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UN Blames Thai Govt For Poor Flood Management


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UN Blames Govt for Poor Flood Management

The United Nations has warned that natural disasters and floods in ASEAN are triggering a humanitarian crisis, claiming that no integrated effort to solve the turmoil will result in failure in tackling the after effects.

The Voice of America or VOA has reported that natural disasters in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines have killed more than 700 people already and affected eight million residents.

Moreover, Thailand's capital of Bangkok is under threat of floods, which have already submerged industrial estates and crippled the growing economy.

UN ESCAP Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer pointed out that the main weakness to tackling the flood crisis in Thailand is the abundance of organizations to oversee water management.

She noted the Thai government has failed to streamline the eight agencies involved, resulting in policies going in different directions.

Heyzer said this problem is not only limited to Thailand but is being seen in other countries in the region.

She further warned that this crisis may be just a prelude to future natural calamities.

Various foreign media have pointed out the fact that what is seen in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster as dams were not discharging as much water as they should, perhaps in hope of storing water for irrigation during the drought season.

Therefore, when the rainy-season peaks, the dams are in full capacity and have to discharge water, causing this massive flooding.


-- Tan Network 2011-10-20


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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

I don't think anyone on these forums denies that there was a lot of rain. The problem is, how did this government deal with it? How did they manage the flow of water, what did they do to minimize loss of life and property?

So when Noleem was reported to have said, "UN ESCAP Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer pointed out that the main weakness to tackling the flood crisis in Thailand is the abundance of organizations to oversee water management. She noted the Thai government has failed to streamline the eight agencies involved, resulting in policies going in different directions" she was talking about the human management (or rather, mismanagement) of the way the government dealt with the excessive amounts of water.

I wonder if the UN trip to BKK on the 24th will be postponed...

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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

Absolutely this rainy season is approx 25% more than normal .... this was known already probably two months ago.

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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

I don't think anyone on these forums denies that there was a lot of rain. The problem is, how did this government deal with it? How did they manage the flow of water, what did they do to minimize loss of life and property?

So when Noleem was reported to have said, "UN ESCAP Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer pointed out that the main weakness to tackling the flood crisis in Thailand is the abundance of organizations to oversee water management. She noted the Thai government has failed to streamline the eight agencies involved, resulting in policies going in different directions" she was talking about the human management (or rather, mismanagement) of the way the government dealt with the excessive amounts of water.

I wonder if the UN trip to BKK on the 24th will be postponed...

they won't postpone. The flood is like a big business opportunity for the UN and all those aid agencies. But no matter how I feel about the UN, I think they could do a lot better that the Govt is doing in this situation, i.e. managing the disaster.

I wonder how many of those evacuation centers have been flooded today? I only read about one.

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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

I don't think anyone on these forums denies that there was a lot of rain. The problem is, how did this government deal with it? How did they manage the flow of water, what did they do to minimize loss of life and property?

So when Noleem was reported to have said, "UN ESCAP Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer pointed out that the main weakness to tackling the flood crisis in Thailand is the abundance of organizations to oversee water management. She noted the Thai government has failed to streamline the eight agencies involved, resulting in policies going in different directions" she was talking about the human management (or rather, mismanagement) of the way the government dealt with the excessive amounts of water.

I wonder if the UN trip to BKK on the 24th will be postponed...

they won't postpone. The flood is like a big business opportunity for the UN and all those aid agencies. But no matter how I feel about the UN, I think they could do a lot better that the Govt is doing in this situation, i.e. managing the disaster.

I wonder how many of those evacuation centers have been flooded today? I only read about one.

Interesting take on the situation with the UN...I hadn't considered that.

I doubt that we'll hear about all the evac centres that have been flooded...not very good PR, eh...

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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

It is the management that caused the disaster... Thailand has these rainfalls every year.... its the politicians that messed up... too many cooks spoiled the broth..!

And as someone already pointed out... Yinlucks gang Do Not know their ass from their elbows....

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Yinlucks gang is much to powerfull, now they have created floding and caos not only here in Thailand but also in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Time to stop this nonsence. Its only for her to bring her sister back anyway!



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Can't Thailand get some people in charge who actually care about the country more than themselves and actually have the education to do something with some sort of plan? I guess the education system leaves Thailand with a set of representatives who are ill educated and naive and thus not equipped to even start running the country. I am sad for my family growing up in a country that should be great but which is crippled by the selfish, ignorant and corrupt people who unfortunately have power here.

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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

those are not Noeleen's words.

Looks like TAN's phrasing.

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It looks like TAN is taking liberties with other people's words again... for accurate quotes, read :

UN statement / press release report

this was titled "ESCAP expresses solidarity with flood victims in Thailand and South-East Asia"

And a second report with the accurate quote on the eight agencies...

UN: Southeast Asian Floods Trigger Humanitarian Crisis

That quote wasn't from Heyzer, but from Velasquez, and is below and he was referring to the need for a long-term strategy change when he said :

“The main shortcoming right now is that there are about eight institutions centrally that deal with water in Thailand,” said Velasquez. “That this is an issue not just for Thailand but most of the countries affected by floods now in the region; there’s no comprehensive framework to deal with water and I think this the main issue.”
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Yinlucks gang is much to powerfull, now they have created floding and caos not only here in Thailand but also in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Time to stop this nonsence. Its only for her to bring her sister back anyway!



In English it is called sarcasm.

noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:

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Yinlucks gang is much to powerfull, now they have created floding and caos not only here in Thailand but also in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Time to stop this nonsence. Its only for her to bring her sister back anyway!



In English it is called sarcasm.

noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:

Oh so the bad spelling, broken English and Thaksin being a 'sister' is sarcasm? Oh ok, it was just too witty for me to understand.

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Yinlucks gang is much to powerfull, now they have created floding and caos not only here in Thailand but also in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Time to stop this nonsence. Its only for her to bring her sister back anyway!



In English it is called sarcasm.

noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:

Oh so the bad spelling, broken English and Thaksin being a 'sister' is sarcasm? Oh ok, it was just too witty for me to understand.

come on gl - EnSvenskTiger - does that sound like a screen name for an Anglophone ?


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In English it is called sarcasm.

noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:

Oh so the bad spelling, broken English and Thaksin being a 'sister' is sarcasm? Oh ok, it was just too witty for me to understand.

come on gl - EnSvenskTiger - does that sound like a screen name for an Anglophone ?


I'm not criticising his bad English. I'm just curious how someone could mistake it for 'sarcasm'.

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Yinlucks gang is much to powerfull, now they have created floding and caos not only here in Thailand but also in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Time to stop this nonsence. Its only for her to bring her sister back anyway!



In English it is called sarcasm.

noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark:

3. AKA 'the lowest form of wit'

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The UN is one of the Government institutions I would place in a category further beyond the pale than the Thai Government. Oh - I forgot the European Commission and FIFA :rolleyes:

If this flood was being managed by any of these three we would not only have massive flooding but very significant quantities of money and aid would have unaccountably gone missing as well by now. Subsequent enquiries would show that no accounts had been kept and no qualified accountants employed in the chain. No official would ultimately be held accountable for the loss. Makes me smile when TV diehards keep banging on as though Thailand had invented governing through incompetence and corruption.

Edited by SantiSuk
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"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

"in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster"

a strange wording, did Noeleen say it or a journalist has made it up?

surely, the rainfall this year is larger than the last year

Absolutely this rainy season is approx 25% more than normal .... this was known already probably two months ago.

Can anyone guide me to actual scientific stats that show how this year's rainfall stacks up against other years'?

Up here in Northern Thailand, it was not a particularly wet year, comparatively. I judge it by water level of the medium sized (Kok) river at a particular location. At least two of the past 13 years there's been significantly higher water level than this year. Maybe rainfall numbers are much different in Central Thailand, but we're only a couple hundred miles distant from Bkk's watershed.

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I'm not criticising his bad English. I'm just curious how someone could mistake it for 'sarcasm'.

It is sarcasm. This forum has blown up about the government's response to the flood, with some even saying the flood is the fault of the government. Well there is also flooding in neighboring countries, so the Tiger poster was jokingly saying that the government should also be blamed for the flooding in those other countries.

I'm sorry if you do not fully understand sarcasm. I don't know if English is your native language, but it is humor that English speakers regularly engage in.

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I'm not criticising his bad English. I'm just curious how someone could mistake it for 'sarcasm'.

It is sarcasm. This forum has blown up about the government's response to the flood, with some even saying the flood is the fault of the government. Well there is also flooding in neighboring countries, so the Tiger poster was jokingly saying that the government should also be blamed for the flooding in those other countries.

I'm sorry if you do not fully understand sarcasm. I don't know if English is your native language, but it is humor that English speakers regularly engage in.

Yeah like I said earlier, I guess the bad English, the bad spelling, the Thaksin being a 'sister' was all part of the sarcasm then eh?

You're an American I gather from your name? I guess it figues you could decode the bad spelling and English.

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