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NACC Begins Probe Into Suphoth Case


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Supposing (just supposin) he could have made the numbers add up.

Imagine, no need for an investigation.

This story will run and run, but nobody will ever hear the end. Which allows lots of scope for soap operas ---- it never stops -- ever -- ever--- ever.

Innocent until proven guilty please. Not the other way round.

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"The minister said before the cash discovery, he had no problem working with Suphoth whom he found to be a capable official".

Yes!!! very capable at collecting huge amounts of cash, clearly!!!:whistling:.

I'm just watching the news now and guess what??? Yingluck is elsewhere and NOT "dodging the bullets" in this corruption discussion.

She's a joke!!!! perhaps she got lost getting to the parliament house - but be fair!!! she hasn't been there very often, has she!!:jap:.

I think Chalerm has just said "OK he's probably done wrong - but he learnt it from Abhisit's lot"!!!!

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Supposing (just supposin) he could have made the numbers add up.

Imagine, no need for an investigation.

This story will run and run, but nobody will ever hear the end. Which allows lots of scope for soap operas ---- it never stops -- ever -- ever--- ever.

Innocent until proven guilty please. Not the other way round.

For the long time expats here who have seen these endless stories, the proper expression for government officials with access to the cookie jar, is "corrupt until proven innocent".

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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He then said the money was for his daughter's dowry and there was only 5 million. Now Chalerm is saying the money was a far greater amount and was to pay interest on loans from transport projects.

Why the rush now to defend Suphoth?

Child-like lies from wholly corrupt and unaccountable people and the Thais themselves are ultimately to blame for continuing to allow this kind of immoral and disgusting behaviour.

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First there was the denials of money in the house, now Chalerm is saying there was money in the house and it was for transport projects.

What flawed society accepts this kind of behaviour from its elected officials?

Chalerm stepping in with some hare brained reason for the money adds a nice farcical touch to this. If Chalerm was an honest man, he would be the first to denounce Suphoth. Instead, what does he do.........

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Stolen cash actually bribes

The Nation

The cash stolen from the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom is the bribes paid in connection with bidding for the contruction of mass transit network, known as the Purple, Red and Blue Lines, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said on Thursday.

"The case about the break-in of Suphoth's home should be resolved soon," he said, replying to a House motion..

Chalerm said although Suphoth told police that he found some Bt5 million missing after the break-in, police had already recovered Bt17.8 million cash and estimated more than Bt100 million loot.

He said eight of 11 suspects were in the police's custody. From their statements, it was clear the break-in was act of revenge among the intended recipients of the bribes, he said.

Sophoth did not initially want to file charge for the break-in but his friend and police officer acted in good intention to alert the police communications network to try to track down the suspects, hence making the case known to the public, he said.

Reacting to Chalerm's remarks, former transport minister Sophon Saram said he had no involvement in the alleged bribery. Sophon is scheduled to hold a press conference on Friday to issue a full rebuttal on Chalerm's comments.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

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"Sophoth did not initially want to file charge for the break-in but his friend and police officer acted in good intention to alert the police communications network to try to track down the suspects, hence making the case known to the public, he said."

translates to

Sophoth did not initially want to file charge for the break-in so to get his money back, he contacted his friend and police officer to conduct a quiet investigation and track down and kill the suspects, but woops....the story got out and the case became known to the public, he said.

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Chaovarat threatens to sue Chalerm

The Nation

Bhum Jai Thai Party leader Chaovarat Charnvirakul on Thursday threatened to sue Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung for defamation in connection with the mass transit bribery allegation.

"I will check on Chalerm's remarks and might sue for libel," he said.

Chaovarat was reacting to the alleged linkage of his party and Sino-Thai Engineering Construction Plc to the kickbacks paid to secure the construction contract for the extension of the mass transit network, known as the Purple, Green and Red Lines.

According to Chalerm, the kickbacks came to light after the November 12 break-in at the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom. Police have recovered some 17.8 million cash and estimated the loot to worth more than Bt100 million.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

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Chaovarat threatens to sue Chalerm

The Nation

Bhum Jai Thai Party leader Chaovarat Charnvirakul on Thursday threatened to sue Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung for defamation in connection with the mass transit bribery allegation.

"I will check on Chalerm's remarks and might sue for libel," he said.

Chaovarat was reacting to the alleged linkage of his party and Sino-Thai Engineering Construction Plc to the kickbacks paid to secure the construction contract for the extension of the mass transit network, known as the Purple, Green and Red Lines.

According to Chalerm, the kickbacks came to light after the November 12 break-in at the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom. Police have recovered some 17.8 million cash and estimated the loot to worth more than Bt100 million.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

Wouldn't it be wonderful if this was the beginning of a tit for tat expose of all the illicit activities members of various parties are involved in. Chalerm must feel pretty well insulated, but then again he controls the entire nation's police force.

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Chaovarat threatens to sue Chalerm

The Nation

Bhum Jai Thai Party leader Chaovarat Charnvirakul on Thursday threatened to sue Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung for defamation in connection with the mass transit bribery allegation.

"I will check on Chalerm's remarks and might sue for libel," he said.

Chaovarat was reacting to the alleged linkage of his party and Sino-Thai Engineering Construction Plc to the kickbacks paid to secure the construction contract for the extension of the mass transit network, known as the Purple, Green and Red Lines.

According to Chalerm, the kickbacks came to light after the November 12 break-in at the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom. Police have recovered some 17.8 million cash and estimated the loot to worth more than Bt100 million.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

Wouldn't it be wonderful if this was the beginning of a tit for tat expose of all the illicit activities members of various parties are involved in. Chalerm must feel pretty well insulated, but then again he controls the entire nation's police force.

Hope so. That would be a the best soapie to watch...

I am surprised and a little disappointed it was not Chuwit who brought this forward. He must be kicking himself.

Bhumjai Thai do have a bit of a reputation for being involved in bribery.

Curious to see what dirt will be slung Chalerm's way and if any of it sticks.

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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It sounded from the article that the whole burglary was a set up. It may have been set up to expose his corruption, something that would be very difficult to do as long as the money was not found.

At any rate, the cat is now out of the bag.

Definitely there is an element of set up. It looks like the burglars were mere pawns in the game but we will never know the whole story.

If it wasn't originally it sure is now. A bald faced attempt at getting Newin's Goat.

And getting the money back for a different governments friends to steal from.

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First there was the denials of money in the house, now Chalerm is saying there was money in the house and it was for transport projects.

Since when would money be in a top officials house in order to pay for. "transport projects ?"

Talk about wriggling to get away from the truth.

A sad state of affairs, perhaps now all the little piggies trying to get their snouts in the trough have found that the trough is actually a reserved feeding point and not for all to eat at in a mass feeding frenzy

Edited by siampolee
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I'm just wondering how many Government and quasi Government bodies it takes to investigate an alleged crook. Why hasn't TAT set up its own investigation so that it can assure potential tourists that everything in Thailand is clean and hunky dory - yet again? This has all the ingredients for a Max Sennett type epic when one investigating body says that the alleged pen pusher crook is clean and another says that he isn't. Then we have the prospect of the world and his wife suing everybody else.

In the background of this affair the Thai version of Grytpype-Thynne is keeping his head down while the equivalents of Neddy Seagoon, the Famous Eccles and Boy Wonder Bluebottle chase around in ever decreasing circles. All it needs now is the discovery of a secret cache of illegally imported cardboard saxophones. Thailand - one big pantomime.

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Gosh so few comments by the anti Thaksin members I am very surprised this thread isn't page 10 by now!

Anyway I would like to dedicate this song to Mark for all the hard work he did.

I believe the highly credible Chalerm has already explained away the reason for the millions at his house.

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Quote from the Nation:

The cash stolen from the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom is the bribes paid in connection with bidding for the contruction of mass transit network, known as the Purple, Red and Blue Lines, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said on Thursday.

Very interesting. Looks like Suphoth is being hung out to dry by Charlerm. Guess this potato is too hot to handle with moronic excuses, so better to stand back and let the ship go down in flames. The downside to that strategy, is that if Suphoth becomes very unhappy at the prospect of a jail cell, he may start singing like a canary and bring down lots of people. Will be curious how the elites sort this one out......

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Chaovarat threatens to sue Chalerm

The Nation

Bhum Jai Thai Party leader Chaovarat Charnvirakul on Thursday threatened to sue Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung for defamation in connection with the mass transit bribery allegation.

"I will check on Chalerm's remarks and might sue for libel," he said.

Chaovarat was reacting to the alleged linkage of his party and Sino-Thai Engineering Construction Plc to the kickbacks paid to secure the construction contract for the extension of the mass transit network, known as the Purple, Green and Red Lines.

According to Chalerm, the kickbacks came to light after the November 12 break-in at the home of Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom. Police have recovered some 17.8 million cash and estimated the loot to worth more than Bt100 million.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

Wouldn't it be wonderful if this was the beginning of a tit for tat expose of all the illicit activities members of various parties are involved in. Chalerm must feel pretty well insulated, but then again he controls the entire nation's police force.

He does not! According to his line manager (YS) he is in charge of road traffic.

According to his real boss (TS) he is in charge of amnesties and other clandestine activities.

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Unsurprisingly the case is now being used to target Supoj's boss under the previous government, the Bhumjai Thai minister and his boss Newin. It is not clear whether that was the intended target all along but I suspect it is just a target of opportunity seized on by red shirt scavengers. While both must have salted away hundreds of millions during their control of the ministry, Newin is a teflon man as far as corruption charges are concerned. They never stick to him. More likely the whole thing was set up by other corrupt ministry officials who felt Supoj was unfairly hogging the trough and thought it was time for him to move over. Perhaps he was also perceived to have got too cosy with Newin and his boy at the ministry, so PT gave the green light for him to be offed. A lot of senior Interior Ministry officials are also now paying for their closeness to the Buriram football enthusiast with inactive posts.

If you have any evidence for any of these "hogging the trough" thoughts, it would be interesting to see it.Otherwise it's just ill informed speculation.Somehow you have introduced "red scavengers" to the picture as well not to mention the PT giving the green light for Supoth to be "offed"!

Sometimes the most obvious explanation is the most likely, namely the likelihood that a corrupt official has been exposed, possibly quite inadvertently.Who knows what the full background is but it would seem sensible to defer complicated analyses until the picture is clearer.

Jayboy. How long have you been in Thailand? There is always more to these things than meets the eye.

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