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Electronics Units In Thailand Considering To Relocate Due To Wage Hike, Floods


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Hun Sen must be laughing himself silly at the prospect. His investment in destabilizing Thailand is starting to pay off.

You beat me to it, exactily my thoughts as well.

yes, Thailand will get finally a culture Minister Arisaman. That's what he wants.

:cheesy: That's what Thailand needs. More culture training.:cheesy: :cheesy:

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Seriously, is anyone surprised? I ran a company in Nongprue/Pattaya with the following problems which led me to suggest everyone NOT to invest in Thailand's economy:- brown outs and power cuts EVERY week- city water running unreliably; pressure varies and so does the quality- phone lines ongoingly down (they nick the copper wires); makes Fax obsolete yet is still used by many Thai sub-suppliers- internet is expensive, slow and also unreliable at times- labour protection act protects labourers; did you every try to sue staff who just walked out of the job and took company assets along?- red tape: ever tried to open an internet banking account and credit card swiping facility? I did and it took me seven godforsaken months - run a girlie bar; never a staff problem. Try to run a normal business with THB 10'000/monthly wage per staff, limited English? Forget it, the applicants give you the willies...... and so the story goesQuintessence was; I moved this business away to Cambodia. I pay the staff proper salaries and give them human housing and food. Never had staff problems, profits are considerably better than in Thailand and the government does not intervene in anything. Ah, and visa/work permit is a walk in the park compared to the LOS. So, yes, go and look around before sinking a lot of money into frustrating Thailand

Must say I agree with your assessment. If I wasn't settled with a Thai wife, I'd be long gone. I've been here over 12 years and things just get worse every year. The internet is an absolute joke. Where I live, any kind of serious thunderstorm, and the electric goes off, for hours at a time. I'd never start a business here, way too much hassle. Before too many more years, other local countries will start to overtake Thailand, and then leave it behind, all through mismanagement, and the sheer greed of the people who run things.

You're lucky. My electric goes out when a cloud comes up.:bah:

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Seriously, is anyone surprised? I ran a company in Nongprue/Pattaya with the following problems which led me to suggest everyone NOT to invest in Thailand's economy:- brown outs and power cuts EVERY week- city water running unreliably; pressure varies and so does the quality- phone lines ongoingly down (they nick the copper wires); makes Fax obsolete yet is still used by many Thai sub-suppliers- internet is expensive, slow and also unreliable at times- labour protection act protects labourers; did you every try to sue staff who just walked out of the job and took company assets along?- red tape: ever tried to open an internet banking account and credit card swiping facility? I did and it took me seven godforsaken months - run a girlie bar; never a staff problem. Try to run a normal business with THB 10'000/monthly wage per staff, limited English? Forget it, the applicants give you the willies...... and so the story goesQuintessence was; I moved this business away to Cambodia. I pay the staff proper salaries and give them human housing and food. Never had staff problems, profits are considerably better than in Thailand and the government does not intervene in anything. Ah, and visa/work permit is a walk in the park compared to the LOS. So, yes, go and look around before sinking a lot of money into frustrating Thailand

So you pay the staff proper salaries ??blink.gif Doing business in 3rd World Cambodia must be the lowest and cheapest thing to do!!bah.gif

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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

I believe there are plenty of openings with the 'Occupy ... Whatever' movement. Check it out!

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Send them to Burma, a few years ago the wage for some girls carving designs into laquer ware was 35 cents a day US plus board and room. The daily wage for a road worker was 70 cents a day no room and board. It may make good economic sense for companies to move for lower wages but it doesn't make it right morally or other wise.

In due time they will have exhausted all of the low paying countries and then what will they do.

Absolute nonsense, there will be another 2 billion people born into the poorer economies in the next 40 years, if you think there will be a shortage of cheap labour your barking up the wrong tree.

Also another factor to be taking in is the good they will be doing for the country they move to. Using western standards as so many foreigners tend to do or even using Thai standards the countries they are moving to will gratefully benefit. The pay will be lower than what they are getting here but the standard of living where they go will increase.

All most people seem to be unable to grasp is that the companies are like them and want to make the most money they can.

If they move to a country and there are 500 jobs lost here there will be 500 jobs created there.

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Seriously, is anyone surprised? I ran a company in Nongprue/Pattaya with the following problems which led me to suggest everyone NOT to invest in Thailand's economy:- brown outs and power cuts EVERY week- city water running unreliably; pressure varies and so does the quality- phone lines ongoingly down (they nick the copper wires); makes Fax obsolete yet is still used by many Thai sub-suppliers- internet is expensive, slow and also unreliable at times- labour protection act protects labourers; did you every try to sue staff who just walked out of the job and took company assets along?- red tape: ever tried to open an internet banking account and credit card swiping facility? I did and it took me seven godforsaken months - run a girlie bar; never a staff problem. Try to run a normal business with THB 10'000/monthly wage per staff, limited English? Forget it, the applicants give you the willies...... and so the story goesQuintessence was; I moved this business away to Cambodia. I pay the staff proper salaries and give them human housing and food. Never had staff problems, profits are considerably better than in Thailand and the government does not intervene in anything. Ah, and visa/work permit is a walk in the park compared to the LOS. So, yes, go and look around before sinking a lot of money into frustrating Thailand

Must say I agree with your assessment. If I wasn't settled with a Thai wife, I'd be long gone. I've been here over 12 years and things just get worse every year. The internet is an absolute joke. Where I live, any kind of serious thunderstorm, and the electric goes off, for hours at a time. I'd never start a business here, way too much hassle. Before too many more years, other local countries will start to overtake Thailand, and then leave it behind, all through mismanagement, and the sheer greed of the people who run things.

If your wife same as mine

There are no problems, all is okay in Thailand

Only when it is time to eat

she pulls her head out of the sand

Don't we just love there all okay attitude, as every thing around us is falling apart

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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

Well suddenly that greedy bastard was out of business because his biggest competitor moved to Cambodia three years ago, and overflowed the market with his cheaper products. You have no economic sense. Look at your home country. Those greedy bastards moved all production to China decades ago..

I am well aware of the REALITY, Professor! Thank you!

Does that make it any better?

Idealism is a wonderful thing, until it runs headlong into reality.

BTW, did your original sarcastic rant make you feel better? :whistling:

Well, yes it did!

As I said: I know reality...but that doesn't mean I have to like it, does it?!

What strikes me most is the following: people like you, who are always hitting on people who are a little more idealistic in their views, have the strange attitude to adopt "reality" as a reason to just sit back and do nothing!

If it were up to you, we would still be working in the mines form the age of 9, sleep in shifts and get beaten up, if we don't work fast enough.

Unions? Pfffft, utopic stuff!

Human rights? Hippie nonsense!

To accept reality is one thing!

To take everything as it comes along and never speak up against injustice or things that are just not okay, is another!

Edited by DocN
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As a place for a westerner to retire, Thailand is fine, but as a place to start or operate a business, large or small I cannot see any inducement whatsoever. Corruption, bribery, red tape, rules and regulations aimed specifically at non Thais, an infrastructure that is haphazard at best, we are clearly not wanted or welcomed to compete with the local fat cats.

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Seriously, is anyone surprised? I ran a company in Nongprue/Pattaya with the following problems which led me to suggest everyone NOT to invest in Thailand's economy:- brown outs and power cuts EVERY week- city water running unreliably; pressure varies and so does the quality- phone lines ongoingly down (they nick the copper wires); makes Fax obsolete yet is still used by many Thai sub-suppliers- internet is expensive, slow and also unreliable at times- labour protection act protects labourers; did you every try to sue staff who just walked out of the job and took company assets along?- red tape: ever tried to open an internet banking account and credit card swiping facility? I did and it took me seven godforsaken months - run a girlie bar; never a staff problem. Try to run a normal business with THB 10'000/monthly wage per staff, limited English? Forget it, the applicants give you the willies...... and so the story goesQuintessence was; I moved this business away to Cambodia. I pay the staff proper salaries and give them human housing and food. Never had staff problems, profits are considerably better than in Thailand and the government does not intervene in anything. Ah, and visa/work permit is a walk in the park compared to the LOS. So, yes, go and look around before sinking a lot of money into frustrating Thailand

Must say I agree with your assessment. If I wasn't settled with a Thai wife, I'd be long gone. I've been here over 12 years and things just get worse every year. The internet is an absolute joke. Where I live, any kind of serious thunderstorm, and the electric goes off, for hours at a time. I'd never start a business here, way too much hassle. Before too many more years, other local countries will start to overtake Thailand, and then leave it behind, all through mismanagement, and the sheer greed of the people who run things.

You're lucky. My electric goes out when a cloud comes up.:bah:

Luxury. My circuit breakers trip out as soon as I think of putting the kettle on, it's taken two and a half weeks to upload this post the internet is so slow and I have terminal dysentry because the village water is contaminated by dead buffalo.

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An aspect overlooked in this discussion is that paying a higher wage will lead to more domestic consumption (spending).

Thailand needs to strengthen this aspect of its economy to become less reliant on global demand for cheap products.

Adapting to the fickle nature of manufacturing (e.g., companies relocating elsewhere) is just part of this change.

Paying higher wages will also lead to increased prices which just means the same things will be bought for higher price - consumption will stay the same.

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People seem to have not noticed that Cambodia was also hit by serious floods over the last couple of months.

The only reason it hasn't been big news is that it didn't wipe out a heap of industrial estates ... because they aren't there yet.

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People seem to have not noticed that Cambodia was also hit by serious floods over the last couple of months.

The only reason it hasn't been big news is that it didn't wipe out a heap of industrial estates ... because they aren't there yet.

Guess you have not been to Cambodia lately. As you enter PP from the south, there are endless kilometers of factories. The walls in front of them all have Chinese writing on them, so I have always assumed that Chinese factories are taking advantage of Cambodia's most favored trade nation status.

Hun Sen is pretty famous for raking off 10 % of whatever you do in Cambodia. Is that cheaper or more expensive then the corruption rake off in Thailand??

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

Long live those Greedy Bastards...... who would you rather have as neighbours, those greedy bastards or a gang of Red Shirts.... ?

Reds! any day, capitalism is a dead duck, growth is unsustainable and the sooner the world realises it the better for this beautiful planet!

Eat the rich!

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The inevitable exodus of capital, jobs and productivity is on schedule.

There seems an inexhaustible ability to shoot their own foot here.

"or remain uncertain about a flood crisis recurring in the future".

Don't worry!!!! Yingluck will absolutely guarantee that "Thailand will never have floods again" as she doesn't like them as they ruin her mascara and slow down Thaksin's passage back to Thailand. Oh yes!!! they have killed 600 people and made life hell for millions of her fellow citizens (almost forgot that bit).

She will form 3 or 4 committees to work towards preventing excess rain from landing on Thailand including an "anti-rain dance committee" , FROC2, FROC3 and FROC4 working independently of each other just in case her absolute guarantee becomes a 50% guarantee and then a 'worthless' guarantee when the next rainy season starts.

Not bad really - Yingluck has "f****d up the country in about 3 months - what took her so long, I hesitate to ask????:jap:.

Please try not to be so childish, we are looking for mature informed debate on here not petulant gibberish!

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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

+ 1. Money grabbing bastards. So they don't pay the going rate for their home grown workforce, they've tried Thailand, where next? Can't be China, they'd have already gone there. Must be looking at slave driving the Khmers or the Burmese. Laos?

One day everyone will have a decent living wage. Where all these Ass*holes going to go then?

This was all started by the West. Predominantly the US. Who are now fckd.

You're a complete fool.

As I put in an earlier posting their supposed logic is so flawed and they fail to see the real story - but carry on letting them believe their stupid theory as I'm sure (well maybe) they will get to understand the REAL situation in time!!!!:blink:.

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The inevitable exodus of capital, jobs and productivity is on schedule.

There seems an inexhaustible ability to shoot their own foot here.

"or remain uncertain about a flood crisis recurring in the future".

Don't worry!!!! Yingluck will absolutely guarantee that "Thailand will never have floods again" as she doesn't like them as they ruin her mascara and slow down Thaksin's passage back to Thailand. Oh yes!!! they have killed 600 people and made life hell for millions of her fellow citizens (almost forgot that bit).

She will form 3 or 4 committees to work towards preventing excess rain from landing on Thailand including an "anti-rain dance committee" , FROC2, FROC3 and FROC4 working independently of each other just in case her absolute guarantee becomes a 50% guarantee and then a 'worthless' guarantee when the next rainy season starts.

Not bad really - Yingluck has "f****d up the country in about 3 months - what took her so long, I hesitate to ask????:jap:.

Please try not to be so childish, we are looking for mature informed debate on here not petulant gibberish!

OK!!!! Lets see your defence of the government in their handling of the flood disaster and their 3 months of governance then!!!!

I could see exactly what was going to happen when this lot were given control of the nations coffers with Yingluck intent on one thing and one thing only and that is to provide passage for that evil tyrant back into the country. Lies, lies and lies (plus unaffordable bribes) were dished up and those gullible morons up North fell for it "hook, line and sinker and hence the mess we are in now"!!!!:jap:.

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Maxon Systems (Thailand), a South Korean electronic-components manufacturer, is an example of a firm that has already moved its operations to Cambodia, where it can afford the daily wage of Bt80. Maxon Systems had about 2,000 workers at its plant in Rojana Industrial Park.

Considering and in the process of moving. Maxon have moved 25%+ of their operations to Cambodia with an investment of B800million+

In addition, Cambodia is currently enjoying boom times when it comes to tourism, I've never seen Phnom Penh so busy!

It's public knowledge that Hun Sen is stupid and evil.

And when Thailand was under the auspicious guidance of Abhisit, Thaksin was advising Cambodia.

Everybody knows that Abhisit tears can cure cancer and aids. The problem is Abhisit never cries.

Edited by JurgenG
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The inevitable exodus of capital, jobs and productivity is on schedule.

There seems an inexhaustible ability to shoot their own foot here.

"or remain uncertain about a flood crisis recurring in the future".

Don't worry!!!! Yingluck will absolutely guarantee that "Thailand will never have floods again" as she doesn't like them as they ruin her mascara and slow down Thaksin's passage back to Thailand. Oh yes!!! they have killed 600 people and made life hell for millions of her fellow citizens (almost forgot that bit).

She will form 3 or 4 committees to work towards preventing excess rain from landing on Thailand including an "anti-rain dance committee" , FROC2, FROC3 and FROC4 working independently of each other just in case her absolute guarantee becomes a 50% guarantee and then a 'worthless' guarantee when the next rainy season starts.

Not bad really - Yingluck has "f****d up the country in about 3 months - what took her so long, I hesitate to ask????:jap:.

Please try not to be so childish, we are looking for mature informed debate on here not petulant gibberish!

OK!!!! Lets see your defence of the government in their handling of the flood disaster and their 3 months of governance then!!!!

I could see exactly what was going to happen when this lot were given control of the nations coffers with Yingluck intent on one thing and one thing only and that is to provide passage for that evil tyrant back into the country. Lies, lies and lies (plus unaffordable bribes) were dished up and those gullible morons up North fell for it "hook, line and sinker and hence the mess we are in now"!!!!:jap:.

'' I could see exactly what was going to happen when this lot were given control of the nations coffers''

and so they arranged the worst floods in over half a century? just what do you think the Englishman and his army bosses could of done any better? they can't assassinate rain!

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Maxon Systems (Thailand), a South Korean electronic-components manufacturer, is an example of a firm that has already moved its operations to Cambodia, where it can afford the daily wage of Bt80. Maxon Systems had about 2,000 workers at its plant in Rojana Industrial Park.

Considering and in the process of moving. Maxon have moved 25%+ of their operations to Cambodia with an investment of B800million+

In addition, Cambodia is currently enjoying boom times when it comes to tourism, I've never seen Phnom Penh so busy!

It's public knowledge that Hun Sen is stupid and evil.

And when Thailand was under the auspicious guidance of Abhisit, Thaksin was advising Cambodia.

Everybody knows that Abhisit tears can cure cancer and aids. The problem is Abhisit never cries.

Where do I read about this "public knowledge" that you speak?

He may be "evil"....but he is not stupid.

You'll see.

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Maxon Systems (Thailand), a South Korean electronic-components manufacturer, is an example of a firm that has already moved its operations to Cambodia, where it can afford the daily wage of Bt80. Maxon Systems had about 2,000 workers at its plant in Rojana Industrial Park.

Considering and in the process of moving. Maxon have moved 25%+ of their operations to Cambodia with an investment of B800million+

In addition, Cambodia is currently enjoying boom times when it comes to tourism, I've never seen Phnom Penh so busy!

It's public knowledge that Hun Sen is stupid and evil.

And when Thailand was under the auspicious guidance of Abhisit, Thaksin was advising Cambodia.

Everybody knows that Abhisit tears can cure cancer and aids. The problem is Abhisit never cries.

Where do I read about this "public knowledge" that you speak?

He may be "evil"....but he is not stupid.

You'll see.

I sensed irony in JurgenG's post... ;)

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This government again showed its ignorant about economic system.You don't just raise salary to improve standard of living. You have to addvalue to the workforce before increasing their salary. If the workforce is thesame why should anyone give them more money? May be instead of trying to makepeople happy with empty promises, educate them to become more valuable andmarket will take care of the rest

Now they have to deal with unemployment

corporate greed has replaced corporate ethics! There was a time when a company cared about its employees, its community and share holders ------ corporate ethics are out the window, GREED is it and no one cares about the employee. They are beholden to Wall Street and their share holders. They outsource the jobs where they pay less and don't have to worry about environmental concerns and the products come back to America the same price before the jobs left.

Everyone, everywhere needs to be paid a LIVING WAGE and benefits. From 1990-2000 Forbes 400 CEO's salaries increased 571%. And companies are crying about paying someone $10/day? SCARY

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This government again showed its ignorant about economic system.You don't just raise salary to improve standard of living. You have to addvalue to the workforce before increasing their salary. If the workforce is thesame why should anyone give them more money? May be instead of trying to makepeople happy with empty promises, educate them to become more valuable andmarket will take care of the rest

Now they have to deal with unemployment

corporate greed has replaced corporate ethics! There was a time when a company cared about its employees, its community and share holders ------ corporate ethics are out the window, GREED is it and no one cares about the employee. They are beholden to Wall Street and their share holders. They outsource the jobs where they pay less and don't have to worry about environmental concerns and the products come back to America the same price before the jobs left.

Everyone, everywhere needs to be paid a LIVING WAGE and benefits. From 1990-2000 Forbes 400 CEO's salaries increased 571%. And companies are crying about paying someone $10/day? SCARY

+1 - well said.

The situation is enabled by the fact that capital is mobile and people are not. Companies play one country against another to squeeze the last cent our of society for their own benefit. The same even happens state to state in the USA. The result is a race to the bottom for those who play this game with global corporations.

There is more to selecting a site for business than having the lowest wages. Governments need to work on providing attractive markets, and protecting their citizens from exploitation.

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I think that most of the international companies already pay more than 300 baht per day. I am somewhat familiar with Seagate and know for a fact that they pay quite well as compared to Thai companies.

Agreed. A English friend of mine runs ( or did until it flooded ) a factory in the Hi Tech estate. They paid their lowest level worker 350B + bonuses a day. With O/T ( making it a 12 hour day ) they could make 1000 Baht a day including bonuses.

A Thai friend of mine, who runs an abbatoir, pays his Burmese staff 150B for a 12 hour day, and gives them an onsite dormitory to live in - 40 to a room.

Which one of my friends exploits people ?

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I think that most of the international companies already pay more than 300 baht per day. I am somewhat familiar with Seagate and know for a fact that they pay quite well as compared to Thai companies.

Agreed. A English friend of mine runs ( or did until it flooded ) a factory in the Hi Tech estate. They paid their lowest level worker 350B + bonuses a day. With O/T ( making it a 12 hour day ) they could make 1000 Baht a day including bonuses.

A Thai friend of mine, who runs an abbatoir, pays his Burmese staff 150B for a 12 hour day, and gives them an onsite dormitory to live in - 40 to a room.

Which one of my friends exploits people ?

Your English friend's example is the reason why there will not be an exodus of foreign investment due to the new minimum wage.

Your Thai friend, however, may emigrate ... ;)

Edited by tlansford
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  • 3 months later...

I may be hijacking this thread for my own benefit, if so please forgive me but it seems there are several members here who may be able to offer some advice re up and shifting to PP...

I have been part of the 'globalisation' process for more than two decades, consulting for many large multinational manufacturing companies in countries such as China, Malaysia and EU/US. My specific skills lay in Supply Chain - Production and Inventory control, Enterprise Planning etc.

I have been living in Thailand for more than 7 years, always contracting outside the country. During this time I have tried many, many times to find contracts in Thailand but doors are always closed unless you are a Thai national under the age of 35. Obtaining a WP to operate independantly is a laughing matter (crying really) even though I am married for 5 years.

I have visited Cambodia a few times, most recently in December 2011 and I felt a difference there which appeals to me (mostly in local peoples attitude towards foreigners). Unless I am mistaken English seems to be more common as well.

My thinking is there will be an ever increasing demand for administration staff and I would like to perhaps teach or provide skills training for young people to enable them to apply for decent positions in companies rather than be limited to non-skilled positions. I am not looking to get rich, in fact I have lived a very cheap lifestyle here for many years and I find it suits me far better than my younger more opulent days :)

Any advice would be appreciated, PM me and I will send my email address.

Please mods, if this post is to be deleted can you give me a few days grace in case I get some constructive response. If anyone objects then flame away, I am used to it :D

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To add something to the topic; there is a solution to the wage inequality problem, instead of countries such as China, Thailand, etc. etc. determining the minimum wage international law should enforce a living wage.

My idealist thinking is that if a US, EU etc. corporation operates outside it's own borders, the wage rate of it's country should apply. This would also protect jobs in such countries.

Edited by ParadiseLost
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Thailand can spin all they want, but a huge factor is the yellow shirt red shirt chaos. The floods shut stuff down so now they have time to reflect and decide whether to risk more losses. They are all but gone. If political turmoil was nit a motivating factor in the decision making process, then they would rebuild on higher ground if necessary. The wage issue can turn up in any country they move to si, while a factor, probably nit a deteinative factor.

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I think that most of the international companies already pay more than 300 baht per day. I am somewhat familiar with Seagate and know for a fact that they pay quite well as compared to Thai companies.

Agreed. A English friend of mine runs ( or did until it flooded ) a factory in the Hi Tech estate. They paid their lowest level worker 350B + bonuses a day. With O/T ( making it a 12 hour day ) they could make 1000 Baht a day including bonuses.

A Thai friend of mine, who runs an abbatoir, pays his Burmese staff 150B for a 12 hour day, and gives them an onsite dormitory to live in - 40 to a room.

Which one of my friends exploits people ?

Your English friend's example is the reason why there will not be an exodus of foreign investment due to the new minimum wage.

Your Thai friend, however, may emigrate ... wink.gif

Doubtful, chances are he doesn't have the proper permits for the foreign staff and illegals are not going to get minimum wage even after it is raised.

There however might be an increase in demand of illegals to take the jobs of positions that was formerly held by Thais.

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If the workers were paid a living wage or better, than fair play on an enen playing field.

The problem is with all the corruption, the only way to be competitive and get the work

here is to pay a poor wage. Other wise the 'extra costs and risks' of doing business here

would price Thailand out of the market.

The corruption is the real cause of poverty here.

Some disingenuously will call it top down.

But it's not sourced from up there,

but sourced from the Kow Tow Culture Thai style,

which permeates everyone from bargirls to HiSo puyais.

Edited by animatic
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If the workers were paid a living wage or better, than fair play on an enen playing field.

The problem is with all the corruption, the only way to be competitive and get the work

here is to pay a poor wage. Other wise the 'extra costs and risks' of doing business here

would price Thailand out of the market.

The corruption is the real cause of poverty here.

Some disingenuously will call it top down.

But it's not sourced from up there,

but sourced from the Kow Tow Culture Thai style,

which permeates everyone from bargirls to HiSo puyais.

This is exactly correct. How can Thailand be competitive, when 30% of every endeavor is sucked away in corruption. If magically corruption could be wiped out tomorrow, foreign capital would pour in here. Cambodia is a better deal. Hun Sen is referred to quietly as Mr. 10 %......

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