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I have a problem that keeps coming up. Old customers keep wanting to contact my gf. Yes she was a bg.... I know I know..... The problem is that I get angry and it starts a fight every time I even think she has been in contact. I am not sure if she will go with them but you never know. I would like her to change her phone number but she does not like the idea. We also have relationship problems(all caused by past customers) from time to time so perhaps she holds on the the past just in case. She is very young and very beautiful and would get a high dollar for her time. Money sometimes has great power over these ladies....any ideas ???


When she receives an SMS from a previous customer, she should tell them that she now has a boyfriend and please do not contact her anymore. Does she still have the same "nightlife" number?

Let me tell you, once I sent this night life chick a few SMS's and she never replied. Then I sent a particularly spicy group SMS and her boyfriend (who I did not know about) got a hold of it, got upset with her and the chick called me up at 3am to cuss me out. :lol: I asked her... why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend or change your number? To which she never replied. I could hear her boyfriend grumbling in the background. I hope that wasn't you. :whistling:

Anyway, all I can say is good luck, but if she is not willing to get rid of, or put to the side, all phone numbers, emails, facebook accounts etc which were used for customer contact, then get rid of her as she does not believe in the strength of your relationship.


Lose her sim card and get her another sim number, show her who's in control, because at the moment she is.

If you can't do that, then you deserve whatever crap she'll pull on you. There has to be someone in control, if it's not you, then it's not you.

Simple as that, if you don't like my answer, then continue doing what you've been doing, obviously it works perfectly.


IMO she still is a bg, and i'm guessing she isn't actually your gf, but your rental gf.

You could try increase pay if she lose other customers, or decrease pay if she doesn't

Up 2 U :jap:


Lose her sim card and get her another sim number, show her who's in control, because at the moment she is.

Not sure about Thailand but in a lot of other countries if you lose your sim card they will give you your old number back with a new sim card.


When she receives an SMS from a previous customer, she should tell them that she now has a boyfriend and please do not contact her anymore. Does she still have the same "nightlife" number?

Let me tell you, once I sent this night life chick a few SMS's and she never replied. Then I sent a particularly spicy group SMS and her boyfriend (who I did not know about) got a hold of it, got upset with her and the chick called me up at 3am to cuss me out. :lol: I asked her... why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend or change your number? To which she never replied. I could hear her boyfriend grumbling in the background. I hope that wasn't you. :whistling:

Anyway, all I can say is good luck, but if she is not willing to get rid of, or put to the side, all phone numbers, emails, facebook accounts etc which were used for customer contact, then get rid of her as she does not believe in the strength of your relationship.



What phone does she use? If it is a Nokia, you're in business. Download the Nokia OVI suite to your laptop, then covertly make a Bluetooth connection to her phone when she is asleep. From that point forward, you will have total control of her phone whenever it is in range. You can see all call lists, messages etc. You can send replies to the messages stating that she is out of business now - has a steady boyfriend. After sending, you can delete the messages from the phone memory, all from the seemingly innocent privacy of your laptop. You can even clean out her stored numbers- delete all the punters from the phone memory and sim card. She will never know what is happening, and think her phone is malfunctioning.

If you're really evil, you could send messages saying she has been diagnosed with the clap, and should see their doctor soonest. That should ensure that the punters never call her again.

However, the best advice is here:

Anyway, all I can say is good luck, but if she is not willing to get rid of, or put to the side, all phone numbers, emails, facebook accounts etc which were used for customer contact, then get rid of her as she does not believe in the strength of your relationship.

That is the bottom line. The best advice was in the first reply.


Having played this game with a previous gf/rental, you can only ever stop it, if she wants to stop it.

If she were serious about the relationship, she would change her phone number

If you are serious about the relationship, you will move her away from her existing female friends

If she keeps the same number, eventually a past customer will make her an offer she can't refuse.

If she keeps the same girl friends, they will arrange for her to be sold to a customer at a price she can't refuse.

You must never allow her to associate with other working girls, or any foreigners wives and gfs (either they will be working girls OR former working girls OR they will quickly realize she was a working girl, neither situation will produce a satisfactory outcome). So no nights out with you mates and their girls. You must live in a completely Thai area where she can only ever meet respectable Thai people, they will also keep an eye on her activities.

Some girls do stop, many don't.

She is very young and very beautiful and would get a high dollar for her time. Money sometimes has great power over these ladies

So you must be the highest bidder for your girlfriend at the moment then.Care to post how long you both are engaged already? Is it longer than 2 weeks ?:whistling:


All I can say is that very few of these "young, beautiful" girls will turn down long term customers if they are easy to get along with and pay well. Over the years, I have known of one or two that eventually cut off contact with old customers after they had been with a guy a few years and then got pregnant and thought the relationship would last, but most will continue doing tricks as long as they are getting called.


This girl is not actually in a "relationship" with you. You're trying to pay her for exclusive rights to sex with her and she is going to sell you that idea as best she can without ruining her other financial options. Unless you're making her an offer she truly can't refuse - which is probably over 60k THB direct payment monthly - then you have to just realize the economics of it. A really hot girl can and will earn above a certain amount one way or another. And if you think you're somehow doing her a favor by making her have sex with you instead of someone else... well then you're just wrong.

There are certainly exceptions to this idea. One might be that she is very new to the bar and doesn't realize her value yet. Another might be that she is genuinely attracted to you for reasons besides money. It is really clear to me just based on the limited information I have that neither of these variables is true. You certainly don't have a special case - you're a text book case.

Besides the money thing I guess you could do some extremely manipulative things that might work. But that is seriously unethical stuff and why not just be a decent person instead and pick a girl you can actually afford (or find someone for free that is actually at your standard).


...... "she was a bargirl" .....

Let me ask you a question, do you give her money? If so, stop giving her money for a week or two and you will soon find out if she was a bargirl or is still a bargirl.

Bargirl = no money, no girl

Girlfriend = no money, still have girl


Lose her sim card and get her another sim number, show her who's in control, because at the moment she is.

Not sure about Thailand but in a lot of other countries if you lose your sim card they will give you your old number back with a new sim card.

Correct, so the alternative is to lose the girl in question.


Sounds like a troll, but if not DITCH HER! She's a bg, and from my limited knowledge and experience, once a bg, always a bg. It's just a matter of time/timing and money on offer before she reverts to her old ways. Keeping the contacts is just a bit of insurance.


Sounds like a troll, but if not DITCH HER! She's a bg, and from my limited knowledge and experience, once a bg, always a bg. It's just a matter of time/timing and money on offer before she reverts to her old ways. Keeping the contacts is just a bit of insurance.

My experience of bgs is not limited, I know many, I have had relationships with some.

Like all other people, some will betray you, some won't. Some will make good wives and gfs, some won't.

But what is strangely true, either from the 1 nights or the 10 years is, the more cash you give them, the less they like you.


Trolling after 5 years ?


In that case he should already know the answer. You can NOT separate a hooker and her phones, Its no different to any other bussines her life depends on it unless she wants to start from scratch again. besides farang B/f'S are extremely unreliable departing back home as soon as the ATM swallows the credit card


........ any ideas ?

Change your girl - you are only sharing and you will know when it is 'not your turn'.

+1. The OP is only her "sponsor" for the moment. If she doesn't want to be free of the game, cut her loose.

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