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A Welcome step in the right direction,

about time the UK did the same as Thailand and make Foreiners pay for their own treatment!


Me thinks this review is more for show. The consultation document actually states that there is approx. GBP25m per year is invoiced and of that eventually GBP5m is written off as unpaid. GBP is nothing for a government.

The cost of this 'review' will probably be in the range of GBP 1m or more (you need to hire consultants of course...).

So purely for show. Not that the Daily Mail or Sun readers will hear any of these figures of course.


i think this post will open a can of worms ,because the average working person in the UK gets nothing in return, if you are on the dole or foreign you get all the benefits. And you pay taxes to give away to emerging super economy's, China, India, ext , bring it on , i think we have been here before.


Visitors to the UK are not entitled to any NHS treatment except the most basic emergency care in an A&E department. This has been the case for many years. This measure, if it ever happens, will only, hopefully, enforce regulations already there.

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