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The Security At My Complex Are Racist And Hate Me

DJ Pat

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I may have to kiss and make up.

Why should you, the paying customer, have to kiss and make up for something that you haven't done. If they are no good at their job, people should complain about it, how many other residents are they being like this with.

Personally, I'd move out, stating my reasons to the building manager.

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I may have to kiss and make up.

Why should you, the paying customer, have to kiss and make up for something that you haven't done. If they are no good at their job, people should complain about it, how many other residents are they being like this with.

Personally, I'd move out, stating my reasons to the building manager.

Why should the paying customer move out if they have done nothing wrong? :o

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You must be doing something wrong Pat. Whenever I've taken crumpet home in Thailand I've had nothing but respect from the security.

My guess would be that maybe the 'all hours' part of it may be the bigger problem. I wonder if the security guys have had complaints about your 'all hours' activity and won't/can't do anything about it because they have no English.

Edited by ProfessorFart
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Good point Trippy....... what about privacy? I once lived in an expensive gated community - mind you, I was house -sitting at the time - but the owner paid A LOT of money for the privelege of his security.

I woke up one night in the wee hours, to an idiot Thai guy bashing on my bedroom window. Scared the <deleted> out of me - I was terrified! Turns out, he'd once been a guest at a house party and all he did to gain access to the estate was flash my name card (which he had picked up at the party). He obviously did the wink at the gate and he was in!

Great security!!!!! :o

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djpat if you want to keep security happy buy him a pillow :o

whenever i've had a long stay in an apartment, the guards are alwys medatating, in a comfortable position [horizontal]

not a good idea to complain until you leave. thai,s take retribution for the simplest of reasons

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Allways 'take care' of your security guards, they might be useless at "security" but they can be very helpful and are a mine of information.

My guys were teetotal and non-smokers so it was hard to take care of them. :o

Not very hard, if we are out late, we often stop and get something from a street vendor and give to security when we get home.

Despite the stereotype, most Thai males would prefer a gift of food to alcohol or cigarettes.


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Why the he11 should he have to pay his security tea money? Because they have some jumped up notion of 'power' because they work security? Bribing the security staff to treat you with common decency and have them do their job? What a joke.

Sort it out with the management of the complex you are in, be a man and get it taken care of yourself.

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Why the he11 should he have to pay his security tea money?  Because they have some jumped up notion of 'power' because they work security?  Bribing the security staff to treat you with common decency and have them do their job?  What a joke.

Sort it out with the management of the complex you are in, be a man and get it taken care of yourself.

In other countries its normal custom to tip your security/doormen at the end of the year.


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Why the he11 should he have to pay his security tea money?  Because they have some jumped up notion of 'power' because they work security?  Bribing the security staff to treat you with common decency and have them do their job?  What a joke.

Sort it out with the management of the complex you are in, be a man and get it taken care of yourself.

In other countries its normal custom to tip your security/doormen at the end of the year.


A tip at the end of the year for good service is one thing. Paying them extra money or buying them gifts on a regular basis to do their job is another entirely.

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why should I have to give them gifts? The Thais sure don't so why should I? Because I am a farang?

So what if i take girls home at all hours? It's my life and not thiers, do the security scrutinise the hi-so guys upstairs or the Thai rock star 3 floors up? Sure they don't.

And lastly, why should I have to move out? I live in a mates flat and he OWNS the place, so there's no problems with the office, I don't deal with them for repairs etc

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I think me losing my cool was really stupid to be honest.

Possibly. :o

...the guards are alwys medatating, in a comfortable position [horizontal]...

Maybe your 4:00 am taxi requests kept waking them up?

.... Sort it out with the management of the complex you are in, be a man and get it taken care of yourself.

Yeah, that'll make them really helpful and cooperative in the future. :D

...Ever heard the saying "you reap what you sow" ????

Or "Som nam naa"?

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"so I stormed into the office of the complex and as I was told that the fat girl could speak english, I made sure first and it seemed passable, so I thought."

Seems to me that somethings amiss. How can you live there a year and yet not know the office staff's English ability, until this situation arose? And whose at fault there?

Your thread reminds me of what I was so keen to avoid in housing here: In my case, I'd heard enough horror stories on forums such as this that I did my shopping with an eye as much on the unit AS ON the mgmt. of the complex. Worked out great, too.

But I take it further still- I give respect out at every opportunity and show gratitude when it's called for and give it sometimes even when it is not, as well.

Of one thing I am certain: To err on the side of politeness here will take you far.

Edited by GoodHeart
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I can't see how this is racist. First, you don't know if you wanna be half-Thai or farang. and you are still witnessing language barriers? you were ranked only #47 out of the best DJs in bangkok therefore those students you hook up with must've been desperate and failed their way down the ladder.

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I can't see how this is racist.  First, you don't know if you wanna be half-Thai or farang.  and you are still witnessing language barriers? 

you were ranked only #47 out of the best DJs in bangkok therefore those students you hook up with must've been desperate and failed their way down the ladder.

I feel like a farang and get treated as such here in Thailand, I get more scorn shown at me because my mother was Thai (automatically a hooker in Thai's eyes) than if I was 100% farang.

I don't, like before, use my Thainess to get anywhere in this country anymore.

And the bit above that I've highlighted means I'm saying "What's that gotta do with the price of fish?"

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But in Thailand nobody complains so it won't do much good.

You're wrong there. Complaining can help, you just need to do it the right way or find the right person to complain on your behalf.

If your cred with the apartment staff is lost already because of your habits or attitude, your complaints wont matter, but if you have a confident Thai who looks important and speaks the power lingo do the complaining for you, you'll be surprised how quickly things can start moving.

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I feel like a farang and get treated as such here in Thailand, I get more scorn shown at me because my mother was Thai (automatically a hooker in Thai's eyes) than if I was 100% farang.

I don't, like before, use my Thainess to get anywhere in this country anymore.

You get treated with scorn if you are 1/2 Thai and don't behave like you know anything about how Thai people are supposed to behave - follow cultural norms, speak the language etc etc. In all other respects if you cannot see the gravy train that currently exists for 1/2 Thai people, well you are in stark contrast to every other look krueng i know. As a 1/2 Thai there is at least some expectation that you can carry yourself Thai style, and if you cannot then you probably are indeed better to play the part of the farang where that expection is no longer there.

I read a consistent trend in your postings; as a 1/2 you need to admit to yourself that you are not a farang. You are a not a full Thai. So do not expect to get treated exactly like either. Here or most other places. But you can receive better treatment than either of those very easily; you just have to understand that in both cases you are kind of an outsider looking in to a degree.

IMHO there may be something more to this other than the security guys being nosy. Other residents may have complained. Your womanising, if of sufficient scale, might start to look like the typical sex tourist (perhaps shopping at places like Resort and Orbit rather than NEP) and other residents might complain to the management, who may have instructed the security to put some pressure on you. You may have slighted one of the guards at some point. Or it may just be that you are dealing with some w&*kers. I know that when I ask the guards to do errands for me, I sometimes give them a tip; just sometimes; works wonders if it is above and beyond the call of duty.

Sure you may not have done anything wrong. So on principle, you should not have to fix it. But that is not how things work in a collective society where bitching and moaning are not as popular as other places; to get the end result you want (that they stop playing games) you need take some action. Go and apologise in Thai. Give them some food from time to time. When you come back late and night, sometimes bring them back some snack. They earn almost nothing. They take c&*p from so many people every day. Have some empathy for the job they are doing; could you enjoy doing that job day in day out knowing that when you are 60 you;ll still be doing almost the same job of lifting that bar, taking c&*p from people and saluting....

If it frustrates you that you shouldn't have to do suck up or take any action yourself, then you aren't getting what I am trying to explain. You want something. This is the action you need to take to get it. That's about it.

Having thought like this, it is so easy to run circles around some foreigners here; while they are busy wrestling with some principle and how to deal with it (which could be artificially created for that exact purpose), a smart person can be acheiving what they want in the meantime.

And if you think Thai people aren't doing at least some of this, you must be in a very different building to the ones I have been in; commonplace to sometimes give the guard something ocassionally. Also, commonplace in a decent building to be able to discuss or suggest improvements to overcome shortfalls in property management. But I don't know your building, it could just be that it is a dump in which case I suggest maybe moving is the better thing.

All this is meant in the best possible way; losing your temper in public has probably not helped you. But anything is possible so worth a shot chai mai?

Good luck :o

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IMHO there may be something more to this other than the security guys being nosy.  Other residents may have complained.  Your womanising, if of sufficient scale, might start to look like the typical sex tourist (perhaps shopping at places like Resort and Orbit rather than NEP) and other residents might complain to the management, who may have instructed the security to put some pressure on you.  You may have slighted one of the guards at some point.  Or it may just be that you are dealing with some w&*kers.  I know that when I ask the guards to do errands for me, I sometimes give them a tip; just sometimes; works wonders if it is above and beyond the call of duty.

You say here maybe one of the other residents complained.

Sure you may not have done anything wrong.  So on principle, you should not have to fix it.  But that is not how things work in a collective society where bitching and moaning are not as popular as other places;

But here you say that complaining usually doesn't get you anywhere.  So which is it?  I am not trying to pick a fight with you but actually curious in the duality of your statement.  I still believe it is not the guards responsibility to worry about what the residents are doing unless it is detrimental to the other residents.  What a resident does is their business and no one elses.  We are not kids here in school.  We are free adults, can do what we please and should be able to do it without employees of the building passing judgement on us or our lifestyle.

I can't believe I am standing up for DJ Pat here!  What am I doing?????? :o

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