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What Is This Nazi Symbol On Tshirts?


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Are these kids stupid or what, I saw a kid today with a nazi shirt, i saw another one 1 year ago with nazi shirt too

is this crazy or not

dont they know if hitler would be here, he would clean them all out?

I mean I dont understand this shit at all, it makes me sick to my stomach

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The swastika was actually taken from an ancient Buddhist symbol. Google is your friend, check it out for more info.

Yes, it is a very old symbol in Asia that you can see on the sides of houses and temples, etc. It has a completely different meaning to most Asians (I believe purity and goodness) and they do not link it to Hitler. It other words, it is a cultural misunderstanding. Imagine Hitler using the Christian Cross instead of the Swastika. Then ask yourself, would Christians stop embracing the cross post-Hitler? I think not. The situation is similar. What is offensive are the Nazi flags that you can purchase in different places in Thailand. Unfortunately, a lot of young people have no idea what happened during WWII.

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Ok I see, well since we are here ;), I recall a bunch of osama shirts on the street post 9/11. While incredibly insensitive (like the shirts mentioned in this top and the school issue topic up north), sometimes you just have to put it down to ignorance and move on. A small percentage of people are very small minded and you have a couple of choices as I see;

1) Ignore them

2) Start a topic on here to vent about it knowing full well that you are more or less preaching to the conformed.

By selling/wearing etc such shirts only indicates very loudly how much of a buffalo they really are.

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Ok I see, well since we are here ;), I recall a bunch of osama shirts on the street post 9/11. While incredibly insensitive (like the shirts mentioned in this top and the school issue topic up north), sometimes you just have to put it down to ignorance and move on. A small percentage of people are very small minded and you have a couple of choices as I see;

1) Ignore them

2) Start a topic on here to vent about it knowing full well that you are more or less preaching to the conformed.

By selling/wearing etc such shirts only indicates very loudly how much of a buffalo they really are.

I agree its more ignorance that lack of sensitivity. I thank that excuses the Thais who perhaps do not understand how offensive some of these shirts are - particularly anything with a Nazi symbol (not the Hindhu precursor). However some of the language on T-shits here beggars belief - I mean the swear words and offensive language - and some of these are worn by Westerners :blink: .


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Ok I see, well since we are here ;), I recall a bunch of osama shirts on the street post 9/11. While incredibly insensitive (like the shirts mentioned in this top and the school issue topic up north), sometimes you just have to put it down to ignorance and move on. A small percentage of people are very small minded and you have a couple of choices as I see;

1) Ignore them

2) Start a topic on here to vent about it knowing full well that you are more or less preaching to the conformed.

By selling/wearing etc such shirts only indicates very loudly how much of a buffalo they really are.


I agree its more ignorance that lack of sensitivity. I thank that excuses the Thais who perhaps do not understand how offensive some of these shirts are - particularly anything with a Nazi symbol (not the Hindhu precursor). However some of the language on T-shits here beggars belief - I mean the swear words and offensive language - and some of these are worn by Westerners :blink: .


I think it is not offensive for Thais.....70 year old things....

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Well the Thai haters will say they are being racist idiots and the Thai apologists will say it's the Buddhist symbol and not the Nazi one (regardless of whether it is is inverted, rotated 90 degrees and on a white circular background or not).

The only way anyone can make an informed opinion is if a photo of these shirts is provided. Otherwise it's all pure speculation and finger pointing as usual.

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Well the Thai haters will say they are being racist idiots and the Thai apologists will say it's the Buddhist symbol and not the Nazi one (regardless of whether it is is inverted, rotated 90 degrees and on a white circular background or not).

The only way anyone can make an informed opinion is if a photo of these shirts is provided. Otherwise it's all pure speculation and finger pointing as usual.

I really don't get the point. You can have a Che Guevara, Bush, Bin Laden, Stalin, Mao TShirt, but if there is a Swastika everyone panic.

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Well the Thai haters will say they are being racist idiots and the Thai apologists will say it's the Buddhist symbol and not the Nazi one (regardless of whether it is is inverted, rotated 90 degrees and on a white circular background or not).

The only way anyone can make an informed opinion is if a photo of these shirts is provided. Otherwise it's all pure speculation and finger pointing as usual.

I really don't get the point. You can have a Che Guevara, Bush, Bin Laden, Stalin, Mao TShirt, but if there is a Swastika everyone panic.

I can explain that.

Che was a revolutionary, and they're cool so thats ok.

Bush did it in the name of Freedom *cough* *cough* so thats ok.

People are as far as I know wearing t-shirts glorifying Bin Laden, at least not outside of Lahore.

Stalin and Mao only killed their own people which is somehow more acceptable.

So where Hitler went wrong on the t shirt acceptance front was

1 - He wasn't a cool looking South American revolutionary

2 - He didn't do it in the name of Freedom

3 - He didnt just slaughter his own people.

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If you are into political correctness, Thailand is just not for You

Its not a lack of political correctness, its an apathy toward anything not perceived Thai. Try expressing your opinion about problems of Thai culture, government etc. and see just how politically correct Thais are, very B)

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Well the Thai haters will say they are being racist idiots and the Thai apologists will say it's the Buddhist symbol and not the Nazi one (regardless of whether it is is inverted, rotated 90 degrees and on a white circular background or not).

The only way anyone can make an informed opinion is if a photo of these shirts is provided. Otherwise it's all pure speculation and finger pointing as usual.

I really don't get the point. You can have a Che Guevara, Bush, Bin Laden, Stalin, Mao TShirt, but if there is a Swastika everyone panic.

I can explain that.

Che was a revolutionary, and they're cool so thats ok.

Bush did it in the name of Freedom *cough* *cough* so thats ok.

People are as far as I know wearing t-shirts glorifying Bin Laden, at least not outside of Lahore.

Stalin and Mao only killed their own people which is somehow more acceptable.

So where Hitler went wrong on the t shirt acceptance front was

1 - He wasn't a cool looking South American revolutionary

2 - He didn't do it in the name of Freedom

3 - He didnt just slaughter his own people.

OK, I didn't think for the coolness point.

But I saw Bin Laden TShirts in Thailand

Stalin killed a lot people who wasn't his people. Neither Georgien nor Russian. So he should get a - point there

Hitler did everything for defense and freedom in his own propaganda, so he deserve the same + as Bush.

Hitler was vegetarian, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Alcohol and pro sport, so he should get a + point for wellness and health

He loved animals and specific dogs, so he should get a + point for that.

But never as cool as a South American revolutionary. But definitely undervalued in compare with Mao.

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If you ever travel to Japan and consult a street map, you will see swastikas all over it. It is how the japanese denote the presence of a temple or shrine. The swastika is a very old symbol as has been pointed out here already, however the German facists altered its orientation to a mirror image of the original.....as least that is my understanding.

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If you ever travel to Japan and consult a street map, you will see swastikas all over it. It is how the japanese denote the presence of a temple or shrine. The swastika is a very old symbol as has been pointed out here already, however the German facists altered its orientation to a mirror image of the original.....as least that is my understanding.

In Hindu you find both directions. Just the Nazis improved the design slightly.

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If ol' Adolf was here, he'd be doing visa runs. Fast forward 10 years down the road and he would have lost his home and most of his assets to some girl with a 3rd grade education.


And would explain his bar buddies how much better he would make everything if he would be in charge.....Like all that broken farangs do.

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Well the Thai haters will say they are being racist idiots and the Thai apologists will say it's the Buddhist symbol and not the Nazi one (regardless of whether it is is inverted, rotated 90 degrees and on a white circular background or not).

The only way anyone can make an informed opinion is if a photo of these shirts is provided. Otherwise it's all pure speculation and finger pointing as usual.

I really don't get the point. You can have a Che Guevara, Bush, Bin Laden, Stalin, Mao TShirt, but if there is a Swastika everyone panic.

I can explain that.

Che was a revolutionary, and they're cool so thats ok.

Bush did it in the name of Freedom *cough* *cough* so thats ok.

People are as far as I know wearing t-shirts glorifying Bin Laden, at least not outside of Lahore.

Stalin and Mao only killed their own people which is somehow more acceptable.

So where Hitler went wrong on the t shirt acceptance front was

1 - He wasn't a cool looking South American revolutionary

2 - He didn't do it in the name of Freedom

3 - He didnt just slaughter his own people.

OK, I didn't think for the coolness point.

But I saw Bin Laden TShirts in Thailand

Stalin killed a lot people who wasn't his people. Neither Georgien nor Russian. So he should get a - point there

Hitler did everything for defense and freedom in his own propaganda, so he deserve the same + as Bush.

Hitler was vegetarian, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Alcohol and pro sport, so he should get a + point for wellness and health

He loved animals and specific dogs, so he should get a + point for that.

But never as cool as a South American revolutionary. But definitely undervalued in compare with Mao.

Mao enjoyed hill walking in the nude , that's cool .

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When I was a lad my father told me a story about some scientists who had a large tank filled with some rare gasses , that were mostly used up now but had been more common in earth's atmosphere in the ancient times , and they were firing electricity through the gasses ,from one side of the tank to the other , so to speak . The gasses were ignited and huge swirling, burning swastikas were formed . These huge swirling crosses in the sky may have been witnesed by people all over the planet and so explain the existence of the swastika in so many ancient cultures .

I might add he had just come back from the pub and we were watching Quatermass and the Pit on the tele .

Huge swirling swastikas in the sky formed when lightning struck and possibly ignited the said gas .

Edited by onionluke
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heheheh Love these post they make my day falangs trying to impose their beliefs on another culture and people that they donot understand due in part to a belief that their culyure is superior. A person comes to a Buddhist country and doesn't know about the use of the swastika as a religious symbol.

There seems to be a big outrage over the nazis but never any over old Joe Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and a couple of other despots who have killed a lot more people than Hitler was able too.

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OK, I didn't think for the coolness point.

But I saw Bin Laden TShirts in Thailand

Stalin killed a lot people who wasn't his people. Neither Georgien nor Russian. So he should get a - point there

Hitler did everything for defense and freedom in his own propaganda, so he deserve the same + as Bush.

Hitler was vegetarian, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Alcohol and pro sport, so he should get a + point for wellness and health

He loved animals and specific dogs, so he should get a + point for that.

But never as cool as a South American revolutionary. But definitely undervalued in compare with Mao.

Mao enjoyed hill walking in the nude , that's cool .

Really?? I didn't know that! That IS cool!! I need a Mao TShirt now!

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heheheh Love these post they make my day falangs trying to impose their beliefs on another culture and people that they donot understand due in part to a belief that their culyure is superior. A person comes to a Buddhist country and doesn't know about the use of the swastika as a religious symbol.

There seems to be a big outrage over the nazis but never any over old Joe Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and a couple of other despots who have killed a lot more people than Hitler was able too.

Pol Pot killed less than Hitler, mostly because he was backwards on technology

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OK, I didn't think for the coolness point.

But I saw Bin Laden TShirts in Thailand

Stalin killed a lot people who wasn't his people. Neither Georgien nor Russian. So he should get a - point there

Hitler did everything for defense and freedom in his own propaganda, so he deserve the same + as Bush.

Hitler was vegetarian, Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Alcohol and pro sport, so he should get a + point for wellness and health

He loved animals and specific dogs, so he should get a + point for that.

But never as cool as a South American revolutionary. But definitely undervalued in compare with Mao.

Mao enjoyed hill walking in the nude , that's cool .

Really?? I didn't know that! That IS cool!! I need a Mao TShirt now!

Yes . Who would have guessed , Mao the nude hillwalking poet .

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Radiola says "dont they know if hitler would be here, he would clean them all out?"

I would say that they might have heard of the hitler / nazi atrocities... but they do not know about the use of the Swastika, because for them it is a religious symbol...

Now before blaming the Thai for being ignorant, ask yourself:

- what do YOU know about the history of the Japanese / Chinese atrocities of the last 100-200 years?

- what do YOU know about the Mao culture revolution and all it's millions of killed or enslaved people?

- what do YOU know about the things that happened under Lenin / Stalin etc.?

Or another example: What do YOU know about all the killings done to the native Americans by the European settlers? how comes that we still see all those cowboy films that tell us "only a dead American Indian is a good Ameriacn Indian"?

Do we ourselves learn about the history of other cultures and countries or are we just as ignorant to these histroy lessons as the Thai might be about the European history?

But of course... all YOU guys out there reading this post are well informed about the world's history and that is why you have the right to blame all Thai to be ignorant...

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Radiola says "dont they know if hitler would be here, he would clean them all out?"

I would say that they might have heard of the hitler / nazi atrocities... but they do not know about the use of the Swastika, because for them it is a religious symbol...

Now before blaming the Thai for being ignorant, ask yourself:

- what do YOU know about the history of the Japanese / Chinese atrocities of the last 100-200 years?

- what do YOU know about the Mao culture revolution and all it's millions of killed or enslaved people?

- what do YOU know about the things that happened under Lenin / Stalin etc.?

Or another example: What do YOU know about all the killings done to the native Americans by the European settlers? how comes that we still see all those cowboy films that tell us "only a dead American Indian is a good Ameriacn Indian"?

Do we ourselves learn about the history of other cultures and countries or are we just as ignorant to these histroy lessons as the Thai might be about the European history?

But of course... all YOU guys out there reading this post are well informed about the world's history and that is why you have the right to blame all Thai to be ignorant...

We are what we are because of what has been done; would the world be a better place if the huge culls of population had not occurred?

The extermination of the American Indian paved the way for the creation of the USA, providing extra space for European expansion, the first WW created the middle class in England, and the communist revolution in Russia, the Second WW ended the depression, culled the population of Europe, and produced the iron curtain. paving the way for my generation to be employed for a lifetime.

Whether a chap wearing a swastika on his 'T' shirt is the cause of the next cataclysm hardly matters does it?

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Just a note that a special badness of the Nazis was their ideology of racial genocide. Compare to the Japanese who committed many atrocities against the Chinese, most famously during the Rape of Nanking; the goal was not to murder every Han Chinese person on the globe. Similarly nuking Japan, the goal was not to murder every global Japanese person. Similarly, the bombing of Dresden, the goal was not to murder every person of Germanic descent. Dead is dead of course, and pain and suffering is pain and suffering. But genocide is another level.

The Nazis of course aren't the only genocidal movement in history. However, I do think they were the only European genocidal regime in the industrial age. Westerners thought they were better than that, but they weren't. There is definitely something to learn from that.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just a note that a special badness of the Nazis was their ideology of racial genocide. Compare to the Japanese who committed many atrocities against the Chinese, most famously during the Rape of Nanking; the goal was not to murder every Han Chinese person on the globe. Similarly nuking Japan, the goal was not to murder every global Japanese person. Similarly, the bombing of Dresden, the goal was not to murder every person of Germanic descent. Dead is dead of course, and pain and suffering is pain and suffering. But genocide is another level.

The Nazis of course aren't the only genocidal movement in history. However, I do think they were the only European genocidal regime in the industrial age. Westerners thought they were better than that, but they weren't. There is definitely something to learn from that.

Hitler wanted them out of Germany, all other countries (including USA) didn't give visas, some like Switzerland event sent Jewish back to Germany. Than the Holocaust developed.

Or compare with Pol Pot: Kill all the smart one. In fact it does not matter if you are murdered as enemy, for your race or for wearing glasses. I have troubles to rank mass-murder on their evilness. I wouldn't wear such a TShirt, but after 60-70 years I think it is everyones freedom to wear idiotic things.

I wouldn't invite the Nazi TShirt guy into my house but let him wear what he wants. At least we can see that he is either crazy or an idiot.

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Hitler wanted them out of Germany, all other countries (including USA) didn't give visas, some like Switzerland event sent Jewish back to Germany. Than the Holocaust developed.

You could benefit from some reading. Hitler wanted to exterminate all global Jews. Obviously his power was limited to countries he conquered, but there were many. Every country he conquered, he rounded up the Jews. In most countries, the local Christian population totally cooperated in helping the Nazis murder their Jews. The Poles were especially enthusiastic but even the French did that. Are you a westerner? I find it amazing that a modern westerner would be so ignorant about the holocaust. Edited by Jingthing
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