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I think It is possible that this question can be answered by a guitar player or a computer guru so I have posted it here.

I have a question regarding connecting my ( passive ) bass guitar to Amplitube 3. ( a guitar virtual amplifier program for pc ) I am connecting my guitar direct into my laptop running windows 7 using the microphone jack. I have no sound coming out ? I have tried ASIO and also tried DirectX.

What I would like to know is do I need some kind of interface between my guitar and the computer or is it possible to play straight through like I'm trying ?

If I do need an interface then what would be a good one to use ?

Thank you for any help you can give on this question. :)


gday mate,hopefully can be of some help to you,firstly you will need an interface to use the program .i can recommend a Line 6 ux2 this has enough connections passive as well as active and mic imputs etc for you to record or play along to backing tracks etc,2nd you will also need some ACTIVE studio speakers for this to work properly .there is a shop at lat phrao that stocks all these goodies called Pro plug in located about 300 m from the underground station ,Hope that helps u on your way :jap:


I tried to plug my guitar in the mic input and used asio - worked for me but lots of static noise

now using a native instruments "guitar rig mobile" usb interface - works with both guitar rig soft and the amplitube which i actually prefer

the little box is about 100 usd

and there are many other devices available

just google for guitar usb interface

and don't save on a good cable

i had a lot of static with a cheap one


I use amplitubes iRig dongle with their scaled down iphone app. Connected to decent qual active speakers is sounds nearly as good as my tube amp.

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