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The Floods Have Triggered A New Health Scare For Some Thais: Opinion


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The floods have triggered a new health scare for some Thais

The Nation

Are you feeling feverish, becoming temperamental or dizzy, and experiencing mood swings? Are you sometimes foul-mouthed or lose your self-control? If the answer to any of the above is yes, you might be suffering from a new disease recently discovered by Professor Charnvit Kasetsiri, former rector of Thammasat University. It is called "Thaksinophobia."

Thaksinophobia has reached an endemic level, particularly in Bangkok and major cities. Those who suffer from it are mostly in the middle and upper classes; they are well off and well educated, with university degrees. This phobia is, however, rarely found in the lower-middle class, those residing in the rural areas, or those with only a primary- or secondary-school education. It can be transmitted through close human contact and by overly consuming information from the media and social networking sites.

It has been more than five years since the 2006 coup that ousted the elected government of Thaksin Shinawatra, but his enemies still cannot get over him. If anything, they have become increasingly obsessed with Thaksin. They cannot stop thinking and talking about him. Thaksin is constantly in their heads - while they are awake or asleep. He has conveniently served as a legitimising tool for their continued political activities.

Why is this so?

This is because, despite all kinds of weapons used to eliminate him - a military coup, judicial coup, and now possibly a "water coup" - Thaksin has proven to be a diehard creature. Even in his self-exile abroad, his political proxies have taken advantage of his remaining popularity among rural supporters to gain power through electoral politics.

Thaksin's enemies fully understand that they would not be able to compete with him and his proxies through democratic means. Thus, more devious ways have been sought. Among them is a plot to discredit the personality and dignity of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, rather than to criticise her real performance.

Anti-Thaksin forces are now showing their Thaksinophobia symptoms through their vicious attacks against Thaksin's sister. They brand Yingluck a "stupid cow", a "brainless buffalo" and a "laughable clone of Thaksin". When she refuses to retaliate, they upgrade their strategies, using the mouth of the elite to insult her. Kalaya Sophonpanich, Siriwan Prasachaksatru and Mallika Boonmetrakul - three witches from the Democrat Party - launched coordinated attacks against Yingluck, condemning her for being a silly, crying baby.

Kalaya said: "Yingluck's incessant crying degrades the astuteness of women." Siriwan joined the bandwagon, accusing Yingluck of using tears as a cheap trick to divert attention from her supposed mismanagement of the flood disaster. Meanwhile, Mallika went further by saying that [emotional outbursts] revealed her weakness and that this damaged the good reputation of the country.

Instead of assessing Yingluck's ability to deal with the crisis, they choose the most despicable methods to belittle her. It takes little intelligence from self-proclaimed intelligent ladies, one of them having a doctorate degree, to assault their enemy in this way. Little do they know that as they look down on her, she gains more sympathy from her fans.

In this animal kingdom, not only have the bitches played a nasty political game. Some alpha-male wolves are equally spiteful when it comes to striking at the female prime minister. Despite his own shady past, Ekeyuth Anchanbutr, owner of Thaiinsider.com, called Yingluck a "stupid bitch" who was brazen enough to take her position but should reconsider what job is suitable for her. He said: "Uneducated, lazy and stupid women from the North were likely to become prostitutes."

While women from the North heavily condemned Ekeyuth's sexist remarks, many of the so-called feminists remained largely silent. The fact that the discourse in "Thai feminism" has been dominated by Bangkok ladies of esteemed status explains why Ekeyuth got away with his tasteless statement. Ironically, the three witches from the Democrat Party, who earlier claimed to defend the dignity of women, cowardly refused to respond to Ekeyuth's male chauvinism.

Following in Ekeyuth's footsteps, Rangsit University Professor Jermsak Pinthong slammed Yingluck as being a useless prime minister. Jermsak believes Yingluck is stupid, a joke, the most humiliating prime minister in the country's history, lacking in experience, and only achieving high position thanks to her family connection. It doesn't take a genius to comprehend why Jermsak is not fond of Yingluck. This is the man who actively joined the anti-Thaksin movement in 2005, primarily to protect the interests of the Bangkok elite. From this view, Thaksinophobia may not be a recent phenomenon. Apparently, Jermsak has suffered from it for quite some time now.

This line of attack is also adopted by Somkiat Onwimon, a retired academic, former senator and current news anchor. Somkiat picked on Yingluck for her English deficiency, berating her for failing to speak either good Thai or English. The point here is not so much whether Yingluck was able to engage with foreign leaders - and in this case, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; the objective was to insult her. But is Yingluck the first Thai prime minister to not have a good command of English? What would be an acceptable level for good English speaking? Should Somkiat's excellent command of English now be the standard for all Thai prime ministers in the future?

Ultimately, the bitching and backbiting are more political than the politics itself. Yingluck's non-responsive reaction is gaining her the upper hand. The more they blaspheme her, the stronger she becomes politically. She can survive in the political game without having to do much, after all.

Pavin Chachavalpongpun is a fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Follow him at www.facebook.com/pavinchachavalpongpun.


-- The Nation 2011-11-24

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The Nation must be hard up for copy......what a load of absolute drivel

"But is Yingluck the first Thai prime minister to not have a good command of English?"

Really ? so her brother has an acceptable command of English ??? wasnt he a PM....my recollection was that he couldnt string two words together either

I have no time for our man in Dubai or his clone sister, but this sort comparison is really unfair considering one of the former PM's was born and raised in the UK, so in comparison with his English skills no Thai PM will ever have a "good command" of English, and does it really matter if a PM cant speak English ?....this is what translators are for

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Writing an article about the real diseases that are affecting people would be actual work, I suppose, instead of just churning out opinion. I've been in hospital twice from flood-related illnesses after going into the water to see friends and to pile sandbags and such and was most recently covered in a rash after a very harsh virus-inspired fever. Many of the people in the floods are beset by various ailments. I'd like to see one of these high-and-dry HiSos, regardless of political party, go wade into the flood-stricken areas and write something about what's happening with health there.

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As a real flood victim still with putrid, stinking, fetid water neck high in my living room with no electricity I was appalled and disgusted at this columnist for making light of my suffering to publish his ultra red garbage. I am even more disgusted with the Nation editors for not having the common sense to reject it. There is no problem with political commentary even by idiots such as this who understand nothing about Thaksin nor the threat he represents to Thailand. His commentaries are so absurd and so completely and so unconditionally wrong that nobody with an IQ above that of a common kitchen utensil gives him anything more than pity anyway.

But I am incensed at the poor judgement displayed by everyone where they would link it to people whose lives have been utterly destroyed by an unrelated incident for nothing more than their own sick amusement.

This truly represents a new low for the Nation, and they should be ashamed and humiliated at what they have done.

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Writing an article about the real diseases that are affecting people would be actual work, I suppose, instead of just churning out opinion. I've been in hospital twice from flood-related illnesses after going into the water to see friends and to pile sandbags and such and was most recently covered in a rash after a very harsh virus-inspired fever. Many of the people in the floods are beset by various ailments. I'd like to see one of these high-and-dry HiSos, regardless of political party, go wade into the flood-stricken areas and write something about what's happening with health there.

Good points!! I'd be interested to know how the Thai doctor treated your symptoms, what medication he gave you, and if he actually told you what you had? It's a shame that the Thai press doesn't help out with some informative information and reporting.

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As a real flood victim still with putrid, stinking, fetid water neck high in my living room with no electricity I was appalled and disgusted at this columnist for making light of my suffering to publish his ultra red garbage. I am even more disgusted with the Nation editors for not having the common sense to reject it. There is no problem with political commentary even by idiots such as this who understand nothing about Thaksin nor the threat he represents to Thailand. His commentaries are so absurd and so completely and so unconditionally wrong that nobody with an IQ above that of a common kitchen utensil gives him anything more than pity anyway.

But I am incensed at the poor judgement displayed by everyone where they would link it to people whose lives have been utterly destroyed by an unrelated incident for nothing more than their own sick amusement.

This truly represents a new low for the Nation, and they should be ashamed and humiliated at what they have done.

Excellent points!! Comments about the media and Thaksin posted in reply to another post.

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...His commentaries are so absurd and so completely and so unconditionally wrong that nobody with an IQ above that of a common kitchen utensil gives him anything more than pity anyway....

My favorite line of the day!

Hey Greg hope things dry out soonest for you.

Keep your power dry, and your humor.

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As a real flood victim still with putrid, stinking, fetid water neck high in my living room with no electricity I was appalled and disgusted at this columnist for making light of my suffering to publish his ultra red garbage. I am even more disgusted with the Nation editors for not having the common sense to reject it. There is no problem with political commentary even by idiots such as this who understand nothing about Thaksin nor the threat he represents to Thailand. His commentaries are so absurd and so completely and so unconditionally wrong that nobody with an IQ above that of a common kitchen utensil gives him anything more than pity anyway.

But I am incensed at the poor judgement displayed by everyone where they would link it to people whose lives have been utterly destroyed by an unrelated incident for nothing more than their own sick amusement.

This truly represents a new low for the Nation, and they should be ashamed and humiliated at what they have done.

so we have the Democrat Gov of BKK admitting he is a liar and the only thing you need is a personal visit from the PM!

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Relax everyone, The Nation isn't going pro-Red anytime soon.

It appears to be another one of those articles that pops up every few weeks so that the Nation can claim to be politically 'balanced' in the articles it publishes.

Regular vilification of gov/Red/Thaksin via the accepted sources will now be re-established. Stand easy.

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According to information provided by Pavin Chachavalpongpun, the writer of the article, on some Singaporean websites, he was a Thai diplomat who quit the civil service due to unexplained reasons. He became a research fellow at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asia Studies. He is widely regarded in Singapore as a guru on all things Thai (Thai politics, fashion, food, marriage, culture, customs, traditions, etc. ) Pavin is regularly called upon by Singapore's official media (which is state-controlled and state-censored) to comment on Thai affairs, especially Thai politics. He appears very often on Channel News Asia, Singapore's Asia Tonight.....

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PR from Dubai employee?

Dictated by whom? This is a PR stunt of the lowest quality.

This sounds more the argumentation of extreme Islamist. Is he or are they?

Not even worth reading, it's a waste of time.

Tell Thaksin to take the next flight to 'swampi" and everyone shall find out what happens. This hasn't anything to do with phobia.

Dear K Thaksin and supporters, search wikileaks Thaksin.

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Quote :-

Are you feeling feverish, becoming temperamental or dizzy, and experiencing mood swings? Are you sometimes foul-mouthed or lose your self-control? If the answer to any of the above is yes, you might be suffering from a new disease recently discovered by Professor Charnvit Kasetsiri, former rector of Thammasat University. It is called "Thaksinophobia."


Seems to me that this is yet another Thai academic with his head stuck up his fundamental orifice. The thought of a Thai professor discovering anything might well gives rise to smiles and shaking of heads by some. Why Thai academics are afforded any respect at all given that graduates use calculators being seemingly incapable of mental arithmetic escapes me.

The disease that Thailand needs to eradicate is Thaksin and his coterie of ne'er do wells.

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Relax everyone, The Nation isn't going pro-Red anytime soon.

It appears to be another one of those articles that pops up every few weeks so that the Nation can claim to be politically 'balanced' in the articles it publishes.

Regular vilification of gov/Red/Thaksin via the accepted sources will now be re-established. Stand easy.

But why does it have to be the crap that Pavin writes?

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Relax everyone, The Nation isn't going pro-Red anytime soon.

It appears to be another one of those articles that pops up every few weeks so that the Nation can claim to be politically 'balanced' in the articles it publishes.

Regular vilification of gov/Red/Thaksin via the accepted sources will now be re-established. Stand easy.

But why does it have to be the crap that Pavin writes?

It's called having the appearance of balanced editorials to content.

Pavin is pro-Thaksin to the core, but he is a regularly published pundit,

and so gets consideration to be [published by his track record.

So Nation puts out one of his hagiographies periodically,

Fair and Balanced like FoxNews.

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