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Bangkok Is In Panic Mood


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I don't see any panic? I live and work in central Bangkok, and what I've seen is steady preparation, with sandbags and floodwalls being built around shops and offices while people get on with their business.

My apartment now has cement sheets attached to the door openings behind a sandbag wall, and overnight some large 10 gallon water containers appeared as if by magic outside each apartment.

I'm English so I can't bring myself to preapre for a flood if the sun is shining, but the Thai's around me seem to be a good example of the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' philosophy.

You're English . Surely for you it should be stiff upper lip. Also for once evryone shares our fascination with the weather. :)

Anyway good luck to you.

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After so many days of catching up with the news on Thailand's flood, I realized that everything seems to be an exaggeration. When I wake up every morning, I expect to see massive floodings, but it's not happening. Some districts are dry as bone; some others are flooded till ankle height, knee height or chest height . These images are quite different from what is being reported on the news. How many times have you heard, "the tides today will be higher than usual, be prepared to evacuate and be alert." I'm beginning to feel that some people are overreacting. Right now, we have about 1 million people, who reside or work in Bangkok, escaping to other provinces or countries, and we still have about 7 - 11 millions people left. One side of me is waiting nonchalantly for the arrival of the 1st of November, while the other side of me is excited to watch the kind of destruction that will unfold, the kind of destruction that has been fed to me through the news and media.

But one thing to consider. Chest height is ok if you are 6ft 2. but if you are 5ft 2 well that's a different matter altogether.

Edited by thaicbr
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Amazing to me to watch the stories ... I have lived for decades in an area beset by hurricanes. When they came, folks tolerated the damage and the many days lacking power and air conditioning just because they were aware they were in a danger area. Live goes on. Same thing with the flood areas -- some disasters, but mostly just people coping with and tolerating the floods. When you are in the middle of it, everyone is the same -- everyone is in the same situation. People who live through these events come out the better for it, as they understand how to get along with their neighbors better and how to decide what is important or not. I strongly suspect the Thais will deal with this in their own way -- one which I will surely admire.

I hope to be in the process of moving to Bangkok in late December, so looking forward to finding a Bangkok in recovery.

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If its any consolation I have had to change my plans. My Fiance is in Nonthaburi and is expecting to be flooded and out of work due to the floods and without food and water. When I arrive in BKK in January I will no doubt be assisting Tanya and her family in picking up the pieces of thier broken homes.

(although cancelling your planned trip does appear a tad hysterical).:blink:


Why you not coming to stand by, on the side of your fiance? Move her and her family to some dry place and give them some help and relief now. Why you stay away? I am in the moment in Lower Sukhumvit in a hotel and not run away,maybe Iwillbe sorry later.rolleyes.gif

I can only say, I am with -JayBlake- and his Quote! Sorry to read your change of plans, do you have to stay in your Fiances place yourself?

I asked Tanya on severalo occasions to go south and I would pay for an apt for her and her Mum. All I get from Tanya is " I am ok the water is not here yet". I ask her to leave everyday and everyday I get the same response. I have even asked her to get a visa and I would pay for her flight to the UK, but she still refuses to leave because of her job and the fact she is "okay".

I have to respect her decision even though I feel it is the wrong one. If anyone can give me some information on the floods in Nonthaburi especially soi Tansamrit, Tiwanon Road, I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your comments and if I had a bottomless pit of money then I would not need to work so that I can continue to send over financial help so they can buy much needed provisions which are getting more expensive by the day.

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So, you had to change your plans, because of the waterproblems around Bangkok? Or because other Private or Businessproblems catched you.made a trip as planned now impossible?

If the waterproblems had been the reason, than it was, in my opinion to harsh your decision.

Difficult to see that, know that, from far away, so.jap.gif

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