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Thai Govt Will Seek To Spend Bt900 Billion On Flood Recovery


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The negativity here is depressing.

Whatever figure was given out I think TV members would moan saying it was too high or too low.

That's all you lot do is moan. Your sarcasm is almost racist.

A determination to find a long term solution to the flood problems is precisely what is needed and it is going to cost a huge amount of money. The money will create a huge number of jobs for Thais and will benefit the whole of Thailand not just Bangkok. Why does everyone here condemn it before anything has even been started. Just because some of the money will go astray is no reason for that. Money goes astray in all government spending all over the world. Look at your home countries before spouting your puritan bullshit here.

My dear Somo: I actually cannot remember on which of these threads it was but I already pointed out BEFORE the announcement that this man made mess was very likely done for the juicy clean up projects for the PM and her bro's cronies or family.

Of course.

The "mismanagement" could not have been incompetence REALLY.

Curious George calling the shots would have got it right SOMETIMES.

So the statistically unbelievable performance of the PM day after day and FROC day after day and all the smoke and mirrors made it obvious this was a man made disaster and the only reasonable conclusion was for the post-flood contracts and destruction of Thailand's independent agricultural base.

Having a nice round number for recovery ready to pull out of a hat is additional proof.

No plans, no stages, no research, no discussion, no town hall meetings, no gathering of ideas, no "foreign experts", no public discussion but Taksin knows he'd be happy with Baht 900 billion.

I am sure he would consider that fair compensation for having to travel all over the world to avoid any jail time.

The family should be charged with treason. And the criminal government cronies too.

OF COURSE, they had to destroy the country with a flood because there were no more forests left to rape and pillage.

It is evil genius.

I would have thought that after chopping down all the tropical hardwood forests and selling all the jungle animals on the black market, the rape and pillage was over.

Boy, was I wrong!

What a stroke of absolute genius to have another wave of exploitation and selfish greed by flooding 30-40% of the country.

Rape the environment to death, then rape the environmental corpse with intentional mismanagement of the worst flooding anybody can remember.

I tip my hat to the PM and her bro. That is really masterful evil genius.

The condition should be immediately set that no contractors with even the least connection with the present Gang of Terrorists be allowed to get any post-flood contracts.

Thais should demand the PM's family, cronies, "pack of running dogs", lackeys, friends and supporters NOT GET ONE BAHT from this intentional destruction of the country which exceeds Thailand's suffering in WWII.

Thais should also come to the support of their independent farmers and prevent CP taking over the entire system of food production and distribution in Thailand.

Thais should put these corruption practices and evil beasts on a leaky boat in any Bangkok canal and send them out to sea and START OVER with a clean slate.

Perhaps the only benefit of this current disaster is the opportunity for a FRESH START and a NEW WAY to do things in Thailand.

but, but, but.... that's what they are intending to do by naming it...

"New Thailand Project" : Post-Flood Program by the Government

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Sick steve, thank you for your kind wishes, much appreciatedjap.gif

Perhaps you would care to contact your friend the governor of Bangkok and thank him for refusing to allow the water to flow and for generally being obstructive towards Yingluck. I probably have a better understanding of the problems she is facing than you ever will. I don't need your personal sympathy, I grew up in war time London, I know how to face hardship and rationing, nor did I blame Chamberlain for being naive. As to my foot I would like to place it in your mouth.... forcefully!angry.gif

I hope you take your shoes off first and if not, then that the leather is soft!!!:o.

I fail to see your argument that that the governor of Bangkok was at all being obstructive to this government or Yingluck. All he was trying to do was undo the damage and confusion that people were incessantly complaining about, imparted by this clueless bunch of dishonourable novices. I note that people were listening to what HE said as against the contradictory information being shovelled out by........well, someone who knew Yingluck. What use is it when someone tells you to "get out" and someone else say's "no,stay" or "it will not flood" followed by "it might" and rounded off by "oh sorry, it just did" ie: 100% down to 50% down to 0% in a few sorrowful teary days!!!. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence does it!!!:(.

I hope the water recedes from your house and that your computer overcomes it's fever - I say this because I don't have a dentist capable of implanting whole rows of teeth and prefer to avoid conflict through my unwise choice of words at your obvious predicament!!!:jap:.

Lets call a truce on this!!

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The fact that you think a survey amongst a bunch of expats about Thailand has any relevance does imply you have a hightened sense of self importance and limited awareness. Thais will do things their own way and I think planning long term by investing in the infrastructure of the country to the benefit of all is to be applauded not shot down in flames. Big government contracts the world over are infiltrated by corruption. Why you think it is your right to tell Thais how to run their country is beyond me. If you don't like the place what are you doing here? If you think it is your duty to fight corruption here rather than at home what have you done about it?

Try to be constructive rather than negative about everything.

As to your question about racism the posts here make it very clear.

The survey was of Thai people:

According to ABAC Poll, Thai society can accept government corruption if they can also make the country prosperous, people live happily and also receive some benefits.

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Fair enough, a civilised retort deserves a civilised response.

My only qualm really is the unmitigated protection and defence of this government no matter what they do, or don't do, to the detriment of Thailand and it's people. It just doesn't make sense to me why they deserve to garner such support when it is usually ill-deserved!!!!

Why are people in self-denial on what is occurring in Thailand and refuse "through thick and thin" to stomach any criticism of this government when it is clearly justifed and constructive (most) of the time.

I can see that your point is reasoned and you are not blinkered in your thoughts like others that I argue against.

If I offended you then I apologise as you don't fit in the camp of my intended criticism - it seems that your community is actually politically savvy (I don't know where it is) but I honestly believe that (on the whole) Democrats are a far better choice of MP than Pheu Thai ANYWHERE in Thailand as this government is basically made up of people new to politics, inexperienced, incapable (no matter how well meaning they are) and they're political intentions are oft dubious to say the least!!!!

I hope that this, in part, explains my occasional OTOP rants on issues that I feel strongly on!!!:jap:.

I really don't believe that anyone here seriously purports to "defend" the Pheu Thai government. We all know to some extent how incompetent they've been - that's a given - but how does constantly preaching to the choir make any difference in general and in the current situation in particular?

The criticism leveled at the ostensibly Sith-like Shinawatr clan cannot be considered constructive when they're about as likely to read or heed it as you or I are to see Kate Middleton's bare arse. I've nothing against political debate but the interminable repetition, the stifling smugness of those posts that begin with "I wonder if" or "It'd be interesting to see" from people who genuinely believe their opinions matter because they've been raised in mature, "developed" democratic nations is pointless.

It's been done to death so, unless there are newer, more credible standpoints than the waffle in the Nation or Bangkok Post from which to offer informed comment, just go start a dedicated whinge thread. PLEASE !!

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I hope she will decide to go pay all village she put under flood for save bangkok

i just buy new home one month ago ,i i m lucky i have only 50cm of water

so Miss PM please follow the water an come to me for the bill


YES! You should be made a shareholder in "Thailand Flood Recovery Inc"!

I bet YOU could come up with great ideas on how to stop flooding in Thailand and would manage the investment funds fairly for the benefit of your family and future.

There are plenty of smart Thais who are not millionaires.

Most Thais are ethical.

Most Thais try to do the right thing.

Most Thais are not corrupt and love their country.

Time for the "Silent Majority" to take control before it's too late.

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Have you only just noticed? All the posters in this particular thread are totally anti government no matter what it does, some virulently, some just sarcastically. As I wrote elsewhere if a meteorite crashed into Bangkok they would claim it was Yingluck's fault.

I am anti-government as a start-position for ANY government, since they all spend tax-money as if it was their own goodie-bag and they all spend it on the wrong things - with a huge part of it lost to corruption too.

What is your reason for supporting a broken system?

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The massive amount includes Bt100 billion for the recovery of inundated industrial estates and Bt800 billion for an overhaul of water-management procedures to safeguard industrial zones from inundation, Energy Minister Pichai Nariptha-phan said yesterday.

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money

Post-flood rehabilitation could take at least three months with an estimated budget of Bt80 billion, plus loans of over Bt300 billion for flood victims, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Monday.


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The fact that you think a survey amongst a bunch of expats about Thailand has any relevance does imply you have a hightened sense of self importance and limited awareness.

The survey wasn't on this site, it was reported on this site [as part of the news flow]. It was done by Thai's against Thai's.

Edited by sbk
baiting comment removed-- DO NOT DO IT AGAIN!
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I came to Thailand 22 years ago as a consultant to the government and worked on projects for half a dozen ministries until 1999. 30% of project budget was "supplemental" then and my Thai associates tell me that's still the number.

Thank you. Only one sentence long but containing more pertinent information to the OP than all the other posts put together.

Yes, but what a multiplier!

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Post deleted. Quotes so messed up no idea who said what (if you can't manage the quotes then perhaps best not try)

and it contained a flame.


I realize that people are stressed but this incessant bickering and need to take it out on each other is way too much and I am tempted to start handing out 1 week suspensions to every single poster who acts out.

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I would like to see Miss Whiplash keep here word, as above. I am sick of all this bitching, infighting and recriminations. In case you have no noticed this nation is in crisis, as are some of the writers, including me.

Let the political fighting begin after the waters have gone, I am sure all will find it exhilarating, but for the moment if you have no more useful comment than a political bitch, then stow it.

Just for the record I have just received another food parcel, they average one parcel every 2 days. They come in blank bags/sacks, no indication of who from. I do know that one came from the Thai Red Cross, one from the C.P group, one from a company called "Aero" whoever they are. I know because I make a point of asking.

In addition we have been lent 3 plastic boats by the district office, and the local obadur and Puyai have each sent packages of important medications. I have no idea what colour shirts they wear.

As far as I can see in my little corner of Nonthaburi the authorities are doing the best they can, children and infirm are all in a shelter, plus those who just cannot face up to this situation. I cannot see what else they could do. I don't doubt there is corruption going on, but not in my area.

Situationwise, the water has dropped 1 cm, it is now 69 cm no longer 70 cm. The water is also noticeably cleaner although it still smells.

For the first few days I was feeding lots of starving birds, these have now gone, I guess wings are useful.

At the personal level, I have successfully dealt with an infected foot, cut on some broken glass underwater.

One interesting aspect of this food rationing, a recent study showed that type 2 diabetics, such as myself can cure this problem by a 3 month highly reduced diet, 600 calories per day. Now my blood sugar level is normally with medication around 9 mmol/L, (Americans use a different system) it should be between 5 and 7 in a healthy person. Well today I just checked for the first time since the floods, it is 4.9 ... almost too low. I guess every cloud has a silver lining.cool.gif

On the downside my blood pressure is up to 160, but heck I'm stressedbiggrin.gif. I guess having to replace all the furniture and two aircons is reasonable grounds for being stressed.

My thanks to all those who sent me good wishes.

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I would like to see Miss Whiplash keep here word, as above. I am sick of all this bitching, infighting and recriminations. In case you have no noticed this nation is in crisis, as are some of the writers, including me.

Let the political fighting begin after the waters have gone, I am sure all will find it exhilarating, but for the moment if you have no more useful comment than a political bitch, then stow it.

Just for the record I have just received another food parcel, they average one parcel every 2 days. They come in blank bags/sacks, no indication of who from. I do know that one came from the Thai Red Cross, one from the C.P group, one from a company called "Aero" whoever they are. I know because I make a point of asking.

In addition we have been lent 3 plastic boats by the district office, and the local obadur and Puyai have each sent packages of important medications. I have no idea what colour shirts they wear.

As far as I can see in my little corner of Nonthaburi the authorities are doing the best they can, children and infirm are all in a shelter, plus those who just cannot face up to this situation. I cannot see what else they could do. I don't doubt there is corruption going on, but not in my area.

Situationwise, the water has dropped 1 cm, it is now 69 cm no longer 70 cm. The water is also noticeably cleaner although it still smells.

For the first few days I was feeding lots of starving birds, these have now gone, I guess wings are useful.

At the personal level, I have successfully dealt with an infected foot, cut on some broken glass underwater.

One interesting aspect of this food rationing, a recent study showed that type 2 diabetics, such as myself can cure this problem by a 3 month highly reduced diet, 600 calories per day. Now my blood sugar level is normally with medication around 9 mmol/L, (Americans use a different system) it should be between 5 and 7 in a healthy person. Well today I just checked for the first time since the floods, it is 4.9 ... almost too low. I guess every cloud has a silver lining.cool.gif

On the downside my blood pressure is up to 160, but heck I'm stressedbiggrin.gif. I guess having to replace all the furniture and two aircons is reasonable grounds for being stressed.

My thanks to all those who sent me good wishes.

Take care all you on the front lines.

Aero is the brand name of goods at Mackro. Good for them!

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I would like to see Miss Whiplash keep here word, as above. I am sick of all this bitching, infighting and recriminations. In case you have no noticed this nation is in crisis, as are some of the writers, including me.

Let the political fighting begin after the waters have gone, I am sure all will find it exhilarating, but for the moment if you have no more useful comment than a political bitch, then stow it.

Just for the record I have just received another food parcel, they average one parcel every 2 days. They come in blank bags/sacks, no indication of who from. I do know that one came from the Thai Red Cross, one from the C.P group, one from a company called "Aero" whoever they are. I know because I make a point of asking.

In addition we have been lent 3 plastic boats by the district office, and the local obadur and Puyai have each sent packages of important medications. I have no idea what colour shirts they wear.

As far as I can see in my little corner of Nonthaburi the authorities are doing the best they can, children and infirm are all in a shelter, plus those who just cannot face up to this situation. I cannot see what else they could do. I don't doubt there is corruption going on, but not in my area.

Situationwise, the water has dropped 1 cm, it is now 69 cm no longer 70 cm. The water is also noticeably cleaner although it still smells.

For the first few days I was feeding lots of starving birds, these have now gone, I guess wings are useful.

At the personal level, I have successfully dealt with an infected foot, cut on some broken glass underwater.

One interesting aspect of this food rationing, a recent study showed that type 2 diabetics, such as myself can cure this problem by a 3 month highly reduced diet, 600 calories per day. Now my blood sugar level is normally with medication around 9 mmol/L, (Americans use a different system) it should be between 5 and 7 in a healthy person. Well today I just checked for the first time since the floods, it is 4.9 ... almost too low. I guess every cloud has a silver lining.cool.gif

On the downside my blood pressure is up to 160, but heck I'm stressedbiggrin.gif. I guess having to replace all the furniture and two aircons is reasonable grounds for being stressed.

My thanks to all those who sent me good wishes.

I wish you all the best in these troubled times.

Nice to hear a good news story re the efforts of the Thai services instead of just negative complaints about everything from those that are relatively comfortable.

Good luck with the diabetes. A good friend of mine is also trying to starve himself in an effort to beat it.

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At the risk of sounding as if I am blowing my own trumpet let me tell you a little bit of my background, perhaps then you might understand where I am coming fromsmile.gif

About 20 years ago I was a science teacher at a local school, but at weekends I was one of a team of SSA's (Senior Scientific Advisers) attached to the Home office and tasked with creating a disaster response team melded from the Police, Fire, Ambulance service, military and council services.

Those of you who might be retired from the UK police will know of Bramshill college (No more existing), the senior police academy, others may have heard of Easingwold. Us SSA's would hold regular seminars, lectures and training exercises there, also local training exercises.

We covered all imagined disasters, from a nuclear attack, to floods, to a massive chemical leak, epidemics, even a once in a 100 years hurricane.

The exercises were as realistic as possible, with "casualties, dead and destroyed property."

Incidentally us SSA's carried a warrant with gave us authority in the event of a "State of Emergency" over any of the services mentioned above.

Thus I feel I have some experience in the area of emergency response.

What we had going for us were a well trained and coordinated police force, a cooperative military, a good communication network VHF radio, and most important good Ordanance Survey maps.

Now look at Thailand, a police force that cannot be trusted to blow its nose, no true ambulance service, if there is a Fire Brigade I have never seen it, no up to date maps or geological surveys. An army that determinedly does its own thing whenever it feels like it.

None of these have trained or worked together, no planning exercises have ever been held and the bureaucracy spend all their time bitching, in fighting and trying to upstage each other.

This is why I feel sorry for Yingluck, she never had a chance from the start, you cannot throw together something like FROC from scratch, it takes years of training and exercising to create an effective team.

I don't care who you favour politically, the point is there is no way Thailand could respond better to this disaster. Yingluck has made many mistakes, if you think Abhisit would not then you are wrong, neither they nor anyone else in government has the knowledge and training to handle this situation.

Perhaps when this is over some bright spark in government may dream up an organisation like we had in England, but I doubt, it would mean cooperating with your competitors at the trough.

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>>>> education reform. Assisting Thais to speak better than bar-girl English. Currently, only about 1 in 10,000 Thais can speak more than 'How are you?" "I'm fine thank you."

Cambodian street urchins too (you know, the ones trying to rent you a copy of Bangkok Post or sell you a copy of Lonely Planet Phnom Penh) :(

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The negativity here is depressing.

Whatever figure was given out I think TV members would moan saying it was too high or too low.

That's all you lot do is moan. Your sarcasm is almost racist.

A determination to find a long term solution to the flood problems is precisely what is needed and it is going to cost a huge amount of money. The money will create a huge number of jobs for Thais and will benefit the whole of Thailand not just Bangkok. Why does everyone here condemn it before anything has even been started. Just because some of the money will go astray is no reason for that. Money goes astray in all government spending all over the world. Look at your home countries before spouting your puritan bullshit here.

Have you only just noticed? All the posters in this particular thread are totally anti government no matter what it does, some virulently, some just sarcastically. As I wrote elsewhere if a meteorite crashed into Bangkok they would claim it was Yingluck's fault.

Have you also noticed that a minority are pro government. I can only wonder why most do NOT like the FAMILY in charge, it wasn't in my genes it must have been put there by analising the situations, and then forming an opinion--it is not a virus - it's natural to the independent observer--it is known as right and wrong.

If this was The last P.M. seeing to the chaos, I would bash him too.

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Where is the 900 billion baht going to come from? They have difficulty providing the laptop or Ipad like device, and many opther promises that they made. Is money going to rain down from the sky?

According to the Energy Ministry (which for some reason seems to running the scheme)...

"New Thailand Project" : Post-Flood Program by the Government

However, it is confirmed that the amount of budget is not a problem since there is a large amount of reserved capital and several countries have shown their willingness to help in terms of funds as well, Energy Minister claimed.

NNT : 2011-10-31

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Ahh the hell with it. It'll be quick cash in the pocket and whatever happens.. who cares. TiT. I wouldn't mind being called a crook or crony just give me 50 million baht and I'll be content.

The next government (if there will be one) should learn a few things from Thaksin. Give, give, and take, take, take, take, take. Promise the rural poor new houses, new cars, 1000 baht a day, hell the government pays for it. Since they're the majority I don't see why not right? All that matters is you get the mandate and do whatever-the-hell you want.

Whatever incompetence you have is overlooked, so long as you provide the needs of the majority. Even Thais accept corruption as long as they get something in return. So all those who defend this government, there shouldn't be any complaints if my scenario plays out. All those whom are against this government, suck it up. Thais deserve whatever crap of a government they get as long as they don't gain power through coup.

You need money to make money.. so unless someone who can pay more than Thaksin, I think Thais are stuck with this guy.

Edited by ThaiOats
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Thank Buddha (no, not that farang that claims to be one), that 90% of the posters here are not eligible to vote in this country.

The government announces a plan to mitigate flooding disasters in the future. Instead of support or constructive criticism on how this should be done, we hear the usual BS from the usual suspects. Get a life people. Why are you so negative about your host country? Don't give me the usual BS about how you want this country to be better for your next of kin - Thailand is Thailand and will always remain so. If you are so unhappy about it, you have an option to give your offsprings a "better" life in the West. What's stopping you?

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Thank Buddha (no, not that farang that claims to be one), that 90% of the posters here are not eligible to vote in this country.

The government announces a plan to mitigate flooding disasters in the future. Instead of support or constructive criticism on how this should be done, we hear the usual BS from the usual suspects. Get a life people. Why are you so negative about your host country? Don't give me the usual BS about how you want this country to be better for your next of kin - Thailand is Thailand and will always remain so. If you are so unhappy about it, you have an option to give your offsprings a "better" life in the West. What's stopping you?

Well actually, I'm Thai and I do have voting rights. I run a business and those that are Anti-Shinawatras complain just as much as farangs for the same reasons you see on here. The Pro-Shinawatras don't have much to say since they're in power anyway and I'm not going to raise the subject with them.

Edited by ThaiOats
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800 Billion for the Shinawatras and 100 Billion for Thailand.

Soo much luck for Yingluck. I am sure her brother is proud!

Actually it is not 100 Billion for Thailand it is 100 Billion for industrial areas.

Thais don't count they all ready voted these clowns in.

If things go as planned we might see half of it get past the politicians and bureaucrats pockets.:(

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Time to buy shares of Shinawatra holdings

With a 20% rake off the top...that's a cool180,000,000,000.00 baht...I'd be buying shares of Daimler, BMW, and maybe some Cartier as their sales in Thailand are sure to go through the roof <_<

20 % :lol: :lol: :lol:

If it is 50 % it is still a great deal free of "corruption" just a bit "commission"

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Thank Buddha (no, not that farang that claims to be one), that 90% of the posters here are not eligible to vote in this country.

The government announces a plan to mitigate flooding disasters in the future. Instead of support or constructive criticism on how this should be done, we hear the usual BS from the usual suspects. Get a life people. Why are you so negative about your host country? Don't give me the usual BS about how you want this country to be better for your next of kin - Thailand is Thailand and will always remain so. If you are so unhappy about it, you have an option to give your offsprings a "better" life in the West. What's stopping you?

Well actually, I'm Thai and I do have voting rights. I run a business and those that are Anti-Shinawatras complain just as much as farangs for the same reasons you see on here. The Pro-Shinawatras don't have much to say since they're in power anyway and I'm not going to raise the subject with them.

First of all, good to actually have a Thai here, presenting a point of view that us farangs can never hope to see or understand.

Of course, anti-Shinawatras will complain. That is evident in itself, calling themselves ANTI-Shinawatras. However, politics is such that there are many different opinions. But no matter how anti-Shinawatra you may or may not be, do you not agree that a masterplan to resolve further large scale flooding is a good idea? Being in the opposition party, your role is then to ensure that the government gets the best advice and that things should be as transparent as possible. The farangs that complain here, majority are just losers in their own country and have a better life here than they could ever have in their own country.

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