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Is She Playing Me For A Farang Bufflo?


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This topic sound crazy, but just wondering if it has happened to u or any freinds of ours.

Well the girl that i have seen seeing of just over a year now, just started asking me for 30,000 per month, 10,000 for her family and 20,000 to get her house finished.

Well she lives in pattaya and works in agaogo, but i wont say which one, but ur momma & poppa live in Udon, I went there last year for a few days and just a few months ago tried hitting me up for 30k, i asked her why and she said 10,000 for ur parents and 20,000 for her house to be finished inside for a number of months, the thing was she never told me that was her house that was built.

Her parents have a fair bit of land up in udon, have the 2 houses there, cars, motor bikes, rice feild , cotton farm, chichen and grow veg and have lake for fish....so really her family is well off and not living in a ghetto.

So is she just trying to use me for money or what? and im not sure if she might have sponor or other, i know 30k is much at all per month with the girls, but i take her travelling around thailand, eating together plus othere stuff, wot r ur thoughts on this? she think im just a bufflo or just using me, then after jump to the next victim!

Before i end this topic, our plans were to move to chiang mai so she got out of pattaya but i eneded up buying off the plan condo, so plans changed abit and she start back at agogo work again, i also piad for her to do a hairdressing course which is only 2 hours a day mon-fri, but only lasted one day.

The idea for this was if she came back to my country she could start a new life without anyone knowing what she did before and was hoping she do something constructive so when i went to work she could do hairdressing and get paided under the table.

Anyone with any advice would be great

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give me 30,000 baht per month!! i don't work in a gogo either!!! i'm a student, and i'll use the money for myself and not give you any bs story!! lol...

dude obviously you are one of many guys funding her + her family

Im not fuding here family, but 2 months ago, is still trying to hit me up for 30k....before that had no hassle no coming up towards high season is trying to push her luck m8

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:( doesn't sound good... honestly, i really am sorry about your situation..

kinda somewhat jealous too because i dunno how these thai girls can get guys just to give them money all the time...

i never had a bf give me money like that..or..at all..i always worked for everything...

seeing as she works in a gogo she should be making pretty decent money...

i was working at an office part time n the amount of money i was making was pretty laughable..

what i would do if i was you..don't give her more money than you're willing to throw away on the street because if it is all about money then what happens when the next guy with the fatter wallet comes around?

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:( doesn't sound good... honestly, i really am sorry about your situation..

kinda somewhat jealous too because i dunno how these thai girls can get guys just to give them money all the time...

i never had a bf give me money like that..or..at all..i always worked for everything...

seeing as she works in a gogo she should be making pretty decent money...

i was working at an office part time n the amount of money i was making was pretty laughable..

what i would do if i was you..don't give her more money than you're willing to throw away on the street because if it is all about money then what happens when the next guy with the fatter wallet comes around?

Korp kun krup,

I was thinking the same thing aswell, i know alot of thai people, one of my friends works security and only gets paided 6k a month and he works 12 hours a day and has 1 day off a week

.And i know she get descent money she say she make 30k a month but i know she make more than that

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Where does seeing a girl equate to having to give her 30,000 baht a month? When I have had a steady girlfriend here in the states, I don't recall having to give any of them $1,000 USD every month.

Well thats the same as back home, its give and take, but it seems like these girls just take

Its not just only 30k, 10k parents and 20k for the inside of her house to be finished

But we both eat together, travel around thailand and go out, so other words she wants more than 30k

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Where does seeing a girl equate to having to give her 30,000 baht a month? When I have had a steady girlfriend here in the states, I don't recall having to give any of them $1,000 USD every month.

Well thats the same as back home, its give and take, but it seems like these girls just take

Its not just only 30k, 10k parents and 20k for the inside of her house to be finished

But we both eat together, travel around thailand and go out, so other words she wants more than 30k

Mate, you are being taken for a ride around Thailand ---- ask yourself, ''who pays the bill when you eat out?'' Bet you do.

Anyway, it's your money, and up to you how you spend it.

You talk about relationships being Give and Take. That's fine.

However, the picture you paint, is all about Take.

Put it down to experience and move along swiftly.

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next time she is heading to the bank go with her and ask to see her bank balance, you'll be in for a big surprise, some of the gogo girls are earning more money than you mate :whistling:

some upto 500 K a month ... seen it with my own eyes, and they will have 5-6 blokes sending money every month, plus charging upto 5K a night...

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The fact that you need advice proves that you are a idiot or a wind up merchant.

Both maybe ?

Just having feels for her, is that a crime...I know it sounds pee bah and is doing it my head

Which head, the one on your shoulders or the one between your legs? :lol: Edited by Colin Yai
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Where does seeing a girl equate to having to give her 30,000 baht a month? When I have had a steady girlfriend here in the states, I don't recall having to give any of them $1,000 USD every month.

Well thats the same as back home, its give and take, but it seems like these girls just take

Its not just only 30k, 10k parents and 20k for the inside of her house to be finished

But we both eat together, travel around thailand and go out, so other words she wants more than 30k

Mate, you are being taken for a ride around Thailand ---- ask yourself, ''who pays the bill when you eat out?'' Bet you do.

Anyway, it's your money, and up to you how you spend it.

You talk about relationships being Give and Take. That's fine.

However, the picture you paint, is all about Take.

Put it down to experience and move along swiftly.

Yeah seen it so many times before , he gives and she takes! :lol:
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As people say, it is your money but the question of are you being played for a buffalo... yes. Kick her to the curb as more than likely you will pay, pay, pay and at the end of the day she will still be in the bar workin' that body.

Not to sound harsh, but biatch dependency is never, never good to see.

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Most men every where in reality pay women. The women they pay are usually called wives. For this the wives cook, clean, have sex with you, and bear children. Many men who have wealth will help out the in laws financially, according to their means. Girl friends in the USA can also be costly. They can receive furs, jewelry, assorted small gifts, and treats. What services does she provide. Can you afford them. If you can't afford her services. Get a less expensive service provider. I get the impression that her working in a GoGO does not disturb you? How much support and comittment are you willing to give her. Husbands will do a lot of things to help their wives. Women usually expect a certain level of support from a man. If you are just in a straight forward rental agreement. Then if the fee is to expensive. Get a cheaper one. Often in Thailand renting is better than buying. Is she feeling you out to see if you want to buy?

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For a real stunner of a Go Go girl i might give B20,000 a month tops ,but she would have to stop working bar or selling her body to others . :jap:

The fact that she lasted a hair dressing course only one day is not a good sign of her having any work ethic . :whistling:

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Most men every where in reality pay women. The women they pay are usually called wives. For this the wives cook, clean, have sex with you, and bear children. Many men who have wealth will help out the in laws financially, according to their means. Girl friends in the USA can also be costly. They can receive furs, jewelry, assorted small gifts, and treats. What services does she provide. Can you afford them. If you can't afford her services. Get a less expensive service provider. I get the impression that her working in a GoGO does not disturb you? How much support and comittment are you willing to give her. Husbands will do a lot of things to help their wives. Women usually expect a certain level of support from a man. If you are just in a straight forward rental agreement. Then if the fee is to expensive. Get a cheaper one. Often in Thailand renting is better than buying. Is she feeling you out to see if you want to buy?

No no she is only offering a timeshare scheme by the sounds of things.....rolleyes.gif

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