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3Bb Want To Take Me Off Premium 3Mbit


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I just paid my 3bb account and i am on the grandfathered 3mbit premier. They told us i need to bring back my modem that i got a year or 2 ago (and is still got enough for 9mbit) because one day it might just stop working altogether and that they will move me to 5mbit right then and move my price from 1k~ a month to 2k~ Are they just trying to scam me in getting off this plan or has anyone else been pressured? they said that it really doesnt exist anymore.. i dont fancy paying 70 us dollars for a shitty 5mbit.

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I pay 500 more then that for 512k and it only runs half that most the time. TiT. Ask for a ToT 6mb for 590b a month then. If you even have adsl in Thailand your better off then 90% of the people, hell if you have a phone line your doing better then most the population.:jap:

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I moved from the 3Mb Premier to 9Mb standard a few months back and have noticed little difference apart from my downloads coming down much faster. Saves a couple of hundred Baht a month as well. No reason to pay more for the 5Mb Premier.

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