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Red-Shirt Villages' Nationwide 'Federation'


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Red-shirt villages' nationwide 'federation'

Seksanti Kalayanawisut

The Nation

Some 4,000 so-called 'red-shirt villages' declared yesterday they had joined as a confederation to strengthen the "fight against dictatorship" and help bring former premier Thaksin Shinawatra back to Thailand.

About 200 representatives from the red-shirt villages met yesterday in Udon Thani. They voted Police Second Lieutenant Kamolsilp Singhasuriya, chairman of Udon Thani red-shirt villages, as chairman of the Red-Shirts Village for Democracy Federation.

He said the federation would act as a coordination centre for red-shirt villages and would promote establishment of more such villages nationwide.

Former charter drafter Kanin Boonsuwan and Prasong Boonpong, a former deputy leader of the now-defunct People Power Party, also joined yesterday’s event.


-- The Nation 2011-10-06

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Hasn't the Dark Lord previously claimed "not to know" the Red-Shirts ? <_<

And don't the Red-Villages have full confidence, in the ability of 'their' government under 'his' family's rule, to bring him back ? :lol:

Lastly, how does this aid national-reconciliation ? B)

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Police Second Lieutenant Kamolsilp Singhasuriya, chairman of Udon Thani red-shirt villages, as chairman of the Red-Shirts Village for Democracy Federation.

a Google search of images of Kamolsilp Singhasuriya reveal a very reasonable appearing man as the first result :blink:

I'm sure after his rapid advancement through the police ranks (to the lowest possible rank), he's quite pleased to have achieved the position of Chairman of Lots of Little Party States.


Edited by Buchholz
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Can you imagine you have to live in such a village?

Things in Thailand are getting more and more like Germany under Hitler and The Soviet Union under Stalin.

It's 'Heil Thaksin' or else.

hbullinger, perchance, are you an American? Your gift for hyperbole is astonishing.

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This is a very dangerous development and opens up for bullying of people with a different opinion. Not that that hasn't happened in a number of "red" villages for a few years already, but when it's organised on a nationwide basis, the parallel to former European dictators may not be so far fetched. And as has been shown in Chiang Mai recently, many Thai people have little or no knowledge about historical lessons that could be rather useful for them.

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Can you imagine you have to live in such a village?

Things in Thailand are getting more and more like Germany under Hitler and The Soviet Union under Stalin.

It's 'Heil Thaksin' or else.

hbullinger, perchance, are you an American? Your gift for hyperbole is astonishing.

But astonishingly hbullinger is Bang on the mark.....

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This is a very dangerous development and opens up for bullying of people with a different opinion. Not that that hasn't happened in a number of "red" villages for a few years already, but when it's organised on a nationwide basis, the parallel to former European dictators may not be so far fetched. And as has been shown in Chiang Mai recently, many Thai people have little or no knowledge about historical lessons that could be rather useful for them.

I agree with you I live in an intimidated village, no free opinions here local village head sees to that.

Red shirt fight against dictatorship Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ...........WHAT !! thats just what they voted in and what they stand for. I do believe seriously things here are going to get ugly for all. you cannot have a situation like this it's unhealthy, how the government got in on lies and now what are they doing-NOWT

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Can you imagine you have to live in such a village?

Things in Thailand are getting more and more like Germany under Hitler and The Soviet Union under Stalin.

It's 'Heil Thaksin' or else.

hbullinger, perchance, are you an American? Your gift for hyperbole is astonishing.

But astonishingly hbullinger is Bang on the mark.....

I thought the implication was that all things American are inherently bad... but maybe that's hyperbolic...

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Can you imagine you have to live in such a village?

Things in Thailand are getting more and more like Germany under Hitler and The Soviet Union under Stalin.

It's 'Heil Thaksin' or else.

hbullinger, perchance, are you an American? Your gift for hyperbole is astonishing.

But astonishingly hbullinger is Bang on the mark.....

I thought the implication was that all things American are inherently bad... but maybe that's hyperbolic...

;) well done.

Nationality-bashing on his first post out of the gate. Balderdash, indeed.


Edited by Buchholz
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Thaksin, Jatuporn & Co. Ltd. are digging the earth so deep in order to lay a strong foundation so that the edifice of the next Thaksin regime cannot be destroyed. Thaksin's red tentacles will soon reach every part of Thailand from Bangkok to Chiang Rai to the border with Cambodia. If Thaksin was not so blinded by power, money, and his belief that he is Thailand's Mandela and Ghandi, and he was to study history, he would see that regimes, which are not founded in morality, ethics, and a vision of the well-being of the whole nation do not last long. As they fall apart, tyranny and dictatorship set in, which hasten the dictator's downfall and ignominy. He will create one huge mess before he and his red tentacles are finally shipped off to Dubai, but the Thais will learn from the experience and the country will leap forwards in a positive direction. Since this scenario has repeated itself countless times in history, it's a pity that we can't just skip the suffering part.

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On the bright side its good to know that as mainly expats on TV we have the ability and option to leave, unlike the poor unfortunate Thais who are stuck here.

I wonder if push really came to shove, how many of the retired expat wrinkles could actually afford to buy a plane ticket out ?

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If Thaksin was not so blinded by power, money, and his belief that he is Thailand's Mandela

Can see a similarity with Mandela, both terrorists....

And after he serves 27 years in jail, I might respect Thaksin.

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Thaksin, Jatuporn & Co. Ltd. are digging the earth so deep in order to lay a strong foundation so that the edifice of the next Thaksin regime cannot be destroyed. Thaksin's red tentacles will soon reach every part of Thailand from Bangkok to Chiang Rai to the border with Cambodia. If Thaksin was not so blinded by power, money, and his belief that he is Thailand's Mandela and Ghandi, and he was to study history, he would see that regimes, which are not founded in morality, ethics, and a vision of the well-being of the whole nation do not last long. As they fall apart, tyranny and dictatorship set in, which hasten the dictator's downfall and ignominy. He will create one huge mess before he and his red tentacles are finally shipped off to Dubai, but the Thais will learn from the experience and the country will leap forwards in a positive direction. Since this scenario has repeated itself countless times in history, it's a pity that we can't just skip the suffering part.

excellently put

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On the bright side its good to know that as mainly expats on TV we have the ability and option to leave, unlike the poor unfortunate Thais who are stuck here.

I wonder if push really came to shove, how many of the retired expat wrinkles could actually afford to buy a plane ticket out ?

Most posters don't want to leave as they have their families here, so the reason for staying is not financial (or so they say)

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On the bright side its good to know that as mainly expats on TV we have the ability and option to leave, unlike the poor unfortunate Thais who are stuck here.

They wouldn't be poor (and unfortunate) if it were not for the centuries of oppression by the ruling elite.

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