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Pattaya Cost Of Living Keeps Going Higher


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You are being serious? we obviously have Very different lifestyles, EVERYTHING has gone up in price, I live in my own home electric prices have risen vastly, gasoline prices have doubled, gas prices are up 70%, I thought I had seen some ridiculous statements made on this forum but yours has jumped to #1 :)

Yes it is still afordable, but prices have risen, maybe it is cheaper or more expensive than other places in the world, I dont know as have lived here for the past 22 years..............

electric prices have not risen since six years. depending mainly on consumption the price varies slightly because of a surcharge. i paid ~4 Baht for 1kWh in 2004 and that's exactly what i am paying now. gasoline prices are strongly dependent on the international price for crude oil which has been fluctuating wildly no matter what a bottle of beer costs in Pattaya.

by the way, it's beyond my grasp that some people consider the price of beer as a part of "living cost" :whistling:

At least in this country when the crude price comes down retailers have no hesitation in dropping the pump prices, it certainly does not work like that in the UK!!

Dont know where CGW lives but i too have not seen an increase in electric prices in the last 7 or 8 years?

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Dont know where CGW lives but i too have not seen an increase in electric prices in the last 7 or 8 years?

Sure, if you've making your living in Thailand. Most others would be paying nearly 40% more than back in 2004.

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Yes the price of beer did go up in certain places but is the reason beer went up in price because of the floods, wholesalers put the price up of what stock they had/could get and bar owners had to pay more for the product which meant in many cases the price went up to the customer (supply and demand), only thing is that this is Thailand and when supply gets back to totally normal and production and distribution is back to normal after the floods, will the price of beer (and other things ) go back down to the price they were before the floods, I have my doubts but time will tell.

None of the supermarkets I use increased beer prices at all. That implies that the wholesalers didnt either.

So anyone charging more is probably just profiteering.

Prices have not gone up for regular customers of wholesalers only for new customers. New customers are those who can not get the stock from their regular wholesaler. Many wholesalers will only sell limited amounts of each brand like 2 boxes of each for example. Many wholesalers have put 2-300 baht per box on top of the price.

Bar owners have not put the prices up to be greedy and simply try to make a profit, they have done so becasue there is no choice.

Business's do not buy products then sells at a loss.

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Yes the price of beer did go up in certain places but is the reason beer went up in price because of the floods, wholesalers put the price up of what stock they had/could get and bar owners had to pay more for the product which meant in many cases the price went up to the customer (supply and demand), only thing is that this is Thailand and when supply gets back to totally normal and production and distribution is back to normal after the floods, will the price of beer (and other things ) go back down to the price they were before the floods, I have my doubts but time will tell.

None of the supermarkets I use increased beer prices at all. That implies that the wholesalers didnt either.

So anyone charging more is probably just profiteering.

Agree. Hole sale price have gone up B/ll Sh/t Do you think that people are going to fall for that load of Cr/p or are you just guessing. NONE of the brewer's have put there price's up I repeat NONE, there might have been a few shortage's due to the flood's but the price has stayed the same. If you want to know what I think it's the Thai logic thing again customers down so let's put it to the idiot's that still come in.

I'm willing to lay odd's that you will never see the price go down again. Where I live not Pattaya thank Buddha no shortage's and price's still the same EG 55bt for a large Leo and that in restaurant's. And no I don't live in the boom dock's. But look on the bright side it's twice the price in place's like Phuket.

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by the way, it's beyond my grasp that some people consider the price of beer as a part of "living cost" :whistling:

LOL.Next someone will be saying the cost of living has gone up because the price of ice cream and chocolate has increased.

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by the way, it's beyond my grasp that some people consider the price of beer as a part of "living cost" :whistling:

LOL.Next someone will be saying the cost of living has gone up because the price of ice cream and chocolate has increased.

LOL Or maybe the price for the 'off'. :whistling:

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You are being serious? we obviously have Very different lifestyles, EVERYTHING has gone up in price, I live in my own home electric prices have risen vastly, gasoline prices have doubled, gas prices are up 70%, I thought I had seen some ridiculous statements made on this forum but yours has jumped to #1 :)

Yes it is still afordable, but prices have risen, maybe it is cheaper or more expensive than other places in the world, I dont know as have lived here for the past 22 years..............

electric prices have not risen since six years. depending mainly on consumption the price varies slightly because of a surcharge. i paid ~4 Baht for 1kWh in 2004 and that's exactly what i am paying now. gasoline prices are strongly dependent on the international price for crude oil which has been fluctuating wildly no matter what a bottle of beer costs in Pattaya.

by the way, it's beyond my grasp that some people consider the price of beer as a part of "living cost" :whistling:

Electric prices have not risen? but surcharges have increased, which means you pay more for your electric, no matter which way I look at it that is a price increase! I pay more.....

Gasoline prices, cooking gas etc are linked to the price of crude, believe most would be aware of that, crude prices have increased ± 70 % since 2003, I pay more, around 70% more...

Who considers beer as part of their living expenses? whoever does will have seen a significant price increase since 2003!

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Prices have not gone up for regular customers of wholesalers only for new customers. New customers are those who can not get the stock from their regular wholesaler. Many wholesalers will only sell limited amounts of each brand like 2 boxes of each for example. Many wholesalers have put 2-300 baht per box on top of the price.

Bar owners have not put the prices up to be greedy and simply try to make a profit, they have done so becasue there is no choice.

Business's do not buy products then sells at a loss.

No one is asking anyone to sell at a loss, and I'm sure that 7/11 and Tops aren't doing so. The manufacturers apparently haven't increased beer prices, so I see no reason for anyone else to.

I would have thought that one definition of "profiteering" could well be "selling the same items at different prices to different people".

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No one is asking anyone to sell at a loss, and I'm sure that 7/11 and Tops aren't doing so. The manufacturers apparently haven't increased beer prices, so I see no reason for anyone else to.

I would have thought that one definition of "profiteering" could well be "selling the same items at different prices to different people".

The reality is that unless there are government safeguards controlling pricing "profiteering" can never be prevented as long as there are people willing to pay the inflated prices.

On the other hand, if this place was regulated like back at home we probably wouldn't be living here in the first place.

Freedom has its price.

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After being away for few months this year, I can't say Pattaya has become more expensive. I always rent, so sure, right now property owners are cashing in since lots of Bangkok residents rented the whole town few weeks ago. But that's over now, bkk peeps are returning home and things are back to normal.

Pattaya is as cheap as it was in 2003, cost of living here has not risen at all, it is still a super cheap to live here.. I cant think of a single thing that has gone up in price in 8 years, condo prices excluded

Have you actually visited here since 2003, or do you have a hidden agenda, youre not a property dealer are you?

Straight off the top of my head, gasoline I remember was 15 baht per litre today 30+, Jameson whisky 490 now 890, cigarettes, eggs.

Do you ever eat farang food? check out some of the increases, Thai food sure the price may well be the same, look at the size of the portions.

We havent even mentioned coconut bar prices

The old timers are now reaching for their hankies, the good old days, 4 large Chang for 100 baht.

"it is still a super cheap to live here" If its so cheap why dont you live here?

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Pattaya is as cheap as it was in 2003, cost of living here has not risen at all, it is still a super cheap to live here..

You are being serious? we obviously have Very different lifestyles, EVERYTHING has gone up in price, I live in my own home electric prices have risen vastly, gasoline prices have doubled, gas prices are up 70%, I thought I had seen some ridiculous statements made on this forum but yours has jumped to #1 :)

Yes it is still afordable, but prices have risen, maybe it is cheaper or more expensive than other places in the world, I dont know as have lived here for the past 22 years..............

We all have different lifestyles, but we live in the same town, so costs are same for you and me, no matter what the lifestyle is.

Why did I argue that Pattaya hasn't gotten more expensive in years..

in 2003 I took about 10.000 baht from ATM once a week. That covered eating out 3 times a day (best khao pad gai across from Tuckom, big fat guy, he also does amazing snails), ice latte at Starbucks or a cup of coffee at Le Cafe Royale in the evening (best Carbonara in town in Le Cafe btw), maybe a day at Jomtien beach, watching every new release at movie theatre.. basically daily pocket money. That hasn't changed in 2011, I still spend my days wondering around town with headphones on, hanging with few friends, and I it does not cost me more than it it did in 2003.

Now this does not include rent, of course. A studio at The Monaco Residence was 15.000 per month in 2003, it still is in 2011. Electricity was 7 baht per unit in 2003, it still is. This 10k a week walking around money also does not include almost weekly few day trips to Bangkok, shopping for clothes, replacing a laptop, other gadgets etc.

So I fail to see why you gave me the much coveted 'Most Ridiculous Statements Made On This Forum' award

I suppose the biggest difference for the cost of living in Pattaya between me and you is that you own property here, and I do not. It is my choice not to own property here, I much prefer to drop the keys to building manager just before Songkran, and fly to Europe for the summer.

I also don't drive here, why own a car if the cost of taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok is 800 baht plus toll, same as it was in 2003. Baht bus is 10 baht, same as it ever was, motor bike boys still take you anywhere for 50 baht. I see no reason to own a car here, it is much nicer to sit in a back seat in Thailand and especially in Pattaya.

You see, it is your choice to own property and bear the cost, it your choice to drive and accept the increasing gasoline prices.. strangely enough taxi fares haven't changed over the years. But gasoline prices have no place in a thread titled 'Pattaya Cost Of Living Getting Higher', since gasoline prices are going up everywhere in the world, it isn't a Pattaya issue. Same goes for cigarettes, alcohol etc. Beer price has nothing to do with cost of living, we may as well complain that truffle prices have become outrageous in last few years.

Cost of living in Pattaya has not changed for me since 2003


rgs2001uk, after reading your post I am at a loss for words.

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Now this does not include rent, of course. A studio at The Monaco Residence was 15.000 per month in 2003, it still is in 2011. Electricity was 7 baht per unit in 2003, it still is. This 10k a week walking around money also does not include almost weekly few day trips to Bangkok, shopping for clothes, replacing a laptop, other gadgets etc.

Let's just take these few things as an example.

I'm assuming you're using overseas money to pay for stuff, so your costs have risen significantly since 2003.

I'll use the USD in this comparison. I'm sure it will be a similar story with most other currencies.

In 2003 the USD was above 42 for about half of the year and between 40 and 42 for the other half, so let's use an average of 42 for these calculations. We'll use 30 as the exchange rate for this year as that is where it has been hovering up until the last month.

15,000 rent in 2003 = USD 357

15,000 rent in 2011 = USD 500

Increase 40%

10,000 baht walking around money in 2003 was USD 238. In 2011 it is USD 333.

Everything that has the same baht cost now as in 2003 is 40% more expensive now.

The baht price of most things has increased significantly.

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Yes, Tropo, I have no income in Thailand and the pathetic exchange rate affects me too,

Still, I would argue that it isn't Pattaya that has become a more costly place to live, it isn't Pattaya what keeps both dollar and euro so low. Dollar doesn't buy us what it used to few years back, but it does not mean cost of living here has increased.

Dollar has droped about 30% against Euro since 2006, you'd have to get more cash out of ATM in Barcelona as well

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^ Do you live here or do you take extended vacations here?

I Live here and work from here, I live as I would in a western country with all the associated expenses, they have increased since 2003, if I simply "pottered" around downtown everyday, I might be able to see your view point

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after thinking about your question if I live here or take extended vacations, I honestly can't tell you. I spend about 8 months out of the year here, I'd like to think that I live here.. but since I leave Thailand to enjoy short summers of Eastern Europe, maybe I don't really live here.

As for 'pottering' around downtown every day, I don't know what that word is, but it sounds like a bad thing, something that a real Pattaya resident shouldn't do. But I'm retired, what do you suggest I should fill my days with?

I must now say good bye to you guys at Pattaya Thaivisa. Having mean spirited exchanges can get a person feel down, and theres no need for that. Be well all!

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You are being serious? we obviously have Very different lifestyles, EVERYTHING has gone up in price, I live in my own home electric prices have risen vastly, gasoline prices have doubled, gas prices are up 70%, I thought I had seen some ridiculous statements made on this forum but yours has jumped to #1 :)

Yes it is still afordable, but prices have risen, maybe it is cheaper or more expensive than other places in the world, I dont know as have lived here for the past 22 years..............

electric prices have not risen since six years. depending mainly on consumption the price varies slightly because of a surcharge. i paid ~4 Baht for 1kWh in 2004 and that's exactly what i am paying now. gasoline prices are strongly dependent on the international price for crude oil which has been fluctuating wildly no matter what a bottle of beer costs in Pattaya.

by the way, it's beyond my grasp that some people consider the price of beer as a part of "living cost" :whistling:

Electric prices have not risen? but surcharges have increased, which means you pay more for your electric, no matter which way I look at it that is a price increase! I pay more.....

Gasoline prices, cooking gas etc are linked to the price of crude, believe most would be aware of that, crude prices have increased ± 70 % since 2003, I pay more, around 70% more...

Who considers beer as part of their living expenses? whoever does will have seen a significant price increase since 2003!

what part of "4 Baht per kWh in 2004 and the same 4 Baht per kWh in 2011" is it you don't understand? :huh:

i am talking about the total average price including surcharge and VAT. in other words: no change!

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valgehiir, dont go spitting the dummy now! nothing "mean spirited was meant. Pottering about means wandering around enjoying yourself, don't take it the wrong way... I appreciate your point of view...

Naam, guess its the first part of the 4? :) You must be paying exactly the same for your electric now as you were in 03 or 04, yes 4 baht per KW, and you have no surcharges that have been added for usage etc - well done :)

My bills have increased substantially :( due to surcharges which is another way of increasing electric rates I would say, what are the surcharges %, I dont have a clue, I dont need to live to any budget, but do notice outgoings ...

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after thinking about your question if I live here or take extended vacations, I honestly can't tell you. I spend about 8 months out of the year here, I'd like to think that I live here.. but since I leave Thailand to enjoy short summers of Eastern Europe, maybe I don't really live here.

As for 'pottering' around downtown every day, I don't know what that word is, but it sounds like a bad thing, something that a real Pattaya resident shouldn't do. But I'm retired, what do you suggest I should fill my days with?

I must now say good bye to you guys at Pattaya Thaivisa. Having mean spirited exchanges can get a person feel down, and theres no need for that. Be well all!

''pottering'' merely means wandering around , meandering aimlessly

nothing bad

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Forgetting exchange rates for this comment, prices for lots of things, most things actually have indeed gone up in baht over the years. Some items extremely so. I can't think of anything I regularly buy that has gone down! Rents, I can't speak to.

Baht bus prices have not changed for over 10 years. Makes me wonder how they survive, given so many of them.

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Forgetting exchange rates for this comment, prices for lots of things, most things actually have indeed gone up in baht over the years. Some items extremely so. I can't think of anything I regularly buy that has gone down! Rents, I can't speak to.

Baht bus prices have not changed for over 10 years. Makes me wonder how they survive, given so many of them.

Not exactly! Years ago, foreigners could usually pay 5 baht on some routes, and that has ended. Also, Thais used to pay 5 baht but now in my view mostly pay the same as foreigners, 10 baht. I am sure the drivers would like to double the foreigner fare to 20 baht and I can see some drivers trying to stuff that idea on tourists by force. 15 would be more reasonable, buts it is a more difficult amount, practically speaking.

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Not exactly! Years ago, foreigners could usually pay 5 baht on some routes, and that has ended. Also, Thais used to pay 5 baht but now in my view mostly pay the same as foreigners, 10 baht. I am sure the drivers would like to double the foreigner fare to 20 baht and I can see some drivers trying to stuff that idea on tourists by force. 15 would be more reasonable, buts it is a more difficult amount, practically speaking.

If my memory serves me correctly, back when the price was 5B for farangs it was 3B for Thais.

I fail to see anything reasonable about dual-pricing though and am delighted that this particular racist rip-off has ended.

The price should be the same, no matter what colour the buttocks in the seat are.

Bahtbus drivers in Pattaya do not do badly at 10B/trip, as there is a good amount of business and (mostly) not too much traffic. I suspect that they all go home each day with several times the national minimum wage and would not want to go and work on a building site or in a shop instead.

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Bahtbus drivers in Pattaya do not do badly at 10B/trip, as there is a good amount of business and (mostly) not too much traffic. I suspect that they all go home each day with several times the national minimum wage and would not want to go and work on a building site or in a shop instead.

I hardly every ride in them, but as a motorcyclist who often has to get out of their way due to their erratic driving behaviour, they certainly don't seem to have any desire to conserve fuel.They must be doing OK.

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Forgetting exchange rates for this comment, prices for lots of things, most things actually have indeed gone up in baht over the years. Some items extremely so. I can't think of anything I regularly buy that has gone down! Rents, I can't speak to.

Baht bus prices have not changed for over 10 years. Makes me wonder how they survive, given so many of them.

Not exactly! Years ago, foreigners could usually pay 5 baht on some routes, and that has ended. Also, Thais used to pay 5 baht but now in my view mostly pay the same as foreigners, 10 baht. I am sure the drivers would like to double the foreigner fare to 20 baht and I can see some drivers trying to stuff that idea on tourists by force. 15 would be more reasonable, buts it is a more difficult amount, practically speaking.

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Forgetting exchange rates for this comment, prices for lots of things, most things actually have indeed gone up in baht over the years. Some items extremely so. I can't think of anything I regularly buy that has gone down! Rents, I can't speak to.

Baht bus prices have not changed for over 10 years. Makes me wonder how they survive, given so many of them.

Not exactly! Years ago, foreigners could usually pay 5 baht on some routes, and that has ended. Also, Thais used to pay 5 baht but now in my view mostly pay the same as foreigners, 10 baht. I am sure the drivers would like to double the foreigner fare to 20 baht and I can see some drivers trying to stuff that idea on tourists by force. 15 would be more reasonable, buts it is a more difficult amount, practically speaking.

I remember when there was dual pricing us 10 baht Thai 5 baht ,then it was made "law" that all paid the same ,but they got around that by giving Thais a discount to 5 baht .

My son was on a baht bus the other day and he watched a tourist being charged 200 baht for a journey from south to north Pattaya,said he just couldnt believe that the guy paid up without saying anything

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My son was on a baht bus the other day and he watched a tourist being charged 200 baht for a journey from south to north Pattaya,said he just couldnt believe that the guy paid up without saying anything

I paid that myself last week. It's very difficult to strike a bargain in key areas if you absolutely need transport from a shopping mall. I had a huge package to take home and didn't want to stand on the side of the road arguing for 10 minutes to save 50 baht.

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