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i have a few Airports. and since i used 3bb as internet provider ... the Airport internal pppoe service stoped working.

it simply never get a connection working.

i bought a brand new Airport Extreme in order to Replace my shitty router with it.

but there seems to be the same problem

set the Modem to Bridge-Mode

and start pppoe on the Airport ..

it connects forever and ending up with a internet failure.

so for the time beeing i use pppoe on the modem and the airport is 1:1 connected to the moden.

but the problem is that port forwards, NAT dhcp and a few other things are managed by the modem as well .. and this is something i relly would like to avoid.

does anyone know how to get pppoe working on a Airport ?

P.S. it working fine on my iMac and MacBook .. just the airports connecting forever.


Just a shot in the dark, but a lot of times these modems will lock on to the first MAC address they see and then not permit a device with a different MAC address to ever connect. Some ISP's have seized on this idiocy as a way of getting you to buy their overpriced wifi routers.

So most routers these days give you the option of actually setting what the device's MAC address is. Certainly any router running DD-WRT or Tomato does, and I believe the stock Linksys firmware does this as well. But Apple? I'm guessing no.


Didn't try it too extensively but yeah it didn't work for me either. My TOT modem would do pass through for PPPoE connections, the 3BB one doesn't. I didn't try setting the modem to bridge...

Anyway if you do find out how to get it working, plz post an update, I'd be interested. For the same reasons, would much rather have the Airport Extreme do NAT and so on. As it is the AE acts as a dumb AP.


well my initial post was not 100% correct ...

i had my old Airport (the ufo one, which it now "replacing some cable across the condo") set up in the past do ecactly this .. and it did the job perfectly.

then i got a SMS from true they will do some "network upgrade" and announced a few minutes downtime ...

well the downtime did happen and after 4 hours i called up True ... a technican came by and it turned out that they made some changes indeed and this prevented the Airport doing the pppoe connection anymore. (of course there was never any clearance from True regarding this)

many months later i switched to 3bb .. but the hardware totally sucks ... so i bought me a Airpot extreme .. and POOOF ... same thing here ...

so smiling mantis "shoot in the dark" does make some sense (because at the first time i had this problem ... i have not made any change at all and True announced a "upgrade" before)

Stupid me, sick of all the time failing hardware simply bought a APE to finally solve my forever ongoing non-apple hardware issues ... but i forget this case totally (seems that was a misstake)

the perfect solution would be a dsl Modem actually does the pppoe BUT Bridge the public IP to the Airport ... that would be really the Perfect scenario ... but sadly i see this feature so far only on 1000USD++ Cisco routers :(

ill keep you posted !


The MAC address thing has happened to be twice now. One time I was able to get the ISP to reset the modem so it would accept a new device, so you might want to try doing that if your Thai is any good.


talked 3 hours straight with customer service of 3bb ....

hopeless ...

and if i get little bot stronger with my voice because they keep asking me the same question over and over again, then they "call me back" .. but of course .. thats just not happen. :(

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