thing. That is what I personally dislike them. Now again I have never been thought of as an African and Thais have always treated me with kindness especially after they found out I was American. But lets face it-most Thais know Tiger Woods mother is Thai and they know at least who Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan and Barack Obama is. So their image of black Americans is not tarnished but these Africans are making me stay in Thailand difficult at times.

  • And the problem is not isolated to Thailand. It has spread to China! I was in Beijing and the number of Africans there was a shock to me. And they are up to the same illegal activities there. You would think with the Chinese with their zero tolerance of foreigners acting stupid and drugs they would end the problem in a snap. Not so. In fact check out Youtube and type "blacks riot in China". You will see most of them are in China illegally and although the video does not mention drugs rest assured these men are not sidewalk chicken sandwich vendors! And two years ago an African women was sentenced to death in China for drug smuggling but she was sentenced to life because the UK government intervened on her behalf to get her life in prison because she was pregnant.

  • The influx of Africans in Thailand in particular and Asia in general will not stop. Why? China. China is aggressively pursuing every resource it can on the African continent. As a nation they are the largest investor in Africa-over 100 billion dollars a year! As a result of this massive investment and trading it has drawn Africans to Asia-the good ones and the bad ones. So no matter what you want these Africans are not going anywhere one way or the other. Africas resources are needed frankly because the resources everywhere else has dried up or the West controls.
  • It is sad to see so many obvious racists on this board. Drugs a social and not a racial problem. In different parts of America different groups control the drug trade including the Irish in Boston, Puerto Ricans in the Bronx, Mexicans in Southern California and even Russians in New Jersey. For you racists it is sad you cannot accept the fact that the majority of the world is brown and not white. Barack Obama is the most powerful man on the planet earth. That is a fact. Look just open your mind a little and realize its not all white. If you truly want to discuss who causes trouble and mayhem think of this-I have never seen any black Army invade China; or a Chinese Army invade Mexico. It has always been Anglo-Saxons raining terror on other peoples. And for you racists who believe your skin color makes you superior-the Chinese are coming on the world stage in a economic and military way that the world has not seen since American at the end of WW2. And the Chinese don't like me OR YOU. Now don't get me wrong-I am a red blooded American and believe in our causes and actions for the most part. But historically speaking we all know Timbuktu had lighted streets when London was still a village. We are all on the same planet people. As Rodney King said-"can't we all get along"?

The bottom line is the influx of drug dealing Africans will stop when the Thais take real steps to end it. That means ending corruption, ignorance and more. And we all know that will not happen anytime soon.

I wish I had a cute Andy Rooney type one liner to end my post but I will just say we will all miss you Andy Rooney!

You the proud American-black..stop clearifying your position or making the kettle lighter than the pot...

check your facts out too...the young Girl was caught in Laos not China.....Your write-up doesn't make you any different in color, You will still be looked at the same way...Lots of Africans and Nigerians with work permit...I can show you some of them if you so desire..

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I hope they release them all soon so I can get that money the all have for me. I was wondering why I had not been getting as many emails lately.

"Owali said following insecurity, unprovoked harassment, sustained assault, arrest and extortion of money from Nigerians by Thai security officials, several Nigerians had decided to go underground".

I'm sure that there must be something wrong in the apparent detention of some of these Nigerians but there's no getting away from it - they ARE the undoubted kings of telephone/internet scams with some of them being THE SCUM OF THE EARTH and had it coming to them :unsure:.

Yes what goes around comes around comes to mind. Thailand beware?


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brilliant post mate

Wow. Where do I start?

  • First I am a black American living in Thailand. Let's get that out of the way first.

  • The fact of the matter is it is an absolute joke for anyone to accuse any particular group of rampant wrongdoing of any type in Thailand. For all intents and purposes Thailand is lawless. The law can be bought here. The Nigerians here are not doing anything the Thais are not already doing. Do you really believe Thais(that is the illegal activities element) would allow Africans or anyone else to profit from illicit activities and they are not? For those of us that live here we know that Thais in one way or another are receiving ill gotten gains from these Nigerians and their illegal activities here. The Thai police are at the top of that list. Just look at the gambling den scandal. It was "discovered" that the Thai police not only knew about the gambling dens but were protecting them, participating in activities at the gambling dens and receiving ill gotten gains from the dens. Its the same with everything here-prostitution, gun running, human trafficking- at the end of the day a Thai is controlling it and making money from it. These Africans are making such a small amount no doubt and are handing the bulk of those ill gotten gains back to their Thai handlers. It does not make their activities moral or legal. Its just the facts behind it.

  • Lets look at the leak in the dam so to speak. How are these Nigerians getting here? They are not walking like some drug traffickers do when they cross from Tijuana, Mexico into San Ysidro California. They are stepping off of airplanes. And Thailand is letting them in. That is a fact. If you see a 20 year old Nigerian arriving at the airport from a West African country who has never had a stamp in his passport and is carrying one bag I think it is fair to ask him what hotel he is staying in etc. In the USA immigration will do the same if they spot irregularities. Its not racist-it makes sense to do that. Right wrong or indifferent American is flooded with drug traffickers (though they usually are not stupid enough to try and bring it into the country on airplanes) and persons intent on terrorist activities. People who fit certain profiles should be asked what are they going to do while they are in Thailand. It is fair to ask for a hotel reservation or a return ticket. Thailand has to protect its sovereignty just like America does. But guess what? Either because of ineptness, laziness, ignorance or because they are on the take they allow these West Africans into Thailand through the airports. They can stop the foolishness at Suvarnabhumi. But they are not doing it.

  • Further on that subject I have not know a single African in Thailand with a work permit. How and why does that matter? When Thailand grants these Africans visa extensions to stay in the country they are encouraging them to stay! These men (and some women) can't get work permits. No Thai company will here them for sure and they can't teach English because it is not their mother tongue and the EP programs have poor views of them at the schools from what I am told. So if they are staying here long term with no work permit you know what they are doing. And the Thai government knows as well. And yes some of them are here illegally. But I have also met some that have extension after extension in their passports.

  • After being here a very long time I can tell you that not once has a Thai thought I was an African. Not once. But do you know who has (on three occasions)? The Thai police. And in what area? Sukhumvit. The funny thing was when they stopped me and asked for my "papers" (for a moment I thought I was a spy in a WW2 film and the Germans were checking my papers) they heard my American English and as I laughed at them and showed them my copy of my work permit, visa and passport along with my Florida drivers license they quickly said I could go. In fact before I could even get it all out of my wallet they said "its ok we thought you were African". I asked them how did they know I was African?. Their response? A dumbfound look of "I don't know but I know I look stupid now so I am going to walk away". I didn't get angry (but in my own country I would have because we have some semblance of law and order) but tried to explain to them that if Barack Obama was walking down the street would you think he is African? I got a good laugh out of that. Why did the police really stop me though? Read on.

  • For you non persons of colors out there let me make you aware of some things you don't know. First have you ever seen an African in a taxi in Bangkok? I bet you have not and if you did he/she was probably black American, Black Englishmen etc. Africans don't use taxis not because they cant afford it (after all they are all drug dealers so they have money(I am being sarcastic)) but because of the police checkpoints particularly at night. And its not the fact the police are stopping them and asking them for their papers. The police are shaking them down. Thats what they are doing. Not only that but I know for a fact that police around Asok BTS escalator is famous for shaking down Africans who are walking along Sukhumvit anytime of the day or night. The police stopped me hoping I was carrying money and they would simply take it from me (if I had been an African). The Africans know that thus they avoid taxis and take the bus because the police don't stop buses. Again to my earlier points-the Thais allow them here, know what they are doing, and then continue to support their presence and benefit from it.

  • Again for you non persons of color-a black American can 90% of the time look at an African and know he is African and vice versa. Believe me we can tell. And the fact is the black Americans here not only dislike the Africans greatly but we avoid them all together. And the Africans avoid us as well. We can't stand them. The black American women I know here particular dislike the men and their touchy feely as they walk down the street. Why do you ask (I know some of you racist are saying we are all alike") that black Americans don' tlike them? For the same reasons everyone else does. They are drug dealing vermin and should be removed. Any man should be able to walk around anywhere without being molested by some African fool trying to sell you drugs that we all know for sure destroy peoples lives. In addition it makes non blacks think that all blacks in Bangkok are doing the same thing. That is what I personally dislike them. Now again I have never been thought of as an African and Thais have always treated me with kindness especially after they found out I was American. But lets face it-most Thais know Tiger Woods mother is Thai and they know at least who Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan and Barack Obama is. So their image of black Americans is not tarnished but these Africans are making me stay in Thailand difficult at times.

  • And the problem is not isolated to Thailand. It has spread to China! I was in Beijing and the number of Africans there was a shock to me. And they are up to the same illegal activities there. You would think with the Chinese with their zero tolerance of foreigners acting stupid and drugs they would end the problem in a snap. Not so. In fact check out Youtube and type "blacks riot in China". You will see most of them are in China illegally and although the video does not mention drugs rest assured these men are not sidewalk chicken sandwich vendors! And two years ago an African women was sentenced to death in China for drug smuggling but she was sentenced to life because the UK government intervened on her behalf to get her life in prison because she was pregnant.

  • The influx of Africans in Thailand in particular and Asia in general will not stop. Why? China. China is aggressively pursuing every resource it can on the African continent. As a nation they are the largest investor in Africa-over 100 billion dollars a year! As a result of this massive investment and trading it has drawn Africans to Asia-the good ones and the bad ones. So no matter what you want these Africans are not going anywhere one way or the other. Africas resources are needed frankly because the resources everywhere else has dried up or the West controls.
  • It is sad to see so many obvious racists on this board. Drugs a social and not a racial problem. In different parts of America different groups control the drug trade including the Irish in Boston, Puerto Ricans in the Bronx, Mexicans in Southern California and even Russians in New Jersey. For you racists it is sad you cannot accept the fact that the majority of the world is brown and not white. Barack Obama is the most powerful man on the planet earth. That is a fact. Look just open your mind a little and realize its not all white. If you truly want to discuss who causes trouble and mayhem think of this-I have never seen any black Army invade China; or a Chinese Army invade Mexico. It has always been Anglo-Saxons raining terror on other peoples. And for you racists who believe your skin color makes you superior-the Chinese are coming on the world stage in a economic and military way that the world has not seen since American at the end of WW2. And the Chinese don't like me OR YOU. Now don't get me wrong-I am a red blooded American and believe in our causes and actions for the most part. But historically speaking we all know Timbuktu had lighted streets when London was still a village. We are all on the same planet people. As Rodney King said-"can't we all get along"?

The bottom line is the influx of drug dealing Africans will stop when the Thais take real steps to end it. That means ending corruption, ignorance and more. And we all know that will not happen anytime soon.

I wish I had a cute Andy Rooney type one liner to end my post but I will just say we will all miss you Andy Rooney!

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