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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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add to my last post.

At my restaurrant we hired a poor 17 year old girl who's sister is a bargirl and her husband bought her a bar and they made the 17year old quit to 'take care baby' but in fact it was a ruse to get her to work fulltime as a prostitute for a good salary.

Well guess what, the little girl is back working 14hours a day (very hard) for 200baht a day or less im not sure. She shares a small room with an other person on the second floor of the restaurant. While her boyfriend took a similar shitjob instead of selling drugs like his friends.

There's always a way not to spread your legs

She is working at your restaurant for 200baht a day or less.....

Good money.

More than we pay.

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How can you lay next to someone and say you love her when you know she only slept with you for money ? Definition of a Bar-girl :- A person used to projecting her charms to deceive and delude. And I think the OP is deluded.

yeah deluded for the whole 6 years now lol lol wise up and smell the coffee you nitwit

yeah, me too. Mine loves me - the money I pay her is just incidental.

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For the purpose of scientific medical field research, i did test 10, out of which 5 gave me gonorrhea.

My studies for the greater of man kind is thereby over with.

I am done

Hope you didn't pass it on to the other 5. :rolleyes:

No risk, unlike the woman, i was incapacitated and in NO mood for any of the like, or anything else for that matter

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For the purpose of scientific medical field research, i did test 10, out of which 5 gave me gonorrhea.

My studies for the greater of man kind is thereby over with.

I am done

Can you catch the same disease 5x, I think it unlikely.

Yes i could, but the likelihood of me ever doing that <deleted> again is about as unlikely as it can possibly get

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Judging by the OPs previous threads, the relationship with his Thai wife seems to have been up and down like a yoyo. This week it`s Ok, but tomorrow maybe a different story.

There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

I have known of several English and American guys that have met prostitutes in Thailand, fallen in love and taken them back to their own countries. All ended up as a disaster.

The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

I would definitely advise against becoming involved or marrying a bargirl.

Take a look at the chart below:


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It takes a brave man to marry a women who's housed more meat than Calvin Klien...

Not for me or anyone else I know I'm afraid... The simple explanation for that is that we could all do better. The simple truth is different, we were never really in a situation where we met any hookers in our day to day work, or social lives....

are you talking about work and social life in the western world Dick?

Edited by norrona
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There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

How, exactly, would you know if a girl of any nationality had ever worked as a prostitute.

I'm fairly sure most ex-prostitutes don't advertise their previous occupation.

The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

Arrr, I see, only women who have previously worked as prostitutes have mental issues or are highly strung. I didn't think of using that method to spot ex-prostitutes.

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There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

How, exactly, would you know if a girl of any nationality had ever worked as a prostitute.

I'm fairly sure most ex-prostitutes don't advertise their previous occupation.

The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

Arrr, I see, only women who have previously worked as prostitutes have mental issues or are highly strung. I didn't think of using that method to spot ex-prostitutes.

I'm not so sure about that Plumber-Tramp-Stamp.jpg

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the op has an interesting topic posted from couple of months ago


yet now they are all loved up again and he wants to move all his furniture over to thailand to the house in his bar girlfriends name .....you my friend are lining yourself up to lose everything ......good luck you need it.

wake up and smell the coffee.....

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Judging by the OPs previous threads, the relationship with his Thai wife seems to have been up and down like a yoyo. This week it`s Ok, but tomorrow maybe a different story.

There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

I have known of several English and American guys that have met prostitutes in Thailand, fallen in love and taken them back to their own countries. All ended up as a disaster.

The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

I would definitely advise against becoming involved or marrying a bargirl.

Take a look at the chart below:

Your thumbnail was just magazine type crap but you are right about scorpio's previous threads; maybe he needs a less memorable avatar if he wants to post conflicting stories

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Judging by the OPs previous threads, the relationship with his Thai wife seems to have been up and down like a yoyo. This week it`s Ok, but tomorrow maybe a different story.

There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

I have known of several English and American guys that have met prostitutes in Thailand, fallen in love and taken them back to their own countries. All ended up as a disaster.

The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

I would definitely advise against becoming involved or marrying a bargirl.

Take a look at the chart below:

Your thumbnail was just magazine type crap but you are right about scorpio's previous threads; maybe he needs a less memorable avatar if he wants to post conflicting stories

Maybe an avatar like a Dmax for example :whistling:


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There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, but I would never marry an ex prostitute, Thai or otherwise.

How, exactly, would you know if a girl of any nationality had ever worked as a prostitute.

I'm fairly sure most ex-prostitutes don't advertise their previous occupation.

The problem is that many of these girls suffer from mental issues and can be highly strung. Just not worth taking the risk.

Arrr, I see, only women who have previously worked as prostitutes have mental issues or are highly strung. I didn't think of using that method to spot ex-prostitutes.

How, exactly, would you know if a girl of any nationality had ever worked as a prostitute.

It`s usually when having to pay a barfine on the first date that gives it away.

I'm fairly sure most ex-prostitutes don't advertise their previous occupation.

Not until they begin falling into their old ways again.

Those who choose to become involved with the underclasses, do so at their own descretion and risk.

It`s up to you old chap. Your life, not mine.

Personally I would not do it, do not think it`s a good move investing in these women.

That`s my personal opinion, take it or leave it, believe or not believe.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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How, exactly, would you know if a girl of any nationality had ever worked as a prostitute.

It`s usually when having to pay a barfine on the first date that gives it away.

I'm fairly sure most ex-prostitutes don't advertise their previous occupation.

Not until they begin falling into their old ways again.

You only specified ex-prostitute, not one that was still working when you met her, she might have been a pro at age 21 for a year and you met her 20 years later.

When they started 'falling into their old ways' you could have already married her.

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So this guy makes a thread about how acceptable it is to be with a bar girl but it really is about how unstable she is. No, I would not date a prostitute and never have.

LOL so where have all of your dates learn t to speak English?

University........every one of them ?


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So this guy makes a thread about how acceptable it is to be with a bar girl but it really is about how unstable she is. No, I would not date a prostitute and never have.

LOL so where have all of your dates learn t to speak English?

University........every one of them ?


He's a member of an anonymous forum, of course he has never dated a bargirl.

The truth is a different matter..rolleyes.gif

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LOL so where have all of your dates learn t to speak English?

University........every one of them ?


He's a member of an anonymous forum, of course he has never dated a bargirl.

The truth is a different matter..rolleyes.gif

Well, I was talking about dating, not "other activities" :whistling: For everything else, I do prefer mine a bit educated and smart, which again is a matter of preference (goods and bads in every case).

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Reading a topic about ex bargirls acting as wifes,never seen so many anonymous users at the same time in a topic.Must be those that are married to Thai/Chinese brides

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Jings ye've scared them off .

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LOL so where have all of your dates learn t to speak English?

University........every one of them ?


He's a member of an anonymous forum, of course he has never dated a bargirl.

The truth is a different matter..rolleyes.gif

Well, I was talking about dating, not "other activities" :whistling: For everything else, I do prefer mine a bit educated and smart, which again is a matter of preference (goods and bads in every case).

'Well, I was talking about dating, not "other activities"

huh you dont screw the girls you date?:unsure:

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Yes, STDs of all sorts and severity are rife, so if your partner is out there doing the bar girl ( or boy ) scene... Yechhhh.

I had to move to Thailand to find menopause has a useful function, survival.

bar girls are not a disease like some people like to think

Perhaps not' date=' but result from my survey is that 50% are infested with diseases,

i rest my case


you have no case to rest. what survey is that? a TV survey or have you got precise figures from thai health department. or have you swabbed or tested all bar girls as nobody knows what the figures are.

Not too difficult to roughly extrapolate from figures of other countries (and then add readily available prostitution on TOP of that) + the trend leading away from safe sex over the course of a typical prostitute's client cycle: get to know you, meet you outside of the establishment, a few 'sure thing' dates, condoms out the window, note that the prostitute often keeps working, rinse and repeat x Z number of clients until the whale comes along. That's a petri dish for diseases no matter how you look at it.


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Don't be ridiculous, Thailand, buffalo are vegetarian.


Sincerly hope we dont see you on stickman or bangkokpost for having had your penis cut up by magic and eaten by buffalo while you were flying off a balcony in pattaya

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Prostitution the oldest profession in the world,I don't understand the stigma behind it to be honest,it's not like it never happens in Europe or the US is it now,no one ever married a pro or admitted that their mother was one,times change country's move on,so what if your girlfriend,wife or boyfriend worked in the sex industry,is it accepted more in the Netherlands because it is government run and taxed,are you a better punter if you are like the rich and famous and pay maybe 500 quid a night,who knows and cares,it's rife amongst the rich and famous,politicians,presidents,footballers,policemen,doctors,lawyers,the milk man,what about those in the adult film industry,how does one feel knowing his or her wife,husband goes to work daily for sex,is this more accepted because it pays top dollar,why don't people look at the wider picture here,it's not just the Los that it happens.<br /><br />And for the record yes,my girlfriend of two years worked in a bar when I met her,I've introduced her to my parents,heard all the usual bullshit comments from friends,colleagues and others,Thai bride,ting tong,ladyboy,etc etc am I fazed no,I work hard provide for her and my family,yes at times it's awkward trying to explain that my girlfriend was in the sex industry,but this is the life I lead and I am happy,my congratulations go out to all those who havent chosen the path i have,but the world would be a very boring place if we were al the same straight laced conformists.

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How can you lay next to someone and say you love her when you know she only slept with you for money ? Definition of a Bar-girl :- A person used to projecting her charms to deceive and delude. And I think the OP is deluded.

yeah deluded for the whole 6 years now lol lol wise up and smell the coffee you nitwit

She ain't going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, first and foremost. It's you that needs to 'smell the coffee', in that you put yourself up for ridicule, but can't take the flack. I see ex bar-girls all the time, married to farang, and I know of none that ain't pulling some kind of scam behind the farangs back IE money, boyfriend, have no land................................................................it goes on. And the farang can't see the wood for the trees cuz of his love of a prostitute. Tell me Scorpio, I assume you're English. Would you travel up to Leeds, pay a descent looking prostitute for sex, then a few days later take her to meet mom and dad and tell them she's a prostitute and you love her and wish to marry her ? Then buy her a car, land, gold and literally make all her dreams come true ? No, of course not. So why do it here ?

Scorpio, did you ever ask her how many sponsors she had when you met her ? And how many did she continue to take money from after ? The answer will surely be 'NO' to both.

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