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The other half came into the room and told me there was a green snake on the stairs. Sure enough, I ventured out mop in hand, and there he was. As I descended he slid quickly down the stair and just as I thought he was going out the door, he tacked and slid under a wooden platform inside, which is about 5m by 3 mtrs. There is a 1cm gap of about 1 m where it does not quite meet the wall, and I assume it is in there.

It was about 1m long, very thin (like a chippolata) quick and moved like it was swimming. Colour was dark green / brown but if it had a pattern it was very dull.

What the hell can I do? I have three dogs in here and have no <deleted> idea at all what it is (assume tree snake or keppel back but who knows)?

Is there anyway to flush a snake out? Smoke? don't really want to flood my house having saved it from flooding in the first place!


Just remembered why I don't put serious things on forums....

Anyone else who is not a cock dare to venture some serious advice?


I know nothing of snakes and I shouldn't have been so flippant.

Good luck and I do hope you get some useful advice.


Don't worry about it. As long as you leave it alone he will leave you alone. As you are not something they can eat they are not interested in you. It will simply move on given time. The chances are you will never see it again


darker green than that verging on brown. Kind of hoping that if i leave the door open tonight it will bugger off.

Dear Adam, unfortiunately I am not of great help too, but even if this species is not dangerous for you, it might

be dangerous for your dogs.

I would call guys from a snake farm, I do only konw one in Samui, that one is run by foreigners.

I know of some powder which the Thai use to keep Snakes away form their properties, but what to do if there

already is one in the home, dunno!

Best would be to call these Snakefarm guys and ask for advise. I tried to google their phone, but couldn' t find it.

Brigitte from samuidog.org should know the contact info since they call the guys often to remove snakes out of the

animal shelters. Her phone: 081 893 94 43

Good luck!


Well, by the time you read this, it may be too late. But I dam_n sure would want to KNOW it was gone. If it is one of those dangerous ones with the brown on the tail, how can you know whether it has left or move to your underwear drawer? When a snake (or any other critter) goes into a closed place, you can throw in a cup of ammonia or some other choking volitile substance and it will flush the thing out. Gasoline would work, but is too dangerous. Bleach might work. Hell, I wouldn't rest until I KNEW the thing was dead or gone, preferably the former as a penalty for coming in in the first place. I am a strong advocate for reducing the genetic propensity of snakes to come around human abodes.

the trouble with just leaving it alone, and that is a BULLSHIT solution, is that you could inadvertantly run ito it somewhere and get yourself bitten.


The snake will not leave for good, if the door is open. It has found a "safe" hideout in your house and will probably "only" come out at night to hunt.

I've had snakes living in my walls/ceiling for years, and know because now and then I find snake skins hanging from beams in my garage. <_<

However I've killed a small one in the kitchen and a bigger one the car port lately and seen no skins in some time, and hope I've got rid of the free lodger(s). :rolleyes:

You could try to seal the gap where it's hiding, and make sure there no other escape routes and it'll be prisoned for life! :whistling:

Good luck! :D


Well I tried a can of mosi spray to let it know it was not a nice place to stay; i don't want it hanging around really. It's a bastard of a place it is in though, and no way to get into it easily with anything other than gasses and I don't really want to rip the wood up.

I will say, I am an advocate of not killing things for no reason, but I value the safety of my dogs more than I do the safety of a snake; I am fairly certain it is non poisonous but who the hell knows when you just see a fleeting glimpse (Very dark brown / green and 1m long and skinny as a socialite IT Girl). It's had a night to clear the hell out but I suspect Asterix is right, it would have just come back to it's comfy home which will tonight become a tomb because I will be sealing it up as best I can.


Well I tried a can of mosi spray to let it know it was not a nice place to stay; i don't want it hanging around really. It's a bastard of a place it is in though, and no way to get into it easily with anything other than gasses and I don't really want to rip the wood up.

I will say, I am an advocate of not killing things for no reason, but I value the safety of my dogs more than I do the safety of a snake; I am fairly certain it is non poisonous but who the hell knows when you just see a fleeting glimpse (Very dark brown / green and 1m long and skinny as a socialite IT Girl). It's had a night to clear the hell out but I suspect Asterix is right, it would have just come back to it's comfy home which will tonight become a tomb because I will be sealing it up as best I can. If I knew where to get it, I would be be tempted to flood the area with a gas such as Nitrogen or even helium first to flush Mr One Lung out. Doubt I can find it though.


..lay down a piece of thick rope or the like..forming a barrier from the hidng place to the nearest exit..when it's quiet he will come out and follow the barrier to freedom.


Not that is a bloody good idea Rod - I will do that tonight.

I did think actually that it might be in the market to shed it's skin; Snakes like somewhere dark, humid, safe to do that, and after a few days will toddle off.

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