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Dog Meat Added To Night Safari's Jungle Buffet

Felix Lynn

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Would you stop eating beef steak because people in India don't eat cow? Maybe Moslem think pig eating people is all barbarians, too. Although I am a vegetarian, I believe it's strictly up to individual to choose their favorite foods. Dog is pet in certain countries while it's delicacy in another countries. In my opinion, it's equally cruel to force live geese drink water to make better quality of Pate fois gras. My German friend proudly showed off that dog chocolate is three times more expensive than their own chocolate in his country. So is hair salons and pet hotels. What can you say about dogs being more respected than human being? A lot of African children dying of starvation while western dogs exercise to loose weight in dog gyms. I know most of readers are disagrees with me as they are mostly westerners but what's wrong with this people, really? Were all westerners dogs in their previous life? Oh, by the way, please watch out dog feces in Europe. My European journeys had never completed without stepping on them, especially London and Paris. yuk! You have every right to love your pets but you don't need to make your community as open toilet without wall.

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