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Data Reveals The Challenges Posed By Climate Change


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Data reveals the challenges posed by climate change

The Nation

The critical task for Thailand, and many other countries, is how to manage the dual risk of both drought and flood within short spans of time

The huge effects of global climate change could not have been more challenging than what we have witnessed in this country this year. For Thailand, there was both drought and flood disaster in 2011. In the first half of the year, several areas, especially in the North, Northeast and Central plains, ran various drought risks. Then, the second half of the year saw significant flood risks in several of the same, or nearby, areas of the country. In other words, we have experienced both extremes of climate in less than 12 months.

According to Dr Royol Chitradon, director of the Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute (HAII) at the Ministry of Science and Technology, climate change makes it nearly impossible to forecast drought and flood risks with accuracy. As a result, the Irrigation Department has been blamed for storing too much rain water during the earlier months of this year, even though there were signs of drought, as suggested by scientific evidence.

Then, the annual series of heavy tropical storms began during the second half of this year. Unfortunately, there has been an unprecedented amount of rainfall north of the country's major hydropower dams, namely the Bhumibol and Sirikij dams. The amount of water in Bhumibol Dam, for example, shattered all previous records since it was built during the 1960s. Downstream residents from Nakhon Sawan and Ayutthaya provinces to Pathum Thani, Nonthaburi and Bangkok have therefore experienced the worst floods in more than 50 years.

For specialists like Dr Royol, statistical models on weather patterns covering the past several decades are not useful anymore due to climate change. Now, experts study climate patterns for only the previous 4-5 years, and then await real atmospheric and ocean data for crucial inputs into their database system.

At the HAII, the vision is to develop and apply science and technology for agricultural and water-resource management in order to cope with critical climate change. Regarding water, the HAII - recently set up as part of an initiative by His Majesty the King - has developed technology to collect real-time data (such as via tele-metering), while developing an information system for integrated water resource management. Gathered data and studies are relevant to weather and water situations both locally and regionally.

The agency also uses techniques and scientific research methodology such as modelling and risk management for decision-making in both normal and emergency situations. Regarding agriculture, the agency has also developed an information system to collect agricultural data on productivity, harvests, land use, risks and various economic factors, to support decision-making in farm management. Geo-spatial information system (GIS) and management information system (MIS) technology is used in for both water and agricultural data.

With the deployment of computer servers, which have a combined capacity of 24 terabytes, the agency's database system covers all relevant data, including storm directions, rainfall information, sea surface height and temperature, dam water level, water movement modelling and warning systems for flood and drought, for more effective water management. The system also provides automatic real-time data on solar intensity, temperature, humidity and air pressure.

According to HAII, climate change has obviously presented new challenges to Thailand's water resource management, with this year's massive floods affecting more than 30 provinces being a case in point.

Scientific data shows that annual rainfall has been above average in the last decade (2001-2010), with greater inter-annual variability compared to the past (1950-1997). Based on monthly rainfall maps, such as those for March, May, August, September and October, there has also been a greater seasonal change of monthly rainfall in terms of timing, location and intensity.

The agency has also observed that the El Nino and La Nina weather phenomena have alternated more frequently, resulting in higher climate variability. This means there will be higher inter-annual reservoir inflow variability, as only 6 per cent of Thailand's rainfall is collected in large dams and reservoirs and only 13 per cent of farmland is irrigated.

The country's biggest challenge is to solve the flood and drought problems together.


-- The Nation 2011-11-16

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Yet again the global warming propaganda is in overdrive with any weather event being pinned on AGW.

Warming, cooling, more rain, less rain, more snow, less snow, higher wind speeds, lower wind speeds are now all signs of AGW according to the experts and whatever happens it was just what they expected (even though they didn't mention it before the event).

I have one question for all the warmists out there....

after more than a decade of stable tempertures while co2 has continued to sky rocket...(English football chant)

Where's your warming gone?


Where's your warming gone?



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It's so much easier to assign everything to "climate change."

It means you don't have to think; it means you have somebody or something else to lay all the blame off on, and if you are a developing country, it is the perfect way to get billions of dollars of free money from bodies like the UN and IMF

"Climate change" is not just the ultimate 'get out of jail' card -- it's 'get out of jail and here's a bunch of cash to go with it'. No wonder they spout it at every opportunity.

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This reporting makes me laugh:

"With the deployment of computer servers, which have a combined capacity of 24 terabytes,"

I can build 24 TeraBytes of storage in old IBM 8086 XT desktops. How much "computing" power in Petaflops or Gigaflops do they have? That's real computer power measurement.

Do they have the software to do modeling? Have they matched the models to the real world?

The AGW folks are having a hard time making their numbers work because their models don't match reality. Scientists have a long way to go (and need to fix the flaws in the current data and models) before we can figure it out.

Modeling rainfall vs runoff isn't as hard as it looks, it would have been possible to reduce the damage if the models took into account the coming storms and water volume in Vietnam and Laos, as well as real time data collection of the rainfall in the Chao Phraya basin.

I'm investing in warm clothes, let the ice age begin.

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

... but the sea temperatures have, and when it comes to rainfall, that's one of the deciding factors.

Another thing to consider is that, even though average temperatures may not have risen, many areas of the globe have seen changes to the extremes, warm as well as cold, which has been one of the predictions of moderate climate scientists. And while there's more rainfall and flooding, there's also more drought, which, if I've understood things correctly (not always the case), was one of the reasons for the gamble with water levels in the reservoirs here in Thailand this year.

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this is not new, this is not just happened this year, it is just ring the bell hard while it hits Bangkok.

ASSUMED these scientific agencies all have proper resources ( people, knowledge, technology and budget ), they can't do much about it if the government not put climate change on a priority and not response it in a good manner. then I doubt this assumption is true here.

absolutely right, drought and flood within a span of 12 months, extreme weather fluctuation ( temperature, rains, storms, tides . . . ) rather then just 0.8C raised in last 10 years. a farmer can tell bad lost of food crop lost of agriculture production by year. what then . . .

no way we can challenge the power of nature, or it is just too late. be prepared ! my winter clothes still in the wardrobe.

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

Data : http://berkeleyearth.org/analysis.php ...

It ends around 2005 and it was still raising by then...

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Yet again the global warming propaganda is in overdrive with any weather event being pinned on AGW.

Warming, cooling, more rain, less rain, more snow, less snow, higher wind speeds, lower wind speeds are now all signs of AGW according to the experts and whatever happens it was just what they expected (even though they didn't mention it before the event).

I have one question for all the warmists out there....

after more than a decade of stable tempertures while co2 has continued to sky rocket...(English football chant)

Where's your warming gone?


Where's your warming gone?


Three cheers for your post. Not only have temps been steady over the past 10 years while CO2 levels have skysocked, temps have actually gone down a tiny bit, with long range forcasts saying cooler weather is with us for awhile. The so called "rising Sea Levels" that would threaten Bangkok and Thailand had been rising for well over a hundred years, but over the past 4 years have gone down. CO2 had nothing to do with that. Polar Ice Caps are getting bigger. So how can Thailand be flooded by the Sea when sea levels are going down.

So many suckers fell for the "Global Warming" which when found was based on fake figures, they changed it to "Climate Change". Problem is the worse floods in history occurred when CO2 was not going up as a result of mankind and industrial expansion.


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Around here water costs 24 baht for 1 cubic meter.

Reports say there are 5 billion cubic meters waiting to be drained into the sea --- 120 billion baht.

Last line of OP report reads

'' The country's biggest challenge is to solve the flood and drought problems together.''

Guess we have to wait for some of the boffins to have one of those Eureka moments

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

Data : http://berkeleyearth.org/analysis.php ...

It ends around 2005 and it was still raising by then...

Staggering how many can't read a simple chart ..... did you think the scale along the bottom meant between 6PM and 10PM.

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Yet again the global warming propaganda is in overdrive with any weather event being pinned on AGW.

Warming, cooling, more rain, less rain, more snow, less snow, higher wind speeds, lower wind speeds are now all signs of AGW according to the experts and whatever happens it was just what they expected (even though they didn't mention it before the event).

I have one question for all the warmists out there....

after more than a decade of stable tempertures while co2 has continued to sky rocket...(English football chant)

Where's your warming gone?


Where's your warming gone?



He forgot to mention it but there is NO link between smoking and lung cancer either AND he drives better when he is drunk than when he is sober.

Edited by saroq
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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

... but the sea temperatures have, and when it comes to rainfall, that's one of the deciding factors.

Another thing to consider is that, even though average temperatures may not have risen, many areas of the globe have seen changes to the extremes, warm as well as cold, which has been one of the predictions of moderate climate scientists. And while there's more rainfall and flooding, there's also more drought, which, if I've understood things correctly (not always the case), was one of the reasons for the gamble with water levels in the reservoirs here in Thailand this year.


Even the alarmists admit the oceans are NOT warming.

"Willis has been studying the ocean with a fleet of robotic instruments called the Argo system. The buoys can dive 3,000 feet down and measure ocean temperature. Since the system was fully deployed in 2003, it has recorded no warming of the global oceans."

"There has been a very slight cooling, but not anything really significant," Willis says.

Of course the above text is accompanied by wild speculations that the missing heat may have gone down deeper into the oceans.

Yeah, right.

And here I thought heat rises....you know, the whole thermohaline circulation thing.... the Ocean Conveyer Belt, and such.

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

Oh yeah! that highly reputable BEST report. Try this link for a good laugh!http://wottsupwiththat.com/2011/10/21/the-berkeley-earth-surface-temperature-project-puts-pr-before-peer-review/ Seriously, anyone left denying climate change is in a tiny minority of fools. Even the most rabid of scientist deniers now accept it is happening, the discussion today is all about by how much? and what is the cause? WAKE UP!

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By how much?

Not enough to worry anyone outside of Greenpeace's PR department

and what is the cause?

Natural variability. We've seen it all before, but people were less hysterical 100 years ago.

Sea levels are currently plummeting by 5mm/year, temperatures are at a standstill, the UN's "20 million climate refugees" seem to have decided to stay at home, and governments all round the world are waking up to the fact that they have been played for patsies by the Green movement, which seized on industrial CO2 emissions as a stick to beat the capitalists with.

As a new Chinese scientific report states succinctly: "there is no significant correlation between the annual increment of the atmospheric CO2 concentration and the annual anomaly of annual mean temperature."

EDIT: for spacing

Edited by RickBradford
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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

... but the sea temperatures have, and when it comes to rainfall, that's one of the deciding factors.

Another thing to consider is that, even though average temperatures may not have risen, many areas of the globe have seen changes to the extremes, warm as well as cold, which has been one of the predictions of moderate climate scientists. And while there's more rainfall and flooding, there's also more drought, which, if I've understood things correctly (not always the case), was one of the reasons for the gamble with water levels in the reservoirs here in Thailand this year.

You are wasting your time arguing with the global warming skeptics. It isn't about science for them, its about religion. The right-wing Republican party told them not to believe in climate change, so they don't. Its that simple. Some of the more energetic amongst them will go out of their way to find any scrap of information which seemingly contradicts global warming, most just go on (bad) faith.

While I could proceed to provide evidence global warming is real, it would be a waste of time - those who understand global warming have already read/seen enough, I have no new first-hand evidence to offer them. Those indoctrinated to believe it is all a conspiracy - no evidence will convince them otherwise.

Unfortunately for Thailand, the tropics and sub-tropics will bear the brunt of the inevitable climate extremes. In absurd twisted tragedy, the United States (epicenter of global warming skepticism, and largest contributor to green-house gas emissions) will be one of the least affected nations. (I can say this without being an America basher, as I myself am American, and also recognize that the US is, in other aspects, in the forefront of documenting and recognizing the dangers of climate change).

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

I see that you have swallowed the propaganda.

global warming is real. Get use to it. cool.gif

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While part of this disaster is due to human error, the climate is actually getting warmer, and it's easily measurable by looking at sea temperatures. Even very small increases have large consequences like melting polar ice and increased rainfall. This year's rainfall in Thailand is nothing unique, but part of a general trend. Anyone who can read a chart will realise that very quickly, but let me remind you also that the central province of Thailand have been seriously flooded for 5-6 years now. Unfortunately, it took a situation where Bangkok was threatened for it to make newspaper headlines.

As for the reasons for the warming, that's another discussion...

Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

Data : http://berkeleyearth.org/analysis.php ...

It ends around 2005 and it was still raising by then...


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By how much?

Not enough to worry anyone outside of Greenpeace's PR department

and what is the cause?

Natural variability. We've seen it all before, but people were less hysterical 100 years ago.

Sea levels are currently plummeting by 5mm/year, temperatures are at a standstill, the UN's "20 million climate refugees" seem to have decided to stay at home, and governments all round the world are waking up to the fact that they have been played for patsies by the Green movement, which seized on industrial CO2 emissions as a stick to beat the capitalists with.

As a new Chinese scientific report states succinctly: "there is no significant correlation between the annual increment of the atmospheric CO2 concentration and the annual anomaly of annual mean temperature."

EDIT: for spacing


Please don't sound so calm, you need to start banging the table and frothing at the mouth to make your point like everyone else.

Everyone knows that it is the loudest voice that is right, right?

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You are wasting your time arguing with the global warming skeptics. It isn't about science for them, its about religion.


OK, so according to your "logic", atheists should also be religious about their disbelief in religion.

Do you not see the irony in your statement?

Skeptics don't argue that the Earth's climate changes... of course it does. It has for eons.

The question is whether man-made CO2 is factor.

So, can you explain the Medieval Warm Period in terms of man-made CO2?


Edited by NanaFoods
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You are wasting your time arguing with the global warming skeptics. It isn't about science for them, its about religion.


OK, so according to your "logic", atheists should also be religious about their disbelief in religion.

Do you not see the irony in your statement?

Skeptics don't argue that the Earth's climate changes... of course it does. It has for eons.

The question is whether man-made CO2 is factor.

So, can you explain the Medieval Warm Period in terms of man-made CO2?


Or explain this............


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The few remaining global warming Alarmists (outside the professional Jeremiah ranks of WWF and Greenpeace) remind me rather of those WWII Japanese soldiers who hid out on islands after the war had finished, unable or unwilling to believe they had lost.

The same kind of bewildered thinking can often be seen among those who still think an increase in a natural trace gas is going to cause civilisation to collapse in the near future.

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Actually, according to the very recent BEST (Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature) study, temperatures have not risen in over a decade. (note - of course the spin from these studies was the usual appocalyptic hyperbole but you can't deny the statistics which are laid bare)

Also, last year Prof Jones of the infamous 'Climategate' scandal admitted that there had been no warming since 1998.

These are not skeptics, these are full blooded warmists using fudged warmist data and they still can't find warming.

Data : http://berkeleyearth.org/analysis.php ...

It ends around 2005 and it was still raising by then...


Don't know where you got these data, but here a zoom-up on BEST Data :


The average delta for the 1st 5 years of 2000-2010 is +.813, the avr for the 2nd 5 years is +.968 . That's a 0.155°c gain in 5 years ; that means at this rate, the gain would be of 1.55°c in 50 years. That's hardly stalling.

By comparison, 2005-2000 has been "only" 0.135°c hotter than 1995-2000.

What's interesting, though, it's the important falloff since 2007 ; if it goes on like this, we could get a fresher 2010-2015.

But maybe BEST Data are all wrong after all... :rolleyes:

Note: in the link I posted in my previous message, quoted above, you can download the exact data, if you want to redo the calculations & curves by yourself.

can you explain the Medieval Warm Period in terms of man-made CO2?


Can you explain why this curve doesn't have error margins, in terms of sciences ?

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I am truly amased to see how many global warming skeptics there are in this forum, as a retired science teacher it saddens me to see how much my colleagues have failed to teach people how to interpret data correctly and how to spot false or misleading data.

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I am truly amased to see how many global warming skeptics there are in this forum, as a retired science teacher it saddens me to see how much my colleagues have failed to teach people how to interpret data correctly and how to spot false or misleading data.

From that description, it looks like it must have been one of your colleagues who taught Michael Mann.

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I am truly amased to see how many global warming skeptics there are in this forum, as a retired science teacher it saddens me to see how much my colleagues have failed to teach people how to interpret data correctly and how to spot false or misleading data.

Absolutely agree with your statement.

The anti-global-warming marketing has been unrelenting. It has the advantage in the debate that it only needs to plant a seed of doubt in peoples' minds in order to stall action and maintain the status quo. As we see here, it seems quite effective.

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I am truly amased to see how many global warming skeptics there are in this forum, as a retired science teacher it saddens me to see how much my colleagues have failed to teach people how to interpret data correctly and how to spot false or misleading data.

Absolutely agree with your statement.

The anti-global-warming marketing has been unrelenting. It has the advantage in the debate that it only needs to plant a seed of doubt in peoples' minds in order to stall action and maintain the status quo. As we see here, it seems quite effective.

Can you please give us your opinion on why temperatures have remained flattened for more than a decade while CO2 has continued to rise dramatically? The IPCC predicted temperatures going straight up, why has this not happened?

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