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Many Bangkok Canals 'Illegally Blocked'


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Many city canals 'illegally blocked'

Janjira Pongrai

The Nation


Close inspection has uncovered that many structures have been built illegally on 26 waterways in eastern Bangkok, leading to estuaries being redirected or blocked altogether - one of the key reasons why it is taking so long to drain the floods, the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry said yesterday.

According to most uptodate maps, the Chuad Ta Thim canal in Bang Na district seems to have disappeared altogether and has been replaced by a luxury housing complex. In addition, many golf courses and apartments have allegedly been illegally built on canals, not to mention several slums along the riverside, sources involved with the inspection said. Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas.

The ministry's permanent secretary, Suphoj Towichukchaikul, said the inspection had been conducted before floods had arrived at key watergates south of Bangkok, and officials had discovered that stoplogs designed to control the flow of water had been used on several canals and that many were overgrown with weeds.

Obstacles like stoplogs were found in seven locations in the lower Sam Wa canal and have now been dismantled, he said, adding: "But there are several similar obstacles in all canals that contribute to slower drainage and flow. A proper inspection will have to be conducted soon."

The ministry, along with its Department of Water Resources (DWR), conducted an inspection of 26 canals across Bangkok, including those leading to estuaries in Samut Prakan and Samut Sakhon provinces, from Monday to Wednesday.

He added that a number of sluice gates built and operated by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) were also narrowing canals and should be dismantled.

An inspection team led by deputy DWR directorgeneral Chaiyaphorn Siriphornphaibool demonstrated how canals were surveyed using the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) - a sonar device that can determine the depth, speed and velocity of the current and obstacles under water. Chaiyaphorn said this device was also used to survey most major rivers in the country and had produced accurate results.

The 26 canals inspected were categorised as Zone 1 comprising 16 canals, 35 per cent of which were covered with weeds and 31 per cent had blockages; Zone 2 consists six canals, 61 per cent of which have been intentionally narrowed; and Zone 3 has four, of which 17 per cent are overgrown. NOT VERY CLEAR, CAN'T CONTACT WRITER.

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Preecha Rengsomboonsuk said directing water through channels partly associated with the Khlong Dan wastewater management project was being considered because this way, as much as 700,000 cubic metres of water could be drained out of Bangkok daily. "But since the project is currently part of a criminal investigation into alleged corruption and has been impounded under court orders, a careful study is needed prior to implementing the idea," he added.


-- The Nation 2011-11-04

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A proper inspection will have to be conducted soon


But since the project is currently part of a criminal investigation into alleged corruption and has been impounded under court orders, a careful study is needed prior to implementing the idea," he added.


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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

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"Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas."

it's difficult to spot an elephant, if you are not looking in his direction.

airport, as roads, are part of the urban planning, many people were involved to make decisions, where to build them

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I can add an example I personally know.

I used to live, many years ago in a guesthouse in a soi off Sukhumvit Road.

There was a small Klong on the opposite side of the road.

Now that location has a new building and is rented out.

Of course they needed parking for the tenets who live there.

So they made the Klong into "parking" for those tenets.

Years ago, when there was some flooding in that area, it rarely flooded there. The water naturally wet into the Klong.

Now there is no Klong, so where does the water from even minor flooding go?

The same place it always did of course, but now the Klong is a parking lot; and the water that still runs downhill no goes from that parking lot into the ground floor of the new apartment building.

They call that "eonomic development" or maybe "progress"


P.S. But, in my personal opinion, I call it "Capitalisim is a house-of-cards, about to collapse".

You're opinion may differ, of course.


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"The ministry's permanent secretary, Suphoj Towichukchaikul, said the inspection had been conducted before floods had arrived at key watergates south of Bangkok, and officials had discovered that stoplogs designed to control the flow of water had been used on several canals and that many were overgrown with weeds."

Proper maintenance in a timely manner Thai style

Edited by hanuman2543
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Same problems in Pattaya

District chief issues warning: dismantle canal obstructions in 15 days

Friday, 28 October 2011

Banglamung’s district chief gave owners of structures blocking South Pattaya’s main storm-drainage canal 15 days to remove those obstructions or face having the government remove them with force.

The ultimatum was issued on Oct. 18, meaning as of today, Oct. 28, there is only 5 days remaining in the grace period. Chawalit Saeng-Uthai said the 14 transgressors face “extreme legal action” should they fail to comply.

Illegal structures either blocking or partially blocking the canal have been sited as the main cause of severe flooding in South Pattaya and other parts of the city. Chawalit says that clearing these obstructions is the city’s main goal for reducing the chances of a repeat of Pattaya’s Sept. crisis that saw the worst flooding in decades.


Edited by saintofsilence
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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

<< Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas.>>

Ah, um, whose administration was in charge when that airport was built?

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if that housing development was done then, too. They don't exactly go up overnight...

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Illegally blocked canals in Bangkok?? As one post stated, what a surprise. I am shocked to read that "many" canals have been illegally covered over and blocked. Do you mean to say that Thai developers and business hustlers would do such a thing without proper approval? Or maybe they got approval for a payoff. You just have to read Chris Baker's book the Jungle Book to understand how all this canal stuff worked over the years. The whole place for decades is just a circus. It's a terrible state of affairs.

I read today that a Filipino star was electrocuted in his home today while his wife watched. Just one of who knows how many electrocutions. Even if Bangkok survives actual flooding, they will have to cut power and water for days/weeks/months. I understand that lots of water is starting to seep in through the floor in many buildings and homes in inner Bangkok. The whole place is sitting on sand and clay, and you can imagine the shortcuts in construction over the years.

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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

<< Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas.>>

Ah, um, whose administration was in charge when that airport was built?

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if that housing development was done then, too. They don't exactly go up overnight...

Certainly you don't mean the same PM who envisioned a new city called Nakhon Suvarnabhumi, designed for the elite. Not the same PM who didn't give much thought about flooding, but cared more about the amount of money that could have been made. Time has finally shown that this PM did more harm than good.

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A proper inspection will have to be conducted soon

Neigh. Neigh! Clank, clunk {sounds off - horses disappearing fast over the horizon).

Oh for some proper investigative journalism. Whose job it was to set up an inspection regime in the normal course? Why not done? Who responsible? Why no special exercise in the 2 months lead time for the flooding? Maybe it's too dangerous to investigate in Thailand.

Amazing Thailand

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as i stated before in my comment to another posting on here.It's only a matter of time and the same flooding will occur here in chiang mai .Every bit of green space is being built over with condo's and guest houses or some other type of business complex.Soon the water coming from the mountain will have no place to naturally drain.Already small warning signs.

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What a fine time to be inspecting canals! Ooofda. Any responsible government agency would be inspecting them regularly, and I'd think would have gone into action mode and actually done something about problem spots several months ago, if not several weeks ago. Well, if I am at all surprised, I suppose it's just that I haven't been in Thailand long enough.

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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

<< Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas.>>

Ah, um, whose administration was in charge when that airport was built?

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if that housing development was done then, too. They don't exactly go up overnight...

Certainly you don't mean the same PM who envisioned a new city called Nakhon Suvarnabhumi, designed for the elite. Not the same PM who didn't give much thought about flooding, but cared more about the amount of money that could have been made. Time has finally shown that this PM did more harm than good.

Plans to build that airport go way back to times when "he who always have to be named" wqas a simple BIB! So...forget that point of your ranting!

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I can add an example I personally know.

I used to live, many years ago in a guesthouse in a soi off Sukhumvit Road.

There was a small Klong on the opposite side of the road.

Now that location has a new building and is rented out.

Of course they needed parking for the tenets who live there.

So they made the Klong into "parking" for those tenets.

Years ago, when there was some flooding in that area, it rarely flooded there. The water naturally wet into the Klong.

Now there is no Klong, so where does the water from even minor flooding go?

The same place it always did of course, but now the Klong is a parking lot; and the water that still runs downhill no goes from that parking lot into the ground floor of the new apartment building.

They call that "eonomic development" or maybe "progress"


P.S. But, in my personal opinion, I call it "Capitalisim is a house-of-cards, about to collapse".

You're opinion may differ, of course.


I call it the wrong ax to grind, capitalism, but your story I think is correct which just a small but very common picture of the changes brought about by payoff's to be able to build illegal projects that blocked the natural and planned flow of water through and out of Bangkok. This is a classic and magnified picture of what corruption has brought about in Bangkok. In most countries, construction sites are required to display copies of building permits, which I am quite sure are not applied for in many areas in Thailand, just apyoff for officals to look the other way, or not even look. Why do you think there have been riots and killing between the 2 major political parties, they are fighting for the control of the government, from a National Control of govt down to local control. It is the money, the huge amount of money that can be made on the massive amount of money obtained through corruption of elected officals. People do not kill over 14000 Baht a month jobs.

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What a fine time to be inspecting canals! Ooofda. Any responsible government agency would be inspecting them regularly, and I'd think would have gone into action mode and actually done something about problem spots several months ago, if not several weeks ago. Well, if I am at all surprised, I suppose it's just that I haven't been in Thailand long enough.

PS.. and no, I'm not surprised. :rolleyes:

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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

<< Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas.>>

Ah, um, whose administration was in charge when that airport was built?

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if that housing development was done then, too. They don't exactly go up overnight...

Certainly you don't mean the same PM who envisioned a new city called Nakhon Suvarnabhumi, designed for the elite. Not the same PM who didn't give much thought about flooding, but cared more about the amount of money that could have been made. Time has finally shown that this PM did more harm than good.

Plans to build that airport go way back to times when "he who always have to be named" wqas a simple BIB! So...forget that point of your ranting!

I didn't seem to mention anything about an airport. Nakhon Suvarnabhumi was what I wrote about and no care or even thought was placed into that inane idea, which was nearly approved. Thank goodness they ousted him in time. While you're moaning about it, was any consideration taken to ensure that water would flow into the estuaries below. Of course not. It was nothing but a corrupt goldmine from the start and certain PM saw that opportunity right away and with no thought whatsoever did it anyway. Much like everything else he did. No thought, just do it "My Way."

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P.S. But, in my personal opinion, I call it "Capitalisim is a house-of-cards, about to collapse".

You're opinion may differ, of course.


People illegally building in klongs or people bribing officials to get access to do this is the opposite of capitalism.

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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

Yes ... easy and fun.

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Says it all, really. Greed by property developers,shortsightedness and sheer incompetence by the BMA with a nice dose of coruption thrown in to give it that true Bangkok flavour.

But then, it's so much easier to blame Thaksin for everything, isn't it?

<< Suvarnabhumi Airport and several roads are also allegedly blocking waterways and water catchment areas.>>

Ah, um, whose administration was in charge when that airport was built?

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if that housing development was done then, too. They don't exactly go up overnight...

Certainly you don't mean the same PM who envisioned a new city called Nakhon Suvarnabhumi, designed for the elite. Not the same PM who didn't give much thought about flooding, but cared more about the amount of money that could have been made. Time has finally shown that this PM did more harm than good.

Plans to build that airport go way back to times when "he who always have to be named" wqas a simple BIB! So...forget that point of your ranting!

It's good to be reminded occasionally that Khun Thaksin got his start as a Thai cop.

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Plans to build that airport go way back to times when "he who always have to be named" wqas a simple BIB! So...forget that point of your ranting!

I didn't seem to mention anything about an airport. Nakhon Suvarnabhumi was what I wrote about and no care or even thought was placed into that inane idea, which was nearly approved. Thank goodness they ousted him in time. While you're moaning about it, was any consideration taken to ensure that water would flow into the estuaries below. Of course not. It was nothing but a corrupt goldmine from the start and certain PM saw that opportunity right away and with no thought whatsoever did it anyway. Much like everything else he did. No thought, just do it "My Way."

Sorry, you are right- my bad.

Mr. moto did and I was assuming you were on-line with him.

...but what exactly was I moaning about?

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Why is this a surprise. Blocked canals, blocked everything.

Just try to walk down any pavement and you'll find your better off in the road, small restaurants take over the pavements for their customers.

Its the Thai way. "So long as its making me money why should I give a toss".

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