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Teary-Eyed Pm Yingluck Pledges To Fight Bangkok Flood


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As a Thai, it is not difficult to see who are controlling Yingluck and Abhisit. There are also a lot of political gaps making this flood harder to manage.

Bangkok Governor has not been very active in helping out and do not check irrigation system in BKK beforehand. This results in having klongs filled with no way out. Sukhumpan intends to protect Bangkok in his own way, that I do not doubt. But he is not a specialist and his decisions to decline requests and go against orders based on his "feeling" is just plain stupid.

Please tell me if you were to be the PM. How would manage the country with all low intelligent politicians around you?

Please do not get me wrong. I do see errors and incompetency in her management. But for those who follow the news for past 5 years will see that Abhisit regime is not any better. They just approve so many bills with no whatsoever backing and that cost us, how much, trillions. The flood victims during his time have yet to receive any help.

Thaksin may be not a very good person but he receive benefits through system manipulation, which also benefit others. But he never outright steal tax money.

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We dont need the B*****T about Yinglucks feelings now, Fact is the Thai people voted for someone in July with absolutely no experience in Politics or Public life Let alone making important decisions , maybe you can count deciding how to promote the next brand of Mobile phones in a previous executive role

Yeah.... right.... maybe she should have taken a holiday in the Maldives with Mark who was so intent on "monitoring" the governments actions with this flood... And NO!!!!! Mark was not on the "hosting" presidents calender of events!!!!!

PM Yingluck said not to move FROC because it's not ready yet. Only announced on the 9th to more adequately control flood relieve measures. As far as I know k. Abhisit was not invited. After sitting next to the phone to wait for a call from the PM, he gave up and went on a short break. Ever after people started to say it's his fault we have a problem. Now back he's still waiting next to the phone, but no call. Another topic has "PM may work with Abhisit". Well, call him, involve him if he's that important in solving this flooding crisis.

Okay Uncle rubl.... Let me get this right.... Am I to understand that your loving Mark has the key to stop the flooding? Does he know something or someone that has the power to shut the gates at the dams (which should have been done long ago)? Do you think this demi-god Mark can do this? Surely there's money tucked away somewhere from the record-breaking 1.4 trillion baht (2010 - 2011) budget to put a lot of resources to work extremely fast!! And if true, why doesn't he come right out and say it on all the media channels??? Strange way to say he's a nationalist don't you agree???? Take another break Mark, the waiting by the phone is so passe!

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I sit here typing in 15cm of water, with 70cm outside my front door, I now have been like this for 6 days. Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all. Some blame must go to the governor of Bangkok for being stupidly obstructive. Some blame to the developers who built roads where once were canals and housing estates where once were paddy fields. Some blame must go to the ordinary Thai people who clogged the canals with domestic refuse and allowed water hyacinth to proliferate.

Put simply everyone shares the blame and all these TV posters trying to dump it all on Yingluck are probably more to blame than most.

The idea of people trying to make political capital out of a national disaster I find totally disgusting, the actions of the lowest kind of animal. Hopefully they are the minority, most of us are actively working, shifting food and medicines, clearing blocked waterways, rescuing animals and the infirm, then returning to our submerged houses to sleep.

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I sit here typing in 15cm of water, with 70cm outside my front door, I now have been like this for 6 days. Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all. Some blame must go to the governor of Bangkok for being stupidly obstructive. Some blame to the developers who built roads where once were canals and housing estates where once were paddy fields. Some blame must go to the ordinary Thai people who clogged the canals with domestic refuse and allowed water hyacinth to proliferate.

Put simply everyone shares the blame and all these TV posters trying to dump it all on Yingluck are probably more to blame than most.

The idea of people trying to make political capital out of a national disaster I find totally disgusting, the actions of the lowest kind of animal. Hopefully they are the minority, most of us are actively working, shifting food and medicines, clearing blocked waterways, rescuing animals and the infirm, then returning to our submerged houses to sleep.

Your blaming everyone else EXCEPT Yingluck? :blink:

I thought she was the PM. Doesn't she have the power to get things done? Isn't she in charge of FROC (which, amazingly, was set up 6 weeks after the floods started)?

Certainly, the floods are not her fault, but NO blame?????

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Maybe Yinluck should have ordered the construction of a new great wall of China round Bangkok when she got in in July.

No one could foresee this happening and she's only been in power for 5 mins.

To say she has no or little experience in politics is valid but her advisors whether it be big brother or those around her do.

Pointing the finger is easy. "It's Shinawatra Thaksin's fault" any plonker can type things like that.

Does anyone actually believe they are so intelligent and psychic that know better than the people who have facts in front of them that they haven't even thought about?

I refuse to believe that any Thai is not doing all they can to help within the boundaries they are forced to adhere to.

In politics as in running any business those in charge often find their hands are tied because it would not be in the long term interest to do what they would like to.

No doubt whatever she does she will be open to all kinds of abuse.

It goes with the territory and the media will pick out single points ignore other information they have and slag the life out of her.

We already have evidence of what they will do to sell a story making a mountain out of a molehill because she appeared to weep a little.

Do you think Churchill never wept in public for his boys? He admitted himself he was always a bit blubbery.

That's what humane emotional people do. naturally and it's nothing to be ashamed of

Yinluck is not Saddam Hussain , she obviously cares and those who are trying to make a big deal of this are the ones who should feel ashamed.

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As a Thai, it is not difficult to see who are controlling Yingluck and Abhisit. There are also a lot of political gaps making this flood harder to manage.

Bangkok Governor has not been very active in helping out and do not check irrigation system in BKK beforehand. This results in having klongs filled with no way out. Sukhumpan intends to protect Bangkok in his own way, that I do not doubt. But he is not a specialist and his decisions to decline requests and go against orders based on his "feeling" is just plain stupid.

Please tell me if you were to be the PM. How would manage the country with all low intelligent politicians around you?

Please do not get me wrong. I do see errors and incompetency in her management. But for those who follow the news for past 5 years will see that Abhisit regime is not any better. They just approve so many bills with no whatsoever backing and that cost us, how much, trillions. The flood victims during his time have yet to receive any help.

Thaksin may be not a very good person but he receive benefits through system manipulation, which also benefit others. But he never outright steal tax money.

Nice post and welcome to TV.

It would be great to see more Thai people on here voicing their opinions.

Your opening sentence says it all, there is a lot behind the scenes.

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You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

Well said "DocN" These poor people keep smiling despite their woes. I think the PM has been overwhelmed by her lack of experience to deal with this type of scenario and the bad advice received from her government aides who are like headless chickens. I just wish that she had called in Marine and water irriagtion engineers to discuss the problem. But sadly she was ill advised and lacks the experience. My heart goes out to the Thai people for this disaster.

It is a time for support not inane criticisms from armchair experts.

The Prime Minister has been there for 2 months, facing a situation that has great personal consequence and economic catastrophic on the lives of many Thailand people.

To make the call the situation could have been handled different by expert axe grinders just makes for boring reading.

Where are the TEAM members and who are they; these are the people that would be doing the advising.

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I sit here typing in 15cm of water, with 70cm outside my front door, I now have been like this for 6 days. Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all. Some blame must go to the governor of Bangkok for being stupidly obstructive. Some blame to the developers who built roads where once were canals and housing estates where once were paddy fields. Some blame must go to the ordinary Thai people who clogged the canals with domestic refuse and allowed water hyacinth to proliferate.

Put simply everyone shares the blame and all these TV posters trying to dump it all on Yingluck are probably more to blame than most.

The idea of people trying to make political capital out of a national disaster I find totally disgusting, the actions of the lowest kind of animal. Hopefully they are the minority, most of us are actively working, shifting food and medicines, clearing blocked waterways, rescuing animals and the infirm, then returning to our submerged houses to sleep.

Your blaming everyone else EXCEPT Yingluck? :blink:

I thought she was the PM. Doesn't she have the power to get things done? Isn't she in charge of FROC (which, amazingly, was set up 6 weeks after the floods started)?

Certainly, the floods are not her fault, but NO blame?????

Not at all, but plenty of people are already heaping the blame on her, any contribution from me would be minor, so rather I concentrated on all those others who share the blame. But then you clearly did not read all my comments, just the bits that tweaked your political nerve, such a shame. So many people here are "without sin and can throw the first stone".

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I sit here typing in 15cm of water, with 70cm outside my front door, I now have been like this for 6 days. Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all. Some blame must go to the governor of Bangkok for being stupidly obstructive. Some blame to the developers who built roads where once were canals and housing estates where once were paddy fields. Some blame must go to the ordinary Thai people who clogged the canals with domestic refuse and allowed water hyacinth to proliferate.

Put simply everyone shares the blame and all these TV posters trying to dump it all on Yingluck are probably more to blame than most.

The idea of people trying to make political capital out of a national disaster I find totally disgusting, the actions of the lowest kind of animal. Hopefully they are the minority, most of us are actively working, shifting food and medicines, clearing blocked waterways, rescuing animals and the infirm, then returning to our submerged houses to sleep.

Your blaming everyone else EXCEPT Yingluck? :blink:

I thought she was the PM. Doesn't she have the power to get things done? Isn't she in charge of FROC (which, amazingly, was set up 6 weeks after the floods started)?

Certainly, the floods are not her fault, but NO blame?????

Not at all, but plenty of people are already heaping the blame on her, any contribution from me would be minor, so rather I concentrated on all those others who share the blame. But then you clearly did not read all my comments, just the bits that tweaked your political nerve, such a shame. So many people here are "without sin and can throw the first stone".

It's nothing to do with my "political nerve". It was just that when you said "Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all." I was a bit shocked.

She is the PM. She is in charge of FROC. And she should be blamed for the incompetent handling and communications of this crisis. If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge.

I don't expect her to stop the flooding, but I do expect her to manage the relief and the communications. And I would have expected her to start managing the problems when they started in August, rather than waiting until October to set up FROC (as useless as it is).

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Put yourself in her shoes. Had you been PM, what exactly would have been your course of action over the last 6 weeks. Bear in mind that you, along with everyone else, was simply guessing at the ultimate effect of future waters levels, the effect of a premature evacuation on business and the general economy, the question of where you would re-locate people, the fact that Bangkok has a population of 11 million or so, etc.

YL's in an impossible situation, there was never any remedy to what's befalling the city. She to all appearances seems to be giving her complete all to do whatever she can to help matters, which is a far cry from what we expect from most Asian leaders.

Why would they need to be guessing. They had all the information. They knew the water was coming. It's been coming for 6 weeks. They get flow measurements all the time. They know the the water levels upstream.

What's to guess?

I hope this pov isn't the start of a Thai urban myth that YL "knew" all about a coming flood, but ate fried grasshoppers and did nothing while her city sank like Atlantis. Sorry, but absolutely no one precisely "knew" the course of nature's events from 6 weeks, or even 3 weeks ago, or even a week ago, relative to its effects on Bangkok streets. Sure as heck wasn't in the news. That is partially my point, along with even if it were possible that every bit of flooding so far was a known from weeks ago, what could a PM have been done about it? I'd like to see someone here map out a revision of the correct course of action a PM should have made, being sure to take into account the possible downside of each action. Btw I'm neither a supporter nor a critic of YL, just someone who believes that the current situation has been nebulous from the git-go, the possible remedies few and far between, and so I can find little reason to criticize YL for her actions in this crisis.

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I sit here typing in 15cm of water, with 70cm outside my front door, I now have been like this for 6 days. Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all. Some blame must go to the governor of Bangkok for being stupidly obstructive. Some blame to the developers who built roads where once were canals and housing estates where once were paddy fields. Some blame must go to the ordinary Thai people who clogged the canals with domestic refuse and allowed water hyacinth to proliferate.

Put simply everyone shares the blame and all these TV posters trying to dump it all on Yingluck are probably more to blame than most.

The idea of people trying to make political capital out of a national disaster I find totally disgusting, the actions of the lowest kind of animal. Hopefully they are the minority, most of us are actively working, shifting food and medicines, clearing blocked waterways, rescuing animals and the infirm, then returning to our submerged houses to sleep.

Your blaming everyone else EXCEPT Yingluck? :blink:

I thought she was the PM. Doesn't she have the power to get things done? Isn't she in charge of FROC (which, amazingly, was set up 6 weeks after the floods started)?

Certainly, the floods are not her fault, but NO blame?????

Not at all, but plenty of people are already heaping the blame on her, any contribution from me would be minor, so rather I concentrated on all those others who share the blame. But then you clearly did not read all my comments, just the bits that tweaked your political nerve, such a shame. So many people here are "without sin and can throw the first stone".

It's nothing to do with my "political nerve". It was just that when you said "Am I blaming Yingluck, no not at all." I was a bit shocked.

She is the PM. She is in charge of FROC. And she should be blamed for the incompetent handling and communications of this crisis. If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge.

I don't expect her to stop the flooding, but I do expect her to manage the relief and the communications. And I would have expected her to start managing the problems when they started in August, rather than waiting until October to set up FROC (as useless as it is).

"If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge." what a ludicrous comment, it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this, Yingluck should leave them to it and join Abhisit on holiday in the Maldives.

Relief is working in my area, if it is not in others this is more a local issue than central government, communication is coming from many directions, TV, Internet, mobile phones, word of mouth.

Naturally you could do a better job then Yingluck so feel competent to comment. I on the other hand spent 5 years studying and lecturing on disaster management at the former police academy in England, I give her about a grade 60%. Abhisit never sat the exambiggrin.gif

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I hope this pov isn't the start of a Thai urban myth that YL "knew" all about a coming flood, but ate fried grasshoppers and did nothing while her city sank like Atlantis. Sorry, but absolutely no one precisely "knew" the course of nature's events from 6 weeks, or even 3 weeks ago, or even a week ago, relative to its effects on Bangkok streets. Sure as heck wasn't in the news. That is partially my point, along with even if it were possible that every bit of flooding so far was a known from weeks ago, what could a PM have been done about it? I'd like to see someone here map out a revision of the correct course of action a PM should have made, being sure to take into account the possible downside of each action. Btw I'm neither a supporter nor a critic of YL, just someone who believes that the current situation has been nebulous from the git-go, the possible remedies few and far between, and so I can find little reason to criticize YL for her actions in this crisis.

4 weeks ago : Bangkok Remains Safe, Floods Worsen In 10 Provinces Along Chao Phraya http://www.thaivisa....ng-chao-phraya/

6 weeks ago: Poll: Government´s Flood Relief Measure Gets 5.8 Points Out Of 10 http://www.thaivisa....ints-out-of-10/

7 weeks ago: Flood Death Toll Rises, More Heavy Rain Over Thailand http://www.thaivisa....-over-thailand/

8 weeks ago: La Nina To Keep On Wreaking Havoc In Thailand http://www.thaivisa....oc-in-thailand/

Where exactly was all that water going to go?

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"If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge." what a ludicrous comment, it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this, Yingluck should leave them to it and join Abhisit on holiday in the Maldives.

Relief is working in my area, if it is not in others this is more a local issue than central government, communication is coming from many directions, TV, Internet, mobile phones, word of mouth.

Naturally you could do a better job then Yingluck so feel competent to comment. I on the other hand spent 5 years studying and lecturing on disaster management at the former police academy in England, I give her about a grade 60%. Abhisit never sat the exambiggrin.gif

" it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this"

There ARE experts that can do this.

If she only gets a 60% grade then she should be getting people in that can do better. If you've studied and lectured on disaster management, then YOU could do a better job than she is.

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Put simply everyone shares the blame and all these TV posters trying to dump it all on Yingluck are probably more to blame than most.

While he doesn't dump it all on Yingluck, I agree, in that rubl is probably more to blame than Yingluck over the handling of the government's response to the flooding.

I'm sorry, my friend, rubl, but clearly you should be held accountable for your policies which have worsened an already bad situation.


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"If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge." what a ludicrous comment, it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this, Yingluck should leave them to it and join Abhisit on holiday in the Maldives.

Relief is working in my area, if it is not in others this is more a local issue than central government, communication is coming from many directions, TV, Internet, mobile phones, word of mouth.

Naturally you could do a better job then Yingluck so feel competent to comment. I on the other hand spent 5 years studying and lecturing on disaster management at the former police academy in England, I give her about a grade 60%. Abhisit never sat the exambiggrin.gif

" it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this"

There ARE experts that can do this.

If she only gets a 60% grade then she should be getting people in that can do better. If you've studied and lectured on disaster management, then YOU could do a better job than she is.

Let me put it this way, if I had the infrastructure and resources I had in England, Local reports, accurate hydrological and geographical information, a police, fire and rescue and ambulance service trained for emergencies, add public utilities able and willing to respond, the water , electricity, communication networks. I could do a lot.

But here all are at each other's throats, everyone wants to score points at a rival's expense. Add to this that a Thai will always know better than a farang.

As to FROC, that should have existed 10 years ago, not a few days, it should have a dedicated team as we have in England, professionals and volunteers, they should hold regular training and mock scenarios. When this happens in England (in fact it is happening now), politicians are not involved, the experts deal with it, politicians only get involved if the experts need extra powers.

This is why I don't blame Yingluck, yes she is incompetent just as Abhisit would be, just as Cameron of England would be or any other Prime Minister, these people have degrees in political science, economics or business studies, not science, hydrology, medicine etc.

Yingluck has had the misfortune to inherit a chain of incompetence stretching back several generations. She is doing better than expected, particularly in this highly chauvinist politically divisive atmosphere.

Anyway I'm getting foot rot sitting here, if you want to argue further the time to do so is when the water has gone.

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yingluck as the thai would say----som na na,. as a farrang i believe you have let the people of thailand down...........yes thailand is a proud nation----and yes the so called outside world was refused into thailand to help out in the worse floods for decades,. your lack of political experience has shown..... i believe if you would have allowed farrang to have helped sooner....bangkok would not be struggling like they are,.....its the old who are vunerable and the young.....the strong will always survive,.

those people have lost their livelyhoods and houses-what are the thai goverment going to do for these people..............with power cuts due to over hanging electrical appliances steeped in water.....diseases,dissintry which will effect many people....................the goverment need to take full responsability...................farrang will help with aid..............i just wish you had a plan b and acted faster if so then i believe we would not have faced such a dissaster,.

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When asked if she had been crying often since the floods hit crisis level, Yingluck insisted she had never become emotional.

This will terribly disappoint those who proclaimed she was overcome with emotions. Imagine this post might have been incorrect:

"Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!"


I think you should at least to TRY and under-sa-tand, what I was saying!

And by the way: you don't believe a word she says on anything...but this you believe now?!

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Maybe Yinluck should have ordered the construction of a new great wall of China round Bangkok when she got in in July.

No one could foresee this happening and she's only been in power for 5 mins.

To say she has no or little experience in politics is valid but her advisors whether it be big brother or those around her do.

Pointing the finger is easy. "It's Shinawatra Thaksin's fault" any plonker can type things like that.


Yinluck is not Saddam Hussain , she obviously cares and those who are trying to make a big deal of this are the ones who should feel ashamed.

Badluck Yingluck is not Saddam Hussein?!?

That's a strong defense you have there, so stick with it come hill or high water. If you wanna push it, you can say we never saw Saddam show his humanity by crying, right up to his hanging on New Year's Eve 2007.

We know the lining in this silver cloud is that all and every effort the government had furiously been making to return dear bro to the former LOS have been washed away (so to speak), at least for the forseeable future. Meanwhile, Thaksin's worst enemy - the clock - continues to tick in Dubai.

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There was one simple thing that the PM could have done to respond to the crisis. Call a SOE. But she didn't/hasn't. Why? Because Thaksin ordered her not to. The end result is a greater chaos, than might have been and it is still an option. Same with accepting US support. Thaksin says no. His interests trump the nation's. No wonder the forum red cheerleaders want to steer the conversation away from the very political actions taken by this government. Their bogus outrage is simply that. Bogus.

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There was one simple thing that the PM could have done to respond to the crisis. Call a SOE. But she didn't/hasn't. Why? Because Thaksin ordered her not to. The end result is a greater chaos, than might have been and it is still an option. Same with accepting US support. Thaksin says no. His interests trump the nation's. No wonder the forum red cheerleaders want to steer the conversation away from the very political actions taken by this government. Their bogus outrage is simply that. Bogus.

The decision on when to declare an SOE is not a black and white call and it is not a given that there is greater chaos without it. It needs to be remembered that the army here is largely conscripted and not neccessarily up to the high standards of other more western militaries. There will probably come a point where it becomes neccessary if there is widespread panic and civil disorder and this could change very quickly - there was a worrying tweet earlier about 'scores' of armed theives at TU.

One thing that could be worse than the myriad of organisations running about like headless chickens could be another one added to the confusion but carrying guns.

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We dont need the B*****T about Yinglucks feelings now, Fact is the Thai people voted for someone in July with absolutely no experience in Politics or Public life Let alone making important decisions , maybe you can count deciding how to promote the next brand of Mobile phones in a previous executive role

Yeah.... right.... maybe she should have taken a holiday in the Maldives with Mark who was so intent on "monitoring" the governments actions with this flood... And NO!!!!! Mark was not on the "hosting" presidents calender of events!!!!!

PM Yingluck said not to move FROC because it's not ready yet. Only announced on the 9th to more adequately control flood relieve measures. As far as I know k. Abhisit was not invited. After sitting next to the phone to wait for a call from the PM, he gave up and went on a short break. Ever after people started to say it's his fault we have a problem. Now back he's still waiting next to the phone, but no call. Another topic has "PM may work with Abhisit". Well, call him, involve him if he's that important in solving this flooding crisis.

Okay Uncle rubl.... Let me get this right.... Am I to understand that your loving Mark has the key to stop the flooding? Does he know something or someone that has the power to shut the gates at the dams (which should have been done long ago)? Do you think this demi-god Mark can do this? Surely there's money tucked away somewhere from the record-breaking 1.4 trillion baht (2010 - 2011) budget to put a lot of resources to work extremely fast!! And if true, why doesn't he come right out and say it on all the media channels??? Strange way to say he's a nationalist don't you agree???? Take another break Mark, the waiting by the phone is so passe!

You can read, but understanding what you read is still a bit difficult, it seems.

I only complain that lots of people here seem to think the flooding crisis only got worse because k. Abhisit went on a short holiday trip. K. Abhisit, who as a few posters have very vocally assured me (as far as that's possible just writing) that "THE Thai people have spoken, THE Thai people don't want Abhisit".

And of course there are others who float around some numbers without even trying to give evidence. "I said this number, you prove me wrong" type of logic.

Now in the words of a poster I haven't noticed for a while "be a good boy, have a lollipop and hop along"

(edit: add: just noticed this new topic: Abhisit ready to help Yingluck, waiting for invitation

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"If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge." what a ludicrous comment, it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this, Yingluck should leave them to it and join Abhisit on holiday in the Maldives.

Relief is working in my area, if it is not in others this is more a local issue than central government, communication is coming from many directions, TV, Internet, mobile phones, word of mouth.

Naturally you could do a better job then Yingluck so feel competent to comment. I on the other hand spent 5 years studying and lecturing on disaster management at the former police academy in England, I give her about a grade 60%. Abhisit never sat the exambiggrin.gif

" it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this"

There ARE experts that can do this.

If she only gets a 60% grade then she should be getting people in that can do better. If you've studied and lectured on disaster management, then YOU could do a better job than she is.

Let me put it this way, if I had the infrastructure and resources I had in England, Local reports, accurate hydrological and geographical information, a police, fire and rescue and ambulance service trained for emergencies, add public utilities able and willing to respond, the water , electricity, communication networks. I could do a lot.

But here all are at each other's throats, everyone wants to score points at a rival's expense. Add to this that a Thai will always know better than a farang.

As to FROC, that should have existed 10 years ago, not a few days, it should have a dedicated team as we have in England, professionals and volunteers, they should hold regular training and mock scenarios. When this happens in England (in fact it is happening now), politicians are not involved, the experts deal with it, politicians only get involved if the experts need extra powers.

This is why I don't blame Yingluck, yes she is incompetent just as Abhisit would be, just as Cameron of England would be or any other Prime Minister, these people have degrees in political science, economics or business studies, not science, hydrology, medicine etc.

Yingluck has had the misfortune to inherit a chain of incompetence stretching back several generations. She is doing better than expected, particularly in this highly chauvinist politically divisive atmosphere.

Anyway I'm getting foot rot sitting here, if you want to argue further the time to do so is when the water has gone.

"She is doing better than expected" quote..........better than what """ who expected her to do good ?-The poor Thai people that's who..........the one's that got reward for their red support, and got nothing, that has been overshadowed by this national disaster.

the promises will not be forgotten even after the clean up. is she sending any more wellingtons or condoms to the poor,??? the PM is out of her depth !!!!!! and her advisers are WHO ???? Why set up an emergency centre in the old airport and have a moat around it ?? I near stand by what I said from day one--apart from vital places--the water would have been better to let it naturally flow, hurting millions I know---but more are going to be hurt now---and after all the painfull work trying to stop the mini tsunami.

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I hope this pov isn't the start of a Thai urban myth that YL "knew" all about a coming flood, but ate fried grasshoppers and did nothing while her city sank like Atlantis. Sorry, but absolutely no one precisely "knew" the course of nature's events from 6 weeks, or even 3 weeks ago, or even a week ago, relative to its effects on Bangkok streets. Sure as heck wasn't in the news. That is partially my point, along with even if it were possible that every bit of flooding so far was a known from weeks ago, what could a PM have been done about it? I'd like to see someone here map out a revision of the correct course of action a PM should have made, being sure to take into account the possible downside of each action. Btw I'm neither a supporter nor a critic of YL, just someone who believes that the current situation has been nebulous from the git-go, the possible remedies few and far between, and so I can find little reason to criticize YL for her actions in this crisis.

4 weeks ago : Bangkok Remains Safe, Floods Worsen In 10 Provinces Along Chao Phraya http://www.thaivisa....ng-chao-phraya/

6 weeks ago: Poll: Government´s Flood Relief Measure Gets 5.8 Points Out Of 10 http://www.thaivisa....ints-out-of-10/

7 weeks ago: Flood Death Toll Rises, More Heavy Rain Over Thailand http://www.thaivisa....-over-thailand/

8 weeks ago: La Nina To Keep On Wreaking Havoc In Thailand http://www.thaivisa....oc-in-thailand/

Where exactly was all that water going to go?

What's your point, YL should have hired shamans to do an anti-rain dance? Yes, everyone and their brother in the region knew there was lots of rain and a chance of flooding...but to what degree, and where, and when, absolutely no-one had ANY idea. In other words, it was never "known" that Bangkok would be flooded. And you're still missing the overall point: What SPECIFIC COURSE OF ACTION should YL have put in motion that would have made things any better than they are? Please, you or someone else who blames YL, let us know precisely what she should have done, given the limited and nebulous info she had. Make a good case for YL being negligent or incompetent, and I'll be first to agree with you. I've yet to see anyone do this, instead I'm reading a lot of 4th string armchair quarterbacking and hindsight equals 20/10 clarity reverse prognosticating.

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"If she can't manage the situation or can't find the right people to manage the situation, then she shouldn't be in charge." what a ludicrous comment, it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this, Yingluck should leave them to it and join Abhisit on holiday in the Maldives.

Relief is working in my area, if it is not in others this is more a local issue than central government, communication is coming from many directions, TV, Internet, mobile phones, word of mouth.

Naturally you could do a better job then Yingluck so feel competent to comment. I on the other hand spent 5 years studying and lecturing on disaster management at the former police academy in England, I give her about a grade 60%. Abhisit never sat the exambiggrin.gif

" it suggests that you think there are experts who can do this"

There ARE experts that can do this.

If she only gets a 60% grade then she should be getting people in that can do better. If you've studied and lectured on disaster management, then YOU could do a better job than she is.

Let me put it this way, if I had the infrastructure and resources I had in England, Local reports, accurate hydrological and geographical information, a police, fire and rescue and ambulance service trained for emergencies, add public utilities able and willing to respond, the water , electricity, communication networks. I could do a lot.

But here all are at each other's throats, everyone wants to score points at a rival's expense. Add to this that a Thai will always know better than a farang.

As to FROC, that should have existed 10 years ago, not a few days, it should have a dedicated team as we have in England, professionals and volunteers, they should hold regular training and mock scenarios. When this happens in England (in fact it is happening now), politicians are not involved, the experts deal with it, politicians only get involved if the experts need extra powers.

This is why I don't blame Yingluck, yes she is incompetent just as Abhisit would be, just as Cameron of England would be or any other Prime Minister, these people have degrees in political science, economics or business studies, not science, hydrology, medicine etc.

Yingluck has had the misfortune to inherit a chain of incompetence stretching back several generations. She is doing better than expected, particularly in this highly chauvinist politically divisive atmosphere.

Anyway I'm getting foot rot sitting here, if you want to argue further the time to do so is when the water has gone.

i bow to you, sir! you are the voice of reason!

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rubl said:

"You can read, but understanding what you read is still a bit difficult, it seems.

I only complain that lots of people here seem to think the flooding crisis only got worse because k. Abhisit went on a short holiday trip. K. Abhisit, who as a few posters have very vocally assured me (as far as that's possible just writing) that "THE Thai people have spoken, THE Thai people don't want Abhisit".

And of course there are others who float around some numbers without even trying to give evidence. "I said this number, you prove me wrong" type of logic."

Oh come rubl, give me a break, will you?!

This is exactly the problem, that "you" (your side) have.

You blame her for the most unimportant things.

The boots she wears, that she goes on a scheduled meeting to Cambodia or Myanmar, that she displays emotions in public...but when your fearless leader is criticised for goin to a holiday trip...ahm...an important meeting with the Presdident of the Maledives to talk about flooding, you are all very upset.

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I am not going to waste time arguing with idiots with tunnel vision who cannot understand the reality of the situation. If they wish to castigate Yingluck then nothing I can say will change their blinkered viewpoint.

Instead I will simply update the situation here and give a few tips.

2 days a go I cut my foot on some broken glass invisible under the water, and I was wearing slip ons! Naturally it turned septic. I soaked the cut in vinegar for an hour it cleared the infection.

There was a brief downpour last night, the water is now up another cm at 70cm.

There is a local ecological disaster brewing, last night there were several crashes, this morning I see several large trees have fallen over, a combination of weakened roots and dying off, the trees are drowning. So keep an eye on big tree that are near enough to threaten your home.

Two houses away a dog is locked in and abandoned, I want to break in a rescue it but the local Thais say I must not. So I guess it will die soon.

The village of several hundreds are now down to 3 small groups, my immediate group numbers 6 of us, we eat and work as a group, yesterday I took delivery of a plastic boat, rather unstable and I had to mend the paddles but it make it easier to ferry things around.

Interesting that those who stay are the old, two of us are in our 70's and the others are late 50's. Is this the stubbornness of old age or the softness of the modern generation? laugh.gif

Just keep the electricity coming and we will survive.

My retirement visa is up renewal in 2 weeks will i have to go there by boat, will they even be open, how much slack will they cut, like how do I get a statement from a flooded bank?

Interesting times!

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Like some here, I immediately transfixed on the 'teary-eyed' bit as well. (I did read the rest of the article).

There are a couple things going on here that at least some of us know about.

Crying or being teary-eyed can be a political play. If used strategically, it can be interpreted as a showing of compassion, sincerity, empathy, etc.

BUT, she has done this several times now! It starts to look like weakness. Leaders of nations don't have the luxury of crying in front of the public on a regular basis whether or not they are sincere.

Hear, hear! What Thailand needs now is someone who can face overwhelming tasks without betraying any emotion. GW Bush comes to mind--he did a bang up job with Katrina and I don't think he even shed a tear! I believe he is available too!

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I hope this pov isn't the start of a Thai urban myth that YL "knew" all about a coming flood, but ate fried grasshoppers and did nothing while her city sank like Atlantis. Sorry, but absolutely no one precisely "knew" the course of nature's events from 6 weeks, or even 3 weeks ago, or even a week ago, relative to its effects on Bangkok streets. Sure as heck wasn't in the news. That is partially my point, along with even if it were possible that every bit of flooding so far was a known from weeks ago, what could a PM have been done about it? I'd like to see someone here map out a revision of the correct course of action a PM should have made, being sure to take into account the possible downside of each action. Btw I'm neither a supporter nor a critic of YL, just someone who believes that the current situation has been nebulous from the git-go, the possible remedies few and far between, and so I can find little reason to criticize YL for her actions in this crisis.

4 weeks ago : Bangkok Remains Safe, Floods Worsen In 10 Provinces Along Chao Phraya http://www.thaivisa....ng-chao-phraya/

6 weeks ago: Poll: Government´s Flood Relief Measure Gets 5.8 Points Out Of 10 http://www.thaivisa....ints-out-of-10/

7 weeks ago: Flood Death Toll Rises, More Heavy Rain Over Thailand http://www.thaivisa....-over-thailand/

8 weeks ago: La Nina To Keep On Wreaking Havoc In Thailand http://www.thaivisa....oc-in-thailand/

Where exactly was all that water going to go?

What's your point, YL should have hired shamans to do an anti-rain dance? Yes, everyone and their brother in the region knew there was lots of rain and a chance of flooding...but to what degree, and where, and when, absolutely no-one had ANY idea. In other words, it was never "known" that Bangkok would be flooded. And you're still missing the overall point: What SPECIFIC COURSE OF ACTION should YL have put in motion that would have made things any better than they are? Please, you or someone else who blames YL, let us know precisely what she should have done, given the limited and nebulous info she had. Make a good case for YL being negligent or incompetent, and I'll be first to agree with you. I've yet to see anyone do this, instead I'm reading a lot of 4th string armchair quarterbacking and hindsight equals 20/10 clarity reverse prognosticating.

Limited information?

It was clear that there were going to be serious floods at least 8 weeks ago. It was abundantly clear that there were going to be serious floods around Bangkok nearly 6 weeks ago.

It is easy to predict the flow of flood water when you have 4-8 weeks to watch it flow down the rivers. There are constant reports on the speed of the flow and the height of the river.

If Yingluck DIDN'T know that there was going to be serious floods around Bangkok 6 weeks ago, then she is both negligent and incompetent.

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