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Successful Relationships With Thai Women


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Like Ludditeman my wife left school grade 6, I have a Masters.

She from Issan and poor family , I was self sufficient. She was 23, I was 49 when we met.

12 years on it is getting better and better... based on good care, mutual understanding, good sex ( still training ! ) good food.

Of course its a win win thing and we both happy and getting what we want.

No set formula applies, it's up to u.

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1. similar educational background

2. similar interests / shared interests

3. similar outlook on life

4. reasonable age difference (5-10 years if the guy is between 30 and 45; 10-15 years if the guy is between 45 and 60; 15-20 years if the guy is over 60).

Yes completely correct. Personally for me and my wife we pass all conditions with the possible exception of number 2. And maybe number #1 if we're nitpicking, my wife has a slightly higher education than I do.

BTW, the mathematical formula you're looking for under point 4 is (Your_Age / 2) + 7

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The only reason any fully functional male has a 'relationship' with another person is for sex.

Self delusion is a wonderful thing!

Pretty small box you have wrapped things up in there Ludditeman... What if she's a good cook too ?

I'm a pretty good cook, what I can't cook myself is easily available in Thailand at marginal cost.

Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

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The only reason any fully functional male has a 'relationship' with another person is for sex.

Self delusion is a wonderful thing!

Pretty small box you have wrapped things up in there Ludditeman... What if she's a good cook too ?

I'm a pretty good cook, what I can't cook myself is easily available in Thailand at marginal cost.

Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

Try painting your fingernails and then sitting on your arm for half an hour... Who needs a relationship with another person at all ?... :whistling:

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I know everyone's different (blah blah blah), but what works for me is that my partner ISN'T like me. I wouldn't want to live with someone who's similar to me, has the same tastes as me, same sense of humour, same this, same that. It would bore me to tears. I need some mental space in my home where I can be myself without some twin of me completing my sentences and knowing what I'm thinking all the time - I need down time. I think in the early stages of a relationship, similarities are seen as good things ("we have a lot in common!") because you don't really know each other, so you grasp onto similarities. I wonder if some relationships that burn out do so because one or both partners simply hit a mental plateau and get bored of the other (or each other) - all those similarities suddenly breed contempt.

Over time, it's just basic things that work for me - mutual trust, respect - all those cliched, but real things.

Having said all that, each to their own - prescriptive advice on relationships - that rarely works...!

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Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

You need to work on your self-esteem, bro. You sound sad, desperate and a bit depressed.

I've also detected hints of envy in your comments.

Change your life. Work on your appearance.

You're on a miserable road to nowhere.

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1. similar educational background

2. similar interests / shared interests

3. similar outlook on life

4. reasonable age difference (5-10 years if the guy is between 30 and 45; 10-15 years if the guy is between 45 and 60; 15-20 years if the guy is over 60).

Yes completely correct. Personally for me and my wife we pass all conditions with the possible exception of number 2. And maybe number #1 if we're nitpicking, my wife has a slightly higher education than I do.

BTW, the mathematical formula you're looking for under point 4 is (Your_Age / 2) + 7

Where did you get that formula?

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1. similar educational background

2. similar interests / shared interests

3. similar outlook on life

4. reasonable age difference (5-10 years if the guy is between 30 and 45; 10-15 years if the guy is between 45 and 60; 15-20 years if the guy is over 60).

Yes completely correct. Personally for me and my wife we pass all conditions with the possible exception of number 2. And maybe number #1 if we're nitpicking, my wife has a slightly higher education than I do.

BTW, the mathematical formula you're looking for under point 4 is (Your_Age / 2) + 7

You are happily married, yet your favorite bar, hangout place, is a whorehouse?

Anyone else see something contradictory in that?

Edited by ludditeman
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Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

You need to work on your self-esteem, bro. You sound sad, desperate and a bit depressed.

I've also detected hints of envy in your comments.

Change your life. Work on your appearance.

You're on a miserable road to nowhere.

Technically he is right, at the very basic we are just animals, why deny it? You can save a relationship from almost everything - you can forgive cheating, bad behaviors and different views - but no relationship last long without sex (wonder why almost all countries deny of sex for a long period is a reasonable reason to request a divorce?).

We look after a successful relationship just because loneliness scare us, nothing more (why is simple, we need other people to reproduce and after we do it we need a lasting relationship to check and assure our progeny safety)

What if she's a good cook too ?

Still the same, why we like a wife that is a good cook? Food is a substitute and it's all just about endorphin hunting (that is what push us to do anything, from eat your morning coffee to love someone, to be an expat in Thailand).

Edited by Zerothai
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1. similar educational background

2. similar interests / shared interests

3. similar outlook on life

4. reasonable age difference (5-10 years if the guy is between 30 and 45; 10-15 years if the guy is between 45 and 60; 15-20 years if the guy is over 60).

Yes completely correct. Personally for me and my wife we pass all conditions with the possible exception of number 2. And maybe number #1 if we're nitpicking, my wife has a slightly higher education than I do.

BTW, the mathematical formula you're looking for under point 4 is (Your_Age / 2) + 7

Where did you get that formula?

I thought it was common knowledge.. Maybe saw it the first time on a Usenet newsgroup. So that makes it ancient math; it's basically Pythagoras.

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1. similar educational background

2. similar interests / shared interests

3. similar outlook on life

4. reasonable age difference (5-10 years if the guy is between 30 and 45; 10-15 years if the guy is between 45 and 60; 15-20 years if the guy is over 60).

Yes completely correct. Personally for me and my wife we pass all conditions with the possible exception of number 2. And maybe number #1 if we're nitpicking, my wife has a slightly higher education than I do.

BTW, the mathematical formula you're looking for under point 4 is (Your_Age / 2) + 7

You are happily married, yet your favorite bar, hangout place, is a whorehouse?

Anyone else see something contradictory in that?

My favorite bar/hangout is a bar, not a whorehouse. I haven't been to a whorehouse (more commonly known as Aab Ob Nuat places) in ages, and have actually partaken in one only a handful of times, while single. Not my cup of tea.

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1. similar educational background

2. similar interests / shared interests

3. similar outlook on life

4. reasonable age difference (5-10 years if the guy is between 30 and 45; 10-15 years if the guy is between 45 and 60; 15-20 years if the guy is over 60).

Yes completely correct. Personally for me and my wife we pass all conditions with the possible exception of number 2. And maybe number #1 if we're nitpicking, my wife has a slightly higher education than I do.

BTW, the mathematical formula you're looking for under point 4 is (Your_Age / 2) + 7

Where did you get that formula?

I thought it was common knowledge.. Maybe saw it the first time on a Usenet newsgroup. So that makes it ancient math; it's basically Pythagoras.

Just googled it -- I think it may come from Euclid.

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The half your age plus seven years may be the answer. We have only been married for seven years so it's still too early to tell. We are still on our honeymoon. According to the formula, she is now too old for me but I think I'll try to keep her.

I'm a crotchety old fart and my wife is an actively working farm girl who doesn't own a dress and owns no makeup, not even a tube of lipstick. It took me ten years of living in Thailand to find her and I was looking for a wife for the entire ten years.

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Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

You need to work on your self-esteem, bro. You sound sad, desperate and a bit depressed.

I've also detected hints of envy in your comments.

Change your life. Work on your appearance.

You're on a miserable road to nowhere.

I have a beautiful young g/f, new baby, nice house, large trust fund, full hair, no beer belly, no tattoos.

What is it that you detect I envy?

Edited by ludditeman
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Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

You need to work on your self-esteem, bro. You sound sad, desperate and a bit depressed.

I've also detected hints of envy in your comments.

Change your life. Work on your appearance.

You're on a miserable road to nowhere.

I have a beautiful young g/f, new baby, nice house, large trust fund, full hair, no beer belly, no tattoos.

What is it that you detect I envy?

Nothing to envy, wish you luck in your future experiences and challenges. been there and going through more as I write. When you have what you want why envy others who are trying to get it? Seems it is all new for you. BR

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I dont know if similar interests is important, she likes doing her stuff and I mine and we are perfectly happy. She has higher education than me on paper as she went to college and I went straight into the military at 16, however I don't think the system here is comparable so we are probably about the same. 14 year age gap that would have put me in jail when I was 21 but seems to not matter at all as you get older. Anyway it seems to be the norm here, I went to a Thai wedding 2 days ago, she is 18 and he is 41, no eyebrows raised, it only seems to be a problem in Western eyes. I belive that living here and speaking the language to a level where I can go anywhere alone and have my independence if I want to go shopping or just socialise with the locals I can, that way we arent joined at the hip and I think this makes us appreciate each other more.

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ludditeman quote:-

I have a beautiful young g/f, new baby, nice house, large trust fund, full hair, no beer belly, no tattoos.

What is it that you detect I envy?

ludditeman quote:-

Sex is the only vital part of the equation, anything else is a bonus.

So ludditeman, the baby is the "bonus" you would be willing to lose if somehow the sex wasn't as good as it used to be? If sex is the be-all-and-end-all, why even put yourself into the position you are in? Why not just be the bachelor living in Bangkok with thousands of women (that in aggregate, will always offer more than a single partner sex-wise) to sate your sexual appetite?

Edited by TingTawng
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I've done it all wrong then, in a successful relationship (I think)

1) She is a farm girl, left school age 13, I have postgraduate

2) We share no interests, I'm into outdoor pursuits, she likes Thai soaps

3) We do have a similar outlook on life, we're both not really bothered about anything

4) 20 year age difference

= 'she has a ton of side action, i look the other way'

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So ludditeman, the baby is the "bonus" you would be willing to lose if somehow the sex wasn't as good as it used to be? If sex is the be-all-and-end-all, why even put yourself into the position you are in? Why not just be the bachelor living in Bangkok with thousands of women (that in aggregate, will always offer more than a single partner sex-wise) to sate your sexual appetite?

Babies in Thailand are indeed a bonus, you can produce as many as you like, yet walk away at any time with no financial obligation.

It doesn't get much better than that IMHO!

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I don't get what all this stuff is about Thai wives. Women are women and I don't think it matters where they come from if you are compatible. I've been married for 33 years and it is the only marriage for both of us. A lot of my contemporaries have got us beat for longevity. Our kids are grown up and moved away and we play up like second hand lawn mowers - we would be out at social events with friends at least three nights a week. It just keeps getting better.

I had spent about 7 years here before taking the plunge, so if I did not know what I was looking for, I at least knew what to avoid. I think I last saw my mother-in-law in 1984.

Can be a major factor not for all but certainly for some and you can expand that out to cover other family and friends. A good friend married 12 years now tells how on the wedding day big sister in the kitchen emptying goodies from the cupboard - story from wife she (sister) likes them - answer from friend "so do I" put them back - big sister left has not set a foot in the place eversince. :jap:

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You need to work on your self-esteem, bro. You sound sad, desperate and a bit depressed.

I've also detected hints of envy in your comments.

Change your life. Work on your appearance.

You're on a miserable road to nowhere.

I have a beautiful young g/f, new baby, nice house, large trust fund, full hair, no beer belly, no tattoos.

What is it that you detect I envy?

I was going to answer the above, but then I saw ......................

So ludditeman, the baby is the "bonus" you would be willing to lose if somehow the sex wasn't as good as it used to be? If sex is the be-all-and-end-all, why even put yourself into the position you are in? Why not just be the bachelor living in Bangkok with thousands of women (that in aggregate, will always offer more than a single partner sex-wise) to sate your sexual appetite?

Babies in Thailand are indeed a bonus, you can produce as many as you like, yet walk away at any time with no financial obligation.

It doesn't get much better than that IMHO!


As I said before, work on your self-esteem issues.

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Babies in Thailand are indeed a bonus, you can produce as many as you like, yet walk away at any time with no financial obligation.

It doesn't get much better than that IMHO!

Wow, what a lowlife you are. You sure have some issues to work on - I don't think Thailand's the best place to work them out though.

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Babies in Thailand are indeed a bonus, you can produce as many as you like, yet walk away at any time with no financial obligation.

It doesn't get much better than that IMHO!

Wow, what a lowlife you are. You sure have some issues to work on - I don't think Thailand's the best place to work them out though.

When in Thailand, behave like a Thai!

Behave like a western pussy whipped softy and the Thai girls will walk all over you, have affairs, steal your home, etc.

Thai girls have no respect or desire for weak men, from what I have seen.

(I may be wrong, just my opinion of what's happening).

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Babies in Thailand are indeed a bonus, you can produce as many as you like, yet walk away at any time with no financial obligation.

It doesn't get much better than that IMHO!

Wow, what a lowlife you are. You sure have some issues to work on - I don't think Thailand's the best place to work them out though.

When in Thailand, behave like a Thai!

Behave like a western pussy whipped softy and the Thai girls will walk all over you, have affairs, steal your home, etc.

Thai girls have no respect or desire for weak men, from what I have seen.

(I may be wrong, just my opinion of what's happening).

Initially I thought your opinions were to deliberately get a rise out of many posters who can respond to the ridiculous... I'm starting to worry you are serious...

While I agree to some extent with not behaving like a love sick puppy or you will get walked all over. I disagree that you have to behave like a Thai. The Thai's I know do not behave like the Thai's you suggest. There is however a level of strength that a lady appears to respond to, surely that is global?

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There is however a level of strength that a lady appears to respond to, surely that is global?

I agree, but in the west, it often leads to accusations of mental cruelty, swiftly followed by asset stripping.

Easier to be strong in a country where the courts don't jump in.

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When in Thailand, behave like a Thai!

Behave like a western pussy whipped softy and the Thai girls will walk all over you, have affairs, steal your home, etc.

Thai girls have no respect or desire for weak men, from what I have seen.

(I may be wrong, just my opinion of what's happening).

ludditeman, yes you are wrong. You reveal too much of your weak personality here. You have no self-confidence, so create a low standard from which you can judge your life from - that's a classic sign of low self-esteem. Grow a spine mate, and stamp your own authority on your life and don't aim so low. It's obvious you have no self-respect, so you can't respect anyone else - another classic. I imagine your reply will be some more bragging about how you have X, Y and Z - keep it coming, but you're just digging yourself a hole in this thread.

Also, life is not black and white. Just because you aim low (because you don't believe you can do better), it doesn't mean other people who have higher standards than you are "pussy whipped softies" - that's just you justifying the safe little bubble you live in.

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You have no self-confidence, so create a low standard from which you can judge your life from - that's a classic sign of low self-esteem.

You are absolutely right, I know I am not worthy of the "high-so, half-chinese, university educated, independently wealthy with good jobs and have never worked in the sex industry women" that so many TV posters have managed to marry.

Somebody has to "do" the farm girls, and that is sadly my position in life as one who is "ever so humble".

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