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I'm shopping for a double-cab truck and seems like several other members are as well. Does anyone have information on current financing deals(interest rates) and prices on the new and soon-to-be-released models of trucks? If so, please list them here. Thanks.


MRO is it better to wait until the show to get a good deal, or will going straight to the dealer give a similar deal? I can wait that long but don't really want to:)


MRO is it better to wait until the show to get a good deal, or will going straight to the dealer give a similar deal? I can wait that long but don't really want to:)

Generally speaking, the campaigns on offer from tier-2 brands at the show are difficult to replicate outside of the show, as they're factory sponsored.

But this will be an interesting year - I can't remember the last time there were this many new models at the November show. There's 2 Tier-2's who have "bet the farm" and are hungry to snag big market share (Ford/Chev), another Tier-2 who have established a solid 3rd place and want to keep it (Mitsu), and then there's Isuzu who as a company rely on the the new D-Max selling well, and would definitely like to get the 1st place title back.. In the middle of that you have Mazda, who have gained plenty of popularity with the 2, have never done anything meaningful in the pickup segment, and are seemingly positioning themselves as price-leaders in order to gain market share..

We've already got manufacturers holding their cards very close to their chest (Chev), and others yet to even announce a single meaningful detail (Mazda), so I'm expecting it to be a very hard-fought battle for show bookings. I wouldn't be surprised if the initial campaigns announced at the start of the show don't get more aggressive as the show goes on..

Once Ford and Mazda have their official launches, we'll get see what Chev retaliates with, and that will help paint the picture,. One or more may come out with an agressive campaign pre-show, but it's unlikley we'll see the best deals before then.

In short, yes, I'd wait - but Im in no rush either ;)


Oh that's great. I'm new here and didn't know that they offer better deals at the motorshow. I can wait as well.

Is it possible that any of these companies will be offering 0% financing or less than 3% with this market share battle?


Oh that's great. I'm new here and didn't know that they offer better deals at the motorshow. I can wait as well.

Yep, it's uniquely Thai, but around 25% of annual new cars sales are made during the two major motor shows (Nov/Dec and Mar/Apr), with special "show only" deals (so you need to be in BKK to take advantage of them).

Is it possible that any of these companies will be offering 0% financing or less than 3% with this market share battle?

I don't think there's a single tier-2 brand with published finance rates higher than 2.6% ATM, and yes, there will definitely be better rates on offer at the show. I wouldn't expect any of the new models would launch with 0% interest, but who knows - there's a lot of cost recovery to be made by 4 different truck brands this year ;)

Note that Ford are currently offering 0% on the outgoing Ranger model, and Mitsubishi will give 0% with 40% down any day of the week.

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