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I agree with Flying who could or would want to pick a side when they are both totally corrupt. Just because you don't like one side does not mean you like the other. I don't think JT can comprehend that. He feels you either have to be one side or the other.:bah:

Yes agreed....I think if a survey was done of the OWS movement folks the survey would find that the majority has long been disgusted by the bought & paid for bird....ie: both wings of the same corrupt bird.

Which is why I also often say the system has long been beautifully broken.

The problem with many who look at this only through the prism of the televised media is they automatically....once again.. believe it is a simple matter of picking a side/label/party/rhetoric

It is not...but it is what TPTB would like you to do.... Pick a side...they after all own both.... Then once again you will believe you have a choice....Yet you never did

Just look at the top ten campaign contributors for the last two major candidates (right & left) who ran for the presidency

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I agree with Flying who could or would want to pick a side when they are both totally corrupt. Just because you don't like one side does not mean you like the other. I don't think JT can comprehend that. He feels you either have to be one side or the other.:bah:

Yes agreed....I think if a survey was done of the OWS movement folks the survey would find that the majority has long been disgusted by the bought & paid for bird....ie: both wings of the same corrupt bird.

Which is why I also often say the system has long been beautifully broken.

The problem with many who look at this only through the prism of the televised media is they automatically....once again.. believe it is a simple matter of picking a side/label/party/rhetoric

It is not...but it is what TPTB would like you to do.... Pick a side...they after all own both.... Then once again you will believe you have a choice....Yet you never did

Just look at the top ten campaign contributors for the last two major candidates (right & left) who ran for the presidency

I agree, western countries give the allusion of choice, but that choice is one of the two corrupt parties. Bought and paid for by minority self interest group, for their benefit only. Hopefully the GFC is the catalist that creates a true peoples party, elected by the people for the benefit of the people. A true democratic socialist government of the people

Does this show once and for all his true nature?

no doubt about that. add the fact that he was born in Kenya, goes for friday prayers in a Mosque camouflaged as a Hindu Temple Christian Church, not liked by Flying... :lol:

President Obama has no jurisdiction over the Oakland, California police department.

The person you want to complain to is the MAYOR OF OAKLAND!



what not even condemnation from Nancy Pelosi because Oakland falls under her district?

So Obama and his cronies can give guns and ammunition to Al Qaeda operatives who were part of the rebel movement in Libya and that was still all ok

and yet you are saying the US President this so impotent on this issue that he cannot even have a discreet word in the ear of police chiefs not to

shoot American citizens? :blink:

the duplicity and hypocrisy is stunning


This one is not going away. Those that have the most to lose need to strike a deal quickly largely due to the uneducated protesters who will suddenly find themselves more knowledgeable and thus, dangerous. Once the many undereducated individuals among the movement truly figure out how the deck was stacked against them, they will become angry beyond description.

Those that have ridden the fixed game and have gotten way ahead, must make a serious deal whereby they will lose much up front but if they can keep the game going, the little bit of loss will seem like nothing in the long run. The real beauty of the situation is that greed will prevent the deal from happening. The greatest constant in this mess is greed. Second may be the arrogance that allows those who have benefited thus far to think they don't have to deal.


This one is not going away. Those that have the most to lose need to strike a deal quickly largely due to the uneducated protesters who will suddenly find themselves more knowledgeable and thus, dangerous. Once the many undereducated individuals among the movement truly figure out how the deck was stacked against them, they will become angry beyond description.

Those that have ridden the fixed game and have gotten way ahead, must make a serious deal whereby they will lose much up front but if they can keep the game going, the little bit of loss will seem like nothing in the long run. The real beauty of the situation is that greed will prevent the deal from happening. The greatest constant in this mess is greed. Second may be the arrogance that allows those who have benefited thus far to think they don't have to deal.

I think this is what must have prompted Gerald Celente who grew up in the Bronx to coin his his infamous saying " when people lose everything and they have got nothing else to lose, they lose it " . He predicted as far back as 2008 that there will be a danger of riots

in 2012.


This one is not going away. Those that have the most to lose need to strike a deal quickly largely due to the uneducated protesters who will suddenly find themselves more knowledgeable and thus, dangerous. Once the many undereducated individuals among the movement truly figure out how the deck was stacked against them, they will become angry beyond description.

Those that have ridden the fixed game and have gotten way ahead, must make a serious deal whereby they will lose much up front but if they can keep the game going, the little bit of loss will seem like nothing in the long run. The real beauty of the situation is that greed will prevent the deal from happening. The greatest constant in this mess is greed. Second may be the arrogance that allows those who have benefited thus far to think they don't have to deal.

I like your posts Pakboong here & in other sections of the forum.

I agree with most of what you have said but also at times wonder....That those that pull the strings are always

quite a ways ahead in moves.

As such they have central banking worldwide on the string. It is their creation after all.

If or I should say when this chapter folds I have a hunch the next chapter

that opens will have been engineered far in advance by the very same.

I do not mean the middle men who have also made billions but the engineers themselves.

Probably even now it is well laid out.


This one is not going away. Those that have the most to lose need to strike a deal quickly largely due to the uneducated protesters who will suddenly find themselves more knowledgeable and thus, dangerous. Once the many undereducated individuals among the movement truly figure out how the deck was stacked against them, they will become angry beyond description.

Those that have ridden the fixed game and have gotten way ahead, must make a serious deal whereby they will lose much up front but if they can keep the game going, the little bit of loss will seem like nothing in the long run. The real beauty of the situation is that greed will prevent the deal from happening. The greatest constant in this mess is greed. Second may be the arrogance that allows those who have benefited thus far to think they don't have to deal.

I like your posts Pakboong here & in other sections of the forum.

I agree with most of what you have said but also at times wonder....That those that pull the strings are always

quite a ways ahead in moves.

As such they have central banking worldwide on the string. It is their creation after all.

If or I should say when this chapter folds I have a hunch the next chapter

that opens will have been engineered far in advance by the very same.

I do not mean the middle men who have also made billions but the engineers themselves.

Probably even now it is well laid out.

do you mean along these lines? :unsure:



what not even condemnation from Nancy Pelosi because Oakland falls under her district?

No. It does not. Get your facts straight next time, why don't you?


BTW, Pelosi has openly made supportive statements towards the Occupy movement. What a cheap blow. The police problem in Oakland is localized to ... Oakland. Kent State shootings were the NATIONAL GUARD! Come on, sillies, you do get the difference, yes?


I never said it was partisan, in the democrat/republican sense as both parties have failed the people and both parties are corporate bitches. However, anyone with basic knowledge about political issues can see clearly it is primarily a LEFT WING movement.

From your link --

* Higher Taxes on the Wealthy LEFT WING

* Prosecution of Financial Fraud MOSTLY LEFT WING

* Anti-Fracking and other "Green" issues LEFT WING

* Mortgage Modifications LEFT WING

* Campaign Finance Reform ANY WING

* Anti-War LEFT WING

* Universal Healthcare LEFT WING

* Student Loan Forgiveness and, of course, LEFT WING

* Jobs, Jobs Jobs ANY WING (depends on the policies favored to make that happen)

On the other hand, things this movement does not stand for ...

Ending federal reserve RIGHT WING

Going back to the gold standard RIGHT WING

Shrinking government RIGHT WING

Why are you unable (unwilling?) to understand that this is most certainly not a 'left wing' movement? This anger is shared by those of many differing political persuasions and from all stratum of society and not merely the 'great unwashed, pierced and tattooed' the propagandist media would have those of your ilk believe?

Listen to Midas and do the responsible thing, research further, with an OPEN mind.


Wrong. More people are left wing than you thought. They may not label themselves as left wing, which doesn't matter at all anyway; if they care about economic inequality and favor things like universal health care access for ALL Americans, they ARE left wing no matter how they label themselves.

BTW, opinion polls consistently show the majority of Americans favor universal health care, and an even bigger majority of doctors do. So why didn't Obama even try to push the real deal? Corporate power of course! The people don't have the power, the corporations do. Sorry Charlie, that's a left wing, and correct, concept.


Wrong. More people are left wing than you thought. They may not label themselves as left wing, which doesn't matter at all anyway; if they care about economic inequality and favor things like universal health care access for ALL Americans, they ARE left wing no matter how they label themselves.

BTW, opinion polls consistently show the majority of Americans favor universal health care, and an even bigger majority of doctors do. So why didn't Obama even try to push the real deal? Corporate power of course! The people don't have the power, the corporations do. Sorry Charlie, that's a left wing, and correct, concept.

According to how many threads that have been on the occupy Wall Street website, it's quite clear that addressing economic inequality which you cite would also need to begin with abolishing that most corrupt institutions the Federal reserve and yet you list that as a right-wing demand?


Don't be hating on the poor people.

Here is a great way of looking at what's happening and what may happen.


MOORE: . . . Central Park, 59th Street — they were all over Manhattan, they were all over the country. And — and historians feel now — they had the same sort of thing — “Well, what do you want?” And other than the Bonus Army — they wanted their bonus — but everybody else — “What do you want?” Well, what does it look like we want? There’s a Depression . . .

OLBERMANN: We have no homes and no jobs — yes.

MOORE: . . . It’s, like — what a ridiculous question. But — they said that the time, it wasn’t quite — it wasn’t organized, or wasn’t this, or wasn’t one leader behind it or whatever. But now, what we know is those Hoovervilles helped to really usher in Roosevelt and his ability to pass a New Deal. Because — because there was so much sympathy amongst the public for the people in these encampments.


Wrong. More people are left wing than you thought. They may not label themselves as left wing, which doesn't matter at all anyway; if they care about economic inequality and favor things like universal health care access for ALL Americans, they ARE left wing no matter how they label themselves.

BTW, opinion polls consistently show the majority of Americans favor universal health care, and an even bigger majority of doctors do. So why didn't Obama even try to push the real deal? Corporate power of course! The people don't have the power, the corporations do. Sorry Charlie, that's a left wing, and correct, concept.

According to how many threads that have been on the occupy Wall Street website, it's quite clear that addressing economic inequality which you cite would also need to begin with abolishing that most corrupt institutions the Federal reserve and yet you list that as a right-wing demand?

My strong opinion is that what will gel as the "mainstream" ideology of the OWS movement is that the Federal reserve system requires REFORM. Not that it requires being totally destroyed. It is also my strong opinion that

economist Joseph Stiglitz will be the most important economist linked to this movement. I may be wrong, but that's how I see this being played out. I truly hope non-tin-foilhat wearers fully appreciate the big difference between improvement and rooting out corruption and total destruction.

"If we had seen a governance structure that corresponds to our Federal Reserve system, we would have been yelling and screaming and saying that country does not deserve any assistance, this is a corrupt governing structure," Stiglitz said during a conference on financial reform in New York. "It's time for us to reflect on our own structure today, and to say there are parts that can be improved."


You want Ron Paul libertarian nihilism? You've got that garbage in the tea party already!


As Winter approaches you'll see what this movement is made of.

Yes indeed. People have come from Alaska (not Sarah Palin) to instruct the protesters on cold weather survival.


Occupy Wall Street:

"The problem is that government is corrupt and controlled by Wall Street.

The solution is that we need a bigger more powerful government. "

... I wish these people could pick up a book or two by Ron Paul or Peter Schiff and understand <deleted> is actually going on in America.


BTW, opinion polls consistently show the majority of Americans favor universal health care, and an even bigger majority of doctors do.

cliff notes : people support having other people pay for their living. and doctors support more business.

ron paul has delivered thousands of babies and has never accepted a single dollar from a government agency. those mothers who were on medicare, he did it free on principle.

but i guess that is what jingthing calls nihilism.


... I wish these people could pick up a book or two by Ron Paul or Peter Schiff and understand <deleted> is actually going on in America.

Highly recommend The Revolution & End The FED as two great starter books by RP.

Revolution will also help those who do not understand our Constitution & what has become of our failed Foreign Policies along with much more.


Ron Paulism and OWS -- polar political opposites.

Deal with it. The majority of people are much closer to OWS than Ron Paul and always will be. Libertarianism is a total hollow crock that has never existed, will never exist, and cannot exist in modern times.

cliff notes : people support having other people pay for their living. and doctors support more business.


People supporting economic justice and not letting poor people die early by the millions for the sake of profits.

Doctors supporting focusing on actually helping people rather than spending most of their time dealing with bean counters and insurance issues from hundreds of different providers. Answer -- SINGLE PAYER


Ron Paulism and OWS -- polar political opposites.

Poor thing .....you have not a clue.

Only the party line rhetoric you pick up from folks like Keith Obler-what-ever :lol:


You can't deal with the truth. OWS is a universal single payer health care crowd, not a drop all government out of providing health care crowd. Like I said, polar opposites. You believe what you want to believe but sorry for you, you're way off the mark.

These are the good people that actually care about poor people, not Ron Paul nihilists who think if you can't pay, it's your fault, so go and die, sucker!


You can't deal with the truth. OWS is a universal single payer health care crowd, not a drop all government out of providing health care crowd. Like I said, polar opposites. You believe what you want to believe but sorry for you, you're way off the mark.


It took crowds & the dimwitted Keith to even draw your attention to the fact there is a mark.

Hey it is a start keep reading etc & you will see....But dont rely on the media prism for a true view.


It's delusional to think the OWS movement is a branch of the Ron Paul for president campaign, which BTW is only getting 10 percent support even among the radical right wing republican party.

Sorry Homey dont play that...........

It is you alone who has tried since you first became aware of the OWS to cheer lead it into some kind of party rhetoric.

That is why folks like you will never *get it*

You are the same person who years ago when some here were saying it would end badly & pretty much right where we are today

came in here & was cheering for Cream of Nothing Obama & his little Timmy Geithner.

I believe at that time you were fawning over how they saved us from collapse.

Today folks in the street are there because of such antics that you were cheering back then.

nothing wrong with changing horses in the middle of a scene...hey at least your making progress.

But dont then try to own it or ascribe it to a party that caused it.

From day one that has been your only shout in this whole thing.

You degrade it with such petty talk.


What party rhetoric? Where did I say the democrats have performed adequately for the people? Clearly, they haven't. But the answer isn't going even worse (the republicans).

Bottom line, there is still a political system and the issues raised by OWS if they are going to go anywhere into actual CHANGE that exists in the real world, still need to be worked out in the political system.

Also personal note, we get it, you think you own OWS Wall Street because you have read blogs longer about it. It's not relevant. What's relevant is what's happening now in the streets.


Also personal note, we get it, you think you own OWS Wall Street because you have read blogs longer about it. It's not relevant. What's relevant is what's happening now in the streets.

Dont confuse me with yourself.... I have corrected your agenda to ascribe the disgust of the citizens of the USA to be beneficial to either party.

It is you alone who has been doing that from day one. Trying to label it.


I'm not sure I get where you're coming from. Actually, I find it rather bizarre. If the OWS majority are for things like universal single payer health care, do you seriously think they are closer to that with the republican than the democratic party? I agree both are corporate bitches, but without a third party, and stuck with these parties, which party do you think has a greater chance of responding to the people in the streets? Come on now, be honest.

I prefer to live in the real world and continue to see the best hope for this movement of moving the country left in the same way the Hoovervilles moved it left during the depression, allowing the great president FDR, yes a democrat, to enact life saving social programs.

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