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Prior to Fitness Thailand I exercised at California Wow for 7 months and one of the things I found rather annoying was the lack of gym etiquette here. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/mastering-gym-etiquette.html

Mainly at Wow it was older folks, mostly Thai ladies that really didn't have a clue but the club itself should educate their members slighty IMO. Same goes at Fitness Thailand where someone sits on a machine and does 2 sets in 20-30 minutes and never stands up. I find this and leaving sweat the worst, bring an exercise towel folks. I myself do a set or 2 on a machine and then get up and go stretch or do some abs for my rest period and then come back, letting other members use the machine unless I am doing something like incline or bench press where I would rather not unload all the weights (see link).

So if you are reading this and you exercise at a gym you probably feel my pain. Older folks or people with little experience get a slight pass in my book but their is the most annoying clown at Fitness Thailand and being an American like me he should know better. I had a run in with him my first month at FT because I was on a machine he was using 20-30 minutes prior to me? <deleted> dude? So this guy treats the gym like it is his own personal club. I guess he hasn't figured out you can do something differnt using the same muscle group yet he is highly educated and has more money than Steve Jobs, his words not mine.

Picture a guy, not in bad shape...tall, long hair and maybe 60ish that loves to hear himself talk, surfing, yadda yadda yadda. I find him extremely annoying and completely full of $ but I just avoid him or alter my workout slighty which is easier than hearing him b and moan like a lttle girl. If you want a visual, picture a guy that smoked too much stuff in the 70's, dreams of his days driving his VW van or what I call a burnout from Berkley CC that likely lived in a tree at some point in his life.

Yesterday, I went to exercise in the am and the first machine I use after seeing nobody using, guess who comes over to expalin he was using? While I was stretching, the shoulder press was idle a good 10 minutes. Yadda yadda yadda aka dipstick comes over again saying he wants to work in and I sadi NO and explained my reason. In short, go away numb nuts and no you can't work in because I have 3 sets lefts and you annoy me because I have waited for a machine you have sat on for 15-20 minutes just talking and not even doing a fricken set. He keeps b'ing and moaning then finally I had enough. SInce he was pestering me, I said to him American to American, keep talking buddy because we see each other often because we live in same n'hood here. If you really want to talk, come pester me outside you dipstick, picture a lost stoner "where's my car dude?" look. Finally he walks away and keeps giving me the stink eye and crys to the staff/trainers and the machine I was using was idle for an hour after me and not one person used including VW guy with hempfest stickers rocking the van.

After that I was nearly finished with my cardio and 4 actual FT members came up to me and said kop koon krup because that guy had issues with them even calling him a perv working out with his lady. His insult to me was I am a 30 year old yadda yadda yadda, guys like you are why I left USA. Thanks, I am 45 but here are your glasses maybe your pony tail is in your eyes. Also, 2 trainers said to me he causes the most problems at FT and I explained to them no worries someone had to put him in his place and I was glad to do. I expalined to them I rejoined California Wow starting Nov 1 because they lowered their prices so I was just using FT because a lady I was feen on asked me to come say sawadee krup one last time at FT. I won't miss that idiot but FT has a nice staff and many nice members, I just found the motorbike parking so bad (and one nasty burn) and then WOW called and offered me a new rate and I jumped last weekend starting Nov 1st.

To those of you I say hello to at FT, nice chatting. Sorry to vent but the gym ettiquette is a valid topic imo because I got a nasty cold from someone not wipping the machine off but if I had as much money as Mr. Jobs I guess I would just own my own gym and not B and moan. ;-)

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Just relaxing this evening, not on ThaiV much but if anyone interested I have a California Wow update from when I left because I felt they were price goudging western or non-thai folks.

Ok I have to say sorry I spell really bad and just type and send ...to: the typo police folks. haha we all have flaws and I have more than most ;-)

So I am 45 on a 1 year visa because I am too young for retirment visa but I joined Californai Wow because it was nice, clean and large. I not mind paying more because I saw the value before. I paid 11,000 b for 7 months and they told me 3200 b each month after so I said you are nuts and out of principle alone I left and joined FT on a month basis for 2 months. 1200, then 1000 for 2nd month at FT. Truth be told, I much prefer Wow but I refuse to be ripped off so I left.

Last weekend, I walked past Wow while at Plaza and Manager lady asked me where I had been? I expalined, me about 4 other members I saw joined another club and I not tell her I had actually seen CWow trainer exercising at FT. Well she offered my 3900 for 3 months so I jumped since it was 3200/ month prior but really their business model is going to fail hard because their prices are the only thing I have seen more expensive that Seattle in the past 9 months here in CM.

One thing I will miss about FT is the ladies asking me for my phone number or on a date Nice staff and people but it is kinda dirty there and the equipment could be in better repair but overall it wasn't bad but the motorbike parking sucked royal.

have a good and safe weekend people :rolleyes:


I had to laugh reading this.

I am also bothered by gym members who:

1) never wipe down equipment after use. :sick:

2) adopt a big bluff macho man persona; slamming weights, grunting and barking like idiots- with girly weights. :jerk:

3) act like the gym they go to, is their gym. It's OK to ask if you can "work in". It is not OK to monopolise machines you're not using, or sitting on for ages gabbing with other old guys in the old guy chat fest that seems to exist at many gyms here in CM. :coffee1:

Best solution is: figure out this twit's schedule, and come at another time....


haha McG I agree but I was rolling with #2 because there is always one idiot grunting at any gym especially Gold's in USA. At FT people really slam weights, grunt and bark which I don't get?

What is funny, sometimes I look over and see the girly weights you speak of and think <deleted> are you grunting about bro?

Your #3 is probably better said than me but so very true.


Most at Cali WOW don't work up enough sweat to leave on the machines...

While I am here I DO have one vent... That is CELL PHONES IN THE GYM!!!!!

I think they should be banned!!! (My old gym in the US had a no phone policy...)

Here they sit on the machines and check their Facebook...

But I do love when the "Trainers" plop the ladies on that vibration "Exerecise" machine face down and spend the next 20 minutes checking their email HA!...

If I was shelling out 1K baht an hour for a "Trainer" he better not be on his cell!!!


Just relaxing this evening, not on ThaiV much but if anyone interested I have a California Wow update from when I left because I felt they were price goudging western or non-thai folks.

Dude, they are not price gouging non-thai people, they are price gouging ignorants. ;-) Some places have fixed prices where a small discount can sometimes

be negotiated, but CalWow is not one of them. You want to pay double, triple, or more, the staff will happily take it.

One thing I will miss about FT is the ladies asking me for my phone number or on a date Nice staff and people but it is kinda dirty there and the equipment could be in better repair but overall it wasn't bad but the motorbike parking sucked royal.

Hmm, hmm hmm. Exactly how dirty is it there?

If I hadn't already bought a life time membership at calwow some years ago (for the same price as as you paid for 3-4 months of training it seems. But don't worry, some less ignorant people than me paid less than that too) ...


Dude, they are not price gouging non-thai people, they are price gouging ignorants. ;-) Some places have fixed prices where a small discount can sometimes

be negotiated, but CalWow is not one of them. You want to pay double, triple, or more, the staff will happily take it.


Nice try on baiting me buddy but I bought 2 - 3 month passes and they gave me 1 month free pass with each so it was actually 8 months. They asked for much more than 5500 baht for each but negotiated what I thought was a fair price for each or what I was willing to spend and that was 11k B for what turned out to be 8 months not the 3-4 months you speak of. They are or were price gouging because they have a faulty business model that will as some point fail and they are attempting to use new members to bail them out.

At the end of August when I was more than willing to pay 5500 for 3 month membership with 1 month pass they said 3200/month and I said no thanks and walked. I don't or didn't mind paying more, if I wanted the cheapest gym I would have never walked into CWow. I was looking for what I thought was a fair price based on value and being over-priced and a membership person telling me 3200 was a price set from BKK I walked, simple as that.

Many people walked the past couple months and guess what, they realized a member willing to pay 1500-2k B on average/month beats no customer at all. So when they call me and I walk by last weekend and the manager lady offers me 3900 for 3 months I was like, ok sounds fair and and reasonable and since I want to head South to live my final 3-4 months I rejoined until end of january when I will fly South. I never wanted a lifetime membership for CM as I hadn't plan to live in CM this long but I liked so I stayed. Wow has 1 club near the sea in the one place I would never want to live. No surprise Phuket Wow out of business and just watch there will be more to follow if they keep trying to use new members to cover these lifetime memberships than mean nothing when they go under. May not be this year or next but they are in $ trouble for a reason pal.


Hmm, hmm hmm. Exactly how dirty is it there?

If I hadn't already bought a life time membership at calwow some years ago (for the same price as as you paid for 3-4 months of training it seems. But don't worry, some less ignorant people than me paid less than that too) ...


Apples and oranges bro, what does what you paid for a lifetime membership some years ago have to do with this year or 2011? I paid $180 or 600 baht for my new iphone some years back (2008), christ I must be an moron because I can't find a new one (or 4th generation) in Thailand for under $600 or 19k B from Apple Store here.

Dirty was one of the few reason like bad parking that play a part in a customer willing to listen to new offers. Get it? Had Wow not offered what I thought was a fair price I would not have returned.


Funny thread. The guy you are talking about sounds like its the same guy who goes to Sizzler @ KSK and eats the salad bar buffet twice a day, 7 days a week. The girls who work there really get a kick out of him.


I don't eat there but I recall not being to avoid him at Tops or around the old mall so very well could be him. I figured he would be bogarding the food or prune juice station. talking surfing stocks and whater I try and tune out when when he clains to have cassh like him says. maybe he tips well

Do he wear hats alot? anytime I see im he has some sort of hat on, could be hemp hats if the sane guy. He a true piece of work no doubt, too bad he fried all those good brain cells bad in the day :blink:


Gym etiquette here, or there lack of, is not the same as back home in the USA as most things aren't. As a member of FT it does get to me sometimes, esp. when it becomes dangerous such as with weights all over the floor after literally being thrown there and bouncing around after someone's last rep. It also concerns me that many work out incorrectly that may result in them hurting themselves, sometimes at the direction of the trainers, esp. with the one where you twist at the waist or using way too much weight for their ability. I've tried to help some ppl. who are w/o trainers and show them the picture of the correct way that is posted on the machine but only to get a yes yes and they continue their way so I've stopped. And sitting on a machine talking on the phone it another thing, but if you ask they happily move. So mai pen rai, for 5000 bht a yr. it's pretty good and the hours of operation are good and kept! As for the man I know him and really more feel that he, as with many people, may have some troubles. I do not believe his stories of his wealthy upbringing etc. and just give him a pleasant nod and continue on my workout.


Op, you should have nutted the prick just for having a pony tail.

City Gym, off Chotana, got spoiled by couple loud yanky doodles, who always seemed to turn up when I was there. What is it with you guys, just get on with it and <deleted>! :D


I think a few responders missed the point- the OP was talking about a clueless farang, not a Thai.whistling.gif

He mentioned fellow gym members, who are Thai, approaching him to congratulate him about his stance with this idiot.

Look, gym etiquette is quite simple, just like table etiquette and street etiquette.

1) gym: wipe up your sweat after using equipment

table: don't blow your nose while eating and leave the evidence on the table cloth

street: don't spit in the path of oncoming pedestrians.

2) gym: don't hog a machine you're not using

table: don't put in an advance reservation on dessert servings with hungry siblings present

street: don't cut in line in a queue. Especially in England.

These are universal rules. Really has nothing to do with Thailand or Botswana or Kenosha, Wisconsin USA.

Just my 25 satang.....coffee1.gif


There are plenty of alternate places to exercise. Some of the hotels will sell monthly passes to their fitness clubs. My apartment building has opened a moderate sized fitness center. there is a swimming pool, sauna and about 20 machines ranging from stair walkers to stationary bikes. Its quite a deal at 500 baht per month. its brand new and the owners i have found to be decent people. Its called Pattara Sports Club, 2/4 Pattanachangpruek RD., T Changpruek Muang chiangmai----Phone number -- 053-231890-7... Its near the JJ market and a short walk to TESCO near the super highway.


Dude, they are not price gouging non-thai people, they are price gouging ignorants. ;-) Some places have fixed prices where a small discount can sometimes

be negotiated, but CalWow is not one of them. You want to pay double, triple, or more, the staff will happily take it.


Nice try on baiting me buddy but I bought 2 - 3 month passes and they gave me 1 month free pass with each so it was actually 8 months. They asked for much more than 5500 baht for each but negotiated what I thought was a fair price for each or what I was willing to spend and that was 11k B for what turned out to be 8 months not the 3-4 months you speak of. They are or were price gouging because they have a faulty business model that will as some point fail and they are attempting to use new members to bail them out.

Maybe. Dunno how their books look myself.

Hmm, hmm hmm. Exactly how dirty is it there?

If I hadn't already bought a life time membership at calwow some years ago (for the same price as as you paid for 3-4 months of training it seems. But don't worry, some less ignorant people than me paid less than that too) ...

Apples and oranges bro, what does what you paid for a lifetime membership some years ago have to do with this year or 2011? I paid $180 or 600 baht for my new iphone some years back (2008), christ I must be an moron because I can't find a new one (or 4th generation) in Thailand for under $600 or 19k B from Apple Store here.

Amusing analogy, but while the Iphone now is very different from the Iphone 3 years ago, CalWow is pretty much the same, and so are their prices as far

as their "life time" membership is concerned.


We have a very good fitness centre at our condo which overlooks the river.

However the 'planners' and I use that term loosely, made sure to install two great big lcd tvs in the middle of the place on a pillar.

Result, you get people coming in turning on some local channel (news) full blast to listen to between talking on the phone.

I really think they get nervous if it's quiet in the gym. We have a pretty decent sound system with assorted dance type music which is ok.

Anyways, I went in the other morning, tv was blaring yet all locals were busy on the bikes, walking machines, lifecycles, non of which you can see the tvs from unless you exercised backwards. When I say loud, think shopping mall - girl with microphone kind of loud.

Being in a better mood than usual, I walked over and turned it down by 200 decibels, instead of turning it off.

Can people not live without a tv for 30-60 mins at the gym?

The other day I went in the early evening for the very first time (I usually go at 6am) and the place was packed-not the weights thankfully. Now I am one of those with a very limited amount of patience-so little in fact I need to conserve it, so my workouts are non stop (set to set with very little break in between). The thais kept looking over between their sms's to wonder what is that guy doing breaking a sweat in a gym for ;)

While here, another amazing thing is they get off their bikes and head directly to the weigh scales to see how much water they have lost prior to going to pig out.

At least nobody here tries to sell you personal training advice.

Rant-bitch over :)


I had to laugh reading this.

I am also bothered by gym members who:

1) never wipe down equipment after use. :sick:

2) adopt a big bluff macho man persona; slamming weights, grunting and barking like idiots- with girly weights. :jerk:

3) act like the gym they go to, is their gym. It's OK to ask if you can "work in". It is not OK to monopolise machines you're not using, or sitting on for ages gabbing with other old guys in the old guy chat fest that seems to exist at many gyms here in CM. :coffee1:

Best solution is: figure out this twit's schedule, and come at another time....

i like your rant your a up front type of guy . the pony tail would be aworry to me. i had a old boss who used to say to the young guys who joined the firm . only two types of guys had pony tails. prates and ... if i use the word i might get banned. but you know what i mean .some guys are just wanke_rs. because they can be .and i have worked with them .and they just go on and on being wanke_rs. james


Easy give him the machine then immeadiantly go to the machine/weights he just came from.

He cant use two at once and it drives them nuts.

Biggest gym annoyances for me.

<deleted> with no tops on dripping everywhere

Gas bags who stand around talking all the time, whilst obstructing equipment



Easy give him the machine then immeadiantly go to the machine/weights he just came from.

He cant use two at once and it drives them nuts.

Biggest gym annoyances for me.

<deleted> with no tops on dripping everywhere

Gas bags who stand around talking all the time, whilst obstructing equipment





Ranting and venting is OK, but not solving anything. Why not suggest the management/ owner to print some house rules and put it somewhere where it is visible? If we care enough, we'd put some effort in it.

I think not wearing a shirt in public is very rude and disgusting. What's next? Not wearing pants? bah.gif


He cant use two at once and it drives them nuts.

Don't be too sure. These types often put there towel on one machine and wonder around the gym talking and using other eqiupment until they see someone trying to use the machine that they have "reserved". :annoyed:


After seeing guys use the hair dryer on their pubes and ass holes in front of everyone else in the change room, the concept of gym etiquette has forever changed for me. I kid you not, this was very common in gyms in Shanghai in 2007 (it continued well after a sign appeared "please use hair dryer only for the hair on your head"). :rolleyes:


Today was my final day at FT and I wrote a note to the manager lady thanks for the 2 months and explained a week ago I buy a 3 month membership at Cali Wow that starts Nov. 1

I also suggested gym E. and even pointed ot a website.... and I told them the motorcycle parking is very bad on the 2nd fl. and the wather that gathers smells like the toilet and they could service the equipment a tad bit better but overall I thanked her and the satff their is really nice.

I'm out....oh I not wear shirt outside sometimes because I like to tan and run/walk...is that really that bad or rude? I do take shirt in hand to wear imside if I get some water or something or have soup or eat.


I think not wearing a shirt in public is very rude and disgusting. What's next? Not wearing pants?

Yep, there's always some farang monkey waltzing down the street in town with tits oowt. Piss off to the beach, I say. ;)

These types often put there towel on one machine and wonder around the gym talking and using other eqiupment until they see someone trying to use the machine that they have "reserved". :annoyed:

Throw it on the floor. The Germans are noted for toweling hotel sunbeds at 5am on the continent... have had great pleasure on many occasion tossing em in the pool. ;)


After seeing guys use the hair dryer on their pubes and ass holes in front of everyone else in the change room, the concept of gym etiquette has forever changed for me.

<deleted>. :blink:

I'm out....oh I not wear shirt outside sometimes because I like to tan and run/walk...is that really that bad or rude?

It's not good, the locals will liken you to an ill-educated buffoon, don't do it. Also, always make sure footwear is clean. :D


"please use hair dryer only for the hair on your head"

No kidding! cheesy.gif

I am deadly serious. Apparently, some ladies also dry their nether regions with the hair dryers provided in some Shanghai gyms. My colleague told me after she recovred from the shock of seeing it.

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