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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think

Perhaps not' date=' but result from my survey is that 50% are infested with diseases,

i rest my case


I would be interested to know how many BGs you have taken for testing?

I would suggest none, and that you are merely propagating nonsense.

I have taken 3 BGs to a local hospital, paid for the results, none of them had any disease.

Two of my friends have done the same, one with 4 girls, one with 3 girls, no disease.

So my personal survey of 10 BGs has found them disease free, a small sample but a significant result.

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Would never have a relationship longer than say, two or three minutes with a prostitute.

After that I pay and leave.

So you Just come and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brings new meaning to a quicky :lol:

What are we supposed to do, cook them breakfast?

If they want to stay there's a mop, a bucket and a shower that needs cleaning.

You pay, they work. That's the deal. :)

Hmmmmm, well we now know why your in LOS. ;)

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Im constantly seeing people (myself inc) being slandered by others on tv about getting involved with an x bar girl or a poor farm girl, my wife is both

Congratulations for your honesty and the balls you show here.

Ignore the Betas who attack you. They obviously get only lame vanilla sex Saturday night, unaware of the gangbang parties their woman had at college with the Alphas. :)

And remember: 50% of proper Western marriages end in divorce. You need to be only slightly better to outperform them all. Be dominant and don't take crap - the best recipe in handling women.

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My view on what "people say" on this subject is that those "people" often tend to have limited knowledge and a narrow view, which funnily enough they often have on other Thai subjects too. It ranks up there with "Don't bring money into Thailand etc etc"

People often say it to try and make themselves to look more of an authority on subjects than they actually are.

....People say " you can take the girl out of the bar but you cant take the bar out of the girl ) b*********t, i think yes that many girls who have worked in a bar do have some psycological after effects but not all. My wife suffers from angry mood swings and i have to run and hide when i, in her words " break her temple " but all in all she is happy go lucky, loves a good joke and has that impish bar girl sense of humour that attracted me to her in the first place...

A more accurate statement in my view, which seems to be your case is:

"There are girls who work in a bar, and there are bar girls".

That some people can't see that is more a reflection of themselves than the girls they are trying to put down to make themselves look better.

Enjoy your your happiness :)

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Would never have a relationship longer than say, two or three minutes with a prostitute.

After that I pay and leave.

So you Just come and go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brings new meaning to a quicky :lol:

What are we supposed to do, cook them breakfast?

If they want to stay there's a mop, a bucket and a shower that needs cleaning.

You pay, they work. That's the deal. :)

Hmmmmm, well we now know why your in LOS. ;)

Yes. For the prostitutes that spent the final 57 minutes of the hour scrubbing my oven*.

And that's* not a euphemism.

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we try to be realistic about discussions on certain topics - refer to forum rules for details.

however, in your discussions remember that specifics of the trade (the where, the how much and such) are certainly out of bounds.

other than the same level of courtesy, politeness, no tolerance to vulgar language or derogatory remarks - all apply as equally to everyone, whether they are bar girls, CEOs, doctors, or whatever their profession.

any violation will earn you a strict penalty.

the above are my comments as a mod.

now as an individual: SO WHAT? really seriously?

so what if someone chooses to marry somebody who used to /or still works in a bar?

so what if someone chooses to work in a bar - either as a profession, or as a means to get by

as a woman I am tired of the double standard where men frequenting the trade seems to be quite ok, but choose to attach stigma to the women that provide men the very service they choose to purchase

if you are not judged as the group with the demand for a service, do not criticise those providing the supply.

marry them, date them. OR not. should be left to individual choices that is not subject to ridicule or critique by others. no?

Ahem hypocrisy much? Every time someone mentions what those bargirl users look like and are, their post are deleted and posting privilege removed. Im sure we all agree that the guys using the pay4p almost every night are well obviously i cant say.

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Hmmmmm, well we now know why your in LOS. ;)

Yes. For the prostitutes that spent the final 57 minutes of the hour scrubbing my oven*.

And that's* not a euphemism.

Exactly what l thought, can't do it in ''your'' farang land can you, eh. :rolleyes:

Sure can. I think you'd find that prostitution is a global industry.

Seems that using the quote button correctly is beyond some people's means though.

I fixed it up a bit for you, using the quote button is difficult and can get the better of some though, but struggle on, you may learn how to use it one day.

Edited by hehehoho
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Hmmmmm, well we now know why your in LOS. ;)

Yes. For the prostitutes that spent the final 57 minutes of the hour scrubbing my oven*.

And that's* not a euphemism.

Exactly what l thought, can't do it in ''your'' farang land can you, eh. :rolleyes:

Sure can. I think you'd find that prostitution is a global industry.

Seems that using the quote button correctly is beyond some people's means though.

I fixed it up a bit for you, using the quote button is difficult and can get the better of some though, but struggle on, you may learn how to use it one day.

Thanks very much. :)

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How can you lay next to someone and say you love her when you know she only slept with you for money ? Definition of a Bar-girl :- A person used to projecting her charms to deceive and delude. And I think the OP is deluded.

Edited by sinbin
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bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think

Perhaps not' date=' but result from my survey is that 50% are infested with diseases,

i rest my case


I would be interested to know how many BGs you have taken for testing?

I would suggest none, and that you are merely propagating nonsense.

I have taken 3 BGs to a local hospital, paid for the results, none of them had any disease.

Two of my friends have done the same, one with 4 girls, one with 3 girls, no disease.

So my personal survey of 10 BGs has found them disease free, a small sample but a significant result.

For the purpose of scientific medical field research, i did test 10, out of which 5 gave me gonorrhea.

My studies for the greater of man kind is thereby over with.

I am done

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bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think

Perhaps not' date=' but result from my survey is that 50% are infested with diseases,

i rest my case


I would be interested to know how many BGs you have taken for testing?

I would suggest none, and that you are merely propagating nonsense.

I have taken 3 BGs to a local hospital, paid for the results, none of them had any disease.

Two of my friends have done the same, one with 4 girls, one with 3 girls, no disease.

So my personal survey of 10 BGs has found them disease free, a small sample but a significant result.

For the purpose of scientific medical field research, i did test 10, out of which 5 gave me gonorrhea.

My studies for the greater of man kind is thereby over with.

I am done

Hope you didn't pass it on to the other 5. :rolleyes:

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Yes she has a temper and you have to run from her.. Cant wait to hear the story when the money stops or when she meets a richer person or when she starts hitting the children because they cost too much of her beer money allowance. Even if she's faithfull, she is a bargirl. Her character and non-existent virtues will be transferred to your children. I would never have children or date a bargirl even if she was hotter than jessica alba, had a PH.D and could take care of me financially. It's not about pride or the job, its about the character of the person. a working girl is a working girl.



They deserve the same things we do but personally i don't want to have my energy sucked out by someone who thinks spreading her legs for money and getting drunk every night is a way to appreciate the beauty of this world and the good charm of life we were given.

Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

Complete and utter bul******t, my wife does not drink or smoke and never has done so, "spreading her legs for money" such a way with words havent you? says a lot for your " character " DOESNT IT? also she has never hit or slapped my baby girl and god forbid the day she ever does. Just goes to show how many small minded pea brained people on tv who generalise thai bar girls. Did it ever cross your small mind that my wifes family were very very poor, she didnt have an option wether to have chicken or beef for her dinner let alone a pair of shoes on her feet, talking of shoes, put the shoes on your feet, what would you do?

where did you meet your tee rak btw, or is that none of my business lol lol. I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

My wife's parent lost everything when she was in her teens and they were really dirt poor. When i met her she was making enough to live comfortably working for large companies and then owning her own small shop.

It's called working part time and going to school for a better life. All thais have a choice, the 'i had to sleep with men for money' is complete bullshit. The real thing to say is 'I was not resourceful and did not have the mental capability to make it without boning old men for money'

Obviously men who come here and marry a prostitute are people who could not find a decent woman in the west because of their personality and looks so i wont expect you to understand all of this. Why cant you just be happy that you can get someone in this country without raving about how prostitutes are great? keep it for yourself.keep it to myself? this is an open forum so no i wont keep it to myself, if you dont like it then do 1 and get off the thread. So its all old men they sleep with? no younger men? shows you ( thailand) how much you really know (nothing) i think you should change your name. Apart from that i didnt intend to fall in love with my wife, it just happened, ive no regrets really, yes a lot of things i would change but then its the same in all relationships its a roller coaster. For the record i am 44 my wife is 34 we have been with each other 6 years now. Also for the record my wife is old enough now to know not to fk about, yes maybe the younger girls do but i can honestly say hand on heart my wife does not, shes a simple woman and loves to sit in with my baby and nit scarves etc, she never goes out to bars or clubs, her worst vice is having a small gamble for a few pounds on cards with her friends once a week.

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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

She is working at your restaurant for 200baht a day or less.....

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How can you lay next to someone and say you love her when you know she only slept with you for money ? Definition of a Bar-girl :- A person used to projecting her charms to deceive and delude. And I think the OP is deluded.

yeah deluded for the whole 6 years now lol lol wise up and smell the coffee you nitwit

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My pal married a bar girl 14 years back. Took her off the bar room floor sleeping quarters, housed her mum, bought a nice house in Los etc, even got her a UK passport. :huh:

She took up the trade again in farang land and LoS looking for more cash to pay off gambling debts etc.

Yep this happened to a good friend of mine, were happily married for a few months overseas till he found out she was hooking, Im not saying this is the norm, but it is very unfortunate and whether my friend was naiive or not doesnt make the loss any easier to deal with. glad he cut her off and moved on with his life.

the most popular subject/obsession for farang in Thailand.


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bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think

Perhaps not' date=' but result from my survey is that 50% are infested with diseases,

i rest my case


you have no case to rest. what survey is that? a TV survey or have you got precise figures from thai health department. or have you swabbed or tested all bar girls as nobody knows what the figures are.

Not too difficult to roughly extrapolate from figures of other countries (and then add readily available prostitution on TOP of that) + the trend leading away from safe sex over the course of a typical prostitute's client cycle: get to know you, meet you outside of the establishment, a few 'sure thing' dates, condoms out the window, note that the prostitute often keeps working, rinse and repeat x Z number of clients until the whale comes along. That's a petri dish for diseases no matter how you look at it.


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It takes a brave man to marry a women who's housed more meat than Calvin Klien...

Not for me or anyone else I know I'm afraid... The simple explanation for that is that we could all do better. The simple truth is different, we were never really in a situation where we met any hookers in our day to day work, or social lives....

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Sadly, the moderators won't allow any discussion about what a "bar girl" actually is. Even the use of the word shows that guys are in denial about what they are actually marrying. Why not call a spade a spade. "Bar girl" sounds like "bar maid" but we all know that's not what you actually married. You married a prostitute. Why not just admit it instead of all the euphemisms?

with the above in mind then the consumer should be known as john-trick-pervert-sex fiend... please feel free to add yours :lol:

I'm more interested in what is Tubs in Edward and Tubs

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