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UK charges man for possessing al-Qaeda magazine


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UK charges man for possessing al-Qaeda magazine

2011-10-19 20:28:31 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- A British man who was arrested earlier this year was charged on Wednesday for possessing al-Qaeda's English-language online magazine, Scotland Yard said.

The 21-year-old man, who has been identified as Hakan Ertarkan, was arrested at an address in north London on April 12 by officers from the Metropolitan Police Service's Counter Terrorism Command. He was subsequently released on bail as an investigation continued.

Ertarkan was charged on Wednesday for allegedly possessing 'a record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.' Police identified the record of information as a CD containing the first issue of Inspire, al-Qaeda's English-language online magazine.

Inspire was launched by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in July 2010 to serve as a guide to potential and future jihadis. Articles so far have included "[How to] Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom" and "What to Expect in Jihad."

However, British police have not said why Ertarkan possessed the magazine and if he was actually interested in or planning to carry out a terrorist attack. He is set to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on November 1.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-10-19

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Oh my, they are going mainstream.

Who do you make the subscription check payable to?

It's available for free to download from al-Qaeda affiliated websites, but also from (legal) organizations which monitor terrorist organizations. But what worries me about this story is that he was arrested for simply having the magazine, and police haven't said why he had it. Was he actually interested in joining terrorism or did he have the magazine for another purpose? Journalism and research are two things I can think of..

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No doubt Mr Ertarkan has human right to possess such an article, if the Westminster court finds him guilty then no doubt the ECHR will agree that Mr Ertarkan rights were indeed breached and he should be entitled to compensation.

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Its like child porn, It doesn't matter why ,If you have its enough for a conviction.

Clearly there is a law in place the makes it illegal to be in possession of al-qeada manuals/magazines.

I imagine that would go for downloaded material as well

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I'm waiting for the swimsuit edition.

Upcoming articles you don't want to miss:

>>>> The best time to firebomb a girls' school - when most students are in attendance. Note: block the exit doors and don't allow firemen to come near, because we don't want men getting close to girls. (actually happened in Saudi Arabia - not the firebomb part, but blocking exits and keeping firemen from responding).

>>>> How to shoot your sister (for having a boyfriend) without making a big bloody mess on the carpet.

>>>> When do most people attend public markets?

>>>> How to conceal a bomb in your anal cavity

>>>> It's easy to recruit retards for bomb belts (actually happens - using men and women).

>>>> Ten best recipes for poisoning guests to your dinner party.

>>>> Top Ten most hated cartoonists

>>>> Why we hate demon Amerika, yet we all would jump with glee at the opportunity to get green cards to reside there.

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Their first book will be: Jihad for Dummies.

Next month, maybe 'Jihad for Junior' followed by 'Jihad for Senior Citizens'.

I would be very interested to know who advertises in the magazine!

Sadly I suspect Jihad for Dhimmies is already required reading matter in many Western government circles.

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Their first book will be: Jihad for Dummies.

Next month, maybe 'Jihad for Junior' followed by 'Jihad for Senior Citizens'.

I would be very interested to know who advertises in the magazine!

No advertising needed, as there are a bunch of Saudi Princes and Immans (from Morocco to Indonesia) who would gladly contribute.

If I was advertising manager, I'd go check with funeral parlors, newspapers (more bloodshed = sell more papers), and guns and weapons makers. Oh, and anybody selling liquids in bottles (drinks or cosmetics), as the jihadists' indirectly cause billions of bottled liquid things to get thrown away each year - at airports - compelling people to purchase replacements. ....and any manufacturer of security devices, bulletproof cars, flak jackets.

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Their first book will be: Jihad for Dummies.

Next month, maybe 'Jihad for Junior' followed by 'Jihad for Senior Citizens'.

I would be very interested to know who advertises in the magazine!

No advertising needed, as there are a bunch of Saudi Princes and Immans (from Morocco to Indonesia) who would gladly contribute.

If I was advertising manager, I'd go check with funeral parlors, newspapers (more bloodshed = sell more papers), and guns and weapons makers. Oh, and anybody selling liquids in bottles (drinks or cosmetics), as the jihadists' indirectly cause billions of bottled liquid things to get thrown away each year - at airports - compelling people to purchase replacements. ....and any manufacturer of security devices, bulletproof cars, flak jackets.

What about airport retailers who sell replacement bottles of toiletries, not to mention replacement underwear due to passengers soiling their own on hearing shouts of Allahu Akbar as swarthy gentlemen try to break down the flight cabin door.

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'Man arrested for possessing magazine'. George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.


Ertarkan was charged on Wednesday for allegedly possessing 'a record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.' Police identified the record of information as a CD containing the first issue of Inspire, al-Qaeda's English-language online magazine.

You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here

Sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside


Basically the thought police are now on the scene...All those who traded freedom & liberty for security please take one step forward so you may now be shot for treason.

As Benjamin Franklin said....They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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'Man arrested for possessing magazine'. George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.


Ertarkan was charged on Wednesday for allegedly possessing 'a record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.' Police identified the record of information as a CD containing the first issue of Inspire, al-Qaeda's English-language online magazine.

You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here

Sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside


Basically the thought police are now on the scene...All those who traded freedom & liberty for security please take one step forward so you may now be shot for treason.

As Benjamin Franklin said....They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Hmmm, I wasn't aware that the expired author of Inspire magazine was inspired by liberty, to borrow from another analogy mentioned here, I don't think pedophiles would be the best guardians of children's rights - Possession of some things should not be permitted for the greater good and would be bombers should not be protected by privacy or freedom of expression laws.

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'Man arrested for possessing magazine'. George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.


Ertarkan was charged on Wednesday for allegedly possessing 'a record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.' Police identified the record of information as a CD containing the first issue of Inspire, al-Qaeda's English-language online magazine.

You can't even watch, no you can't eat, you ain't suppose to be here

Sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside


Basically the thought police are now on the scene...All those who traded freedom & liberty for security please take one step forward so you may now be shot for treason.

As Benjamin Franklin said....They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

I didn't agree with you in another thread, but I agree with you here.

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I'm not sure about arresting someone for just possessing a magazine but remember it isn't a "magazine" as much as it is a manual on how to make bombs and kill people. Perhaps they kept a close eye on him for a bit to see if there was something more going on than simple curiousity?

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Hmmm, I wasn't aware

Yes it is clear the whole intent flew right over your head

Come now you can do better than that, FWIW I normally take a libertarian stance on many issues such as economics, use of drugs etc. I'm well aware of the dangers of exceptions eroding liberties being a slippery slope, however we do have a dichotomy here - Those who are having their activities monitored or restricted belong to an ideology which would throw out constitutional rights along with a whole raft of other human rights we take for granted. Quite how this situation was allowed to develop is a complex question, though unless you subscribe to some conspiracy theory that Al-Qaeda ideology is a synthetic threat designed to let the powers that be take away our rights it is a threat to be ignored at our peril. To sum up things have slipped so far that draconian action may be the only way to stop the rot.


A senior intelligence source has revealed that the figure is a "conservative" estimate of the threat facing the country from UK-based Islamist suicide bombers.

The would-be killers are among 2,000 extremists who the security services have said are based in Britain and actively planning terrorist activity of some kind.

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It was a lot like the magazines that the left-wing radicals used to put out in the 60s only even stupider and more violent - think Anarchists Cookbook on steroids.

A bit like this then?

Only a lot angrier, but my guess is that it still would be legal to have in the US.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Hmmm, I wasn't aware

Yes it is clear the whole intent flew right over your head

Come now you can do better than that, FWIW I normally take a libertarian stance on many issues such as economics, use of drugs etc. I'm well aware of the dangers of exceptions eroding liberties being a slippery slope, however we do have a dichotomy here - Those who are having their activities monitored or restricted belong to an ideology which would throw out constitutional rights along with a whole raft of other human rights we take for granted. Quite how this situation was allowed to develop is a complex question, though unless you subscribe to some conspiracy theory that Al-Qaeda ideology is a synthetic threat designed to let the powers that be take away our rights it is a threat to be ignored at our peril. To sum up things have slipped so far that draconian action may be the only way to stop the rot.

No actually I can't.....It is spot on & proven yet again by this latest post of yours.

It is enough to say we think very differently.

You are willing to trade your freedom & liberties .....I am not.

You are afraid of things you are led to believe....I am not.

It is not I that subscribes to conspiracy theories...It is you

You think differently as shown by your stance on many things.... That is fine with me no problem....It is what I support.

.....Until you try to trade/surrender what is not yours but ours.... because of your fears.

You are under some kind of delusion that once the rot as you call it is gone.. your liberties & freedoms fought for by your forefathers will be returned....They will not!

Edited by flying
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This was just released by Scotland Yard:

[A] Mohammed Abdul Hasnath, 19 (22/9/92) of Blair Street, E14 appears incustody at City of Marylebone Magistrates' Court charged with six counts

of possession of document or record containing information of a kind

likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of

terrorism (cont. Section 58 Terrorism Act 2000).

Same charge as against the other guy, but doesn't say whether this also involves the possession of Inspire..

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It was a lot like the magazines that the left-wing radicals used to put out in the 60s only even stupider and more violent - think Anarchists Cookbook on steroids.

A bit like this then?

Only a lot angrier, but my guess is that it still would be legal to have in the US.

It's apparently legal in the UK too as it's available on Amazon UK:


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