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Why Do People Ask For Advice Then Ignore It.


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I've noticed a strange phenomenon!

Newer posters, usually people with little or no experience of Thailand, ask for advice on a subject.

The usual bunch of subjects, Visas, passports, marriage, relationships, housing, etc.

Then when you try to help them they insult you or tell you you don't understand or just ignore you and ask the same question again, hoping for an answer more to their liking.

Sometimes other members insult you as well.

If they don't like the advice more experienced people give them why insult them, why ask in the first place?

Nobody is forcing them to take the free advice.

Why do other forum members feel the need to insult each other?

Can't people just agree to disagree and still be polite to each other?

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I must say that there are a few Older posters who have the same attitude, {I know best}, I believe every body has a point and it can be hear-ed, even if you don't like it.. The civil thing to do is not respond

Edited by Thongkorn
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I must say that there are a few Older posters who have the same attitude, I know best, I believe every body has a point and it can be hear-ed, even if you don't like it.. The civil thing to do is not respond

What in the hell are you talking about.... i just don't know... But i'm sure when you finally tell me ..I will know better.

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I must say that there are a few Older posters who have the same attitude, I know best, I believe every body has a point and it can be hear-ed, even if you don't like it.. The civil thing to do is not respond

What in the hell are you talking about.... i just don't know... But i'm sure when you finally tell me ..I will know better.

The only group left to criticize by the PC squad are old white guys. Everyone else is off limits.

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I have been in Thailand two weeks are the three ladies I went out with hookers? Everybody tells him yes but he is evaluating women based on the women he knows in Australia and tells all the old hands that they are wrong.

I met my Thai love on the INTERNET is she a hooker? Everybody tells him she is a hooker but never having been to Thailand he knows more than the people who live here and tells them they are wrong.

I have lived in Thailand 6 months and want to get married. Is my GF a hooker? Everyone tells him she is a hooker but it has been so long since he has had a woman of any kind that he can't believe it and tells all the experienced ex pats they are wrong.

The bottom line of all these posts is, “look Ma, I finally got a girl.”

The reason all the age discrimination comes into effect is the guys who are yelling, “look Ma, I finally got a girl” don't want to hear that anyone in Thailand regardless of age or looks can get the same woman.

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Sometimes those who seem to ask for advice don't really want it.

Maybe they are worried or scared, what they really want is reassurance because they are afraid to face the real facts of their situation.

So they strike out in fear against anyone who tries to help them.

It's human nature.

If you ever had to go through a water rescue course, they will tell you to approach a drowning person from the rear to rescue them.

That's because if you approach them from the front they may grab you in fear and pull both of you...rescuer and rescued down.

Same thing on these forums.


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when people ask for advice it often becomes a way for the respondents to change the subject and rant and rave about their own life.

example: "where is a good place to get married in nong khai?"

answer: "all thai women are gold differs. my ex-wife stole my fake teeth. i pay by the hour now"

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when people ask for advice it often becomes a way for the respondents to change the subject and rant and rave about their own life.

example: "where is a good place to get married in nong khai?"

answer: "all thai women are gold differs. my ex-wife stole my fake teeth. i pay by the hour now"

Yeah, that's the classic ThaiVisa format. Along with the 'suspicious poster' who usually pops up around four or five posts in - "I smell a troll" or "there's more to this story than the OP is letting on..."... guaranteed to be followed by his good friend "TIT" who has nothing to add beyond "This is Thailand..." to every topic... laugh.gif

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when people ask for advice it often becomes a way for the respondents to change the subject and rant and rave about their own life.

example: "where is a good place to get married in nong khai?"

answer: "all thai women are gold differs. my ex-wife stole my fake teeth. i pay by the hour now"

Yeah, that's the classic ThaiVisa format. Along with the 'suspicious poster' who usually pops up around four or five posts in - "I smell a troll" or "there's more to this story than the OP is letting on..."... guaranteed to be followed by his good friend "TIT" who has nothing to add beyond "This is Thailand..." to every topic... laugh.gif

I like the "run" , "move on " , type replies, the best advise I ever heard was , " Get off your horse and drink your milk " although that might have been a direct order .

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when people ask for advice it often becomes a way for the respondents to change the subject and rant and rave about their own life.

example: "where is a good place to get married in nong khai?"

answer: "all thai women are gold differs. my ex-wife stole my fake teeth. i pay by the hour now"

Yeah but....my wife has stolen my fake teeth and stole my gold. The gold was buried in the garden, so that makes her a gold digger.:rolleyes::D

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when people ask for advice it often becomes a way for the respondents to change the subject and rant and rave about their own life.

example: "where is a good place to get married in nong khai?"

answer: "all thai women are gold differs. my ex-wife stole my fake teeth. i pay by the hour now"

Yeah, that's the classic ThaiVisa format. Along with the 'suspicious poster' who usually pops up around four or five posts in - "I smell a troll" or "there's more to this story than the OP is letting on..."... guaranteed to be followed by his good friend "TIT" who has nothing to add beyond "This is Thailand..." to every topic... laugh.gif

Or the people who can't be bovvered to read through the comments and repeat what someone else has said.:rolleyes:

Or the grammer police. You never put a capital at the begining of that sentence. Who cares.

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What really amazes me is when poster A makes a statement like "I like apples" and poster B claims that's not what poster A meant at all. -"He WROTE "I like apples" but meant "I hate bananas"". I have seen several examples when posters clarify and exemplify exactly what they meant, and STILL other posters claim that "NO NO NO!!! You meant that you hate bananas and nothing else!!!".

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The three most annoying answers to advice are - (they're cliches on TV now):

2. Troll

I've noticed that a majority of posters on here yell "Troll" when they are proven wrong...yes!?


This is a great post. I wish there were a way to mount it in bronze and post it somewhere conspicuous place that could be swept down every time a poster said, troll, TIT and if you don't like it go back home.

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