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As Water Goes Down, Prices Will Rise: Thailand


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"Miracle" Thailand.

Isn't it "Amazing" that "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY" is not only limited to the "ladies."


If the operation costs of a business rise significantly the costs will usually be passed on to the consumer. That's common practice all over the world.

It's not just common practice it's common sense.

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I've been living in Thailand since just before the 2006 coup; these floods are just the latest in the long line of problems which have led to price-gouging. The cost of living is rising just as ferociously in Thailand as anywhere else but price hikes here are brutal and ordinary working Thais suffer the most. I've seen it happen after the 2008 spike in global oil (and everything else), then the airport blockade, then the riots, now the floods. Almost immediately food vendors and transport operators jack prices up; a song taow ride going from 8 to 9 baht doesn't seem like much but for a working Thai can be significant.

I wouldn't like to speculate how 'democratic' Thailand is, but it is demonstrably a plutocracy and this unequal distribution of wealth actually helps the country be more flexible in times of crisis (ie businesses absorbing costs). As only 2 million Thais paid income tax last year according to the BKPost, clearly the wide array of anti-inflationary industries keeps Thai inflation in check. Examples would be the not unsubstantial adult industry where workers would rather service fewer client than lower their prices and communications where getting more for less helps tweak GDP outlooks (ie THB641/month now buys 7Mbps instead of the 512Kbps of six years ago).

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The op didnt' mention real estate, but one would assume prices for real estate would go down. However, in the 'up is down' weird world of BKK, I woudn't be surprised if real estate prices go up.

Prices for rentals should go up.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the dry areas of Bangkok,have a increase in Rents and Selling Values later on,

a Prime Rental/Selling Point , it's called Capitilising.

Edited by MAJIC
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Oh and by the way, I wouldn't over-estimate the power of your vote if you're a Republican. With clowns like Rick Perry vying for nomination, you may very well be disappointed come November 2012.

The clowns running for office aren't nearly as disappointing as most of those other clowns that are voting them in so they can get their 'fair share' of other people's wealth.

Edited by MaxYakov
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We, as "ex-pats" or whatever the Hell other label is to be used for us Americans/Westerners living in this country need to finally realize that we have to take-care of our OWN COUNTRIES FIRST--get things in our own communities and families working-well--before we can even BEGIN to deal with anything here in Thailand.

Make haste while they're are still allowing those 'Occupy Wall Street' whatever-those-things-are.

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"The increases would be priced in with the launch of new models or minor-change models," he said

Boo hoo bloody boo hoo..sob sob sob

Now I won't be able to afford that 5th BMW to park alongside the other 4 and the 3 Benzs.....what will I do if I can't have my new car..life will not be worth living

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"Miracle" Thailand.

Isn't it "Amazing" that "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY" is not only limited to the "ladies."


If the operation costs of a business rise significantly the costs will usually be passed on to the consumer. That's common practice all over the world.

Yeah, but when the price of good comes down the saving is not passed back to the consumer. And thats common practice all over the world. Not everything that goes up must come down!!!!

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Give it a rest. His USD inference was just 1 little line, and it was a "yes the Baht is strong but...."

He got pissed and went off, and I doubt he's gong home....he's here for the same reason you are....and anyone that won't admit to what I'm inferring is the self-deluded arse you are inferring about john denver.

His main point is LOS is shit when it comes to how they handled things....guess what.....IT IS.

HOWEVER, SADLY, ITS GOOD FOR US "IN GENERAL"....BECAUSE GUESS WHAT? WE ARE ALL HERE FOR SHALL WE SAY NO THE BEST OF INTENTIONS.,.excluding the rare true corporate expat or guy that actually married/met a "decent" non hooker....end of story....

Wow JohnDenver, bitter about something. The fact that your dollar is worthless, so blame Thailand right? It's amazing how many peopittlle turn around blame Thailands economic stability for the shittiness of their home currency. The Aus economy is still fine and the Aus to THB is as good as it used to be when the Baht, US was lower. The problem is with your US dollar. Stop whining about the Thai baht.

Supply and demand happens the world over. When supply goes down, due to a natural disaster, demand is the same, causes an increase in costs. Some of you seem to have been living in Thailand too long, you forget a lot of the world works exactly the same. Eg, flooding in Qld Aus, took out a huge proporion of the banana plantations, the result bananas went up 300% per kg!. yes it was crazy, but its economics.

Stop your complaining and if you are truly that unhappy then go back home.

I get tired of people complaining about Thailand, because they just want to complain about Thailand. Like the first reply, that Thailand only thinks about money. Tell me a country in the world where people DON'T WANT TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY CAN IN ANY SITUATION?????

Yes there are some things that should be complained about, but most of the same things you can say for nearly every country around the world.

Get off your high horse and stop whining.

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