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I admire the character 'Howard', the old miner from the film Treasure of the Sierra Madre who by an act of kindness became trusted and admired and never had to work again...inna hammock fed with turkey, watermelon and tequila by beautiful gurls...to a wonderful music score by Max Steiner...

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George Galloway.

I may not agree with his political views, I may not like his abrupt style, I do however admire the way he made fools of the American Senate committee in their own backyard.

I'm with you on that one, not only is he courageous but he mirrors my feelings on the same issues...he doesn't like western imperialists and bullies and neither do I...

when I was a young man Che Guevara and Jack Kerouac come to mind...but Che came to grief when he lost support from the Bolivian CP and should have withdrawn; his idealistic faith in 'the people' led to his demise...and 'ol Jack, well, he just drank too much and condemned the 'unpatriotic' counterculture before his death in 1969...

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Thomas Edison.

For his very useful 1093 Patented Inventions, which have aided mankind in a very big way,for many years (although a large amount of his Patented Inventions,belonged to the inventive minds and skills of his employees,and claimed by him and the Company)

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My choice? Pat Condell, for telling it the way it really is.

Pat Condell videos:


Charles Krauthammer is another one who tells it like it is.


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Jeremy Clarkson for making a career out of being an arsh*le.

Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the web so I have something to do all day while sitting at work doing nothing.

Linus Tovalds for inventing Linux and probably responsible for the whole free software movement. Without this we would not have Andriod, the Iphone, Ipad and a raft of other gadgets we can't live without.

Whoever invented telly (it was so long ago), so we have something to do in the evenings when its cold and miserable.

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This is one of those threads we can have a great laugh with. Come one guys, lets have some suggestions.

Abhisit for trying to make honest people out of Thai politicians?

Noo lek at my condo for sorting out all the problems that happen and keeping everything honest and straight (she is the office manager).

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