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Thai PM Appeals For Unity Amid Flood Crisis


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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

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People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation?

Here is a snipet of what was written by the Australian and published in the public domain about Australia's P.M who was in the exactly same position as Yingluck. Please feel free to point out any difference. Yingluck is right up there with the standards of a P.M of a western country.

"IT may be that Julia Gillard has displayed a human side that genuinely empathises with the flood victims, or we may have just witnessed a brilliant and well-timed acting performance, but neither possibility changes the fact that she is the do-nothing leader of a government that has been impotent for the past three years.

If Gillard is truly touched by the plight of those affected by the Queensland floods, and this is driving her commitment to helping them, that's wonderful. The problem is that she remains the same person who bungled the Building the Education Revolution and foisted Fair Work Australia on employers at a time when flexibility was desperately needed in the workforce.

As a leader, she has shown a lack of willingness to act and poor judgment when she does; no amount of tears -- crocodile or otherwise -- will change that."

(Australian 10 Feb 2011)

"People seem to love hanging it on Yingluck but is she really any worse than any other Prime Minister in the same situation"?

Thats a big fat YES!!!!!

Well is she any worse than Australia's P.M in the same situation? The answer would be a big NO. and Julia is considered a world leader.

I'm afraid we are poles apart on this and will have to agree to disagree - I know I'm right though!!!:jap:.

I have to agree with you Sichonsteve they are poles apart as one aussie to another I would gladly swap Julia for Yingluck. Yingluck is a far better leader than Julia could ever dream to be. Be happy to have here at the wheel of Australia than julia any day.

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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

You're right. She has done the best she can. Considering her limited intellect and capability...

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Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

You're right. She has done the best she can. Considering her limited intellect and capability...

Let me know when you are able to post anything other than insults. At that point, you might become interesting.

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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

OK, you have given me a straight answer.

I am not doubting that she has tried her best in fact it is clear that she has done. My argument relates to the fact that she shouldn't be there at all.

Look at the facts:

Despite her claims that "Thaksin was not a priority" everyone knows he was THE priority.

She had zilch experience of politics before being projected into the top position in government.

She is not Thatcher (luckily for her, as she was a heartless woman AND a complete disaster)!!!!

Her cabinet (picked by Thaksin) are disloyal to the point whereby they don't listen to her or take any notice of what she demands (not exactly united I think you'd agree).

He told her to place his old school buddies and police mates in prominent positions within the government machinery to look after HIS business and interests.

Need I go on?????

Recipe for a disaster in waiting, or what :huh:.

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Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

You're right. She has done the best she can. Considering her limited intellect and capability...

Let me know when you are able to post anything other than insults. At that point, you might become interesting.

Me being interesting to you is the least of my worries. I stand by what I wrote. And it's pathetic when someone like you claims that her mismanagement of this disaster is "doing the best she can". You really set the bar low.

She's incompetent and she's not very smart. Someone like her would at best be middle management in some small Thai company. But it's always nice to have a rich and influential relative.

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As much as I dissaprove of the present government I don't think there is a great deal they could have done to stop this flood, at best they may have been able to minimise it slightly. This is a once in 50 year maybe even a 100 year flood.

Australia had the same problems in December 2010 and January 2011, 50% of Queensland was flooded. Sure you can have plans in place and infrastructure to alleviate the flooding but you can't stop the sheer volume of water.

Nahh it was Yinglucks fault, karma I recon. :jap:

One of the few good comments that really is talking about what has happened here , some pretty stupid and unhelpful comments too , i think some of you older long serving Ex-pats should take a dam_n good look at whats happening in you home country , where you come from , corruption , lies ,deception , and just pure crap , Western polititions are full of it and are certianly less sincere in their attitude towards people , it would be usefull and make better reading to hear some more helpful comments , half of you lot here sound like a bunch of spiteful schoolgirls .

Yinglucks only been in office for a few months , and she has suddenly been dumped with this on her lap . i think ( in time ) she might not be too bad ( if she can keep her brother of her back ).

R.I P, all the people who have lost thier lives , my Thai wife has her house in Navanakorn industrial estate , and she was told yesterday that it is under 2 meters of water , it is extremely worying for her , 200,000 people have been evaquated from that estate along , yes 200,000 , some people talking here think it is a big joke , brain dead jerks .

I am one of the mentioned farangs and -as much as i like being here- right now, I would trade this mess with my home-country any given minute. And that is not, because of the reds or the yellows or whatever. It is because of the needless hate and accusations and the stupid fingerpointing and the insults. And It is because this: let's say in 2 months time, we are done with this. Do you think ANYONE will start preparing for the next flood that will be coming next year? IT WILL BE COMING! ANYONE? No, of course not! It will be "mai pen rai" as always. A few years ago we had a flood situation in "my country". Did we learn? Hell yes, we did! That is what pee"es me off the most. The current government is dealing with a legacy of neglect, stupidity, greed and carelessness, which is why I am not fingerpointing at them. Did they fail in some fields? Yes, they did! Did they make mistakes? Sure! Would any other government with 2 month in office been better? Who knows! WHO CARES, because it is all hypothetical. But believe me: if nothing will be done about this crap after the water is gone, I will be IN THEIR FACE (Not that it matters, because I am farnag and have no idea about Thailand and the Thai way...)

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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

OK, you have given me a straight answer.

I am not doubting that she has tried her best in fact it is clear that she has done. My argument relates to the fact that she shouldn't be there at all.

Look at the facts:

Despite her claims that "Thaksin was not a priority" everyone knows he was THE priority.

She had zilch experience of politics before being projected into the top position in government.

She is not Thatcher (luckily for her, as she was a heartless woman AND a complete disaster)!!!!

Her cabinet (picked by Thaksin) are disloyal to the point whereby they don't listen to her or take any notice of what she demands (not exactly united I think you'd agree).

He told her to place his old school buddies and police mates in prominent positions within the government machinery to look after HIS business and interests.

Need I go on?????

Recipe for a disaster in waiting, or what :huh:.

This is about the first halfway sensible mail, I have read of you sir...at all. I would agree with most points, only to point out one thing: SO WHAT?! She is there! And she has been handed a problem, that reaches back decades and she has to solve it now and forever in 1 week!? Yeeeeeeeeeees, there were warnings- but who would have thought, it would come to THIS? Yeeeeeeeeees, she made some mistakes in organising her own troops- but I would give her the benefit of a doubt there. Would any other PM by any other party done better? Who the F knows...and it doesn't really matter in what we call "REALITY"!

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This is about the first halfway sensible mail, I have read of you sir...at all. I would agree with most points, only to point out one thing: SO WHAT?! She is there! And she has been handed a problem, that reaches back decades and she has to solve it now and forever in 1 week!? Yeeeeeeeeeees, there were warnings- but who would have thought, it would come to THIS? Yeeeeeeeeees, she made some mistakes in organising her own troops- but I would give her the benefit of a doubt there. Would any other PM by any other party done better? Who the F knows...and it doesn't really matter in what we call "REALITY"!

You would give her the benefit of the doubt? How sweet of you. I guess your house hasn't been submerged yet right? Because I doubt you'd be as forgiving if you lost everything.

Could any other PM have done better? We'll never know will we? She's in the seat now so it's her responsibility.

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To answer DocN's latest posting on me and my apparent inadequacies

If someone has a go at me then I am the retaliatory type - I turn into an "attack dog". I don't mind criticism if it is fair and balanced and not "mirth based" at my expense, but if its not, then no leash can hold me back!!!.

I think that your comments are a tad unfair as it ventures to describe my other 950 or so as being not worthy or contributory to the various debates that I have made postings on.

Still, you are entitled to your opinion of course and if thats how you see it then fair enough!!!

"Yeeeeeeeeees, she made some mistakes in organising her own troops"

This is by far the biggest mistake she made - her co-ordinating efforts were abysmal and her handling of it even worse. You simply MUST get the basics right in the given time frame for them to be effective. On this point - who is to say that she did the organising as there are so many opposing factions that think they should be "the top dog" or "saviour" in the moments of crisis that you had conflicting reports on every aspect of the disaster that did nothing but confuse all of those people "at their wits end" in not knowing what to do or what they are supposed to be doing at any one given time.

Strictly speaking, no one can say for sure that any other prime minister would have approached or handled it any better but a more sensible and realistic approach to this aspect would be - could anyone have done worse it was so lacking (not in effort but in worthwhile and useful substance).

I'm not going to dwell any longer on this as i think it has been "done to the rafters" and is well past its sell-by date now, so "I'm off to pastures anew" just to amuse Mr mca just in case he decides to takes a peep back at proceedings!!!B).

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This is about the first halfway sensible mail, I have read of you sir...at all. I would agree with most points, only to point out one thing: SO WHAT?! She is there! And she has been handed a problem, that reaches back decades and she has to solve it now and forever in 1 week!? Yeeeeeeeeeees, there were warnings- but who would have thought, it would come to THIS? Yeeeeeeeeees, she made some mistakes in organising her own troops- but I would give her the benefit of a doubt there. Would any other PM by any other party done better? Who the F knows...and it doesn't really matter in what we call "REALITY"!

You would give her the benefit of the doubt? How sweet of you. I guess your house hasn't been submerged yet right? Because I doubt you'd be as forgiving if you lost everything.

Could any other PM have done better? We'll never know will we? She's in the seat now so it's her responsibility.

Does the term "natural disaster" ring a bell? Ever had one without people loosing home, loved ones or else? And one COULD argue (being cynical), that those who lost their house could also have known, that this might happen, because it happened every year -to others...not to them obviously, which makes it what? Oh yes "mai pen rai"! That is the funny thing about democracy: you are not only putting your cross somewhere every 4 or 5 years. You are part of a process, that evolves and lasts usually more than a day, where your house is not flooded!

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To answer DocN's latest posting on me and my apparent inadequacies

If someone has a go at me then I am the retaliatory type - I turn into an "attack dog". I don't mind criticism if it is fair and balanced and not "mirth based" at my expense, but if its not, then no leash can hold me back!!!.

I think that your comments are a tad unfair as it ventures to describe my other 950 or so as being not worthy or contributory to the various debates that I have made postings on.

Still, you are entitled to your opinion of course and if thats how you see it then fair enough!!!

"Yeeeeeeeeees, she made some mistakes in organising her own troops"

This is by far the biggest mistake she made - her co-ordinating efforts were abysmal and her handling of it even worse. You simply MUST get the basics right in the given time frame for them to be effective. On this point - who is to say that she did the organising as there are so many opposing factions that think they should be "the top dog" or "saviour" in the moments of crisis that you had conflicting reports on every aspect of the disaster that did nothing but confuse all of those people "at their wits end" in not knowing what to do or what they are supposed to be doing at any one given time.

Strictly speaking, no one can say for sure that any other prime minister would have approached or handled it any better but a more sensible and realistic approach to this aspect would be - could anyone have done worse it was so lacking (not in effort but in worthwhile and useful substance).

I'm not going to dwell any longer on this as i think it has been "done to the rafters" and is well past its sell-by date now, so "I'm off to pastures anew" just to amuse Mr mca just in case he decides to takes a peep back at proceedings!!!B).

Fair enough...

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I have to agree with you Sichonsteve they are poles apart as one aussie to another I would gladly swap Julia for Yingluck. Yingluck is a far better leader than Julia could ever dream to be. Be happy to have here at the wheel of Australia than julia any day.

Wow!!!! You must REALLY "not rate" (probably the understatement of the year) Julia if you would prefer Yingluck to her as PM!!!:o.

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I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

You're right. She has done the best she can. Considering her limited intellect and capability...

Let me know when you are able to post anything other than insults. At that point, you might become interesting.

Me being interesting to you is the least of my worries. I stand by what I wrote. And it's pathetic when someone like you claims that her mismanagement of this disaster is "doing the best she can". You really set the bar low.

She's incompetent and she's not very smart. Someone like her would at best be middle management in some small Thai company. But it's always nice to have a rich and influential relative.

That's it....keep insulting anyone you disagree with. Maybe it'll make the water go away. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I can just see it in the year 2111 expats still complaining about Thailands woes saying but Taksin was in power for 5 years and he should have fixed it can't blame the present government it is thaksins fault for todays woes. Stop living in the past people. What did the last governmemt go? About the same as Thaksin, nothing so point two fingers not one

"Stop living in the past people. What did the last government do?" :rolleyes:

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I have to agree with you Sichonsteve they are poles apart as one aussie to another I would gladly swap Julia for Yingluck. Yingluck is a far better leader than Julia could ever dream to be. Be happy to have here at the wheel of Australia than julia any day.

Wow!!!! You must REALLY "not rate" (probably the understatement of the year) Julia if you would prefer Yingluck to her as PM!!!:o.

I would prefer Yingluck as P.M of Australia also. I guess you don't know about Julia the worst P.M in Australia history and she didn't even win an election. Was going to be a hung parliment until she convinced 3 independents to side with her and now the 3 independents control the country not julia. YES without a shadow of doubt Yingluck is a far better P.M than Julia and Thailand should be greatfull for having her. If Thailand doesn't like her then please please please take julia and give us Yingluck.

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I can just see it in the year 2111 expats still complaining about Thailands woes saying but Taksin was in power for 5 years and he should have fixed it can't blame the present government it is thaksins fault for todays woes. Stop living in the past people. What did the last governmemt go? About the same as Thaksin, nothing so point two fingers not one

"Stop living in the past people. What did the last government do?" :rolleyes:

ha ha .... whybother, I don't think he got it :whistling:

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I can just see it in the year 2111 expats still complaining about Thailands woes saying but Taksin was in power for 5 years and he should have fixed it can't blame the present government it is thaksins fault for todays woes. Stop living in the past people. What did the last governmemt go? About the same as Thaksin, nothing so point two fingers not one

"Stop living in the past people. What did the last government do?" :rolleyes:

ha ha .... whybother, I don't think he got it :whistling:

got it, clumsy fingers. failed typing at highschool :D

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I have to agree with you Sichonsteve they are poles apart as one aussie to another I would gladly swap Julia for Yingluck. Yingluck is a far better leader than Julia could ever dream to be. Be happy to have here at the wheel of Australia than julia any day.

Wow!!!! You must REALLY "not rate" (probably the understatement of the year) Julia if you would prefer Yingluck to her as PM!!!:o.

I would prefer Yingluck as P.M of Australia also. I guess you don't know about Julia the worst P.M in Australia history and she didn't even win an election. Was going to be a hung parliment until she convinced 3 independents to side with her and now the 3 independents control the country not julia. YES without a shadow of doubt Yingluck is a far better P.M than Julia and Thailand should be greatfull for having her. If Thailand doesn't like her then please please please take julia and give us Yingluck.

I don't think Thailand will trade a diamond for rock and that is the difference between the 2. Thailand and the expats on here don't know how good Thailand have it when it comes to P.M's

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With natural disasters, the rule of thumb tends to be that the worse it is, the less accountable the government becomes. The arguments about what could have been done to handle it better given the earlier warnings fade away as the increasing scale of the problem becomes apparent.

There may have been warning signs of some flooding, but the larger the scale of the problem, the less likelihood there is of there ever having been warning signs of a deluge of this scale.

This isn't an attempt to 'get the government off the hook' as many here will assume. Just an observation that some situations can escape the control of any governing body in the world.

Please answer this truly.

Do you think that she has done a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster???

I think she's done the best she can. In the event, it hasn't been good enough for many people and this is not surprising, all things considered.

I don't know what a good job of co-ordinating the handling of the disaster would involve exactly, so I can't really answer any better than that.

You're right. She has done the best she can. Considering her limited intellect and capability...

Plus the fact that her brother (read puppeteer) surrounded her with a gang of yes men and women, none of whom have the capability to know whether it's day or night and none of them have contributed anything valuable to the situation. Just look at the science minister, a total fool who puts his foot in his mouth everytime he opens it. His latest gem the day before yesterday - her ordered a government agency to build 10,000 bamboo rafts.

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I am trained to rescue people and deliver first aid. I would like so much to help. Sadly, my visa dont give me the right to work. Sad but even with tears in her eyes, i can not do something else than watching those people.

Yes I remember all the Farangs who were helping after the Tsunami were told that they had to apply for work permits or stop helping. This was despite the fact that people were dying and the Farangs were volunteering and didn't receive any money for their work. I was just speechless at the time but nothing has changed since then..

It wasn't just 'falangs' who wanted to help when the Tsunami had hit Thailand. A special unit from the German BKA, specialized in forensic techniques to identify the bodies, were also sent away because they're working without a WP.

This must be called stupidity, because the same country gave Thailand a huge amount of money....jap.gif

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The truth hurts maybe!!!!????*****####

Just trying to accentuate my points and arguments for maximum impact - and what's wrong with making analogies by the way???? Analogies embellish my thoughts in order to help the lay man (or those intelligently challenged simpletons who favour the colour red - includes Man Utd, Arsenal, and Liverpool fans) to understand my simple words.

It's OK, don't worry, I won't hold your lacking intellect against you 'mca' as I treat and view ALL people as equal (apart from a certain khun T).

I will carry on using my exclamation marks if thats OK with you!!!!! Is it????? Have a good day, and you'll get over it my friend B):D:lol:!!!!!!!!!

By the way, I notice that you choose to attack my writing style rather than the content of my posting - this indicates that you are either the cowardly sort, or perhaps more akin to the true reason, you accept my argument and do not have the ability to respond to it - which I take as a huge compliment, so thank you!!!!! Your attempt at "gutter" humour at my expense has made me feel immensely proud of myself. I really don't deserve this accolade, but equally so, I'm truly chuffed about it all the same!!!!!

I think the main jist of my post which unsurprisingly went your head like Halley's Comet on amphetamines was your appeal for polite answers whilst completely ignoring your own insults such as "rubbish", "stupidity" and, in your latest potential Booker Prize winner, "intellectually challenged simpletons" which,after reading some of your own offerings, is a road best left untravelled.

BTW in the world of rational people ( a place you may have fleetingly visited at some point during your life) that would be considered attacking the content of your post rather than the writing style would it not?

I'll leave it to you to use your rapier like intellect to have the last word.

I assume you mean gist and (over) your head.

Interesting headline that BTW - "Halleys Comet on amphetamines" I always imagined that Bill's band were clean cut boys and would have steered away from the drugs scene, but what do I know, maybe I was simply insulated from such relevations by my parents on account of my being a young boy at the time :).

I didn't ignore my so-called insults, I used them.

Why didn't someone tell me that I had won the "booker prize"??? it just gets better and better - afterall, you informing me that I have won something as prestigious such as this, I tell you, it has made my cheeks resemble a puffer fish!!!!

I'm not sure if I have visited this other world you mention as it doesn't "ring a bell" as far as worlds that I have visited go!!! Where is it??? and why do you think I might have been there???? "Rational people"!!!!!!- sounds like an extremely boring place to me so I think I'll give it a miss in as far as my worldly travels go if thats alright with you :jap:.

Very noble and honourable of you to let me have the last word on this episode as it implies I have won the argument by scribing the concluding words on the matter!!!!:D. It's been a joy chatting to you in such a personable way - no hard feelings at me being the victor?????

I'll have to concede victory because I recall in the past you'd made statements such as

The reason that local opinion here in sunny Sichon reflect these views is because the education is far superior to that offered up in the North and North East of the country and the people can see what Pheu Thai REALLY stand for!!!!

and I realised that with such irrefutable contributions to the forum there was really no point in me continuing. Though most probably not for the reasons you think.....

Anyhow I'm done reading the News Section. It's akin to hitting yourself over the head with a brick covered in bubble wrap.

Edited by mca
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I am no expert at flood control BUT it seems to me everyone is missing the point in attributing blame. It has been quite clearly reported that the rains this year have been no heavier than in previous years. In other words the problems we are experiencing now are not a result of nature but as a result of mismanagement.

From what I have gleaned from reports the problem was caused by retaining too much water in the dams up north. Someone was betting the farm on less rains than normal and the extra water retained being used for irrigation and power generation. As it turns out this was a bad bet.

What I have not seen reported is who made this disastrous decision. However one thing is clear and that is that the decision was made recently. Previous administrations are not to blame.

Not sure where these reports got their facts and figures? I have looked at some Thailand rainfall statistics and there hasn't been this amount of rain since 1970.

Here is a average rainfall graph for Chiang Mai (0 being average)


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Here is some old video of Bangkok in 1942 when rainfall was about the same as this year.

Which we are told to expect it to be worse in 2011 as Yingluck proclaims this is the worst flooding EVER in history (made shortly after her Cabinet Minister said the worst was over on October 16th and the flooding had bypassed Bangkok).


*edit. Check that. Apparently Yingluck said this was the worst flood EVER in history the same day on October 16, the same day as her Cabinet Minister said it had bypassed Bangkok. Probably within hours of each other.


Edited by Buchholz
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