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Chipmunk Style Club Music In The Bars?

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Hey, I've been going to SuperBaby a lot in the last few day and keep hearing these chipmunk style versions of big hits like Kylie Minogue's "Cant get you out of my head" and others. They sound like a choir of chipmunks singing it! Funny as ######!!

What is this? Who is doing it? Where can I hear more! They are sanuk mak mak!!!!

(No, it's not the drugs)!! :o

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If you like Chipmunks style music, just wander around the Thai department stores any time in the month or so preceding Christmas. They play entire tapes of all the Christmas songs sung by little chipmunk children. It drives me bonkers in 3 minutes flat. Also delightful in some bars are the disco-ed up versions of slow songs like Sounds of Silence, ruined so that the girls can go go to them.

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