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My Savannakhet Trip

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I thought I would let you know how my trip to Savannakhet for my non o visa went. As a preface let me tell you that I had let my previous one run out due to a lapse in sanity, and a lazy attitude. Any way I had read on here that I could get a non o in savannakhet without proof of income or bank account details.

I decided to drive over the boarder as i would be taking my family with me sans my eldest (6 years old) who stayed on the family farm. After arriving in savannakhet the first thing was to find the Consulate (as i would not be getting a tuk tuk as others had). This meant asking directions of 4 different people who all knew the way, but unfortunately they all knew the wrong way. this seems to be a trait in Thailand and Laos and I must say i find it irritating. If you don't know it don't say it should be a maxim in all cultures, sometimes i can just see people eyes glazing over as they talk about something they know nothing about. Eventually we gave up and went to look for a hotel (we like a bit of comfort as a family), the same situation as before;we drove what seemed endless circles of savannakhet in near pitch black as the lights were not on. Eventually we found a nice hotel but it was a bit pricey at just under 500 baht, included breakfast and had nice rooms with telly though.

The next day we set off again to find the consul. We had a small problem with this though. I had called the consulate to discover if it was shut on the 12th oct as i new it to be a Thai holiday "no problem" I was assured. Stupidly i did not ask about any holidays that may have been around that date, obviously I thought that would have been info given as it is a 2 day process for the visa. So....off we went again, we had been told that the consul was near the river but could get nowhere near it in my car as it was all cordoned off for the holiday so we went on foot. Sure enough we found the consul but unfortunately (now being the 13th not the 12th) the consul was shut and would not be open till the next day ....Friday. Wicked I though, so we can apply on Friday and will have to wait until Monday for it to be processed. the consul itself is on the river front around about the Mekong hotel, easy to find when you know that.

Friday arrives and off we go to the consul ( it opens at 9 and shuts at 12), it took 5 minutes to fill in the application form and we queued up for about another 5. At the window all I was asked for was my original marriage certificate, and my wife's original ID card plus copies of both) and a copy of her tabien baan (it is not here house but where she is registered), and obviously my passport and the 5000 fee, they give you a number which you need to keep to claim your passport back as it is not first come first served. I had prepared various proof of my funds in Thailand and the Uk but was asked for nothing else....at all. i was applying for a new 1 year non o multiple entry visa. We stayed for the weekend getting more and more bored with the town and surrounding area and could not wait for Monday. When Monday came i was a little nervous as though I had the necessary funds they were not in a Thai bank, I was half expecting to be interviewed as it all seemed too easy. Any way in we went (opens at 2pm and shuts at 3) and my number was called out and up I went to the window to collect my passport with the new visa....perfect <deleted>@#*&g perfect, that took about another 10 minutes. In all the actual process took about 15-20 minutes, unfortunately I had to be in Laos for 5 days. The moral to the story is this. It's piss easy for a visa, but you need to check on the holidays boys.

By the way the car was a Godsend and it is a very easy thing to do. it cost me about 400 baht to get the motor into Laos and back including every thing. I will explain the process on the motor forum, as this is too long already, and it is late and I have had a few and want to go to sleep


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I was laugh while reading your testimony. Anyway for further information. IMy nationality is filipino and my husband as well. I already have one year extention for my visa. what are the necessary documents if he will go to laos for appying non o visa?


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