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Alternative Medicine To Reduce Body Temperature?


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I get hot really easily. Even when the air con is on other people in the room will be cold and I will be hot.

When doing exercise I get really hot and feel quite ill.

Is there anyway to reduce my body temperature?



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There's a difference between being hot and feeling hot- your feelings have to do with the movement of heat in and out of your body, not your actual temperature. For example, when you have a high fever, your body is actually hot, but frequently the feeling experienced is of cold, because heat is leaving your body more rapidly.'

If you feel that your body is truly too hot, you should verify this with a thermometer- but in fact, if you really were too hot, you would probably feel cold (anti-intuitively). Perhaps you have the opposite problem and your body is colder than average. Otherwise your body is just giving you the feedback it is supposed to- it would be dangerous to short circuit that.

It's possible that your body has unusually poor heat management and this is why your exercise (which builds up heat in your body) leads to such quick discomfort. A check with a doctor couldn't hurt.

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Feeling hot does not mean your body temperature is elevated.

Some people are just more sensitive to feelings of heat. This is especially true of people who are overweight. if that applies to you, losing weight is the answer.

Otherwise, frequent baths, drink plenty of water and/or balanced electrolyte solutions, wear light "breathable" fabrics, and pace yourself.

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Thanks for the replies.

Often I will be sitting on the sofa in just my shorts and be hot while my mrs will be fully clothed and freezing as the air con is on full blast.

People have told me I give off a lot of heat so I think I might have a high temperature.

I will test it with a thermometer.

I've been trying to loose weight and have lost about 8 kg in the past six months but am not fat.

Is it a sign of a fast metabolism? Do different foods make you hot? I know spicy foods do while you are eating them but is there anything else?

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Actually spicy foods will cool you down as you start to sweat and that sweat evaporates.

I am hotter than my wife (that didn't come out right) but I exercise. Even in a non-exercised state I sweat while walking. I have a pretty fat metabolism.

Some thai fruits are called warming, durian, mangosteen and the like.

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Is it a sign of a fast metabolism? Do different foods make you hot? I know spicy foods do while you are eating them but is there anything else?

Some people are simply less tolerant of heat, that's all. It also has a lot to do with acclimation, newcomers to the tropics typically suffer more form the heat than do people who have lived there continuously for many years.

In women hormonal fluctuations are often to blame for feeling unreasonably hot. And hyperthyroidism can do this to either sex, but in that instance there would be other symptoms.

I suspect you are just one of those people with a low tolerance for heat and possibly your wife is at the other end of the spectrum.

Most westerners are particularly sensitive to heat in conditions of high humidity whereas most Thais are not. If you take the average Thai as reference point, most of us would qualify as feeling hot too easily.

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Actually spicy foods will cool you down as you start to sweat and that sweat evaporates.

Except in humid climates, the sweat can't evaporate and take the heat with it.

I've only been here a few years so not acclimatized yet and have not undertaken any acclimatization programs although perhaps I should.

Anyone got any experience of doing an acclimatization program (google it)?

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As the Chinese do , drink green tea , hot or cold . Drinking coffee will heat you up . In the hot and humid months I avoid coffee , even if I need thecaffiene , that is because when I drink coffee I feel my body heating up. The Chinese herbal system differentiats between heating and cooling foods . Eat salad and greens and avoid fried meats . I wish I could .

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Actually spicy foods will cool you down as you start to sweat and that sweat evaporates.

Except in humid climates, the sweat can't evaporate and take the heat with it.

Which heat?

Sweating reduces your core temperature while evaporation will reduce your skin temperature.

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