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My wife will bein Australia from December on tourist visa (3 months).

We plan to workon and lodge the spouse visa in Australia.

I understandshe will have to leave the country before it (a sub class 309 from memory) isgranted but a decision can made while she in still in Australia if I have readthe partner book correctly ?

Understandingthere are no guarantees dealing with immigration, I am confident that a welldocumented relationship leading to marriage and a "complete"immigration form should assist the process.

- Any advice inregard lodging in Australia ?

- We have awell documented genuine relationship leading to marriage after 18 months.

Any GENUINEadvice welcome

My wife will be in Australia from December on tourist visa.docx


If there is a "No further stay" clause then she must return to Thailand to lodge a 309 application, she must then be in Thailand for the grant of visa.

If there is no "No further stay" clause then she can lodge here and apply for a bridging visa before the TV expires. It also means some pretty quick footwork as medicals need to be done and a police clearance from Thailand needs to be obtained.


Thanks max and g burns. - yeah i have the idea on the visa type and conditions.

I was after some first hand experience incase anyone had done the same ...going from tourist visa in australia to a partner 820 visa.

Her tourist visa in May 2011 had no other endorsements restricting her stay in Australia so I am hoping the same will apply for the next application.

i'm basically trying to get things done together in australia and still work !

thanks again

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